OT: The Newest Addition to My Four-Legged Ones


Embracing the Mystery
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Under the Stars
Hi, all-

I bought a new horse today! :) Here is the newest addition...


She's my second Arabian and my first mare- I have vague hopes of having at least one foal out of her one day. I just found her irresistable, and she and my Arab gelding love each other... so she had to join the family.

I'm still working on a name. Her papered name is "Ports Finale," but all my animals get people or mythic names. They've been calling her "Precious" (actually after TLOR- she has a dark side- LOL), but I'm thinking more along the lines of a goddess or something like that...

At any rate, it's a happy day!
path_of_one said:
Hi, all-

I bought a new horse today! :) Here is the newest addition...

She's my second Arabian and my first mare- I have vague hopes of having at least one foal out of her one day. I just found her irresistable, and she and my Arab gelding love each other... so she had to join the family.

At any rate, it's a happy day!

she is a cool horse. precious indeed. i have not been on a horse for 25 years. i am jealous.
my friend owns a donkey that plays the bells with her nose.:)
LOL about the donkey, Bandit! Donkeys can be pretty smart!

Too bad you're not a little closer to So Cal- you could come riding! ;)

I've been horse crazy since I was about 2- took me 'til I was 20 to get my first horse, but I'm making up for lost time! I ride at least 5 days a week- there's just something incredibly peaceful and powerful aobut horseback riding for me. Like moving meditation.
path_of_one said:
Hi, all-

I bought a new horse today! :) Here is the newest addition...

She's my second Arabian and my first mare- I have vague hopes of having at least one foal out of her one day. I just found her irresistable, and she and my Arab gelding love each other... so she had to join the family.

I'm still working on a name. Her papered name is "Ports Finale," but all my animals get people or mythic names. They've been calling her "Precious" (actually after TLOR- she has a dark side- LOL), but I'm thinking more along the lines of a goddess or something like that...

At any rate, it's a happy day!

Nice ;) Actually quite beautiful...

I bought Angela a four year old gelding Paint. We call him "Cowboy's Cadillac", but he was orginally given the name "Robert Downey Jr." (go figure):rolleyes:

He stands 15 1/2 hands and weighs 1075 lbs. He's a smart one (knows where his sweet feed, carrots and apples come from) :D

I don't ride him (he's too small for my frame), but he is perfect for Ang's 5' frame. She goes up to the gate and calls out "Cadillac" once...doesn't matter where in the pasture he is, within two minutes this cloud of dust can be seen over the hill and here comes Cadillac full bore.

The boarder (and neighbor) just shakes his head in amazement. He says no one can get their horse to come to them like that, and it ticks them off.

He's a good horse, and Angela has him used to western, English and bare back.

When she first got him and was grooming him he stepped on her foot (now she wears steel toed boots), and she hit the ground hard, grabbing at her foot in pain. Cadillac sniffed at her foot, then whinnied a little and started rubbing her hair and side of her face with his muzzle.

I never saw a horse look concerned before...

Now he looks around to see where she is at before he moves. He also hates baths, but is long suffering while she scrubs him. I think it is because he anticipates the rub down that will come after...:D

Oh, and if I'm around while she is brushing him, he'll literally push me into Angela...(sucker for romance I guess). :eek:

Angela keeps subtly pushing me to get one (she went and bought me a saddle), but I said I'll wait until after I retire, so I can spend good time with a horse. Otherwise it wouldn't be fair.

There is just something about ladies and their horses. ;)


she's beautiful .... can't wait to hear what name you choose .... can we make suggestions .... I like "gaia" (not a goddess but earth mother) ....and for goddesses, I'm partial to "pele" (volcanoe goddess) .... I'm sure you will find a great name .... me ke aloha pumehana, poh
pohaikawahine said:
she's beautiful .... can't wait to hear what name you choose .... can we make suggestions .... I like "gaia" (not a goddess but earth mother) ....and for goddesses, I'm partial to "pele" (volcanoe goddess) .... I'm sure you will find a great name .... me ke aloha pumehana, poh

What an interesting name...
*Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine holds out some sugar cane and several edible flowers to the new mare, giggling as the mare grabs the edible snacks and playing tug-of-war with one of the longer stalks of cane*

Congradulations on the new addition.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Thanks all! I'm sure she'd love the sugar and the flowers! Glad your wife is enjoying her new Paint, Q! The other trainer at my barn is for paints and so we have half a barn of hot, high-spirited little Arabs and the other half are loudly colored, mostly mellow Paints! :) Except so far more of the Paints have gotten themselves loose and made a ruckus than Arabs, so those 'ole horse stereotypes may be a bit off. :rolleyes: The other day one of the Paints jumped over the manure wheelbarrow as his stall was being cleaned out by one of the barn guys, and trotted happily down the barn aisle to the nearest hay.

Poh- I actually did think about Gaia! I finally settled on Epona- the Celtic goddess of horses (and other equines), also called the "Divine Mare." She is also a fertility symbol, as well as being a symbol for independence, nuturing, understanding, and instinct. :) It is a hopeful symbol for her future fecundity and mothering! I have Gaia in mind for the next mare I keep- hopefully a daughter of Epona. :)

As an aside, some of the few ancient images we have of Epona are a woman riding a mare. People today can't quite tell if Epona was the woman, or the mare!
path_of_one said:
Thanks all! I'm sure she'd love the sugar and the flowers! Glad your wife is enjoying her new Paint, Q! The other trainer at my barn is for paints and so we have half a barn of hot, high-spirited little Arabs and the other half are loudly colored, mostly mellow Paints! :) Except so far more of the Paints have gotten themselves loose and made a ruckus than Arabs, so those 'ole horse stereotypes may be a bit off. :rolleyes: The other day one of the Paints jumped over the manure wheelbarrow as his stall was being cleaned out by one of the barn guys, and trotted happily down the barn aisle to the nearest hay.

Poh- I actually did think about Gaia! I finally settled on Epona- the Celtic goddess of horses (and other equines), also called the "Divine Mare." She is also a fertility symbol, as well as being a symbol for independence, nuturing, understanding, and instinct. :) It is a hopeful symbol for her future fecundity and mothering! I have Gaia in mind for the next mare I keep- hopefully a daughter of Epona. :)

As an aside, some of the few ancient images we have of Epona are a woman riding a mare. People today can't quite tell if Epona was the woman, or the mare!

multi colored and mellow paints...isn't that the truth! ;)