Moral Relitavism



Hi, My names Dan, and im new to these boards. Im kind of a forum junkie, and have been looking for a place to get this kind of thing out of my system. These boards seemed proffesional and neat, so you get oh so agonizing experience of reading this...or simply putting a TL:DR at the bottom:eek:

In any case, I'll get on to my point.

With all that has been going on in the world today, both politically and sociologically, it seems there have been 2 distinct trends. The first is the attempt to understand, aknowledge, and accept other societies social practices despite how we may or may not feel about them. And the second is that we want to make everyone feel equal and warm and fuzzy.

As to the first, I think this is completely absurd. I think Moral Relativism is the worst thing since the 80s. To give an example, in the Phillipines, a few Roman Catholic villages actually support nailing people to the crussifix and leaving them on it for a few hours. Now, I think this is totally insane. These people need therapy. I expressed this opinion in an off-topic section of another forum, and was rebutted with the fact that we need to respect what other people beleive....why? Why do I need to respect that? Why do I have to sit quitely while people crucify eachother...with the justification being "Well, its okay in their society.." Practices and beleifs do not have some intrinsic right to exist simply because they do now. I think what this honestly is is Moral Appeasment.

To clarify, I have no real problems with them crucifing eachother, as long as its concensual (why does that word sound dirty?). I beleive that as long as it isnt affecting me, or anybody I care about in what I precieve to be an adverse way, they can do w/e they want. However, when it comes to things that I find morally repugnant that are being perpetrated on people who are not neccisarily willing ie: the treatment of women in many ME countries, I get sick of it, and I think I should, just as I think any decent human being should. Im not here to argue wether or not they are construing the true intent of the Khoran. I think we all know that to be true. However, they arnt going to just become enlightened anytime soon, and so me being angry over there treatment, whatever the reason, is justified right?

Secondly, I'm extremely anti-politcal correctness. And the reason being is not only does it make absolutely no sense. Its counter productive. If I have to think about how to talk about somone, or how to adress somone, making that conscious decision puts more emphasis on the fact that they are different.

Black people are a great example. Anytime I say that I get the weirdest looks. Why is that any differnt that calling somone blonde? Or short? Does it mean I hate short people because I state the FACT that somone is short? Or blonde? I dont see how this is construed as racism.

We want as decent human beings to make everyone feel good. We want everyone to have the best. Thats great that we do, but we also have to wake up and realize that it isnt gonna happen, and really cant be done. Its when we start making policy and social changes to this end that is, in all reality, unachievable, that we start doing harm. Its great to have dreams, but work towards attainable dream, and in an attainable fashion. Call me a Realist, or a Pragmatist, or a Facist if you really think so.

Now that I've rambled on...thoughts? suggestions? coffee? donuts?
Well Dan, are you sure that it's not that you just want to challenge the established order (whatever that is)? Public education is supposed to suppress those desires dontcha know!

Namaste Dan,
To give an example, in the Phillipines, a few Roman Catholic villages actually support nailing people to the crussifix and leaving them on it for a few hours. Now, I think this is totally insane. These people need therapy.
To clarify, I have no real problems with them crucifing eachother, as long as its concensual... I beleive that as long as it isnt affecting me, or anybody I care about in what I precieve to be an adverse way, they can do w/e they want.
Are these opposing viewpoints?

Speaking of opposing viewpoints I agree and disagree with your commentary. While I am a live and let live comes from an understanding that I don't as of yet understand. When it comes to social, political, religious convention of group to which I am not a member...Covey's seek first to understand and 'judge not less ye be judged' are part of my approach. Your consensual approach is valid and a great first step at looking at things. But so often, when I develop an understanding of the history and the customs and the mindset, and am able to get out of my western skin and ego...perceptions change...not always, but often.

Our filtered glasses from our comfortable prudish mortgaged lifestyles often leads to preconcieved arrogant notions (I'm tongue in cheek speaking for myself) that we would like to impose on others as what they are doing leads us to discomfort....and I'd rather change the channel.
Oruko said:
...With all that has been going on in the world today, both politically and sociologically, it seems there have been 2 distinct trends. The first is the attempt to understand, aknowledge, and accept other societies social practices despite how we may or may not feel about them. And the second is that we want to make everyone feel equal and warm and fuzzy...

Welcome to CR Dan "Oruko". ;)

Political correctness has a place. We don't have to agree with what others say or do, but we don't have to use colorful metaphors to get our point across either.

Getting along has a place as well. We don't have to like some one else's life style, but that should not give us license to push them off into some corner of the earth.

The problem is a human one. We tend to do things in extreme (and let others dictate to us to do the same). That just doesn't sit right with anyone.

my thoughts

