Esoteric approaches to Foundations of Christianity

Hi Taijasi,

I'm coming at this from a very primary or fundamental perspective. By that I mean that I don't have enough knowledge on this topic to really understand the foundation of esoteric religion. What is it? Is there a sacred text to go with it? I don't mean to be rude, but do you make it up as you go? Do you apply and adapt the Christian story to Hinduism or some Taoism or some other Eastern religion? Is there a church or a faith community that holds to the same beliefs you do? Or do you do as I, and some others, have sometimes done and pick and choose what fits for you--I think it's called eclectic when people do that.

These are genuine questions in case someone can explain on a kindergarten level.
Ruby, if you're interested in a good overview book on the subject, I'd recommend you check out "Inner Christianity" by Richard Smoley. Smoley had been one of the originators of the now defunct journal "Gnosis" which published fairly scholarly discussions of the various Western esoteric traditions. Take care, earl
earl said:
Ruby, if you're interested in a good overview book on the subject, I'd recommend you check out "Inner Christianity" by Richard Smoley. Smoley had been one of the originators of the now defunct journal "Gnosis" which published fairly scholarly discussions of the various Western esoteric traditions. Take care, earl

Thank you, Earl. That should be helpful.
RubySera_Martin said:
Hi Taijasi,

I'm coming at this from a very primary or fundamental perspective. By that I mean that I don't have enough knowledge on this topic to really understand the foundation of esoteric religion. What is it? Is there a sacred text to go with it? I don't mean to be rude, but do you make it up as you go? Do you apply and adapt the Christian story to Hinduism or some Taoism or some other Eastern religion? Is there a church or a faith community that holds to the same beliefs you do? Or do you do as I, and some others, have sometimes done and pick and choose what fits for you--I think it's called eclectic when people do that.

These are genuine questions in case someone can explain on a kindergarten level.
Greetings Ruby,

Glad to see you on another forum ... and thanks to InLove, and Earl, for helping to revive this topic. Let me see if there's anything I can add to what Earl shared.

Most broadly speaking, esotericism is the study of Teachings and instructions which have been given to inner groups of disciples of all the world's major religions. This includes, but is not limited to the Abrahamic, or Western religions. We find these Teachings in all the Holy Scriptures of every religion ... including a wealth of Wisdom in the Bible of Christianity which is hidden in plain sight, to borrow an expression that is well worth pondering. :)

An Esotericist doesn't make things up, although there is an emphasis placed on the importance and value of the Intuition of every individual. My studies and experiences have convinced me that the Intuition is a universal spiritual principle ... latent within all of us. It is something we are unfolding, each at his or her own pace, and in the way that best suits the Will of the Soul in this particular incarnation.

The Soul is the Master here, working within the Divine Milieu which God has provided. We glimpse a portion of this, but certainly not all. Because there are Those Who do understand, who have Mastered all that life on Earth has to offer, we can learn more about what is in store for us, and how best to cooperate with God's Plan for Evolution. Nothing in this differs from what most Christians believe about the existence and Will of a `Loving Father.' But as is being explored right now in an excellent thread started by YO-ELEVEN-11, there are limits we tend to place what 'Our Father' might be like. One of these, I'd suggest, besides that of image or appearance, is the error of confining God's Love, Light and Plan to our own particular religious path. Every esotericist I know would agree with the bumper-sticker wisdom which states, "God is too big to fit inside one religion!" ;):p

So to summarize, esotericists generally acknowledge that every world religion contains a kernel of the Truth. I have worn out my T-shirt from a Theosophical Summer Conference in 1991, but it remains my favorite, since it says, "Truth is One, Paths are Many." This isn't my T-shirt, but I love the design. Maybe I just found a replacement? :)

As for being eclectic, not to say a bit eccentric too, at times, yes - most esotericists I know fit that description. Often times there is much exploration of various relgious paths, including an anthropological, philosophical, and very practical - often scientific - approach. Artists too, and musicians ... yet increasingly, regardless of one's background or how one came to Esotericism, what characterizes the lives of such people is an active altruism, and participation in the new method of Group Discipleship (worth a thread unto itself!).

There are study groups, meditation groups, and many Schools located both physically and on the web, or via correspondence. Many of these are quite legitimate, though there are often glamorous, much watered down presentations of the Inner Wisdom. I would like to emphasize that, while each one of us has our own understanding, and is working throughout this lifetime to increase our Light and our Service capacity ... the very Essence of the Esoteric Wisdom that I have come to know is about Groups. (Not group consensus, either, but there is such a thing as Unanimity! ;))

It is Group Work, and it is not easy. Much depends on the climate, or the environment, in which one works. There is a science and an objectivity to `Faith,' just as there is a subjective side. Some places in the world, and arenas of human activity, are more open to progress, and are closer to being able to cooperate with the Plan. Esotericists will find plenty of opportunities to Serve in such an environment, but there is also the darkness of human ignorance to contend with ... and the kleshas, the `poisons' or vices that still prevent the average individual from making any kind of significant contact with his or her Soul (the Christ within).

In terms of religion, the Esotericist doesn't care what religion a person belongs to, or none at all. It is all a question of how to evoke a response from the Light and Love of one's fellow, Brother/Sister Soul, and the Clarion Call is to Discipleship ... not preaching, not even the holding up of a paper pope. :eek: Christ did neither of these, yet He did have the very difficult challenge of laying bare the inadequacies of the prevailing priesthood of His day. Esotericists are often aware of the same situation today, yet the focus is on building, and on laying the foundation for One World Religion - based on the Universal Recognition of certain innate Spiritual Truths. Hmmm, are we there yet? :rolleyes: lol

Yes, there are Teachings which many Esotericists do recognize as invaluable as guidance on the Spiritual Path. Each is appropriate for several stages along the way, although some can be challenging even for a beginner. An ex-girlfriend, and mentor to me, used to say, "Before you study Kabbalah, first master the Torah." I'm still workin' on that!;)

Anyway, not all Teachings are suited for all temperaments of disciple. Many students get the most out of studying the world's exoteric religious teachings. And the Fount of Wisdom that flows from this Pierian Spring can never be exhausted! :)

Additionally, the various Teachings of such Greek Initiates as Plotinus, Pythagoras, Plato ... pretty much anyone whose name starts with a `P.' :p lol Many students of the Theosophical teachings cite Ammonius Saccas, a 3rd Century NeoPlatonic, as being a significant contributor to what would blossom into the Theosophical Society of the mid 19th Century. As such, the writings of Helena Blavatsky (a Russian immigrant to the U.S.) were signficant. She is held dear in the hearts and minds of many an Esotericist as the First Messenger to the West, in the modern Era, on behalf of the Christ and the Lodge of Masters, or `Elder Brothers.'

Following H.P.B., there have been several additional Messengers (the word most Christians use is `prophets'). Generally, with few exceptions, these have been women. And they serve as sybillines, conscious mediums, of the Wisdom Teachings, these being new presentations of an Ageless Wisdom, yet updated - and in many cases quite expanded, or deepened, for the Initiates and Disicples of a New Era.

Closing the 19th-Century cycle were Francia La Due and William Dower of the Temple of the People, in California. Opening the new cycle, in the 20th Century, Alice Bailey (an English disciple) wrote the next major set of Teachings to build on what Blavatsky had provided. The Agni Yoga Teachings of Helena Roerich (wife of the famous Russian painter, Nicholas Roerich) were also provided in the 20s and 30s.

Tremendous changes were brought about, eventually for the Good, during the 2nd World War. The close of that conflict was marked and paralleled by the decision by The Christ to make an outward, even physical Reappearance. Many, many esotericsts worldwide look to this stage of His "Coming" as being within the next two decades, and the work of Preparation has been the entire raison d'etre for the lives of countless disciples over the last century and a half.

Again, in the 60s, Lucille Cedercrans wrote a series of books which marked a new initiative on the part of the Masters. For the student who has contemplated and considered the implications, I think that a simple parallel might be drawn.

Just as Christ's outward work in the world 2100 years ago was heralded by John the Baptist and his small group of disciples, likewise there are countless groups around the world which are serving as the Aquarian Forerunner. Their (our?) work is not over, but much has been accomplished, and the Teachings which will be the "Scriptures" for the next ~2000 years (just as the Bible has been for the Piscean Era), have already largely been provided. More may follow, but the sincere World Server, working as an Esotericist, is not without his or her guidebook. Yet even now, just as always, the Master is made, s/he does not simply "become." ;)

The Ageless Wisdom (or Esotericism) is not pluralistic, but it is Universalist. For simplicity's sake, it might be visualized that God's Love and Light are real energies, which pervade the entire world aura, enfolding and permeating every dark corner as much as human karma will allow. The use of mantrams and Invocation, as a definite form of Prayer and Meditation, is practiced. Just insomuch as an individual, and more especially, a GROUP, is ready to also assist with the working out of God's WILL ... this energy, too - that of Power (from the `Father's House') is making its Presence felt and known. For this, however, we are still greatly dependent on the Christ and other Teachers ... who are able to step down the high voltages, as it were.

Time will tell - whether Humanity can handle the new conditions, but one thing is certain: This is a NEW WORLD. It cannot ever return to the prior conditions. The struggle that I think a lot of of us have, is that we know and feel this to be true, within our personal lives, and in the lives of all whom we know. We can see it, not just on the television and in current events, but in the form of the electrons (or photons) on the screens in front of us. We can share out thoughts and our ideas, our Love and Light energies (and a thousand colorful variations thereon) with people around the world, in different countries, with the touch of a button.

This has everything to do with the Groups, and the Ashrams, of Christ - and the other Masters of Hierarchy. I know for certain that several of these are represented here. There are many, some more outwardly active than others, yet all are cooperating toward one, Group Goal. Christ oversees this, as both Head and Heart. There is no greater reward, and no more rapturous Joy, than cooperation with the Plan, in Loving Service ... which is the true heart, and underlying Reason (raison d'etre), for every world religion.

What, me long-winded? :rolleyes::p So much for the KISS princple, these days I'm still working on Kind, Helpful and True. I'm shooting for 3 of 3. :)

Love and Light,

taijasi said:
What, me long-winded? :rolleyes::p So much for the KISS princple, these days I'm still working on Kind, Helpful and True. I'm shooting for 3 of 3.
Namaste long winded...has anyone ever said that?? Just because we have to get up and eat before we complete your atypical post...

As if you need anything added to your plate...forget KISS, use THINK you already are working on 3 outta 5...

T rue
H elpful
I nspirational
N ecesarry
K ind
Thanks Andrew! Much food for thought here. I'll go through and ask a few questions. No idea where that might lead but so be it.

taijasi said:
Greetings Ruby,

Glad to see you on another forum ... and thanks to InLove, and Earl, for helping to revive this topic. Let me see if there's anything I can add to what Earl shared.
Yes, my response to Earl was rather short and terse. Sorry about that. I had to get out the door to catch my bus for an appointment and didn't have time for more.

Most broadly speaking, esotericism is the study of Teachings and instructions which have been given to inner groups of disciples of all the world's major religions.
"Inner" in what way? Like special or favourite friends? Secrets the rest of the world is not allowed to know?

This includes, but is not limited to the Abrahamic, or Western religions. We find these Teachings in all the Holy Scriptures of every religion ... including a wealth of Wisdom in the Bible of Christianity which is hidden in plain sight, to borrow an expression that is well worth pondering.
Hidden in plain sight. Does that mean it's there for all to see but it appears so plain and common-place that nobody gives it a second thought. Just pass over it for something more exciting??? And in so doing miss the real essence of something vital?
The Soul is the Master here, working within the Divine Milieu which God has provided.
By this you mean that the brain cannot choose according to a logical choice that might fit conventional wisdom, but that there is an inner knowing of what is right and what must be sought and supported, nutured or nourished, in order for the person to feel whole?

how best to cooperate with God's Plan for Evolution.
And this plan equals the making whole of the inner person I described above?

Every esotericist I know would agree with the bumper-sticker wisdom which states, "God is too big to fit inside one religion!" ;):p
One day as I was comtemplating all the religions and God an image came to my mind of God as an eight-sided source from which flowed wisdom of God. Christianity was one of these. Many people don't like when I say this but I cannot change what appears to me to be truth. I cannot believe that the optimum number is 8; that's just what that image was about to mean "many."

the very Essence of the Esoteric Wisdom that I have come to know is about Groups. (Not group consensus, either, but there is such a thing as Unanimity! ;))
As when there is something going on that is deeper than human words. And then there is agreement. Silent and unanymous? Normally, such times are holy and seldom discussed in "ordinary" language???

In terms of religion, the Esotericist doesn't care what religion a person belongs to, or none at all. It is all a question of how to evoke a response from the Light and Love of one's fellow, Brother/Sister Soul, and the Clarion Call is to Discipleship ... not preaching, not even the holding up of a paper pope. :eek: Christ did neither of these, yet He did have the very difficult challenge of laying bare the inadequacies of the prevailing priesthood of His day. Esotericists are often aware of the same situation today, yet the focus is on building, and on laying the foundation for One World Religion - based on the Universal Recognition of certain innate Spiritual Truths.
This raises in me a very strong response. One part of my being says YES. Another part of my being says: Hold on! One religion is WRONG. The second seems like those people who want to live by rules and regulations that legislate the holy life. The first seems like the very spirit of the holy life that soars on high with only the sky for a limit.

Anyway, not all Teachings are suited for all temperaments of disciple. Many students get the most out of studying the world's exoteric religious teachings. And the Fount of Wisdom that flows from this Pierian Spring can never be exhausted! :)
Love that! I see the wisdom pouring from the Octagon in streams of living water.

the Theosophical Society of the mid 19th Century. As such, the writings of Helena Blavatsky (a Russian immigrant to the U.S.) were signficant.
Seems I stumbled across a book some time ago...theosophical society, Helen Blavastsky.....seems to ring a bell. It seemed to have something really deep soul food. Unfortunately I did not have the necessary time and energy to really get into it.

Closing the 19th-Century cycle were Francia La Due and William Dower of the Temple of the People, in California. Opening the new cycle, in the 20th Century, Alice Bailey (an English disciple) wrote the next major set of Teachings to build on what Blavatsky had provided. The Agni Yoga Teachings of Helena Roerich (wife of the famous Russian painter, Nicholas Roerich) were also provided in the 20s and 30s.
Russians seem to predominate. Why? Is it a sort of folk religion that the peasants held, but that got drowned out in more "advanced" Western cultures???

Tremendous changes were brought about, eventually for the Good, during the 2nd World War. The close of that conflict was marked and paralleled by the decision by The Christ to make an outward, even physical Reappearance.

Is this something that has been documented in regular history and news media? Oh, now I see that Christ didn't come, just made the decision to come. That makes this just one more doomsday (end of the world) religion, not so?

Many, many esotericsts worldwide look to this stage of His "Coming" as being within the next two decades,

Dating from the end of World War 2, or dating from the present? I think the world was most definitely going to end this past July (of this year). I've out-lived so many "end dates" that I cannot take them seriously anymore.

Here's a prediction of which I lived in fear for years:

The end of the world shall come
In ninteen hundred and ninety-one.

(I don't know who wrote it.)

When things set up for the Gulf War in that year I believed that might be IT. I wasn't alone in my thinking.

In the late nineties someone at work commented, "We used to think the End would come before 2000. Yet it would seem ridiculous to say we will live for only a few more years."

9/11 at one time seemed like the beginning of the end. But it seems this battered old planet and its inhabitants are one tough piece of work. Very resilient. No intention to die out anytime soon. Nor do I see anyone pulling the trigger to blow it up. It ain't gonna happen. We're stuck here. And we're gonna have to live with whatever mess we make of things.

Sorry, for a bit there I thought I was onto what you're talking about but this end times stuff sort of took me out of it again.

Thanks for your efforts, Taijasi. Sorry I couldn't hold the course.


Wow! That's a lot of questions! :p Maybe some other folks can jump in. I'll try to answer as best I'm able.

Quote: Most broadly speaking, esotericism is the study of Teachings and instructions which have been given to inner groups of disciples of all the world's major religions.

"Inner" in what way? Like special or favourite friends? Secrets the rest of the world is not allowed to know?

No, I think it's important to underscore that the Masters of the Wisdom (`Elder Brothers') don't operate in that way. "Inner" just means the closest of the many, many hundred - even thousands - of individuals who are cooperating with the Plan of Love and Light on a conscious level. I think Christ is said to have worked primarily through the 12, but there were also the 70 faithful. I don't have a Biblical reference for that, but it's what I've always heard. Even among the 12, only the closest 2 or 3 were really capable of grasping His deepest Teachings.

No questioning He taught us how to Love. But when it comes down to say, assisting someone who has recently passed to the other side of death ... this kind of thing, didn't make it to the Bible. Yes, general advice, but some things were not intended for the masses, as they were not ready to appreciate. The same is true now, but this no different than how our educational system works. We wouldn't try to introduce calculus to most 4th graders. And we wouldn't expect a 1st grader to understand the Pythagorean Theorem. ;)

The most often cited passage that illustrates the existence of an esoteric doctrine in Christianity is this:
[SIZE=+1][SIZE=+0]"And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables? He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given." - Matthew 13:10-11
But this will be true of every Teacher, and every religion. The Buddha, also, had an esoteric doctrine. It does not contradict what is made known to the masses, at least not in essentials. Rather, it is an expansion, perhaps also a commentary.

The Greater Mysteries are only ever taught to Initiates. One cannot find them in print, since even the lesser mysteries are often misunderstood when put into such a limiting form. The REASON why we don't find these Teachings thumbtacked to every bulletin board and broadcast on the 6 o'clock news ... is because something else sells. It's usually either entertainment, or ego. And when it comes to conventional religions, most folks are much more concerned with maintaining the status quo, than exploring deep roots, or making inquiries along alternate lines. So Inner can also mean unpopular, and considering that Discipleship is the most difficult path a person can possibly choose to walk - no small wonder it isn't as popular as football, or soccer. :p

Quote: The Soul is the Master here, working within the Divine Milieu which God has provided.

By this you mean ... that there is an inner knowing of what is right and what must be sought and supported, nutured or nourished, in order for the person to feel whole?

Precisely! :)

Quote: how best to cooperate with God's Plan for Evolution.

And this plan equals the making whole of the inner person I described above?

You bet! :)

Quote: Every esotericist I know would agree with the bumper-sticker wisdom which states, "God is too big to fit inside one religion!" ;):p

One day as I was comtemplating all the religions and God an image came to my mind of God as an eight-sided source from which flowed wisdom of God. Christianity was one of these. ...

I have in front of me, on my coffee table, a multi-colored polygon, made from construction paper and a template (which you can download on the web). It's an icosahedron (20-sided, each face being a triangle), one of the Pythagorean solids. The dodecahedron is 12 sided, and each face is a pentagon. The cube and tetrahedron, octahedron and a slightly irregular, 10-sided polygon, are the others. The dodecahedron speaks to us, in a riddle, in The Phanton Tollbooth (both a book, and a video), by Norton Juster. It's cool. :)

I like your vision, Ruby. Esotericism teaches quite clearly that we all emerge from, and proceed from, the Divine. This occurs along several different pathways of energy, sometimes called the Seven Rays. All seven rays condition and influence us, and these are taught in every major religion. InLove might be able to comment on the existence of Seven Councils (?) in the Cherokee tradition. I don't know much about it, but it was recognized that the Great Spirit (`G-d') acts through these Seven agencies. I'm not sure how a Native American shamen, from say, 5 or 6 thousand years ago might put it, but he knew the Wisdom. It was passed down, from the Divine Teachers of most ancient times.

Quote: the very Essence of the Esoteric Wisdom that I have come to know is about Groups. (Not group consensus, either, but there is such a thing as Unanimity! ;))

As when there is something going on that is deeper than human words. And then there is agreement. Silent and unanymous? Normally, such times are holy and seldom discussed in "ordinary" language???

Yes, quite like the Shaker song `Simple Gifts.' One of my favorite, if also a lesson in the learning ... :p;):)

Quote: In terms of religion, the Esotericist doesn't care what religion a person belongs to, or none at all. It is all a question of how to evoke a response from the Light and Love of one's fellow, Brother/Sister Soul, and the Clarion Call is to Discipleship ... not preaching, not even the holding up of a paper pope. :eek: Christ did neither of these, yet He did have the very difficult challenge of laying bare the inadequacies of the prevailing priesthood of His day.

This raises in me a very strong response. One part of my being says YES. Another part of my being says: Hold on! One religion is WRONG. The second seems like those people who want to live by rules and regulations that legislate the holy life. The first seems like the very spirit of the holy life that soars on high with only the sky for a limit.

The priesthood (in the dark days of Kali Yuga) are more or less bound to incarnate the Teachings of the Masters in terms of the dead letter, and to forget the Spirit and true, Inner meaning. It is not that the other, with elaborate ritual and colorful imagery, is meaningless. It serves as a reminder ... as in, "Do this in Remembrance of Me." This is not a slam against the church, or even against exoteric religion in general. It is just the simple truth that we learn as children, when playing the game called `telephone.'

I'm sure it has other names. But isn't it funny, how the thing the first person whispered into the second person's ear ... gets a good deal twisted and distorted by the time it makes it around the circle? :p lol And naturally so! It seems the harder we concentrate on something, the more we end up missing at least part of the point ... if not all of it! Our alternative would be to just toss in the towel and give up to start with, so at least there is fertile ground among those who seek to Keep the Faith.

Yet that faith has nothing to do with the superstitions and empty ritualisim that overshadows all the world's religions, and threatens to eclipse the actual meanings in some cases. So the Truth lives on, as it always has, not simply in the hearts and minds of a few privileged, incarnate souls ... but regardless of what occurs in the outer world. The "custodians" of the Wisdom of God are the Masters, with Christ at the apex of the pyramid. Yet even a Teacher on the "ground level" ... is so far beyond us in terms of the perfection of Wisdom and Loving Compassion (as per Ephesians 4:13), that we should be so fortunate as to meet one in this life, or to hear her Teachings. :) (One Teacher I know, fitting this description, is Baptist ... a Right Reverend.)

Quote: Closing the 19th-Century cycle were Francia La Due and William Dower of the Temple of the People, in California. Opening the new cycle, in the 20th Century, Alice Bailey (an English disciple) wrote the next major set of Teachings to build on what Blavatsky had provided. The Agni Yoga Teachings of Helena Roerich (wife of the famous Russian painter, Nicholas Roerich) were also provided in the 20s and 30s.

Russians seem to predominate. Why? Is it a sort of folk religion that the peasants held, but that got drowned out in more "advanced" Western cultures???

I don't think it's a peasant religion per se, although if there's a certain simplicity and focus on Community (comradeship, solidarity), then perhaps that's part of it. I wish I could answer the why of this, but I can't. Certainly Russia, during the days of the Soviet Union, was a definite world superpower ... and just because Communism has been tried (and found wanting) in terms of the political arena, doesn't mean that the Divine Idea that was seeking to incarnate is forever lost. At least, let's hope not! :eek:

I mean, don't you think that COMMUNITY (hmmm, a hippie commune? lol) is EXACTLY what we lack in this lovely, capitalistic Republic-dictatorship that we find ourself in? You're aware enough of American politics, Ruby, as well as the struggle of the European Union, to see the ugliness that has come into the spotlight. The value of the individual has been overlooked, or obscured, and instead we only seek to palliate our samsaric condition with material spoils, or increasingly bizzarre forms of self-entertainment.

We would let entire cities (in this, and other countries) become swallowed in the darkness of human vice and corruption, so long as the tentacles do not extend to "our own back yard." Somebody else's problem, as the science fiction writer Douglas Adams (`HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy') aptly commented. Little do most people realized just how close the vogon fleet really is! :eek: (I mean that purely figuratively, but you can google or wiki it for some insight.)

Anyway, Russia still has a major part to play, and their contributions to the United World Community includes many scientific, political, and artistic advances that the US and European nations haven't even begun to equal. The other major contributor, in terms of Nations that have a significant responsibility in helping to formulate and guarantee a New World for our neighbors ... is the UK.

Quote: Tremendous changes were brought about, eventually for the Good, during the 2nd World War. The close of that conflict was marked and paralleled by the decision by The Christ to make an outward, even physical Reappearance.

Is this something that has been documented in regular history and news media? Oh, now I see that Christ didn't come, just made the decision to come. That makes this just one more doomsday (end of the world) religion, not so?

Nope, not `doomsday' prophecy ... for a very important reason. If you don't mind, I'll jump on this, since it's a good example of how conditioned we have unfortunately become, owing to the misinterpretation (or narrow presentation) of certain Biblical prophecies throughout the centuries. see below:

Quote: Many, many esotericsts worldwide look to this stage of His "Coming" as being within the next two decades,

Dating from the end of World War 2, or dating from the present? I think the world was most definitely going to end this past July (of this year). I've out-lived so many "end dates" that I cannot take them seriously anymore.

And well you shouldn't, where the emphasis is on doom and gloom. Or on such absurdities as "the rapture," as I see it being popularized in series like `Left Behind.' This is a prime example of the rection of the prevailing energy and thought-structures in organized religion (especially the Christianity of the West) ... to the incoming energies of the Aquarian Era. The latter are inclusive and group-focused, while the former are (often) exclusive and individual-focused.

Christ never said the world would end (at least not for billions more years!). What He did, was indicate that just as the world's astrological cycles prior to His coming had passed away, so too would the Age of Pisces transition into Aquarius ... in about 2000 years. This is the "end" which has been increasingly nigh, yet which, for many an Esotericist, is now something like a full six decades in our collective past. Others emphasize 2012, which is the correspondence with this transition on the Mayan and other Native American calendars ... as being signficant. Yet the Decision, in my understanding, occurred in the last days of WWII.

9/11 at one time seemed like the beginning of the end. But it seems this battered old planet and its inhabitants are one tough piece of work. Very resilient. No intention to die out anytime soon. Nor do I see anyone pulling the trigger to blow it up. It ain't gonna happen. We're stuck here. And we're gonna have to live with whatever mess we make of things.

I like to believe you're absolutely right, on all counts! :) That's where my money is, anyway ... ;)

Sorry, for a bit there I thought I was onto what you're talking about but this end times stuff sort of took me out of it again.

I'll post more, tomorrow, about the progression from Taurus, to Aries, to Pisces, to Aquarius, and Capricorn ... and how Jewish & Christian history, right into contemporary times, fits with this. My synapses have ceased to fire for the evening ... but perhaps with a fresh start I can make heads & tails of it tomorrow. :p

cheers ... Love and Light,

That's where my money is, anyway ... ;)

Yeeahh, I would guess your money is hidden somewhere on this planet. Hardly stashed away on Mars or somewhere, huh? Just kidding. I know what you mean. It just fit so well:)

About so many questions....when RubySera runs out of questions you might as well send in the undertaker. Her questions have been the bane of her mother's existence since the day Ruby learned to talk. You got kids? Maybe before this is over you will feel more sympathy for my mother than for me?!?!?

But when it comes down to say, assisting someone who has recently passed to the other side of death ... this kind of thing, didn't make it to the Bible. Yes, general advice, but some things were not intended for the masses, as they were not ready to appreciate.

I've seen people fiercely defend the right of the masses to the "special knowledge" that is supposedly only for the chosen few with special insight. And to viciously attack anyone who dares suggest otherwise. That's when I just hold my tongue and back out of the situation. There is no way to convince such people of the existence of something they have never encountered.

"Ye believe in God, believe also in me." Did Jesus say that or why does it come to mind? I'm working with the idea that people proclaim the impossibility of comprehending God, but they will fight tooth and claw and bomb and worse to defend their specific understanding of God. People like the Mennonites who believe it is wrong to use physical violence have all the psychological tools honed to high precision.

I'm looking again at your descriptions of these geometric shapes. I'm totally lost but I get the idea that I'm right so far as I go but that I don't go anywhere near far enough. Suits me just fine. I could never ever imagine that God has but eight simple sides. That would be less complicated than a normal human being, for crying out loud!

Of course, having God somewhat less complicated than a human being and keeping the deity safely between the two covers of a sacred text might seem less threatening to many people. A deity who acts on unpredictable will, I confess, must seem an awful terror. I simply refuse to believe that God is this way. I would be more liable to say there is no God than to accept a wilful and undisciplined deity who "throws hissy-fits" (to quote a phrase I've seen on the forums) when people don't worship or adore and admire him enough.

I don't think it is an accident that the God of the Bible (esp. Revelation) acts so much like the Roman Emperors were seen by the common people to behave. Or perhaps like the Egyptian or Babylonian kings and rulers.

As you will note, I have restrained myself from raising any more questions at this point.


Thomas, I have a huge problem with your post 41. Unless God himself appears and tells all the world beyond doubt that the Bible is the sacred text of choice for the entire human race, we have no way to know that you're right.

Orthodox Christianity was simply not the only Christian tradition that existed in the first century CE. It is the one Constantine legitimized in the 4th century. It killed off major communities of other forms of Christianity with their own sacred texts that never made it into the Bible. That the Gnostic texts were not as valid and did not as accurately depict God's will as the ones that did get accepted is an open question.

And then we have the disagreement to the present day between the Protestants and the Catholics. Perhaps the canon was closed for a thousand years but Luther opened it again. Now we have at least two Holy Bibles. I say "at least" because I don't know what exists in other languages.
Hi Ruby--

I am glad to see you here on this thread. I am here to learn, too. Don't worry about asking lots of questions. I gather that it is okay here.

Me? Heh-heh--I am personally enduring a self-imposed "five years of silence". I am just wondering how many times I will have to start over.:eek: :D


P.S. No need to respond to this--I know that you, like myself, are busy studying.;)
=taijasi (in response to Ruby)]No, I think it's important to underscore that the Masters of the Wisdom (`Elder Brothers') don't operate in that way. "Inner" just means the closest of the many, many hundred - even thousands - of individuals who are cooperating with the Plan of Love and Light on a conscious level. I think Christ is said to have worked primarily through the 12, but there were also the 70 faithful. I don't have a Biblical reference for that, but it's what I've always heard. Even among the 12, only the closest 2 or 3 were really capable of grasping His deepest Teachings.

I see a progression into the "inner chambers" of Jesus' life. He first came with the message "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand". Which means to me that there needs to be a serious change in our thinking.

Jesus' message first reached out to the masses in His circle of influence, even before He called his disciples. His call was to anyone who had ears to hear, even those on the outside (Pharisee's, scribes, Sanhedren, everyone, etc). As He spoke to the multitudes in the Sermon on the Mount, He explained this repentance of thought. He did miracles to get people's attention of the deeper truths He espoused in His teachings. Many left after they could not hold to His sayings, like in John 6 when He talked of the Bread of Life, after His miracle of the loaves and fishes. The circle grew smaller. He sent the seventy of His inner circle out to preach the gospel, who were faithful and had other intimate disciple scattered throughout the Gospels like Mary, Martha, Lazarus, Zaccheaus, Nicodemous, and Joseph of Arimethia. But he reserves his intermost teachings to the even closer circle of His 12 disciples. Even here, there were those who pushed closer to Jesus, notably Peter, James, and, John, who saw him transfigured and was with in as he prayed to the Father in the Garden. Yet out of these three, the disciple whom Jesus loved would be at the breast of the Lord at the Last Supper and at the foot of the cross after all the other disciples scattered, charged to care for Jesus' mother.

There are different levels of intimacy we will experience as we push through to that higher calling. We have to make every effort to push through those boundaries in our disciplines to seek the Ideal for our lives.

taijasi (in response to Ruby) said:
Yet even a Teacher on the "ground level" ... is so far beyond us in terms of the perfection of Wisdom and Loving Compassion (as per Ephesians 4:13), that we should be so fortunate as to meet one in this life, or to hear her Teachings. :) (One Teacher I know, fitting this description, is Baptist ... a Right Reverend.)

I would be highly interested to learn about this Baptist Teacher whom you revere. Do you have anything else you can share about what her teachings are?
Dondi said:
I see a progression into the "inner chambers" of Jesus' life. He first came with the message "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand". Which means to me that there needs to be a serious change in our thinking.


There are different levels of intimacy we will experience as we push through to that higher calling. We have to make every effort to push through those boundaries in our disciplines to seek the Ideal for our lives.

Thank you for this commentary, and for helping to illustrate that this progression (in terms of degrees of intimacy) can be viewed on many levels, including the outermost. One can see it, first of all - as you have shown - through the proximity of various disciples and followers, in terms of Jesus' outward, or earthly Ministry.

I think it can also be seen in terms of Five Initiations, which are universal in that all of us are walking the spiritual path, regardless of outward religious practice. The purpose of religion is to help us to draw near to these five great events, which can each be viewed in terms of the awakening - then the developing and deepening in the outward consciousness - of the Christ Presence that has formerly been only latent. There are many ways that a Mystic might refer to this, even a Mystic of Eastern traditions. I equate the various examples as being different in terms of language, societal & cultural context ... but not as fundamentally different.

At heart (or basically), I think it's a universal process, but it is certainly valid to speak of how this development occurs in one's chosen religious path, or in terms of a faith relationship (to God, to Christ). For the Buddhist, then, all this is conceptualized as "entering the Stream," then a disciple is spoken of as a "once-returner," and a "never-returner," referring to how many additional incarnations s/he will need to take, or make, prior to gaining the Great Enlightenment.


This will seem a non-sequitur, since I edited out some parts about the 7 Elohim, but that's Whom I'm referreing to below ... Our `Heavenly Father' being one:

I guess it's challenging (for me, anyway) to consider that these are Living, Loving, Breathing (esoterically speaking) Beings ... with the same Spiritual Faculties which we have, as humans - just perfected, relative to their latent status within ourselves. This is the esoteric implication of Christ's reference to our status as "gods." Psalm 82:6 tells us:
"I have said, Ye are Gods; and all of you are children of the most High."
Jesus then makes reference to this esoteric Teaching (with a bit of tongue-in-cheek humor) in John 10:32-4, where he is being accused of blasphemy:
Jesus then answered them, Many good works have I shown you from my Father, for which of these works do you stone me? The Jews answered him saying, For a good work we stone thee not, but for blasphemy, and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God. Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are Gods?"
This is an esoteric Teaching, found in the most ancient of Hebrew scriptures, though also a Mystery Teaching of the Chaldeans, the ancient Egyptians, the Hindu Vedists (Advaita Vedantins), and of every ancient - and forgotten - religion. Sometimes the exoteric presentation all but eclipses the truth, or else the priesthood intentionally conceals what they themselves know, or have been taught. This falsification may be brought about through doubt & disbelief, or also through a conscious attempt to manipulate the public. What need, after all, will the common wo/man have to attend Synagogue or Mass, if s/he knows that the Living God dwells in his or her own heart, and not in a building made of stone, even in the Holy of Holies?

Teach a person that the Holy of Holies is the deepest, innermost recess of his or her own Heart, wherein God and one's own true nature are the SAME, and you not only empower that person - you risk losing them as a congregationalist ... not to mention the material support they would otherwise provide for the church on earth. Not that the fellowship one finds in worship is unfulfilling or un-useful in the spiritual life, but I think you get my point ...

Jesus, Christed, knew that in quoting this passage, he wasn't appealing to common knowledge, or to a widely held - much less understood, belief. Not then, not now. Just look! How many Christians, of any form or flavor, regard themselves as a FUTURE GODS? Or if we prefer, FUTURE GOD, singular? The former is the more true statement, in terms of the idea of Elohim, or Planetary Spirits - who are very much to Buddhas (and Christs), what these are to US. The difference, as one gradually finds, is one of DEGREE, not of Nature. :)

So, certainly in seeing such teachings, it is only natural - unfortunate, but inevitable, that `ego' will try and steal the show. "I'm a god!" it will declare. But that's not the spirit, sentiment, tone or meaning in which Christ Jesus spoke these words, or in which the Pslam was written. The Mystic, and the Esotericist, having experienced and known firsthand the Union, the One-ness, the non-duality or non-separation with/from God ... is aware of the truth. But to speak of such, is so incredibly difficult, and almost guaranteed to be misleading or misinterpreted, that it is often better simply to point to an existing teaching, to nod, and to be silent. ;)

Christ symbolized for us the Five Initations through which ALL SOULS must pass. Birth, Baptism, Transfiguration, Renunciation ... and the Decision (Resurrection/Ascension). We know that only SOME of Humanity who attain to that stage, will choose to remain on Earth as the Spiritual Hierarchy, or Elder Brothers Who serve under the Christ, and safeguard the (Spiritual) evolution on our planet. Of these, again, only some are technically `Masters,' meaning Adepts who TAKE STUDENTS. The number may be a couple dozen or so, out of a total of 63 Adepts (including the Christ).

There is an Angelic Hierarchy, the Devas, a complement to Earth's Human evolution, who also rise to levels equivalent to, and beyond, Adeptship. They acknowledge the Christ as the apex of the pyramid of their evolution, serving Him in the higher ranks just as the Masters ... but there are 140 billion individualized Deva souls, as compared with our 60 billion (9/10ths of us are out of incarnation, obviously). So the Angels are far more numerous. We simply do not interact with them as much, at present, as we once did. This is gradually changing, however. :)

Again, the Vedic teachings depict the Initiatory Path with a slightly different motif, and a more beautiful one, imho. One is a `Wanderer' as a first degree Initiate. This means that one has started to awaken to the fact that we did not originate - spiritually speaking - upon the Earth. The "Christ within," which awakens at the Birth, is not something that grew from the ashes and the dust. Earth merely gave us the outward clothing - mind, body, and emotions. These are what returns to the Earth after death. Spirit, or Soul in terms of how we encounter spirit - the Individualized Presence of Christ within each of us - is well aware of its Heavenly origins. It is the Divine Prodigal, and the journey will take us, eventually, back to the very bosom of the Father.

So the Hindu wanders, growing in this knowledge, and he becomes the Kutichaka, "he who builds a hut." This is like the Buddhist Initiate who has crossed the Stream, and who has reached the farther shore. S/he is not yet fully anchored, or established there - in this higher state of spiritual consciousness (wherein we all abide with the Christ, as the Christian would put it) ... so s/he builds a hut, at first.

Afterwards, when one's nature has been entirely Transfigured, s/he becomes a `Swan,' the Hamsa. Such people have the true, Heavenly Vision ... for they have SEEN God, esoterically. The Aaronic Blessing, of Numbers 6:24-6, preserves this Teaching, this Truth, intact:
"May the Lord bless you and keep you
May the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you
May the Lord life up His countenance upon you and give you peace."

The "pure of heart" who have thus "seen God," are beforehand the esoterically Baptized, the 2nd degree Initiates ... then Transfigured (3rd degree). They have been purified in ways which some of us are still working on ... I know, for certain, that I have a long ways to go! :eek: Christ symbolized how much progress we must make between the 1st and 2nd Initiations, with the long span between Jesus' Birth, and the Baptism at Jordan. So, this can often be the longest stage of the Path.

Soon after the Transfiguration, one usually becomes an Arhat. The Swan becomes the Renunciate, the Great Swan - Paramahamsa, as in Paramahamsa Yogananda ... the famous Hindui Initiate. Such Teachers are RARE. And they are a Blessing to find ...

Dondi said:
I would be highly interested to learn about this Baptist Teacher whom you revere. Do you have anything else you can share about what her teachings are?
I know almost nothing of her being ordained a Baptist Minister. What I do know is that she teaches in the tradition of Alice Bailey, as well as of Helena Roerich - and the Agni Yoga Teachings, having a special kinship and affinity for these. I only met her twice, although the first instance will always stand clear as one of the deepest, most intimate and esoteric of encounters I've ever had - with what some might call the "Laboratory of the Holy Ghost." It took me years to begin to understand it, and I'm still working on it.

Another Teacher, a Great Swan or high Initiate, who was the Piscean Forerunner 2100 years ago. His Teachings, with which I'm much more familiar - having heard them - are in line with those of Alice Bailey. This is the curriculum used by the Faculty and students at his School. The emphasis is on Loving Service to one's fellow man. It is the most practical application of the esoteric Doctrine (the Heart of Christ's Teaching) I have ever seen.

There are students who have committed their lives to living this Teaching, including many who regularly participate in community service ... in a volunteer capacity. Overall, the volunteers who are involved probably number a few hundred, maybe more via various forms of networking. Several years ago, this group ran numerous community outreach programs, and they still do, although they have switched gears considerably. Full-time, live-in students continue to come from all parts of the world for this experience of a lifetime. And so it was, at the dawn of the last cycle. ;):)

Everywhere that such Teachers go, they energize, vitalize and spiritually impulse their light, love and empowerment to their students ... and ensoul the Projects they undertake. They are active in the world, serving as the Forerunners to the Christ, and they are also our guarantee - that Christ's Decision in 1942 was exactly what it purports to be. These are not individuals who speak of the Christ, or preach about His Coming. They are, each and every one, a Divine Incarnation. The Prophets of Old knew well that this was what God has always ordained for us - our Purpose here, on this planet. So St. Paul, knowing the Mystery Teachings well, taught us that this is where we're headed - slowly but surely, in his letter to the Ephesians, ch. 4, v. 13.

An Arhat is a "just wo/man made perfect." I would give one identifiying example, besides Paramahamsa Yogananda ... of someone whom I believe was almost certainly such a being. It would be helpful to consider him first, as a Spirtual Teacher, fitting the above description. He knew, and he knows, no sectarian differences or "special allegiances" ... even though in life he served as Spiritual Guru and leader to many dozens, scores, even hundreds of disciples. I believe there's a wiki article about him, as well as the site for the Hindu Temple itself, in Hawaii. I have one of his books, and I know about him through this, and other connections. On Wiki, he's here, and the Temple website, is here (bio info here).

Okay, wait, I was mistaken. I have looked at his picture again. All doubt is removed. Here is an arhat. :);)

So, St. Paul was NOT just whistlin' Dixie ... :p

Love and Light,

taij said:
I know almost nothing of her being ordained a Baptist Minister.

Hmmm, I was hoping to to see something of the spiritual path this lady had choosen. It would be interesting to see the progression. But I'll check out Alice Bailey at least.

Back to your 5 intitiations.

I'm seeing now that there is a progression, even in my own life, of breaking away of tradition and into a deeper unerstanding. That the traditional religious paradigms that we are first exposed to serve to establish a foundation from which to springboard from. The Pharisees and scribes were left on the diving board. They didn't seem to want to dive into deeper waters, therefore their biases got in the way of their growth. They still fed on the milk until it soured.

What I see is what Q describes in another post:

Many of us here are at the adolescent stage, trying to find our bearings in the midst of confusion (raises hand). I suspect Ruby, China Cat and others are going through the same kind of process. We are loosening ourselves from the shackles of our primitive understanding in which we are oriented. Yet long to hold on to the essence of that tradition. To get past the Law and into the Spirit. It is an awareness.

I'm going to share something a bit later on the testamony of a lady who describes The Stream which she found. Give me time to dig it up.
Dondi said:
I'm going to share something a bit later on the testamony of a lady who describes The Stream which she found. Give me time to dig it up.
Absolutely! There's a guy that comes to mind, who writes from the perspective of a post-liberal or progressive Christian, whom I've seen quoted a time or two by either you, Ruby, InLove, Path_of_One, or maybe others. I think it's Harold something? Anyway, much of what changed things in his life, and helped open doors for him, was a near-death-experience ... I think. Maybe someone knows who I'm talking about?

Dondi said:
Hmmm, I was hoping to to see something of the spiritual path this lady had choosen. It would be interesting to see the progression. But I'll check out Alice Bailey at least.
Sorry, wish I had more info myself. I do know that she deeply reveres the Teachings of Master Morya, provided via Helena Roerich in the 1920s and 30s. This is Agni Yoga, also referred to as The Teaching of Living Ethics. You can browse the teachings online, or download them.

Helena Roerich, a Messenger just as H.P. Blavatsky and Alice Bailey, was Joan of Arc, Maid or Orleans in a previous life. HPB was formerly Cagliostro, well-known student of the Comte de St. Germaine (Master R). Alice also appeared in the public eye, but I can't remember as whom.

Just this evening I picked up a book from Interlibrary Loan, written by an Australian disciple and teacher, who has assembled much information about the Masters - both Eastern and Western - including some information about previous incarnations. He has drawn from many sources, but all of them are reputable and generally accepted by students of Esotericism. Some of the examples include:

Master Morya (writing via Helena Roerich) - formerly Emperor Akbar, Melchior the Magus (Wise Man #1)
Master KH (writing in the Mahatma Letters) - formerly Nagarjuna, Balthazar the Magus (Wise Man #2), Pythagoras, Egyptian Pharaoh Akenaton
Master DK, the Tibetan (writing via Alice Bailey) - formerly Aryasanga, Gaspar the Magus (Wise Man #3), Kleinias (closest pupil of Pythagoras), Dharmajyoti (a disciple of the Buddha)
Master Hilarion (writing via Mabel Collins and HPB) - formerly the Greek philosopher Iamblichus, St. Paul (Saul of Tarus, pre-conversion)
Master Polidorus Isurenus (writing via Geoffrey Hodson)- formerly Philo Judaeus
Master Jesus (writing via Cyril Scott)- formerly Appollonius of Tyana, the Initiate Jesus of Nazareth, Joshua, Son of Nun ... also Jeshua from the time of Ezra
Master R (writing via Lucille Cedercrans) - formerly both Francis and Roger Bacon, Christian Rosencruetz (founder of Rosicrucianism), the Greek philosopher Proclus

As for Q's commentary, I think it is helpful in that it correlates with the idea of stages through which we pass - regardless as to our choice of religious systems or faith traditions. Esotericists believe that this corresponds to the progress we make in each earthly incarnation, as we respond to the magnetic influence of the Soul, or Christ within. Ultimately, this will draw us all near to the `I am,' or to the `I am That I am,' yet that would equate with Christ's Mystical utterance, "I and the Father are One." Not something we can say at every moment of every day, except as an affirmation of a spiritual Truth - that we are all in the process of working toward. :)

I'm trying to think of a good book that would introduce one to the various esoteric teachings especially relevant to Christianity - both modern, and historical (or foundational). I would probably recommend `Reappearance of the Christ,' by Alice Bailey (or the Tibetan Master), for starters. It can be found online, here.

As for the astrological cycles, which Christ inaugurated 2100 years ago (Pisces) ... and is inaugurating now (Aquarius), I might mention that prior to Pisces was Aries. The "promised lamb," or RAM of Aries ... was the motif and symbolism, just as for Pisces it has been the fish, or fishes (wiki Oannes, or ask Flowperson about it).

Aquarius is the water-bearer, which Christ references directly - though in symbolic fashion - in His instructions to the Apostles. He was indicating the future, ~2000 years ahead, which is now. And He said,
"Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water, follow him into the house where he entereth in." (Luke 22:10)
Here's a great page I came across just now with numerous examples of the astrology that permeates the Bible, both Old and New Testament - being part of the Sacred Science of the Jews, as of every culture and religion. So yes, as we progress in our faith, we eventually come full circle, and realize that some of these taboos which the fearful, fretful fundamentalist has completely misunderstood ... are in fact, part of Jesus' deepest teachings to his closest of Apostles - even as he taught formerly, when he was Joshua (see ch.4, v.6).

Before Aries, the age was Taurus, wherein we saw the worship of the golden calf ... Taurus the Bull. This was something that should have stopped, but we see in the Bible that it persisted - as the Jews were resistant to change, and could not recognize the new Messiah, of Aries. Again at the dawn of the Piscean Era, Christ came and was (largely) forsaken. The Tibetan Master indicated that Christ Himself would not come to the Jewish people a third time. The Master Jesus might come, but it might also be a lesser Initiate. This might not sit well with some people - but it is something to consider.

At any rate, the cycle of Taurus would have been inaugurated ~4200 years BC. Notice that 6300 years prior - 3 astrological cycles - takes us to 10,500BC, which was the start of the Age of Leo. Science has begun to confirm (gradually) that the weathering and evidence of water erosion on the Sphinx dates it to at least this period, which corresponds with the last stage of the Ice Age - including glacial melting. I would suggest that this was also the time of the final flood catastrophe, during which the last, remnant island of Poseidonis sank ... in precisely 9654BC, according to Plato.

It's not surprising then, that the Sphinx was built at least as early as the start of the last Age of Leo. It is, in short, a monument to the Christ (and to God)... though we must understand this Christ in terms of the Egyptian pantheon, most often as Horus, the falcon-headed. In terms of our spiritual constitution, the Christ within may be equated with the Akh, or Khu ... rather than the ka, ba, or other aspects of the soul.

There are indications that in fact, the Sphinx and the pyramids date back ~210,000 years ... to the days when Atlantis was in steep decline. Serving as Temples of Initiation - with the Sphnix as guardian of the Mysteries - this was the true Glory of ancient Egypt, whose shadow is known to historians & geologists, mistaking temples for tombs, and repair work on these Temple structures to original construction. The Sphinx was a mighty LION ... no human pharaoh. And the correspondence in terms of the Twelve Tribes of Isreal? The lion of Judah ... ;)

The construction of the Sphinx certainly corresponds to the Age of Leo, even if this was a full eight cycles ago ... rather than a mere, half-turn of the zodiacal wheel. We can look backwards, or we can look - as did Christ and the Apostles - to the present, and to the future. Students of esotericism meditate on the Aquarian keynote (uttered symbolically by the Soul), "Water of Life I am, poured forth for thirsty men."

This is the message for us - for all of Humanity - from the same Christ Who appeared via the Initiate Jesus in Palestine at the start of the Piscean cycle. The keynote then, from the perspective of the Soul, was "I leave the Father's home, and turning back, I save." Does this not sound like the Christ of Christianity, as He has received the focus and emphasis from the Christian Church and masses of followers for two millennia? ;):)

Somewhere around the year 4100AD, the next cycle, of Capricorn, will be upon us. The keynote then will be, "Lost am I in light supernal, yet on that light I turn my back." There is an obvious and close parallel here with Christ's utterance in Pisces, yet it is the same Christ Presence which speaks forth these keynotes - in every sign of the zodiac. A wo/man may rise to discipleship, then Initiation, Mastery, even Christhood, in ANY of the Twelve Signs. In ages past, the numbers of those who have gone ahead have been small. Come the Era of Capricorn, we are told that Humanity will take even the higher Initiations by the many millions.

Esoterically speaking, these houses are but the divisions in the Heavens, as our entire Solar System passes through them in its orbit of the Star Alcyone, of the Pleiades. Ours is one of seven solar systems which make this journey linked together. This Greater Zodiac has its reflection and parallel in our lesser zodiac. So to some, the "One in Whom we live and move and have our being" ... is one of the 7 Elohim of our own system - each Elohim supporting a spiritual (and at some point, a material) evolution, as does the Earth Logos (God, YHWH).

Most of these Elohim are greater than our own, yet all bow before the Throne of Revelations - the One God Whom the Egyptians honored as Aten, sometimes as Ra, worshipping God as the sun disc ... while the priesthood knew the Inner significance. It isn't the orb, the fiery furnace, but rather the inner, spiritual reality - which is veiled, save to the inner eye, and heart. Christ, of course, bowed to this, the Most High God ... even as do the Elohim. And He tried to help the masses focus their worship to this Being, or in the very least to the Earth Logos - "Our Father Who art in Heaven." Many, as we see, in the centuries that followed, preferred to exalt and worship the MAN, Jesus ... rather than the Spiritual Presence of Christ within. There is a big difference between honoring the Initiate who showed us the Christ and the Father ... and worshipping that MAN.

One might just as soon worship Siddharta Gautama, Shankaracharya, Sri Krishna, or Mohammad. Much confusion exists, then, as to the difference between Prophets (or Messengers), Saviors (or Avatars, like the Christ and Buddha, who embodied spiritual Principles), and Highest Divinity (or Godhood, even in its triple-aspected, or septenary-aspected forms). So although Alice Bailey, H.P. Blavatsky and other disciples or Initiates were Messengers much as the Biblical prophets from the Old Testament ... to worship them would be absurd! The Adepts and Masters Themselves ... find the notion of worship almost offensive! They are not interested in blind obediance, devotions and honorifics.

ALL that they desire of their followers ... is recognition of the God within. But this has nothing to do with SELF, except for the need to START with the path of self-purification and strictest discipline. What the Masters mean by "the God within," is the very real spiritual Presence, of Christ within, Buddha nature, whatever we like to call it ... so long as we DO acknowledge and honor it, in our Brother on the Path. In everyone we meet! What was Neosnoia's quote from Mahatma Gandhi? “If you do not see God in the next person you see, you need look no further.” :)

I feel like I'm very much at this stage, just staring out. I aspire to one day understand even the lesser, or least of the Mysteries, before going on to master the Greater. But I have enough purification, discipline, and self-preparation to work on, to take a lifetime! :p

What we can do, no matter what stage of the path we find ourselves, is serve our fellow man. The higher we rise in terms of spiritual standing, and the closer we draw to the Christ and to the heart of God, the more humble we must become, and the more committed we must be to Loving Service. It is both our Highest Purpose for being here, as well as the swiftest, most effective path toward Liberation (or Redemption). :)

I know, I can never just hit POST soon enough ... lol

Love and Light,

Dondi said:
I'm going to share something a bit later on the testamony of a lady who describes The Stream which she found. Give me time to dig it up.
Absolutely! There's a guy that comes to mind, who writes from the perspective of a post-liberal or progressive Christian, whom I've seen quoted a time or two by either you, Ruby, InLove, Path_of_One, or maybe others. I think it's Harold something? Anyway, much of what changed things in his life, and helped open doors for him, was a near-death-experience ... I think. Maybe someone knows who I'm talking about?

Dondi said:
Hmmm, I was hoping to to see something of the spiritual path this lady had choosen. It would be interesting to see the progression. But I'll check out Alice Bailey at least.
Sorry, wish I had more info myself. I do know that she deeply reveres the Teachings of Master Morya, provided via Helena Roerich in the 1920s and 30s. This is Agni Yoga, also referred to as The Teaching of Living Ethics. You can browse the teachings online, or download them.

Helena Roerich, a Messenger just as H.P. Blavatsky and Alice Bailey, was Joan of Arc, Maid or Orleans in a previous life. HPB was formerly Cagliostro, well-known student of the Comte de St. Germaine (Master R). Alice also appeared in the public eye, but I can't remember as whom.

Just this evening I picked up a book from Interlibrary Loan, written by an Australian disciple and teacher, who has assembled much information about the Masters - both Eastern and Western - including some information about previous incarnations. He has drawn from many sources, but all of them are reputable and generally accepted by students of Esotericism. Some of the examples include:

Master Morya (writing via Helena Roerich) - formerly Emperor Akbar, Melchior the Magus (Wise Man #1)
Master KH (writing in the Mahatma Letters) - formerly Nagarjuna, Balthazar the Magus (Wise Man #2), Pythagoras, Egyptian Pharaoh Akenaton
Master DK, the Tibetan (writing via Alice Bailey) - formerly Aryasanga, Gaspar the Magus (Wise Man #3), Kleinias (closest pupil of Pythagoras), Dharmajyoti (a disciple of the Buddha)
Master Hilarion (writing via Mabel Collins and HPB) - formerly the Greek philosopher Iamblichus, St. Paul (Saul of Tarus, pre-conversion)
Master Polidorus Isurenus (writing via Geoffrey Hodson)- formerly Philo Judaeus
Master Jesus (writing via Cyril Scott)- formerly Appollonius of Tyana, the Initiate Jesus of Nazareth, Joshua, Son of Nun ... also Jeshua from the time of Ezra
Master R (writing via Lucille Cedercrans) - formerly both Francis and Roger Bacon, Christian Rosencruetz (founder of Rosicrucianism), the Greek philosopher Proclus

As for Q's commentary, I think it is helpful in that it correlates with the idea of stages through which we pass - regardless as to our choice of religious systems or faith traditions. Esotericists believe that this corresponds to the progress we make in each earthly incarnation, as we respond to the magnetic influence of the Soul, or Christ within. Ultimately, this will draw us all near to the `I am,' or to the `I am That I am,' yet that would equate with Christ's Mystical utterance, "I and the Father are One." Not something we can say at every moment of every day, except as an affirmation of a spiritual Truth - that we are all in the process of working toward. :)

I'm trying to think of a good book that would introduce one to the various esoteric teachings especially relevant to Christianity - both modern, and historical (or foundational). I would probably recommend `Reappearance of the Christ,' by Alice Bailey (or the Tibetan Master), for starters. It can be found online, here.

As for the astrological cycles, which Christ inaugurated 2100 years ago (Pisces) ... and is inaugurating now (Aquarius), I might mention that prior to Pisces was Aries. The "promised lamb," or RAM of Aries ... was the motif and symbolism, just as for Pisces it has been the fish, or fishes (wiki Oannes, or ask Flowperson about it).

Aquarius is the water-bearer, which Christ references directly - though in symbolic fashion - in His instructions to the Apostles. He was indicating the future, ~2000 years ahead, which is now. And He said,
"Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water, follow him into the house where he entereth in." (Luke 22:10)
Here's a great page I came across just now with numerous examples of the astrology that permeates the Bible, both Old and New Testament - being part of the Sacred Science of the Jews, as of every culture and religion. So yes, as we progress in our faith, we eventually come full circle, and realize that some of these taboos which the fearful, fretful fundamentalist has completely misunderstood ... are in fact, part of Jesus' deepest teachings to his closest of Apostles - even as he taught formerly, when he was Joshua (see ch.4, v.6).

Before Aries, the age was Taurus, wherein we saw the worship of the golden calf ... Taurus the Bull. This was something that should have stopped, but we see in the Bible that it persisted - as the Jews were resistant to change, and could not recognize the new Messiah, of Aries. Again at the dawn of the Piscean Era, Christ came and was (largely) forsaken. The Tibetan Master indicated that Christ Himself would not come to the Jewish people a third time. The Master Jesus might come, but it might also be a lesser Initiate. This might not sit well with some people - but it is something to consider.

At any rate, the cycle of Taurus would have been inaugurated ~4200 years BC. Notice that 6300 years prior - 3 astrological cycles - takes us to 10,500BC, which was the start of the Age of Leo. Science has begun to confirm (gradually) that the weathering and evidence of water erosion on the Sphinx dates it to at least this period, which corresponds with the last stage of the Ice Age - including glacial melting. I would suggest that this was also the time of the final flood catastrophe, during which the last, remnant island of Poseidonis sank ... in precisely 9654BC, according to Plato.

It's not surprising then, that the Sphinx was built at least as early as the start of the last Age of Leo. It is, in short, a monument to the Christ (and to God)... though we must understand this Christ in terms of the Egyptian pantheon, most often as Horus, the falcon-headed. In terms of our spiritual constitution, the Christ within may be equated with the Akh, or Khu ... rather than the ka, ba, or other aspects of the soul.

There are indications that in fact, the Sphinx and the pyramids date back ~210,000 years ... to the days when Atlantis was in steep decline. Serving as Temples of Initiation - with the Sphnix as guardian of the Mysteries - this was the true Glory of ancient Egypt, whose shadow is known to historians & geologists, mistaking temples for tombs, and repair work on these Temple structures to original construction. The Sphinx was a mighty LION ... no human pharaoh. And the correspondence in terms of the Twelve Tribes of Isreal? The lion of Judah ... ;)

The construction of the Sphinx certainly corresponds to the Age of Leo, even if this was a full eight cycles ago ... rather than a mere, half-turn of the zodiacal wheel. We can look backwards, or we can look - as did Christ and the Apostles - to the present, and to the future. Students of esotericism meditate on the Aquarian keynote (uttered symbolically by the Soul), "Water of Life I am, poured forth for thirsty men."

This is the message for us - for all of Humanity - from the same Christ Who appeared via the Initiate Jesus in Palestine at the start of the Piscean cycle. The keynote then, from the perspective of the Soul, was "I leave the Father's home, and turning back, I save." Does this not sound like the Christ of Christianity, as He has received the focus and emphasis from the Christian Church and masses of followers for two millennia? ;):)

Somewhere around the year 4100AD, the next cycle, of Capricorn, will be upon us. The keynote then will be, "Lost am I in light supernal, yet on that light I turn my back." There is an obvious and close parallel here with Christ's utterance in Pisces, yet it is the same Christ Presence which speaks forth these keynotes - in every sign of the zodiac. A wo/man may rise to discipleship, then Initiation, Mastery, even Christhood, in ANY of the Twelve Signs. In ages past, the numbers of those who have gone ahead have been small. Come the Era of Capricorn, we are told that Humanity will take even the higher Initiations by the many millions.

Esoterically speaking, these houses are but the divisions in the Heavens, as our entire Solar System passes through them in its orbit of the Star Alcyone, of the Pleiades. Ours is one of seven solar systems which make this journey linked together. This Greater Zodiac has its reflection and parallel in our lesser zodiac. So to some, the "One in Whom we live and move and have our being" ... is one of the 7 Elohim of our own system - each Elohim supporting a spiritual (and at some point, a material) evolution, as does the Earth Logos (God, YHWH).

Most of these Elohim are greater than our own, yet all bow before the Throne of Revelations - the One God Whom the Egyptians honored as Aten, sometimes as Ra, worshipping God as the sun disc ... while the priesthood knew the Inner significance. It isn't the orb, the fiery furnace, but rather the inner, spiritual reality - which is veiled, save to the inner eye, and heart. Christ, of course, bowed to this, the Most High God ... even as do the Elohim. And He tried to help the masses focus their worship to this Being, or in the very least to the Earth Logos - "Our Father Who art in Heaven." Many, as we see, in the centuries that followed, preferred to exalt and worship the MAN, Jesus ... rather than the Spiritual Presence of Christ within. There is a big difference between honoring the Initiate who showed us the Christ and the Father ... and worshipping that MAN.

One might just as soon worship Siddharta Gautama, Shankaracharya, Sri Krishna, or Mohammad. Much confusion exists, then, as to the difference between Prophets (or Messengers), Saviors (or Avatars, like the Christ and Buddha, who embodied spiritual Principles), and Highest Divinity (or Godhood, even in its triple-aspected, or septenary-aspected forms). So although Alice Bailey, H.P. Blavatsky and other disciples or Initiates were Messengers much as the Biblical prophets from the Old Testament ... to worship them would be absurd! The Adepts and Masters Themselves ... find the notion of worship almost offensive! They are not interested in blind obediance, devotions and honorifics.

ALL that they desire of their followers ... is recognition of the God within. But this has nothing to do with SELF, except for the need to START with the path of self-purification and strictest discipline. What the Masters mean by "the God within," is the very real spiritual Presence, of Christ within, Buddha nature, whatever we like to call it ... so long as we DO acknowledge and honor it, in our Brother on the Path. In everyone we meet! What was Neosnoia's quote from Mahatma Gandhi? “If you do not see God in the next person you see, you need look no further.” :)

I feel like I'm very much at this stage, just staring out. I aspire to one day understand even the lesser, or least of the Mysteries, before going on to master the Greater. But I have enough purification, discipline, and self-preparation to work on, to take a lifetime! :p

What we can do, no matter what stage of the path we find ourselves, is serve our fellow man. The higher we rise in terms of spiritual standing, and the closer we draw to the Christ and to the heart of God, the more humble we must become, and the more committed we must be to Loving Service. It is both our Highest Purpose for being here, as well as the swiftest, most effective path toward Liberation (or Redemption). :)

I know, I can never just hit POST soon enough ... lol

Love and Light,

Soon as I rub the redness from my eyes from reading your post, I'll respond. I think my eyes are bleeding. :D

taij said:
Absolutely! There's a guy that comes to mind, who writes from the perspective of a post-liberal or progressive Christian, whom I've seen quoted a time or two by either you, Ruby, InLove, Path_of_One, or maybe others. I think it's Harold something? Anyway, much of what changed things in his life, and helped open doors for him, was a near-death-experience ... I think. Maybe someone knows who I'm talking about?

Was it Howard Storm? I quoted what he said in his book of his near-death experience, "My Descent Into Death" that, "The best religion is the one that brings you closest to God." He said that was the response to one of his questions he asked during his NDE: "What is the best religion?"

Still looking for that Stream testimony. As soon as i find it I'll post.

taij said:
What we can do, no matter what stage of the path we find ourselves, is serve our fellow man.

As long as the book isn't a cookbook. :p

But that was indeed the mission of Jesus:

"...just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." - Matthew 20:28

And as a follower of Christ, that ought to be the duty of a Christian.
Hi, and Peace to All--

Talk about bleeding eyes, Dondi! I have been working on this one thread for weeks now, and I still haven't read all the posts--had to skip over a few in the interest of preserving my own sanity.:eek: (Or what's left of it, anyway).

Let me address this really quickly and get it out of the way:

Dondi said:
As long as the book isn't a cookbook. :p

No limits, Dondi, no limits. It's service, and spiritual--how else are we going to make the soup?:) If I remember correctly, Gandhiji even spoke of things like cleaning the toilet?;)

There is so much to take in here just on this thread. Imagine what it would take for one to know everything about all the religions in the world, historically and spiritually. I know that it isn't necessary to know all of it, because The Spirit does not desire for us to be ignorant, so we are all provided with a way for each to understand and grow in Love and Service.

Thanks, taijasi, for the information on the relationship between the astrological maps and Christian history. My youngest daughter, who views life from within a kind of Christian/Wiccan spirituality (I know, I know--seems like the impossible to many), is also an astrological consultant. I am going to send her the link. I think she will really enjoy the fact that good ole' Mom sent it. I think it might surprise her.

Here is a link to one of my favorite websites. I have been in touch with the people there once or twice, and I am confident that it is a trustworthy site. It helps to explain a little about Native American life as it goes hand-in-hand with a Christian viewpoint. It is mostly about language and traditions, but there are links you can follow if you like.

And here is a thread in CR that might explain a little about my own personal knowledge of Cherokee traditions, history, and such (very little, as you will see), but this is a good thread for understanding some of the symbolism, both of mainland Americans as well as the Polynesian history. My own journey in this respect is an ongoing one, and I am not qualified yet to really be a trustworthy commentator. Working on it. There's just so much baloney out there for sale!! :mad:

I have a few questions--I need to find the best way to ask them, though. I'll be posting again, hopefully soon. But, ya know--I get it. Always thought it could be. Still coming from within my communities, and so it should be, I gather. How else can we know?

InLove said:
Dondi said:
As long as the book isn't a cookbook. :p

No limits, Dondi, no limits. It's service, and spiritual--how else are we going to make the soup?:) If I remember correctly, Gandhiji even spoke of things like cleaning the toilet?;)

You didn't get the joke. I was referring to an episode of "The Twilight Zone" where these alien visitors come to Earth to interact with man and invite them back to their planet. The aliens bring this cryptic book which apparently supposed to be a manual on how the aliens can benefit man titled "To Serve Man". At the end of the episode, however, one of the human scientists discover that the book is really a cookbook on how to serve man....yum..yum.:eek:

My response was to taij's quote about how we should serve our fellow man.:rolleyes:
As promised to taij, here is the excerpt from Martha Beck's "Leaving the Saints" in which she applies the notion of a "Leaf in the Stream", which she mentions is of Japanese origin:

"The Stream...was the umbiquitous Power of God that flowed through every being, sentient and non-sentient. To become a leaf was to ride the current without struggling, to sense the inclination of a benevolent reality and surrender to it, moment by moment"

She goes on how she has gone through stages of "The Stream", "The Lion", and "The Child". I regret not having what she wrote down for the lion except that involved her struggle from the Mormon society from which she was so much apart of, much having to do with her repressive father who was the notable Mormon apologist, Hugh Nimbly.

But the last part, concerning "The Child", she quoted Picasso:

"I have worked all my life to learn how to paint like a child."

She went on:

"In the last stage, the Lion gives way to the Child, to an original innocence. This is the Child of the Spirit, for whom all things are new. For this Divine Child there is wonder, ease, and a playful heart. The Child is at home in the reality of the present, able to enjoy, to respond, to forgive, and to share the blessings of being alive."

Martha Beck's book is a great read for anyone going through the same kind of transitions. I'm beginning to open my childlike eyes now.