Christianity + Tarot cards.


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I'm a Christian, and an important part of my pre-church Sunday routine is to read my Tarot cards. I find my Tarot cards to be very insightful, offering a mirror to myself, allowing me to see issues in my life with greater clarity. This ultimately leaves me more centred and balanced.

I'm curious to find out other Christians point of view on Tarot cards. Do many other Christians also read the cards, or do you believe this is something a Christian should not dabble in?
The practice of spiritism may consist of consulting a spirit medium, inquiring of the dead, or looking for omens. One popular form of spiritism is divination—attempting to find out about the future or the unknown with the help of spirits. Some forms of divination are astrology, crystal-ball gazing, interpretation of dreams, palmistry, and fortune-telling with the help of tarot cards............ so if you call yourself a christion the answer as to weather it would be acceptable in the eyes of God should be in the bible but i thought it was interesting that the early chistians after becoming believers did this

And many of those who had become believers would come and confess and report their practices openly. 19 Indeed, quite a number of those who practiced magical arts brought their books together and burned them up before everybody. And they calculated together the prices of them and found them worth fifty thousand pieces of silver. acts 19;18-19....... so it seems they got rid of things that were not acceptable......... but that is up to you of coarse:)

I think the question of whether or not it is right to read the Tarot cards must be taken up between yourself and God in prayer.

Part of my own line of thinking about this is that it may depend on how you view the Tarot cards and the practice of reading them. Are you trying to find out the future or just work through dilemmas you are facing? Do you believe you are contacting spirit-entities who help you through the cards, or just using the symbolism and imagery of the cards to reflect in your own mind and trigger subconscious thoughts/feelings?

I would consider myself a Christian, although certainly a liberal one. I have had experiences in which I felt I communicated with spirit-entities. But I do not seek this out and I am very careful to bring my problems and decisions only to God. I am concerned with what God's will for my life is, not any other. From what I have experienced and read of others' experiences, being contacted by spirits of any sort is largely something one can't "turn off." That is, a lot of us don't ask for what we experience, it's just part of the information we pick up from our environments. Think of it this way- a person who has regular scent abilities may not mind someone wearing a lot of perfume, but a person born with highly sensitive scent abilities will be overwhelmed. Well, I've been in places in which folks that aren't sensitive to energy/spirits/whatever you call it are oblivious to what is obvious to a more sensitive person. I've been this way since I was born and I don't think it makes me less of a Christian. But what I choose to do with it could- just as what I choose to do with the rest of my abilities could separate me from God.
I have used oracle decks, mostly just to admire the paintings. I think they can be a useful psychological tool for engaging the mind in a decision, as the human mind responds well to symbolism and myth. I can't answer it for you, but for myself, I do feel that if I'm doing that for lots of my decisions or I feel I "need" to do it, it's a problem. The only thing I want to feel I "need" to do is pray and meditate, no accessories needed. The rest, just like ritual and art, is extra. Personally, I would ask myself why the Tarot decks make me feel centered and balanced as opposed to prayer or meditation. But that's me- and you are you. What is right for you and your relationship with God can only be determined in personal prayer with God.

My (slightly more than) 2 cents.
i went to a lady who reads those cards one time, just for the experience of it. i was pretty amazed, but not enitrely convinced, though she did hit everything just about right as far as timing on an event that i was bothered with & she was only a couple of weeks off on the timing of when the event finally ended.not sure if she was actually reading a card or reading my expressions & feelings to the questions she asked, which were pretty general. it only cost $10.00
but i liked her because she had a real neat laugh that made me smile and feel good. i am thinking a lot of people see people who do that & come with the same basic concerns that everyone has.

i can't say it is something i would do again or get into that type of thing, but i think it is something to try, if only just for fun, at least once. i dont really see much difference in cards, mystery writing or crystal balls, Seance is all kind of the same thing to me.
But i also use caution when i see people try to predict a specific future by using the bible.

i think Mee is right. we dont actually contact dead people, what we might encounter is a different kind of spirit that may lead us into something different than what God would really want from us. not saying that God may not use that as a temporary thing to bring someone closer to Him, because he just might.

i think Path is right also, because some of us are born with certain things & abilities, or particular experiences that come later in life make us want to know more... but IMO, it depends on what we do with them & how we choose to practice or not practice them.

i feel God wants a personal relationship with us & the only mediator we need to guide us, is Jesus.

2 more cents. that makes 6 cents.:)

Tarot, oigee (sp?) boards, me all mean the same thing..they are tools to access your higher self which is your connection to God, Source, Omniscience (all knowledge).

My understanding is we have access to the Father through the Son. Therefor if we access that place inside, be it by a tool such as cards, a crystal on a chain, or whatever...we are getting our hooking up our modem (the Son) with T1 high speed connection to the net (all knowledge).

We shuffle the deck, the cards have various interpretations, we hold the pendelum it swings ( we move imperceptably), we (our higher self, connected to source) provides the answer in a method that we can physically see.

Can we hear the music on the radio, see the video from satelite, or hear the short wave frequencies without the tools we've created to download them into a media we accept?? All the stations...are flying through the air at all times, and when we have the tools and tune in....

Omnipotence, Omnipresence, Omniscience, is flowing through us at all moments of our life....All powerful, everywhere present, all knowledge...we always have access to God, and should we need to use an antenna and a tool created by man to tune in....long as we tune in!
Friend_of_Fools said:
I'm a Christian, and an important part of my pre-church Sunday routine is to read my Tarot cards. I find my Tarot cards to be very insightful, offering a mirror to myself, allowing me to see issues in my life with greater clarity. This ultimately leaves me more centred and balanced.

I'm curious to find out other Christians point of view on Tarot cards. Do many other Christians also read the cards, or do you believe this is something a Christian should not dabble in?

I cannot speak for other Christians but all I can use to guide my life is the word of God. I personally do not and would not use tarot cards now because of what the bible says. I have dabbled somewhat in this lifestyle and saw enough of it to scare the living daylights out of me. Just be careful that you dont open your home up to something other than Christ.. and using this medium.. Im afraid does.

I'm afraid I have to agree with the comments noted above. The trouble with this form of revelation with most people in the Christian world is that it offers instant gratification (regardless of accuracy), and people have a tendency to make it their god (source of comfort, or guide). In otherwords we tend to become impatient with God so lean on another source for answers, which could really screw things up.

I can't find it right now, but I do recall a verse that asks "If you are so wise as to interpret the stars, why not look to Him who placed the stars in the heavens?" (para)

my thoughts


You can buy Christian tarot cards – many kinds of. But I don’t think Christianity accepts them, or anything else to do with spirits etc. hence I am not a Christian.

Jesus cannot help us in the same everyday sense that cards etc. can. What about Mohamed or the Buddha for mediation – is that wrong? I think not, so why would it be wrong for ordinary people to mediate! And what is wrong with talking to your recently departed relatives, [as with mediums and psychics] god would be quite harsh to deny us this! Maybe god gives people abilities that they can help.

Sorry but I find this side of Christianity to be small-minded. It is not the only religion in the world y’know, unless Christians still consider this to be so! Of course it [tarot, divination etc.] is a great part of my beliefs as a druid – what could be wrong with finding water with a pendulum, or saying hi to your ancestors?

I hope i dont sound too antagonistic, but i am afraid christians often do! but i know you are nice people really and wouldnt burn me and my wife :eek:

unfortunatelly history would suggest otherwise! time to move forwards i would say.
_Z_ said:
You can buy Christian tarot cards – many kinds of. But I don’t think Christianity accepts them, or anything else to do with spirits etc. hence I am not a Christian.

Jesus cannot help us in the same everyday sense that cards etc. can. What about Mohamed or the Buddha for mediation – is that wrong? I think not, so why would it be wrong for ordinary people to mediate! And what is wrong with talking to your recently departed relatives, [as with mediums and psychics] god would be quite harsh to deny us this! Maybe god gives people abilities that they can help.

Sorry but I find this side of Christianity to be small-minded. It is not the only religion in the world y’know, unless Christians still consider this to be so! Of course it [tarot, divination etc.] is a great part of my beliefs as a druid – what could be wrong with finding water with a pendulum, or saying hi to your ancestors?

I hope i dont sound too antagonistic, but i am afraid christians often do! but i know you are nice people really and wouldnt burn me and my wife :eek:

unfortunatelly history would suggest otherwise! time to move forwards i would say.

What about Buddah & Mohammed being small minded? i find some of these other religions shallow minded as well. they reject the scriptures & the purpose of Calvary like it means nothing.

Christians do believe in spirits, many spirits, i know that for sure and i am aware there are many many many religions out there to choose from.

i dont know Z:) , but maybe for the same reason all these other religions exclude Jesus & Calvary from their religions & reject the scriptures & choose a different book or cards or, whatever. (because they just dont like it?) i just dont see the point in going through plastic cards & glass balls when i can successfully reach God directly through Jesus & i know i will see all my loved ones again.
i mean i am not going to put my trust into a deck of cards, or someones version & predictions through horoscopes, because I am happy & prefer living by the scriptures - but if you want to do that, it is up to you.

& no i am not going to burn you or your wife because i thought we are becoming friends here.:)
I find some of these other religions shallow minded as well

Oh yes of course!

I can successfully reach God directly through Jesus & I know I will see all my loved ones again

Fair enough! But what if a Christian likes all that stuff? Are they bad Christians!

No I am not going to burn you or your wife because I thought we are becoming friends here

sorry! I have been called a Satanist recently by local Christians [most distressing!] – I should really know better, as most Christians these days are not so small minded. I suppose you get people like that everywhere, and in all religions [I also fell out with some pagans on a pagan forum].

I must remember to keep emotion out of my philosophies – prey forgive! :)

_Z_ said:

Oh yes of course!

Fair enough! But what if a Christian likes all that stuff? Are they bad Christians!

sorry! I have been called a Satanist recently by local Christians [most distressing!] – I should really know better, as most Christians these days are not so small minded. I suppose you get people like that everywhere, and in all religions [I also fell out with some pagans on a pagan forum].

I must remember to keep emotion out of my philosophies – prey forgive! :)

well dont feel bad because i have been called devil possesed by Christians & i know i am not. & i have been sent to hell lots of times also.
if you were coming to my church, you would find that we would not cast you to the side Z, for looking at cards or reading horoscopes.

i am not going to encourage it, but i am not going to be mean to others about it either & i think you are a real nice person & i really dont think you are a satan worshiper. i just personally dont need those things & i think God really wants a one on one relationship..or so i have found that it is possible to do without other things.
Peace to you my brother and lay down the queen of hearts for me! or whatever that card is that gets me rich. diamonds? (teasing):)
Divination is as ancient as our belief in God(s). I think the Church's supression of it is nothing more than another way in which to control peoples individual access to the greater whole. Prayer and divination are the tools of a two way communication. Without things like Tarot, Runes or the I-Ching we have no way of focussing the feedback. Tarot has 78 possible points of focus drawing a single card, the I-Ching 384 nuggets of relevant wisdom u might get at each cast. That the rich and successful, including the cardinals and bishops, have used them down the ages and continue to this day speaks volumes.

Myself, I prefer the I-Ching but my deck of cards based on the Greek Gods/legends is still fairly well used. The I-Ching seems to work better for me personaly and the Tarot is better for doing readings for freinds. I have no doubt theres many a Christian who uses the bible no differently.


Tao_Equus said:
I have no doubt theres many a Christian who uses the bible no differently.



Yep, it's called bibliomancy. Personally, I've had it work and I've had it not work, just like sometimes an oracle deck will put out something remarkably sensible and insightful and other times it seems (rationally in my mind) to be nonsense. I get little consistency when I use symbols and objects outside my own mind.

I think maybe we each just have to use what works for us and take up any moral concerns we have about it with God. I use prayer and meditation because it has the highest success rate for me. Personally, I feel little need to focus what I receive from God. If I'm discussing my concerns with God, I do some meditation and visualization, go into an inner sacred space, and see what I find there. It takes time and patience and sometimes it's months before I get a reply, but every time I go with an open heart and mind I do receive an answer, unmediated by cards, pendulums, runes, or other symbols. It is only the symbols that exist in my own mind. I've had messages through visions and dreams, some for which I asked and others that came unbidden.

However, I do not think it wrong for another to use the Tarot, I-Ching, runes or other. In fact, I know people who have had remarkable success with using runes or symbols they have themselves created. Furthermore, the injunctions against divination in the Old Testament were not necessarily as all-encompassing as many contemporary Christians believe. After all, casting lots was a perfectly acceptable way to contact the will of God during Biblical times, and that is a form of divination. Additionally, I don't put dowsing and other sundry environmental stuff in the same league with foretelling the future or communicating with spirits. Finding water and even ley lines is more about feeling neutral, non-personal energies (in my opinion and experience) whereas the two latter are more about communication with the flows of reality and spirit-entities, including God. As an aside... I find you do not necessarily have to communicate with a spirit or God, by the way, to have precognitive abilities. Telling the future and making decisions based on the flow of reality can be pretty much non-spiritual- more about the energy and timing of everything than about personal entities.

Folks can use divination to communicate with spirits, but they aren't necessarily doing so. When people do, I do wonder sometimes with whom they are communicating. Not that I think it's wrong to communicate with spirits or ancestors, mind you. But rather that it is distinct (for me) from communicating with God. When I use a deck, I'm not sure who all I'm communicating with. When I simply open up communication lines without objects through meditation, I have a much clearer idea- generally a vision and distinct "feel" to it, be it an ancestor, nature spirit, or God. My sources aren't so muddled, if that makes sense. I have no idea how it works for others though and it's certainly likely that some people have a perfectly clear idea of who they're speaking with through runes or decks.

I think where I'm coming from in this thread is, as a Christian, is it right to use a deck when we believe we can have direct two-way communication and relationship with God? If we are impatient and our minds are restless, and we choose to use objects to mediate rather than learning patiently how to do centering prayer, meditation, and open the lines of communication directly, are we cheating ourselves of a deeper, richer spiritual life? Using the decks doesn't concern me (I've done it before and I don't feel it was negative), but choosing, as a Christian, to use divination over direct communication could limit one's growth.

Or maybe we all just have to open that communication up in different ways, depending on the gifts we were given.

Tao_Equus said:
I have no doubt theres many a Christian who uses the bible no differently.



i dont use it that way. i have no doubt there are many who are not interested in the bible & try to use it that way.
path_of_one said:

Hi Path:)

i know everything you are saying here is true. i just want to point out that it does not stop with just cards & it easy to cross the line into the other. the situations in the scriptures do not look favorably on divination in the OT or NT. i am not going thru all those scriptures right now.
they cast lots for Matthias but they prayed before they did it & this was before the gift of the Holy Ghost was given.
i dont see flipping a coin & drawing straws to see who goes first as a form of divination but it could lead to that & some people might be thinking that way.

i also know it is possible to bypass (think we are bypassing) God & get into the 'other' & that is where problems start & some people do not realize they are getting into the 'other' & think they are talking to ancestors or whatever. i am glad that you can recognize there is most definately a difference in the spirit world.
there is another power out there & it has always come across to me as a form of trickery but does not even come close to the power of God that can be achieved through prayer & the scriptures... & that is what concerns me & i think most of those who look to Jesus & the scriptures for direction & instruction rather than relying on material things.

Additionally, I don't put dowsing and other sundry environmental stuff in the same league with foretelling the future or communicating with spirits. Finding water and even ley lines is more about feeling neutral, non-personal energies (in my opinion and experience) whereas the two latter are more about communication with the flows of reality and spirit-entities, including God

i think there is a difference in these things also & something tells me that most others know there is a difference.

but choosing, as a Christian, to use divination over direct communication could limit one's growth.

Quahom1 said:
I can't find it right now, but I do recall a verse that asks "If you are so wise as to interpret the stars, why not look to Him who placed the stars in the heavens?" (para)

my thoughts



this is true Q & thank you. i see wisdom in that:)
This is my first time on an internet forum, so a big thank you to everyone who replied to me.

Quahom1 and Faithfulservant both posted concerns that Tarot could lead me astray from the plans that god has for me.
I understand this point of view, but i do not see Tarot and God in any form of conflict. Reading the Tarot is a lot like talking things over with a friend, and if you think of it in those terms, friendships on earth will always remain second to our relationship with god.

I basically believe that my relationship with god is strong enough that i can see other people and do other things, but we both know that we are meant for each other.

The bible quote
"If you are so wise as to interpret the stars, why not look to Him who placed the stars in the heavens?"
appeared several times. Does anyone know where it comes from? i am interested to read further, and i'd be grateful to anyone who could direct me to this quote.
Well now, at first I was concerned that this might get up and out of hand, but am pleased to read the reflection and thought all have put into this subject.

For many, the Bible (not the church) makes it clear to stay away from such forms of "enlightenment", because it can pull those who would otherwise seek the counsel of the Judaic-Christian God, away and into other areas or towards other powers. It can become addictive in a sense, or an obsession, to some souls, just like any other thing.

Knowing the future, for example can also become a great burden, or a detriment, not only to the knower, but to others influenced by the one who knows. Suppose one knows the future but can do nothing about it? Unless one could care less, then the knowledge breeds stress, anxiety and concern that can not be alleviated. Or suppose one knows the future, and tries to change it? How far does the intereference actually go past the initial change? What domino effect would be started?

My mother makes a great point about Christianity and the occult. "Those who truly seek out God, will find Him, and will be instructed in the gentlest of ways in what God wants for them to do, or not to do. By earnestly seeking God first, all will be made known to that person, by God...and God doesn't need parlor tricks to reveal Himself either..."

my thoughts


I have to admit, the use of Tarot is very much a double-edged issue in it's own right, before invoking Christianity with it.

Tarot is ultimately a tool for spiritual reflection, but like any tool can be very easily abused so that it's purpose is not constructive, but instead destructive.

Bringing Christianity into the discussion, though - I would have thought that Jesus Christ is supposed to be the ultimate route for spiritual reflection and development.

I guess ultimately mainstream Christianity will see no need for Tarot, and especially caution against the dangers of looking away from Jesus for spiritual reflection, but there will always be people on the fringe who seek to bring elements of other belief systems into their own personal spiritual world view.
Friend_of_Fools said:
The bible quote
"If you are so wise as to interpret the stars, why not look to Him who placed the stars in the heavens?"
appeared several times. Does anyone know where it comes from? i am interested to read further, and i'd be grateful to anyone who could direct me to this quote.

Can I ask, what is it, that you feel the need to look at cards for a medium & what is it that draws you to them as to why you like them so much?
& why are the scriptures & prayer are not enough for guidance in your life?
thanks for replying in advance.

here are a few for starters, Friend_of_Fools:) . not sure what it is you are looking for. that quote is a paraphrase & what it means to me is i can look pass the stars & get answers straight from the one who put the stars there without using the stars themselves as a guide. Daniel & all the kings men was a nice example of this. naturally i can use the sun & moon & shadows of the day when i am traveling for time & direction.

i realize that cards are not going to say these things or give you this type of answers. i recommend turning to the pages in the scriptures so you can see what & who it is in reference to. i hope that is not too much to ask.:)

  1. "Every word of God is pure: He is a shield unto them that put their trust in Him." (Proverbs 30:5)
  2. As for God, His way is perfect; the Word of The Lord is tried: He is a buckler to all them that trust in Him" (2 Samuel 22:31)
  3. There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that uses divination, an observer of clouds, or a fortune-teller, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or one who calls to the dead. For all that do these things are an abomination to Jehovah. And because of these abominations Jehovah your God drives them out from before you. (Deuteronomy 18:10-12)
    And he caused his sons to pass through the fire in the valley of the son of Hinnom. He also practiced secret arts, and used fortune-telling, and used witchcraft, and dealt with mediums, and with soothsayers. He did much evil in the sight of Jehovah in order to provoke Him to anger. (2 Chronicles 33:6)
    And the spirit of Egypt shall fail in the midst of it, and I will destroy its wisdom. And they shall seek to idols, and to the enchanters, and to the mediums, and to the future-tellers. And I will shut up Egypt into the hand of a cruel lord; and a fierce king shall rule over them, says the Lord, Jehovah of Hosts. (Isaiah 19:3-4)
    As for you, do not listen to your prophets, nor to your fortune tellers, nor to your dreamers, nor to your conjurers, nor to your sorcerers, who speak to you, saying, You shall not serve the king of Babylon. (Jeremiah 27:9)
    For so says Jehovah of Hosts, the God of Israel: Do not let your prophets and your fortune-tellers in your midst deceive you, nor listen to your dreams which you dream. (Jeremiah 29:8)
    And I will cut off sorceries out of your hand, and there shall not be fortune-tellers among you. (Micah 5:12)
    My people seek advice from their wooden idols, and their rod declares to them. For the spirit of harlotry has caused them to go astray, and they have gone lusting away from under their God. (Hosea 4:12)
  4. The astrologers answered the king, "There is not a man on earth who can do what the king asks! No king, however great and mighty, has ever asked such a thing of any magician or enchanter or astrologer. (Daniel 2:10)
  5. The king called out for the enchanters, astrologers and diviners to be brought and said to these wise men of Babylon, "Whoever reads this writing and tells me what it means will be clothed in purple and have a gold chain placed around his neck, and he will be made the third highest ruler in the kingdom." Then all the king's wise men came in, but they could not read the writing or tell the king what it meant. (Daniel 5:7-8)
  6. They [the bones of the people of Jerusalem] will be exposed to the sun and the moon and all the stars of the heavens, which they have loved and served and which they have followed and consulted and worshiped. They will not be gathered up or buried, but will be like refuse lying on the ground. (Jeremiah 8:2)
  7. He [Josiah] did away with the pagan priests appointed by the kings of Judah to burn incense on the high places of the towns of Judah and on those around Jerusalem--those who burned incense to Baal, to the sun and moon, to the constellations and to all the starry hosts. (2 Kings 23:5)
  8. The houses in Jerusalem and those of the kings of Judah will be defiled like this place, Topheth--all the houses where they burned incense on the roofs to all the starry hosts and poured out drink offerings to other gods.'" (Jeremiah 19:13)
  9. those who bow down on the roofs to worship the starry host, those who bow down and swear by the LORD and who also swear by Molech, those who turn back from following the LORD and neither seek the LORD nor inquire of him. Be silent before the Sovereign LORD, for the day of the LORD is near. The LORD has prepared a sacrifice; he has consecrated those he has invited. On the day of the Lord's sacrifice I will punish the princes and the king's sons and all those clad in foreign clothes. (Zephaniah 1:5-8)
  10. You have lifted up the shrine of your king, the pedestal of your idols, the star of your god -- which you made for yourselves. Therefore I will send you into exile beyond Damascus," says the LORD, whose name is God Almighty. (Amos 5:26-27)