What do you look like?

Beacuase of the location your trying to hook it up from paul's settings and docs... obviously you can't do that... you need to change the destination path... You read your Private message? points to the top right hand of the website..
hurrah, think this should work...


  • Untitled-1.jpg
    62.4 KB · Views: 385
Nice pictures everyone--Postmaster, you are more centered this time, huh?

Francis, it took me a while to realize I needed to scroll over a bit!

Angel, are the sunglasses and the smoke permanent fixtures? :)

I am soooo bad....

assumptions...apologies Francis...I had you in my head as male....twice the month I've made that mistake...

Francis is female!

Great to see you all!
There ya go... lol.

Thats one big picture, well nice to see you in person... I expected you to be a man around his 40's in a red and white tracky, mullet afro and a big moustasch..... Oh how wrong one can be.

With a name of "Francis"? :rolleyes: ;)

Some folk think Snoopy is a dog's name. Can't think why.;)
