American Idiot

Oh these soldiers, they really believe they can convince a woman about everything ! :D
Q, you are free to tease me whenever you like too. :)
In other words, the greeks should rule over the world ?
Hell no! Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt and it never worked. The Greek's are the original Westerners! There will always be politicians that do evil work. And there will always be people who appose the evil work they do. We should be the ones that appose them. And pass on that light to our children.

Democracy needs to be put straight again as it used to be, power needs to be in the hands of the people. Limitation of the time allowed in power is a good filter. People should be aware of financial relations and blood relations in the government as this is what leads to coruption. People should be free to do what they want under majort vote. If you don't fit in the majority then tuff because life isn't perfect :) Liberty is something that is unreal and an impossible dream. But freedom is natural. :)
Green Day is a group from California, USA. They show autocritic, ok. But still, it's a song. It's made to make people react.

PM, even though some of the lyrics sound real (i.e. fear propaganda), we can't apply idiocy to a whole country and hope to start an objective thread...

Quahom, my opinion on your french skills has gone up drastically ;)
Kaldayen said:
Green Day is a group from California, USA. They show autocritic, ok. But still, it's a song. It's made to make people react.

PM, even though some of the lyrics sound real (i.e. fear propaganda), we can't apply idiocy to a whole country and hope to start an objective thread...

Quahom, my opinion on your french skills has gone up drastically ;)
Thank you Kal...and I am sorry.


alexa said:
Oh these soldiers, they really believe they can convince a woman about everything ! :D
Q, you are free to tease me whenever you like too. :)
I will endeavor to show that we "soldiers" are not far off the mark, and I will not tease to harm (especially not a lady). ;)

Idiot sends...

I would rather say that politics and politicians all over the world are a plague. They promise everything in order to get elected and the moment they have the power, they forget instantly all the promised they have made not long ago.
there is no doubt about it. big fat lips and wallets. i dont fall for what the big leaders and businessmen anywhere say. ah, but i do have a very responsible alderman and some city officials and i feel the honest guys and girls in politics will be found down in the chain of command rather than at the top. ;)
Quahom1 said:
I will endeavor to show that we "soldiers" are not far off the mark, and I will not tease to harm (especially not a lady). ;) Idiot sends...Q
Q, Kaldayen made you a compliment about your French skills. Anyway, I think that was his intention.

I know you don't want to harm. That's why I told you can tease me. ;)
alexa said:
Q, Kaldayen made you a compliment about your French skills. Anyway, I think that was his intention.

I know you don't want to harm. That's why I told you can tease me. ;)
Yes he did, as did you, and I am honored and grateful.


Quahom, no need to apologize, really.

Trying to recycle the topic, here's a link from the whitehouse :

Here's an excerpt :

Provides $401.7 billion for the Department's base budget, an annual increase of seven percent, for a total increase in defense spending of 35 percent since 2001;
Considering they write it on their website, that seems to be something the USA government is proud of. My question : Is it ok in 2005 to be proud to increase military expenses to never-before-seen summits?
What do you mean by "The Greek's are the original Westeners!"?
Well they were the first Indo-European civilisation in the west. The Greeks were the most influential civilisation the world has ever had. Obviously they had influence off other civilisations like the Egyptians but Greece is known as the cradle of Western civilisation because a lot of there ideas were purely unique and the start of western thinking, pioneer’s and the greatest minds this world has ever had. The first Greek civilisations sprung up as early as 10'000 years ago and still exists today in the form of people like me, many things in Western civilisation can be traced back to ancient Greece from language to politics.

OK is Greek for "Ola Kala" = "all good" the list is endless of Greek words in European languages some that would shock you to your core :) Especially your name Alexa :)
Kaldayen said:
Quahom, no need to apologize, really.

Trying to recycle the topic, here's a link from the whitehouse :

Here's an excerpt :

Considering they write it on their website, that seems to be something the USA government is proud of. My question : Is it ok in 2005 to be proud to increase military expenses to never-before-seen summits?
Hello Kal,

I don't know if I would consider that being proud. They are being transparent about where the money is being spent, and showing the viewer (tax payer), what they are getting for their taxes.

It also appears that the biggest chunks of that funding are going to quality of life improvements for military personnel and their families (which still make less than their civilian counterparts), and Research and Development. Next is procurement followed by operations and maintenance.

There is very little in new base construction/expansion, and a little bit in family housing increases (most likely due to the competitiveness of affordable housing off base).

Also, because there is a lot more of contracting out jobs to the civilian sector, instead of keeping work within the military, the money is being spent in the civilian sector, which stimulates local economies.

Nowadays the highest cost of military budgets tends to be military personnel (due to the service being all voluntary). In order to keep people in, they have to be paid a competitive wage, with their civilian couterparts.

To cut back on spending would as history shows, degrade military readiness, and damage the local economies that depend on income from the military to stay healthy and robust.

Even still, about 16% of the total budget is going for the military, which leaves 84% to run the rest of the country.


Postmaster said:
OK is Greek for "Ola Kala" = "all good" the list is endless of Greek words in European languages some that would shock you to your core :) Especially your name Alexa :)

What is the origin of the word 'OK'?

There have been numerous attempts to explain the emergence of this curious colloquial expression, which seems to have swept into popular use in the US during the mid-19th century. Most of them are undoubtedly pure speculation. It does not seem at all likely, from the linguistic and historical evidence, that it derives from the Scots expression 'och aye', the Greek ola kala ('it is good'), the Choctaw Indian oke or okeh ('it is so'), the French aux Cayes ('from Cayes', a port in Haiti with a reputation for good rum) or au quai ('to the quay', as supposedly used by French-speaking dockers), or the initials of a railway freight agent called Obediah Kelly who is said to have written them on lading documents he had checked.

The oldest written references to 'OK' result from its adoption as a slogan by the Democratic party during the American Presidential election of 1840. Their candidate, President Martin Van Buren, was nicknamed 'Old Kinderhook' (after his birthplace in New York State), and his supporters formed the 'OK Club'.

This undoubtedly helped to popularize the term (though it did not get President Van Buren re-elected!). During the late 1830s there had been a brief but widespread craze in the US for humorous misspellings, and the form orl korrekt which was among them could explain the initials 'OK'. Such a theory has been supported by more than one distinguished American scholar, and is given in many dictionaries, including Oxford dictionaries.

The only other theory with at least a degree of plausibility is that the term originated among Black slaves of West African origin, and represents a word meaning 'all right, yes indeed' in various West African languages. Unfortunately, historical evidence enabling the origin of this expression to be finally and firmly established may be hard to unearth.
Moron =

idiot: a person of subnormal intelligence

But in Greek "Moron" means "child" and I use that word everyday. So that means the real Moron is Princeton university that doesn't know what the word means.

Disclaimer - that’s not suppose to be sarcastic at all, just pointing an other American word that has no other literally meaning in the world but in the Greek language.

Philadelphia a city of America literal translation in Greek is friends-brothers.

Most mathematical terms, scientific terms and words used are Greek words.

Some of my class mates didn't know how many sides a Hexagon had, Hexi in Greek is 6. Octagon.... Octo in Greek is 8. I didn't have to make any effort in math it came naturally to me.

What does History mean in English? Don't know? Well in Greek it simply means "Story" lol. Historia = Stroy in Greek. That's why Greeks have a higher education rate and Cyprus has the highest masters and degree population in the world because we understand what our words mean because we created them and they simply mean what they mean. :)

90% of people walking around in the west do not even know what there names mean :) However more then half the Jews and Greeks do, plus there an ancient race and a religious race and everything has a meaning and literal meaning. Most names happen to be Greek, Hebrew and Latin.

If you don't no where you came from how do you know where you’re going?

It's a well known fact that OK is the abbreviation for Olla Kala which means "All Good" in Greek.

Greeks invented Prozac years ago you may know it as a slap. A few years ago my parents took me to see our doctor in Cyprus known as Mad George (Pelo Giorkos, George also a Greek name). It was because I had a fear of flying, they asked if there was any tablets for me to ease my misery, he said yes so he got his hand up and slapped me and said there your cured then he said did you see it coming? And almost in tears I said no then he said that will be like if the plane crashes. Did we prosecute the doctor hell no, we have the up most respect for him, he claims to have seen an image of Christ and the funny thing is he doesn't fly. Hypocrite is also a Greek word. The slap certainly worked, either if it was a physiological effect or his hand had a magic heal, certainly that year I had the most fearless flight of my life.

Doctor shipman could only come from the destructive west.. He was the worst serial killer in HISTORIA..

My aim is Hellenize you forget Americanization forget everything you know, back to basics because if we don't go, God will take us. :)

The Greek considered the Germanic Barbarians and they almost destroyed the Romans and thousands of years later they tried to destroy the Jewish Race.

Who has these animals blood?

and before we talk about Alexander the "Great" and how he killed masses of people to acomplish his aim, you should do more reading, then you will come to point that will make you ask twice about who he really was. If you believe the stroies you will find that even the birds in the sky helped him. And if it wasn't for him the Barbarians from the east known as the Persians would have had the whole of Europe today and we would be living in a different world. Alexander the great fort for the free man today. :)
PM, i'll just ask one question. If you feel that strongly about it then why are you in the UK.?
If we're lucky, you'll still have fear of flying and we'll be safe from your crusade here ;)

Seriously, you seem to think Greeks invented everything. I'm sorry but you should look a non-greek history book to be a little more objective. Greek never was the "cradle of civilization". Sumer, Egypt, Harappa were. Archeologists agree to place the first civilization around 4000 BC at the earliest (and it wasn't in greece).

You seem to like words : maybe you should note that the word "race" cannot be used to describe different human groups. Humanity is only one race.

Reading your post, I think we're better off with Bush than with you, his ego is less impressive.
PM, i'll just ask one question. If you feel that strongly about it then why are you in the UK.?
Because I was born here, because when Cyprus was under the British Empire my parents had a choice to come to the UK. Guess what happened as soon as they gave us independence due to freedom fighters? The told the Turks to get half the North, one barbarian to an other. The Saint Xenfondos chruch that my great great grandfather found due to visitation by the saint in my village the saints icon was viewed sweating when they invaded us. Sign of him being hard at work, I'm sure. It's a miracle that the Republic of Cyprus has survived. Turkey still doesn't recognise the south of Cyprus today.
Postmaster, one of the most important things you learn when you are surrunded by many other nationalities is to avoid generalities like : Americans are like this, Greeks are like that, etc. Why ? Because you never know if the person in front of you has ancestors or relatives from another nationality. When you started this thread "American idiot", you insulted all the greeks from USA, too. They have the same inheritance like you. Are they idiots only because a few generations ago, their grandparents decided to emigrate in order to assure a better life for their children ? I have no intention to contest the value of greeks' contribution to the evolution of humanity. But you have to keep in mind not all greeks deserves this credit, only a few of them were philosphers, sculptors, artists, etc. The majority were ordinary people. Are you one of those who will be remembered in a few century by his extraordinary skills which cannot be forgotten ? If the answer is yes, I'll shut my mouth. If not, I would appreciate to consider the rest of us with the respect due to a community. None of us is here to be converted to another religion or beliefs. We are here to learn from each other. If you want to hellenize me, you'll loose your time. Maybe you should try to do this on one of your sites and let the others in here out of your campaign of hellenisation.