American Idiot

Moew murders in Cyprus by Turks

There was NO MURDERS last year in Cyprus by the native Greeks.

In fact we have the hightest Degree and masters rate in the world and Turkey has a very very low literacy rate.

The DNA of Alexnader is still walking around amoung the Greeks. I wonder if he'll ever spring up again ;) I'll have to read if there's any prophesies of his return.
I forgot to also mention that Greeks are banished from Northen Cyprus. So it's 100% sure that we never comitted the Murders. :)

Hmmm, so is denial.
More News on on The British and Northern Cyprus,11551,1418662,00.html

Apprently they could lose everything since it's illegal land..

I hope they do, it's blood property. And some people don't have morrals.

More news on Sex parties and drugs by the British in Cyprus,11551,1248292,00.html,11551,1247045,00.html,11551,1246219,00.html

Turkish Bombing the Greeks,11551,1292710,00.html

our LAND IS FREE it's democractic. :)

They can do what they like but they can't escape the law :)

Seek and you shall find.

The ancients were correct even till this present day, everyone BUT the Greeks are barbarians. Appreciate the honesty of the British media :) Can't find any Greek crime in Cyprus, can you please share it with us :) We are also the biggest population in Cyprus. :D

WAKE UP!!!!!
IT DOESN'T :) not all British are like this. I know some brilliant British people.

And you must be taking the rip to say to say a Greek has never murdered someone lol.

We're all human.! Theres more to what I'm saying.
lol.. I'm not in a hole.. show me :)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Show in any instance where any people native to the Republic of Cyprus have caused a violent crime in he media and I will admitt I'm wrong.

That's all it takes.


And the Greek Cypriots are the largest population on the island. No hole only in your mind.
Sorry, Postmaster, but this constant bashing of Turkey and evangelising of Hellenic culture isn't what CR is about.

I know you don't mean bad by it, but I have asked you already to keep the topic off the board as can look very intolerant. I wouldn't want this place turned into a pro-Turkey propaganda item and offer an anti-Greek stance, so please don't use this form for the converse.

Any more posts about how great Greece/Cyrpus is or how terrible the Turks or Brits are *will* be removed from the boards.

This is a comparative-religion forum, and it needs to retain that overall focus, and not become a personal soapbox for any single individual's political crusade.

PS - Bruce - the gloves are off.
Gloves are off for me they always were.

I posted something in the USA media

and all of a sudden someone is posting things about Turkish murders and expecting it have something to do with the Greek people.

This thread I started was about Americanization something I believe is a real world issue.

I love my Turkish friends there only enemy is themselves.
Postmaster said:
Gloves are off for me they always were.

I posted something in the USA media

and all of a sudden someone is posting things about Turkish murders and expecting it have something to do with the Greek people.

This thread I started was about Americanization something I believe is a real world issue.

I love my Turkish friends there only enemy is themselves.

This thread is about an American Idiot. ;)

Go back to that part.


Do you think I'm calling people American idiots? I was pointing out a song.. And onwards towards my real aim of exposing a destructive west and Americanization for the worst.

America is a great country, and some of the world greatest accomplishments have been achieved out of America, some for worst and some for better. However, when you get too greedy things tend to self destruct, has the story of Atlantis taught us nothing? :)

That's my finaly and last conclusion to the whole thread I started.

Apocalypse and the kingdom of God will both be accomplished on earth. Selfishness, destruction is the very thing WE are creating. They have both already happened :) And still happening as we speak ;)
Postmaster said:
Do you think I'm calling people American idiots? I was pointing out a song.. And onwards towards my real aim of exposing a destructive west and Americanization for the worst.

America is a great country, and some of the world greatest accomplishments have been achieved out of America, some for worst and some for better. However, when you get too greedy things tend to self destruct, has the story of Atlantis taught us nothing? :)

That's my finaly and last conclusion to the whole thread I started.

Apocalypse and the kingdom of God will both be accomplished on earth. Selfishness, destruction is the very thing WE are creating. They have both already happened :) And still happening as we speak ;)
Postmaster ;)

If you were calling Americans idiots, you would have called me one long ago. But you did pick the title for the thread...reap and you shall sew. :D

How's that for a verse in a song?

