Something wrong with Christianity?

Essentially John is making Jesus the prototypical ideal sage...

This again aligns with Ephesians 2:11-22

We have made Gentile/Greek/Pagan things evil but the whole point of Jesus is that we unite beyond our differences in him...

This is basically directly asserted in Galatians 3:28-29

By retaining distinctions we miss Christ.
This is bizarre.. in one thread Paul is a heretic in another thread he has replaced the teachings of Jesus.
Hebrews 7:1-28 and 2 Corinthians 3:1-18 strongly disagree with you.
D'you think so? I see it otherwise. I don't see Jesus' intention being to undermine or unravel the Hebrew Scriptures.

You are misunderstanding Corinthians, it is written several years after Galatians but there is no other gospel he can reference.
Of course there were – who were the Christians before Paul's mission began?

Further, why is it in the cannon as it is if the early Church accepted a gospel contrary to it?
Who said they accepted a gospel contrary to it?

John 1 is basically just applying the Stoic concept to Jesus and anyone back then would have recognized this considering it was the most popular philosophy of the day...
A common popular view, but it's quite wrong.
It was off topic and useless...

You've destroyed this thread by interfering in a stupid way.
Come on dude, you come to an interfaith site to berate other religions?

Me thinks readers will see who has derailed conversation.

However this thread makes me believe we need to ask folks for an intro and read of CoC before they then none of us would have wasted our time.

That being said, I will hope love will prevail and maybe the next forum you join will benefit

D'you think so? I see it otherwise. I don't see Jesus' intention being to undermine or unravel the Hebrew Scriptures.

Even in Hebrew scriptures we see things like Ezekiel 9:6-11 so it is not surprising God turned his back on them.

Of course there were – who were the Christians before Paul's mission began?

They had the Spirit from Pentecost, they did not need writings to get them to it.

Paul has started writing because things have started deteriorating.

Who said they accepted a gospel contrary to it?

There is no Christian sect today that actually upholds it.

A common popular view, but it's quite wrong.

I assure you it's not, but you'll want to link it to the old testament statements of the Word of God because you think they're related...

This rendered the Christian understanding completely superficial as you've used it, yet you think this is deeper than the Stoic concept... it's just not.
Come on dude, you come to an interfaith site to berate other religions?

For me the only valid means of interfaith dialog is to understand shared concepts, and to acknowledge there actually are correct answers that are contained within every tradition. Less than this is just fruitless, what is accomplished if you still don't actually care about truth?

Me thinks readers will see who has derailed conversation.

Definitely not the guy rambling about nothing related to the thread, nope.

However this thread makes me believe we need to ask folks for an intro and read of CoC before they then none of us would have wasted our time.

Neither are related to the thread, why would anyone consider that a valid action?

The code of conduct is posted and so is the introduction section so if I wanted to partake of either I could have without the need to be babied as soon as I start posting.

That being said, I will hope love will prevail and maybe the next forum you join will benefit.

It's weird how people like you never see your own attitude as the issue.
If it's insecure, then it may be limerence, rather than love.

That is not what I meant at all, but even love is an experience... and the experiencer is temporary.

The underlying union that love expresses is eternal, but no forms can be.

It isn't really a union though, it is just prior to divisions.
For me the only valid means of interfaith dialog is to understand shared concepts, and to acknowledge there actually are correct answers that are contained within every tradition. Less than this is just fruitless, what is accomplished if you still don't actually care about truth?

Definitely not the guy rambling about nothing related to the thread, nope.

Neither are related to the thread, why would anyone consider that a valid action?

The code of conduct is posted and so is the introduction section so if I wanted to partake of either I could have without the need to be babied as soon as I start posting.

It's weird how people like you never see your own attitude as the issue.
Please read the code of conduct and introduce yourself as asked.
Please alter your behavior to conform.
Please ignore your own statements to the contrary.
Stop, you're about 3 pages back...

It's not relevant anymore except you're derailing everything again.
Please read the code of conduct and introduce yourself as asked.
Please alter your behavior to conform.
Please ignore your own statements to the contrary.