Glad to be veggie

Quron makes a ham??

that must not have made it to my area of the woods yet, i suppose. mostly, we have their chicken around here.


Please define Quorn ? I'm not familiar with the product.

While I don't do red meat (beef and pork, although I'll succumb to an In-N-Out animal style once a month because my Mom makes me do it) I stick with turkey products mostly (ham and straight) along with chicken occasionally. Lots of salads also.

Is Quorn a vegetable-based product like soy-burger or tofu? Please illuminate us oldsters who do so much want to be hip and are still trying mightily to be so.

BTW, I make my lasagna with egg plant cubed and sauteed in olive oil with garlic and onions...mmmmmmm.

Thanks, I have read about this before, but the name didn't register. This conversation makes it worth giving it a try.

This all somehow reminds me of my favorite alternative food movie, Soylent Green .

flowperson said:
Thanks, I have read about this before, but the name didn't register. This conversation makes it worth giving it a try.

This all somehow reminds me of my favorite alternative food movie, Soylent Green .


Ewwwwwwwwwww! Talk about being as far away from vegetarianism as one can get! :p
Vajradhara said:
Quron makes a ham??

that must not have made it to my area of the woods yet, i suppose. mostly, we have their chicken around here.


And a "roast beef"!

flowperson said:
Please define Quorn ? I'm not familiar with the product.

While I don't do red meat (beef and pork, although I'll succumb to an In-N-Out animal style once a month because my Mom makes me do it) I stick with turkey products mostly (ham and straight) along with chicken occasionally. Lots of salads also.

Is Quorn a vegetable-based product like soy-burger or tofu? Please illuminate us oldsters who do so much want to be hip and are still trying mightily to be so.

BTW, I make my lasagna with egg plant cubed and sauteed in olive oil with garlic and onions...mmmmmmm.

Yumm... :p
Please post your recipe here. :)
truthseeker said:
I know what you mean, Wil.

I have reduced my meat consumption to maybe once or twice a week. I love the taste of beef, I must say, so I probably eat a little fillet mignon maybe once every other month or less. I eat chicken or fish once or twice a week, and I have never been able to eat eggs and I have always been lactose intolerant so I stay away from dairy products most of the time (I love cheese so much!!) Every couple of years or so I'll go completely vegetarian maybe for about a year - usually ending that when the beef craving makes me a raving lunatic.:D

I can't say that I don't like meat, I just feel better when I don't eat it. But because I'm not on the tip top of my nutrition habits, I feel I need it for protein purposes.

Like the "taste" of meat? Try Portabella'd swear it was good beef.


Fish, fowl, red meat, pork. I love it all. But most of it I catch on my own.

We (at my house) follow a strict guidline for what we eat (except for holidays):rolleyes:

Starch in the morning, no lunch, flesh and vegetables in the evening (no starch). The flesh part is roughly four ounces a day. The veggies make up a considerable majority of the plate. (since I do most the cooking, I can ensure the diet).

Hey, we're in our 40s and carry about eight percent body fat. I'd say that is pretty healthy.

I do appreciate an all vegetarian meal, if there is lots of flavor to it, then I don't miss the flesh, but after awhile, I want to sink my teeth into a juicy steak, or grilled Salmon (chicken is ok).
First time I ate a portabello I was probably 5 or 6 years sans legged or fowl meats...still ate, still do, fishes, eggs, and cheese...

I was thouroughly impressed by the flavor of a portabello grilled and eaten with LTO like a burger...floored actually, and until I got some meat eaters to try it and confirm, I thought it must have just been too long since I ate meat...Well that was 15 years ago....and never till today...till your post did I realize the next analogy...

Beef tastes like fungus.
wil said:
First time I ate a portabello I was probably 5 or 6 years sans legged or fowl meats...still ate, still do, fishes, eggs, and cheese...

I was thouroughly impressed by the flavor of a portabello grilled and eaten with LTO like a burger...floored actually, and until I got some meat eaters to try it and confirm, I thought it must have just been too long since I ate meat...Well that was 15 years ago....and never till today...till your post did I realize the next analogy...

Beef tastes like fungus.

LOLROFLMAO...not exactly what I intended...:eek: :cool: ;)
I was raised vegetarian. I never tried meat until my late teens. I can tell you it doesn't stunt your growth or have any deleterious effect at all. It's hard to get used to meat. For one thing it's stinky when you cook it. I probably would still be a vegetarian, but one day I discovered bacon...mmmm, bacon. I've learned to like poultry and beef, took a long time before I would eat a steak, but I just can't get used to fish or seafood.

mmm...isn't bacon a vegetable?
MW said:
(I don't eat animals though, so you can have all the bacon sandwiches).
So....this I had not perceived....MW is a vegetarian? A vegan? I understand the don't eat bacon, religious significance for Jews and Muslims, but I don't eat animals....

Now I need more info....

Were you veggie prior to conversion?

Is your family in Egypt veggie? England?

What percentage of Muslims would you say are veggie?

lol for some reason, I didn't picture many Muslims as interesting to know why...some latent prejudice??

Last question, if you order 10 pizzas at any gathering, why is it the carnivores won't let you order more than one veggie?...but when it arrives they say...that looks good, let me get a slice!
strange, isn't it, that food that actually has nutritional value is so bloody expensive and crap carbohydrate foods are dirt cheap.


Actually, the crap carbohydrate foods are even more of a rip off because they don't have any value.
So....this I had not perceived....MW is a vegetarian? A vegan? I understand the don't eat bacon, religious significance for Jews and Muslims, but I don't eat animals....

Now I need more info....

Were you veggie prior to conversion?

MW doesn't eat meat because any time spent eating meat is time that could be spent eating cake.

heh heh.:p
