the Bible from a Jehovah's Witness perspective

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Quick question.... You all have been christians of some sort or another for many years right? Don't you ever get tired or bored of debating the same old topics over, and over, and over again? You can go to ANY christian site, and there is always some baptists JW catholic... or whatever arguing with some other type of christian about the same old things... You all will never agree.. May say in the bible "pride" is a bad thing but you're all filled with pride and will not stand down from your post. But you're all content to waffle on and on at each other even though the opposition cares not, and they will not change their faith like you really care not what they say and will not back down from your faith.

I was only a christian for like 2 years? And there are never any new arguments, (yes arguments... They aren't debates....) Evolution, Trinity, baptism, homosexuality, you know where I am going with this.... ANYWAY

The question then, Do you get tired from arguing with other christians and what -really- makes you continue to go on about the same topics, year in year out?

Better than arguing with the in-laws...:p
Better than arguing with the in-laws...:p

lol, I am lucky (get on with inlaws). Qua, do you hope from your "debates" that the christians on the other side may agree with you and turn to your way of worship? Or are you stating the opposite to them because you just wish for like "trouble" or is it because other people observing, that may wish to convert to christanity hear your "correct" version? Or something else?
lol, I am lucky (get on with inlaws). Qua, do you hope from your "debates" that the christians on the other side may agree with you and turn to your way of worship? Or are you stating the opposite to them because you just wish for like "trouble" or is it because other people observing, that may wish to convert to christanity hear your "correct" version? Or something else?

Oh hell no! That would be boring. I said a long time ago, what works for me, works for me. If asked a question, I'll answer it. If told I'm wrong, then the fun begins...prove it.

If told I'm going to hell, then I invite the informer to "lead the way"...:D

Sort of like arguing with in-laws...:eek: :p
Oh hell no! That would be boring. I said a long time ago, what works for me, works for me. If asked a question, I'll answer it. If told I'm wrong, then the fun begins...prove it.

If told I'm going to hell, then I invite the informer to "lead the way"...:D

Sort of like arguing with in-laws...:eek: :p

aaaah I see.
lol, I am lucky (get on with inlaws). Qua, do you hope from your "debates" that the christians on the other side may agree with you and turn to your way of worship? Or are you stating the opposite to them because you just wish for like "trouble" or is it because other people observing, that may wish to convert to christanity hear your "correct" version? Or something else?
It is not "my" correct version that I am worried about but the version we were given by God.
It is not "my" correct version that I am worried about but the version we were given by God.

Which one of his versions? The version you tell? Mee tells? Qua tells? It's just... I dunno, you all are SOOOO sure that you have god's truth.. I find this pretty interesting, you're all trying to worship and please the same god, yet there are so many points that differ. Just makes me wonder what made you all so sure you had the real deal.
Which one of his versions? The version you tell? Mee tells? Qua tells? It's just... I dunno, you all are SOOOO sure that you have god's truth.. I find this pretty interesting, you're all trying to worship and please the same god, yet there are so many points that differ. Just makes me wonder what made you all so sure you had the real deal.
I just go by what the Bible tells me and the Holy Spirit confirms. I have no denomination that I woory about pleasing.
Which one of his versions? The version you tell? Mee tells? Qua tells? It's just... I dunno, you all are SOOOO sure that you have god's truth.. I find this pretty interesting, you're all trying to worship and please the same god, yet there are so many points that differ. Just makes me wonder what made you all so sure you had the real deal.
there is only one truth, and that is eternal and unchanging, and that is: jesus is our lord god and saviour; he is the way, the truth, and the life; and you cannot get to the father but through him. all others that deny this truth either strip the divinity of christ away as god's son, strip the credibility of the holy bible away, or strip the concept of the trinity away that god is the father, son, and holy ghost. that is the universal truth for all man and is the foundation of christianity. when you build on top of that you are building on the foundational rock that is jesus christ. everything else false and building upon the sand. these are not my words, but the words of god spoken through the prophets, the psalmist, through disciples, though apostles, through jesus christ as found in the holy bible and through the spirit.
neither is...
Atheism or Atheist
..yet all the concepts are mentioned just like the Trinity is mentioned but not by name.
that is such a tired argument that trinity is not found in the bible, but good response to it nevertheless. those that do not see it, it is obvious they have preconceived notions and blinders on that they pick and choose scripture to meet their objectives, but do not take the bible in as a whole.. when it is found that it doesnt go with their interpretation, they just just the words of the bible to meet their needs. sad.
Which one of his versions? The version you tell? Mee tells? Qua tells? It's just... I dunno, you all are SOOOO sure that you have god's truth.. I find this pretty interesting, you're all trying to worship and please the same god, yet there are so many points that differ. Just makes me wonder what made you all so sure you had the real deal.

I never have given my version of Christianity. I only acknowledged I'm Catholic...guilty by association? I suppose...
Quick question.... You all have been christians of some sort or another for many years right? Don't you ever get tired or bored of debating the same old topics over, and over, and over again? You can go to ANY christian site, and there is always some baptists JW catholic... or whatever arguing with some other type of christian about the same old things... You all will never agree.. May say in the bible "pride" is a bad thing but you're all filled with pride and will not stand down from your post. But you're all content to waffle on and on at each other even though the opposition cares not, and they will not change their faith like you really care not what they say and will not back down from your faith.

I was only a christian for like 2 years? And there are never any new arguments, (yes arguments... They aren't debates....) Evolution, Trinity, baptism, homosexuality, you know where I am going with this.... ANYWAY

The question then, Do you get tired from arguing with other christians and what -really- makes you continue to go on about the same topics, year in year out?
making known and talking about the wonderful promises in the bible and the things that Jesus himself taught is enlightenment indeed for me, and i cant help myself i want to shout it from the roof tops . the bible is a wonderful book of prophecies and they are all coming true, this earth will be turned into a paradise just as God originally intended ,and it will all come true good news indeed.
And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. matthew 24;14 the end of this manmade system of things in the power of the wicked one ,(satan the devil) 1 John 5;19but a paradise earth that Jehovah God is making new.
And the One seated on the throne said: "Look! I am making all things new." Also, he says: "Write, because these words are faithful and true." revelation 21;5
making known and talking about the wonderful promises in the bible and the things that Jesus himself taught is enlightenment indeed for me, and i cant help myself i want to shout it from the roof tops . the bible is a wonderful book of prophecies and they are all coming true, this earth will be turned into a paradise just as God originally intended ,and it will all come true good news indeed.
And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. matthew 24;14 the end of this manmade system of things in the power of the wicked one ,(satan the devil) 1 John 5;19but a paradise earth that Jehovah God is making new.
And the One seated on the throne said: "Look! I am making all things new." Also, he says: "Write, because these words are faithful and true." revelation 21;5

So you basically believe you have found the truth manily on how you see prophecy coming true? Such as the pain/death/sickness/war/diesease/natural disasters..... You're that sure? Because since as long as history these "last day" signs have been here. Mee, how long have you been a JW?

I never have given my version of Christianity. I only acknowledged I'm Catholic...guilty by association? I suppose...

lol... :D

there is only one truth, and that is eternal and unchanging, and that is: jesus is our lord god and saviour; he is the way, the truth, and the life; and you cannot get to the father but through him. all others that deny this truth either strip the divinity of christ away as god's son, strip the credibility of the holy bible away, or strip the concept of the trinity away that god is the father, son, and holy ghost. that is the universal truth for all man and is the foundation of christianity. when you build on top of that you are building on the foundational rock that is jesus christ. everything else false and building upon the sand. these are not my words, but the words of god spoken through the prophets, the psalmist, through disciples, though apostles, through jesus christ as found in the holy bible and through the spirit.

That sounds more like an advert than why you believe you have found the truth...
Can't find the word Jehovah in the bible either...;)
psalm 83 ;18That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth.KJV .even though this name should be throughout the bible the KJV retained it in only a few verses , when it should have been in thousands of verses, yes the one who has the world in his power at the momment (satan the devil)1 John 5;19 the opposer of God , has been allowed to rule his way down through time ,and he has tried to stamp out any sign of the true God, but Gods word the pure word of God has now been made known in a pure way by translations such as the NWT . but satan has great influence on people to hide the name of the true God by taking the name out of the translations ,and the newer version of the KJV has i think taken it out all togeather. verrrrrrrrrrrrrry bad in the eyes of Jehovah God.
psalm 83 ;18That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth.KJV .even though this name should be throughout the bible the KJV retained it in only a few verses , when it should have been in thousands of verses, yes the one who has the world in his power at the momment (satan the devil)1 John 5;19 the opposer of God , has been allowed to rule his way down through time ,and he has tried to stamp out any sign of the true God, but Gods word the pure word of God has now been made known in a pure way by translations such as the NWT . but satan has great influence on people to hide the name of the true God by taking the name out of the translations ,and the newer version of the KJV has i think taken it out all togeather. verrrrrrrrrrrrrry bad in the eyes of Jehovah God.

He's got yah Josh :p Mee... Alot of what you post seems word for word simular to things I have read else where.. ?
Where is 1914 mentioned
fullfilled bible prophecies and chronology. serious bible students find bible prophecies very enlightening . they reveal many things about the Goodnews of the kingdom Daniel 2;44 . matthew 24;14 . the goodnews is a wonderful thing to behold but some are blinded to the goodnews .
If, now, the good news we declare is in fact veiled, it is veiled among those who are perishing, 4 among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through. 2 corinthians 4;3-4 yes many thing in this time of the end are to do with Jesus christ and the goodnews of the heavenly kingdom goverment Daniel 2;44 daniel 7;13-14 thrilling times indeed . maybe you have your sunglasses on and the light is not shinng through to enlighten you. i have taken my old sun glasses off and now the light is shining through verrrrrrrrrry clearly
that is such a tired argument that trinity is not found in the bible, but good response to it nevertheless. those that do not see it, it is obvious they have preconceived notions and blinders on that they pick and choose scripture to meet their objectives, but do not take the bible in as a whole.. when it is found that it doesnt go with their interpretation, they just just the words of the bible to meet their needs. sad.
yes ,the bible is always the aurthority. and listening to Jesus is the way to go .
This is my Son, the one that has been chosen. Listen to him.’"—Luke 9:35.
The trinity doctrine was unknown to the Hebrew prophets and Christian apostles. and as the christian apostles listened to Jesus, they knew that Jesus taught that the father was greater than he was . the bible is a book of truth with out any manmade doctrines added .
Jesus Christ himself said, "The Father is greater than I am" and referred to the Father as his God, "the only true God." (Joh 14:28; 17:3; 20:17; Mr 15:34; Re 1:1; 3:12)
because the Father is greater than I am. John 14;28
yes ,the bible is always the aurthority. and listening to Jesus is the way to go .
This is my Son, the one that has been chosen. Listen to him.’"—Luke 9:35.
The trinity doctrine was unknown to the Hebrew prophets and Christian apostles. and as the christian apostles listened to Jesus, they knew that Jesus taught that the father was greater than he was . the bible is a book of truth with out any manmade doctrines added .
Jesus Christ himself said, "The Father is greater than I am" and referred to the Father as his God, "the only true God." (Joh 14:28; 17:3; 20:17; Mr 15:34; Re 1:1; 3:12)
because the Father is greater than I am. John 14;28
The Bible is a book of truth. The NWT is not simple fact.
Jesus Christ himself said, "The Father is greater than I am" and referred to the Father as his God, "the only true God."
yes jesus said that during his time on earth as fully god and fully man, so that quote really doesnt prove that he is not god, just that he was made for a time in the flesh so god could exhalt him. however as god in the beginning, as a baby in the manger, to him being exhalted back to the father in heaven, all angels have always worshipped jesus, because it is only god that is worshipped, as we should.
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