Asking about Danish newspaper cartoons of Mohammed

God does not teach us to hate. It is human nature to hate. The cartoons were made to provoke hatred and retalition and that is what the outcome was. Peace can only come if two parties strive for peace. Not if one humiliates and insults and the other takes it meekly. Again there was no need for deaths and violence.

The cartoons were made to poke fun at the stupidity of a few who claim to be muslim, but instead are barbarians. The result was a few more barbarians came out of the closet, causing more strife for the Religion. Instead of chastising us idiot weterners, you should be checking your own. Such an old and esteemed faith by an even older people, losing control because of a few western idiots?

I think Muhammad would be hand in hand with Jesus here...dumn move.
sorry - see the quote from zaim187 above: i should have quoted it as follows:

We prescribed to them [...] (that there is) reprisal in wounds; but he who foregoes it, it shall be an expiation for him;

is this an islamic statement of the principle of "turning the other cheek"? i very much hope so. and it is precisely what muslims need to do in order to show that they're bigger than the bigots and won't be manipulated by the rabble-rousers.

you know what we need? more humour. more funny muslims. some of the funniest people i know are iranians. take omid djalili for example? have you ever seen his "fat iranian on the dancefloor" routine? it had me and my wife practically wetting ourselves. hehe. go to youtube and do a search.


Wait a second this isnt just about Muslims forgiving cartoonists for slandering there most sacred religious figure. This is not just a debate between shariah and secular law, its also about how we in the west connect personal identity with religious identity.

In Islam during there prayer everyone bows down before God no matter if the're African or Chinese, rich or poor, they all bow down humbly. Equal in sight before God and judged only by the level of sincerity in their heart. Many Muslims believe we are born Muslim and converts are even called reverts. Would it be too much to realize that perhaps their religious identity is more important than even their racial identity or class identity? Denigrating someone because of their race is outlawed in some western countries. Perhaps denigrating the prophet Muhammad is stabbing at the very heart of who they are as human beings. I think if people are saying whats the big deal, they are being a little sanctimonious. Denmark or any other country doesnt have to change its laws but hopefully can at least understand why Muslims are unhappy and what context they are debating their side from.
Regardless the violent outrage is innapropriate and uncalled, clearly a negative response.
respectfully i think you miss the point, have you read the whole thread?
as it was pointed out it could be about some obese chap being called fat. the fact we're discussing muslem affairs is incidental. what we're saying or me at least is no one can make you angry or hate unless anger or hate are already in your heart. and by blaming this hate you feel on some outside entity is to not take responsibility for it. is it not important to you to not allow hatred to corrupt your heart - if it were you could not hate. is it not important to you not to hate and so not direct it at something. you should be thankful of that newspaper as they have provided you with what you want - someone to point the finger at to take the emphasis away from your own emptiness - which you are unwilling to face. you are allowing our leaders, be they religious or political to divide us. if you hate then you are controlled, its really quite logical surely, respectfully jase...i'm not speaking against you or islam but hate,
The point being made about an obese man being called fat. That man is over weight. This is the reality. So if the obese man was to react in this situation then of course it would seem stupid. The Prophet Muhammad(saw) was depicted as a terrorist suicide bomber. This is not the reality in the opinion of over 1 billion people. Of course when 1 billion people are offended the result will be dangerous. Of course I am not condoning the violent behaviour but it seems as if people are justifying the cartoons because of the violent reaction.
The point being made about an obese man being called fat. That man is over weight. This is the reality. So if the obese man was to react in this situation then of course it would seem stupid. The Prophet Muhammad(saw) was depicted as a terrorist suicide bomber. This is not the reality in the opinion of over 1 billion people. Of course when 1 billion people are offended the result will be dangerous. Of course I am not condoning the violent behaviour but it seems as if people are justifying the cartoons because of the violent reaction.

lol *gets put in his place?*

I guess I best apologise... And watch out for "obese" suicide bombers and riots now?

Meh, people are too easily offended these days... and thats -their- problem.