American Idiot

I'm not trying to judge anyone.... I'm an idiot too :)

There's more meaning to what I'm saying, it’s the opposite of discrimination.

We are all the same, no better no worse.. But God gave the bee its yellow strips so that birds won't get stung that's why they have learnt not to eat bees... We're all part of god. I have no hate for any race! But at the same time I'm human I'm not perfect.

But I would like to tell you about myself, I have the gifted ability to know things before they happen most recently a few weeks back the earthquake in Iran, I had told my family members was going to happen. And have had many of these experiences throughout my life, almost constantly throughout. Class me insane but thats the only reason why I believe in God because I have no way of explaining why I have visions of events or family members or people of things that will happen not limited to visions but also dreams. I drowned in Tsumani before it happened in one of my dreams 2 days before hand.
Postmaster said:
I'm not trying to judge anyone.... I'm an idiot too :)
Hmm. Strange way to show it.

I think when you say race, you mean nationality. Unless you have a race in particular to refer to. I'm Canadienne, so I cannot afford to speak about other races easily. I know a couple, the husband from Haiti and his wife chinese, both Canadien citizens with three children. Like them there are a lot others in Canada and USA. When you know them personally, you see only the humans in front of you, good or bad, like the rest of us.

I won't class you insane, but I'll tell you something :you have to learn more about modesty and respect if you want to keep your pre-cognitive skills. If not, you risk to get insane for real. If you really believe in God, you'll know it's true.
Wait a minute....:rolleyes:

I have no hate for any race!
And yet you said of the Germans previously....

Who has these animals blood?
So, you have no hatred for anyone, and yet you feel Germans are "animals"?


The told the Turks to get half the North, one barbarian to an other.

So, the Brits and the Turks are barbarians, eh?

Yup, not a racist or hateful bone in your body!

Also, PM, I'd like to point out that everything you are saying holds true with the Romans, as well.

The Romans have greatly influenced Western Civilization.

If it weren't for the Romans the Carthaginians would have conquered Europe.

If it weren't for the Romans, Christianity wouldn't exist today.

English, German, Spanish, and French have all been influenced by the Roman language.

Many great people and ideas came out of Rome.

Shall I continue?

The fact of the matter is, no one wants to "Romanize" the world today.

Rome is dead.

Classical Greece is dead.

Get over it.
Postmaster said:
It's a well known fact that OK is the abbreviation for Olla Kala which means "All Good" in Greek.

then present some evidence that refutes the evidence presented so far.

what it really looks like, postmaster, is that you are simply making these assertions based on nationalistic feelings.. without any substance to support your assertions.

whilst you can believe any of this as much as you want, the facts belie your statements, it would appear.
Vajradhara said:
then present some evidence that refutes the evidence presented so far.

what it really looks like, postmaster, is that you are simply making these assertions based on nationalistic feelings.. without any substance to support your assertions.

whilst you can believe any of this as much as you want, the facts belie your statements, it would appear.

It also means OK, for Oklahomha. That was something back in the late 1850s.

I can present an abundance of evidence pertaining to that. Doesn't mean OK originated in Oklahomha though, just that it proliferated in America because of it.


The funny thing is if you ask a dictionary what the word ok means
  1. Agreeable; acceptable: Was everything OK with your stay?
  2. Agreeable; acceptable: Was everything OK with your stay?
  3. Satisfactory; good: an OK fellow.
  4. Not excellent and not poor; mediocre: made an OK presentation.
  5. In proper or satisfactory operational or working order: Is the battery OK?
  6. Correct: That answer is OK.
  7. Uninjured; safe: The skier fell but was OK.
  8. Fairly healthy; well: Thanks to the medicine, the patient was OK.

It all points to "All good" which in Greek is Ola Kala. Coincidence maybe, maybe too much.

re: Origin of OK 11/29/2004 9:43 AM Daniel Moth
Actually that is incorrect. OK is short for "Ola Kala" which literally means "all good" which in other words means "all is good"...OK!

"Ola Kala", or OK for short, was a nautical message exchanged at sea by Greeks [it is still used today in Greece as a question/answer]

- Ola Kala?
-Ola Kala!

The worlds most popular word is Greek of origin.
Selective quoting, Postmaster? The site you quote for the dictionary definition does say that... then goes on as follows:

Word History: OK is a quintessentially American term that has spread from English to many other languages. ...

The Oxford Dictionary folks have a detailed discussion at
which specifically mentions your theory, and debunks it. (Along with the Scot Och Aye and the Chocktaw Indian Oke)

Oh and for more, see Cecil Adam's Straight Dope page at
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Of course it's selective quoting, it's no conspiracy :) I know you are all people with a brain :)

However the word ok just like anything else will mean different things to different people and since I'm trying to hellenise people thought I'd pull this theory off :)

I'll add some interesting facts (unless proven wrong)
Brutus of who was a Greek Roman of Trojan descent, probably why Britain is called Britain today because he came and invaded the Celts of (who the Greeks named) :) The you have Sctoland which Scot literally translate in Greek Dark. And England, Eng and Anglo liertally translate from the Greek meaning Angle.

Europenas all share a lot in common :) Infact all European countries and nations have took influence off the Greeks, even the word European is Greek.

I've been watching too much my big fat greek wedding :)
Postmaster said:
Of course it's selective quoting, it's no conspiracy :) I know you are all people with a brain :)

However the word ok just like anything else will mean different things to different people and since I'm trying to hellenise people thought I'd pull this theory off :)
So cool, that OK, came from the Greeks. BUT, it was (and is) used by the AMERICANS. Don't that drive people nuts? It is now an American moniker...

OK!. American says that, and most people understand that the American just acknowledged something. Tell me I am wrong... OK?


So when someone asks how you are, you say OK because you just acknowledged something? Doesn't make sense

But it does make sense if you say the word OK means all good. If you accept this it's the first step to Hellenisation lol.

EVERYTHING IN THE WEST CAN BE TRACED BACK TO GREECE. That’s where we all came from, and 10 million Greeks are still there, with blood lines of Alexander the Great, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Hypocrites, Zenon, pure pioneers, the list is endless :)

*Just messing btw*
Postmaster said:
so when someone asks how you are, you say OK because you just acknowledged something? Doesn't make sense :)

But it does make sense if you say the word OK means all good. If you accept this it's the first step to Hellenisation :) lol.

No, if asked how I am and I am actually doing fine, or if I don't want you to know how I feel, I say I'm OK. Verrry Greek. Oh my, Americans acting like Greeks...

Leave me alone, before I am no longer the truest Greek sense of the moniker.

Does that make sense to you? :D


Quahom1 said:

It also means OK, for Oklahomha. That was something back in the late 1850s.

I can present an abundance of evidence pertaining to that. Doesn't mean OK originated in Oklahomha though, just that it proliferated in America because of it.


are you sure that it's not a state abbreviation that is spelt OK and not, like the vernacular, O.K. ?

i'm thinking that these are fairly specific differences in English.
so when someone asks how your parents are you say they are fine!? And not OK (All good). I've been speaking wrong all this time :D
Postmaster said:
so when someone asks how your parents are you say they are fine!? And not OK (All good). I've been speaking wrong all this time :D
In America, to be asked "how are you?" and to respond "OK", is acceptible vernacular.

Impliying or inferring that Americans are dumm because of that, is not so wise Post. It is what we do...and have done it for over 100 years...

for example, right now, I'm not feeling OK...(has nothing to do with the Greek language).


In the Middle East we have people kill themselves and others for a reason and in the USA we have them kill themselves and others for no reason. :eek:
brucegdc said:

Gee, looks like it happens in Cyprus too. Guess Cypriots are human after all...
(by the way "this sort of thing just doesn't happen here" is common in these reports - even in high murder rate areas)....
Don't video tape and publish our intentions on a regular basis before hand either. And no one offers the family $25,000.00 to have a member commit murder/suicide. Perhaps that is why we don't know the reason for the action in Wisconsin...yet.


Gee, looks like it happens in Cyprus too. Guess Cypriots are human after all...
(by the way "this sort of thing just doesn't happen here" is common in these reports - even in high murder rate areas)...

Ignorance, ignorance. That happened in Northern Cyprus, do you ever remember the Turkish invasion 30 years ago!? The one that know one came to our help and the poor Greeks lost 38% of Cyprus? The one where Britain stoped Greece from coming to our help? Like I said before Turkey has 38% of Cyprus and 80% of Viloent criome comes from up there. The rest of the violent crime in Cyprus is caused by holiday makers like the British and Germans that strip nacked on boats and snort cocaine.

The couple’s home in Lapta, northern Cyprus, was obscured by trees and and plants so it could not be seen from the road.
You know what the British say what goes around comes around. And the very Turks you put up to kill thousands of Greeks and kick them out there houses are doing the same things to you :eek: I don't recommend anyone buy a house or even visit the North of Cyprus not even you brucegdc. :) Only the Republic of Cyprus is in the EU and recognised internationally. However the North of Cyprus isn't recognised by any other country but Turkey.

Here is something for the uninformed.


I'm from a beautiful village outside Larnaca. Heaven on earth.
