How many legs does a dog have?


A restored soul
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Okay, here is the profound question of the day:

How many legs does a dog have, if you consider the tail a leg?
Hmmmm....well, if the tail is considered a leg, then are the legs still considered legs?:)

I am looking at my two little old lady dogs, and I am thinking, "Where are their legs, anyway? It's like they go straight from thighs to feet:D. Who says God doesn't have a great sense of humor?


Let me see, this reminds me of a Paul McCartney song called Three Legs, where he says, "My Dogs got three legs...but he can't run" (his wife Heather only has one and is a beautiful model) But let me guess...four, thats right two in the front and two in the back. The tail don't count because there's no foot at the end. I would bet these is a reason why the answer is zero? Take Care Blessed, tommy
This is one of those questions that seem so simple that you daren't answer for fear of the hidden complexities intended to be addressed that you may overlook. :)
This is one of those questions that seem so simple that you daren't answer for fear of the hidden complexities intended to be addressed that you may overlook. :)

Why not? lol it's a freaking stupid question... ;/ How many legs does a crab have? If you count it's eyes as legs!!! lol wtf....

A dog has four legs... And the tail is a tail....
Why not? lol it's a freaking stupid question... ;/ How many legs does a crab have? If you count it's eyes as legs!!! lol wtf....
A dog has four legs... And the tail is a tail...
and they use all four to chase the tail

LMAO.......that was too funny!!! I just loved this one!!! Made me laugh so hard that I woke up the dog!! lol Great!!! ha, ha, ha

Thank you Alex and Greymare!!

Depends on the dog. And the meaning of the word have. Does the dog have legs? You may call the tail a leg, but does he/she call a tail a tail or a leg a leg. Leg may be the dog word for hair follicle.

And then you got to throw in the whole dog years thing.

And dog days of summer.

Lucky for us you found and brought up this question, reunited this thread just when dogbrain showed up. So we'll be able to get to the bottom of this.

btw, do you know why dogs walk around in a circle before they lay down?
its not the size of the dog in the fight
its the size of the fight in the dog that counts...
(one of my favourite sayings.)

That is so true Greymare! Another one is:

If you can't run with the big dogs, then you need to stay on the porch.

But, that is not true:

As the neighbor has a Chihuahua, and when it escapes all you see is a white streak as it runs to all the different houses. It can run for hours! lol

Sorry, I just had to put that in.

God Bless