Rosh Hashana Greetings!


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To a good year! New year's greetings to all the other Jews in the house. To a sweet year, a good year, one filled with joy and happiness and many blessings and many fruitful endeavo(u)rs. May we all be written in the book of life. May we all be well in the coming year and know the sweetness of many years to come. May this next year be one of growth and self-discovery. May we all be granted what is best for us, and denied what is worst for us, by the Blessed Holy One. May we see peace begin its descent onto the world from the highest heights and malice dissipate like a shadow at the light. May we be the embodiers of that peace in all of our comings and goings. May this be the honey left on our tongues throughout the year. Ameyn.

dauer said:
To a good year! New year's greetings to all the other Jews in the house. To a sweet year, a good year, one filled with joy and happiness and many blessings and many fruitful endeavo(u)rs. May we all be written in the book of life. May we all be well in the coming year and know the sweetness of many years to come. May this next year be one of growth and self-discovery. May we all be granted what is best for us, and denied what is worst for us, by the Blessed Holy One. May we see peace begin its descent onto the world from the highest heights and malice dissipate like a shadow at the light. May we be the embodiers of that peace in all of our comings and goings. May this be the honey left on our tongues throughout the year. Ameyn.


Rosh Hashana greetings to you dauer and everyone else .... our year begins when the voice of the thunder is heard in the heavens .... and yesterday there was much lightening and thunder .... it is a time of transition and we move toward a better world .... several months ago I told a friend that I wanted to find a teacher and I wanted to learn more about the Zohar and Judiasm .... well, I have found many teachers in all of you .... mahalo nui, poh

awesome translit. Do you pronounce Hebrew the same way? You must do some crazy cool layning. Do you use a distinct set of trop? I've hijacked mine own thread. Yes! Merry Yom Teruah everyone. I was wondering why I'd started singing like it's Shabbos on a Wednesday. The head of the year is so close I can almost taste it... or maybe that's because I had some leftover challah with honey. I'd like to try some date syrup. Sounds sweet. And next year, next year in Jerusalem, no no. Next year I'm gonna get myself a shofar so I can do this whole season proper. And freak the heck out of my neighbors each morning as I great the dawn with that beautiful, primitive instrument. Tekiah Ha-Golah!!!!!!!!!!!!

yeah, that's more or less how i pronounce it, similar to arabic. the "q" is a guttural, to distinguish it from the "k", which is palatal. there is also a palatal "t" (tet) to distinguish from the dental "t" (taf). likewise, a palatal "s" (tsadi) and a dental "s" (samech, sin). there are also double letters, determined by whether there's a dagesh dot in the letter or not - without it, the gimel is softened to "gh", the taf to "th", the bet to "bh". i get endless pisstaking for it because everyone who has known me since before i learnt the accent properly thinks it's quaint and funny (ashkenazi ignorance, d'ye see) as opposed to an authentic tradition of babylonian (ie 1st Temple, not 2nd) pronounciation - coming via my mother's family, who are bombay iraqi. not that i was brought up with it, you understand, it's a recently claimed identity, but when i became more religious i wasn't about to turn into a "chosid", you understand. besides, the food is better, to say nothing of the davening. hence i am still learning leyning and haven't yet got a teacher for the trop, although i know the ashkenazi version.

if you're interested in learning more about it, check out, which is the site of the community of the hakham of great neck, NJ, whose sister lives a few streets away from me. she's an ethnomusicologist, specialist in the babylonian tradition and i got into this when i started playing oud with her band.

