T-shirt burial ground


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Wild, Wild West
How's this for an idea? I, for one, have a hard time throwing away my favorite t-shirts that have gone over the edge of respectability. They deserve something more decent, yet I also strive to reduce clutter from my life (and drawers). The service could include burial or cremation, a commemorative plaque with a picture of the t-shirt, an "obituary" in the local paper. Or how about cryogenics...some day we will have the technology to bring them back...

Dear Luna--you never cease to amaze me! I have such a collection of beloved T-shirts, and I keep thinking someday I will frame them or make throw pillows out of them or something--never thought of memorializing them in this way!

Can't stop smiling about this one!


P.S. Do you think it is okay to include my doggies' tees, as well? :D
It's a great idea for a website - but I don;t have time to set it up. If you'd like to build it, lunamoth, I'd be happy to help. :)
dauer said:
Create a liturgy.

LOL! Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today not to mourn the death but to celebrate the life of a faithful friend, the original Batman t-shirt, sewn and printed in 1961...

I said:
It's a great idea for a website - but I don;t have time to set it up. If you'd like to build it, lunamoth, I'd be happy to help. :)

I hadn't thought of it specifically as a website but that is a great idea! Could be fun to put together, and you are much too kind in offering your help. If I get around to doing something like this I'd certainly appreciate your assistance, but I would not want to be a drain on your time. (Apparently I am in need of some kind of creative outlet :D ). Anyway, thank you!

InLove said:
P.S. Do you think it is okay to include my doggies' tees, as well? :D

Of course, they have pet cemetaries, don't they?? Ooooh, that reminds me of the Stephen King book--totally creepy.

I meant this idea as a joke, but as I, Brian suggested it could be a fun website. As for being a money-making scheme, ha! I couldn't sell lemonade in the desert.

You can sell T-shirts that say, "I attended to the Interfaith T-Shirt Burial Ceremony and All-Night BBQ/rummage sale. And I got to keep this cool T-shirt!"

And mugs with a picture of dozens of burning piles of T-shirts floating out to sea on rafts.

And a mousepad with a picture of an open casket, filled with T-shirts, and a 30something weeping over them.

You could make the money. Especially if you made it known that all of the proceeds would be used to clothe the poor. Yay. It compliments the idea.
dauer said:
You can sell T-shirts that say, "I attended to the Interfaith T-Shirt Burial Ceremony and All-Night BBQ/rummage sale. And I got to keep this cool T-shirt!"

And mugs with a picture of dozens of burning piles of T-shirts floating out to sea on rafts.

And a mousepad with a picture of an open casket, filled with T-shirts, and a 30something weeping over them.

You could make the money. Especially if you made it known that all of the proceeds would be used to clothe the poor. Yay. It compliments the idea.


Seems I've found my business partner. (Highly creative, dauer. I hope you are putting your powers to good use.)

Nothing profitable, or even fruitful. And I'm attracted to the most obscure side-projects (the only place lately I've had the chance to express my creativity.) So my multi-saga alternative Jewniverse, which was a riff off of my Dubno Maggid opus, which began when I considered how the Dubno Maggid would be as a harsh old master in a kung fu movie, never really took off. Neither did the opus. Go figure. I thought it was going places.

The Dubno Maggid was an opponent of the hasidim, and a maggid, a preacher, who was a teller of stories, parables. He was a bit ascetic: self-imposed exile, slept on a pile of hay in a tiny room, and his stories could bring people to tears. The Vilna Gaon, who was an important leader, was on his deathbed and he was saying the confessional prayer, which is a custom among some Jews, and he didn't feel he had anything to confess for. So he had the Dubno Maggid come to him and tell him a mashal, which is what the story is called. And he was in tears after. And there're also stories of him coming across people pretending to be him, and coming across leading hasidic rebbes. So it's all very kung-fu esque. I just had to tweak it a little. But once the Maggid of Mezeritch used sitra achra powers to brainwash all of the young men, and the Baal Shem Tov was "gilguled" (gilgul is reincarnation, basically) into a Golem with evil amulet powers, I had to call it an alternative jewniverse.

I'm sorta like the gas in an engine. First, I need something that sparks me off, then I ignite. But after charging the fella up with ideas and passion I'm spent. Of course I'm not gas. So I keep it up. I have a number of first-six-paragraphed writings. I'm always stuck on seven. But lately I've been having a bit more luck, even if my compositions have been shorter than six paragraphs. Yay (it's not possible to overuse that word.)


dauer--you are missed--hope you are having a great adventure.

lunamoth--I thought of you this morning. I've got a few hours of "catch-up" gardening to do, and I needed the right clothing. Last year, I retired an old Jimmy Buffett t-shirt that I bought in Padre years ago (It says "Carribean Soul" on the front). But it is the best one for this job, and I have missed it. I guess it won't make it to the T-Shirt Burial Grounds--it will just have to die a natural death, or maybe even just be "taken up".

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

InLove said:

dauer--you are missed--hope you are having a great adventure.

lunamoth--I thought of you this morning. I've got a few hours of "catch-up" gardening to do, and I needed the right clothing. Last year, I retired an old Jimmy Buffett t-shirt that I bought in Padre years ago (It says "Carribean Soul" on the front). But it is the best one for this job, and I have missed it. I guess it won't make it to the T-Shirt Burial Grounds--it will just have to die a natural death, or maybe even just be "taken up".

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D


LOL--that's pretty much why I never throw a t-shirt away. They can never get so worn out that they can't (in theory) be used when gardening (when it comes down to I am too embarassed to have even my backyard neighbors see me in some of them. :) ). If I follwed the "one-year rule" (if you havn't worn it in a year throw it out) my closet and drawers would only be about 1/3 as full as they are.

How about this for reviving an oldie but goodie? :)

Well, it seems I am continually in the process of that elusive organization of physical property. Alas, I am still in possession of that old Buffett T-shirt I mentioned before! You can't even read his name anymore, but I know what it said, right? :rolleyes:

So, what about this: I've been studying with my Buddhist friends a little bit lately. Maybe I will just make it a kind of "letting go" experience. But you know, I'm not all that good at it yet! So....maybe, I'll just make it a challenge. Hmmmm.....

J.H., if you will let go of your 1987 Season SMU T with the dead Mustang on the front (apparently it wasn't a very good season!), I will let go of my James Taylor Summer of '92 New Moon Shine Tour.

If you will dedicate your high school letter jacket, I will let go of my goddaughter's dress we bought in Mexico when she was 10.

If you will let go of the dog's puppy T-shirt that says "I'm Daddy's Dog", I will throw in the cat's first pink collar with the bell on it.

How about the Fighting Irish One for my John Lennon artwork one (I don't even think that's a fair trade!)

I dunno....anyone got some more ideas? I am not sure this is going to work. :confused:

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:p Hi All:

wil...we are definitely somehow cosmically connected. The first possibility I thought of was a quilting bee sort of thing. As a personal aside, I just hate it when my t-shirts start to fragment around the neckline ( the only part that shows above my outer shirts) and that's the only part that others see as bad, when the rest of the shirt is still presentable and meaningful. I have a Grateful Dead Hundred Year Hall shirt with faux stained glass windows depicted on it that I'll ALWAYS keep.

Luna and Dauer...best of good fortune with your project. wil ... sounds like something that might have natural linkages with your plans.

InLove... isn't it fun seeing the "kids" having so much fun ?

I'm still bummed about having to retire my orange sunshine tee. It was tie-dyed blue and white with the orange sunshine face. I had ripped off the sleeves so I could show my first tats. I...I...sniff...never mind.


There used to be a TV prog in the UK called The Clothes Show; all hip fashionable stuff. One designer made clothes then buried them in soil for a few weeks for that authentic aged look. I kid you not.:p
