The Great CR Peace-nik Sit-in

NOTE: This was meant to follow China Cat Sunflower's post. Guess I'm just too slow. :)

Well, you know, Dwight Eisenhower warned about the dangers of letting the military-industrial complex gain undue influence way back in his farewell speech on January 17, 1961. Among his comments were these:

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals so that security and liberty may prosper together.
Of course, nobody listened, and now look where we are.
Dear Pohaikawahine,

Thank you for creating a balance here.

Your words of beauty shall feed all.

peace, love and illumination.

- c -
littlemissattitude said:
NOTE: This was meant to follow China Cat Sunflower's post. Guess I'm just too slow. :)

Well, you know, Dwight Eisenhower warned about the dangers of letting the military-industrial complex gain undue influence way back in his farewell speech on January 17, 1961.

Of course, nobody listened, and now look where we are.

Well, I thought a little speech making was in order here at the sit-in, and it was the only way I could get Dauer to turn that damn boom box off.:)

I'm too damn angry to just sit-in. I'm sharpening my pitchfork for the revolution.

China Cat Sunflower said:
Well, I thought a little speech making was in order here at the sit-in, and it was the only way I could get Dauer to turn that damn boom box off.:)

I'm too damn angry to just sit-in. I'm sharpening my pitchfork for the revolution.

take a deep breath my brother...take your frustrations out over at the drumming circle...Dauer's boom box is ours to overcome...such a beautiful lesson we thank the brother for showing us our need for silence and a reflection of how ourselves act in babylon.

The krishna's got some wonderful cornbread coming out of the oven, joining the chanting with a full belly may be another can't stay in that zone during the om na shiva
My Fence

I sit on this fence of which I'm not proud,
But from here I can make out the voice of the crowd;
To my left I hear songs of peace and good sense--
To my right, freedom anthems that bought me this fence.

With both feet dangling over for so many years,
I am drawn to one side, but just then I hear
From behind me the cries of young soldiers intense,
Whose blood has bought me the right to my fence...

In confusion, I lift my face to the hill,
For an answer from those who dwell there, but still,
Little sense I can make--is it all a mistake,
Or a greedy pretense? Yet, I sit on my fence!

I've lived long enough to see this before,
But I am not sure it's the same kind of war;
The one thing I know, and have known ever since--
It's not easy for me to come down from my fence.

For from here I can make out the face in each crowd,
And the songs and the anthems are growing so loud
That I stretch down my arms to be somehow convinced
Of one or the other from each side of the fence--

I touch hands with grieving wives and with mothers,
And fathers of sons who give lives for their brothers,
Some brimming with pride, some lost in laments,
And all of it threatening to topple my fence.

I do not trust the ones on the hill;
For most of my life they've dwelt there, and still
I can't give up hope or lose confidence
That a voice will yet count from the ones on the fence!

If only no one had opened the door,
But from battle to battle, and from war to war,
We miss the lesson and what it portends,
Else there would be no need for my fence.

(unfinished work, dd, copyright 2006)​
Namaste all,

there is no way to peace, peace is the way.

War Pigs: Black Sabbath (second lyrics)

Generals gathered in their masses,
Just like witches at black masses.
Evil minds that plot destruction,
Sorcerers of death's construction.

In the fields the bodies burning,
As the war machine keeps turning.
Death and hatred to mankind,
Poisoning their brainwashed minds
Oh Lord Yeah!

Politicians hide themselves away,
They only started the war.
Why should they go out to fight?
They leave that all to the poor, yeah.

Time will tell them they have power minds,
Making war just for fun.
Treating people just like pawns in chess,
Wait 'till their judgement day comes, yeah.

Now in darkness world stops turning,
Ashes where the bodies burning.
No more War Pigs have the power,
Hand of God has struck the hour.

Day of judgement, God is calling
On their knees the war pigs crawling,
Begging mercies for their sins
Satan, laughing, spreads his wings
Oh Lord Yeah!



Me n' this boombox have been through a lot together. This piece of tape here, over the left speaker, that's from a pothole on a trip to a war protest in D.C. And this dent right here, that's from when I dropped it in Frisco. But if you're going to speak at length again, please, use this soapbox. Produces a large soapbox from his back pocket. It's the little things that add color.


I was very close to playing that song, but then I decided the "witches at black masses" verse wasn't ecumenical enough.

dauer said:

I was very close to playing that song, but then I decided the "witches at black masses" verse wasn't ecumenical enough.


Namaste Dauer,

thank you for the post.

have you heard the original lyrics for this song? they are quite different and have nothing to do with war or anything of the sort. i have a tribute album with the original recording. pretty neat.

oh, by the by, the "wash our your gruel bowl" is a partial koan. how it was intended, i cannot say.



With respect, can you say how the lyrics from B S of War Pigs fit in relation to Buddha Dharma and compassion.

- c -



Brothers in Arms - Dire Straits

These mist covered mountains
Are a home now for me
But my home is the lowlands
And always will be
Some day you'll return to
Your valleys and your farms
And you'll no longer burn
To be brothers in arms

Through these fields of destruction
Baptism of fire
I've watched all your suffering
As the battles raged higher
And though they did hurt me so bad
In the fear and alarm
You did not desert me
My brothers in arms

There's so many different worlds
So many different suns
And we have just one world
But we live in different ones

Now the sun's gone to hell
And the moon's riding high
Let me bid you farewell
Every man has to die
But it's written in the starlight
And every line on your palm
We're fools to make war
On our brothers in arms
Ciel said:

With respect, can you say how the lyrics from B S of War Pigs fit in relation to Buddha Dharma and compassion.

- c -

Namaste ciel,

thank you for the post.

i am not sure what you are asking.

clearly, the song is not a Buddhist song nor is it espousing Buddhist ideas with talk of judgement and so forth.

in terms of war protest songs, however, it seems relevant to the thread.


Namaste Vaj,

Yet, how is it relevant to a man of Buddhist nature, as you appear to be.

And with relevance to this thread amongst others, it is strange to this mentality that words of hatred and war are written in the name of peace.

Am I really such an intelligence unknown?

In Peace - c -
Namaste Ciel,

thank you for the post.

Ciel said:
Namaste Vaj,

Yet, how is it relevant to a man of Buddhist nature, as you appear to be.

just a being. in any event, i understand those things in a different manner. in a sense, the reaping of ones karma can be seen as a judgement, of course that is due to a misunderstanding of what is going on with karma as it is the fruit of karma which is what a being tastes. nevertheless, some beings perceive it in this manner.

in war time there are fields with bodies burning and, in the overall context of history, it has been the poor which have take up the sword in their nations sake. beings are engaged in thinking of the most effective manner in which to kill other beings.

And with relevance to this thread amongst others, it is strange to this mentality that words of hatred and war are written in the name of peace.

indeed. but, then again, that is what you get from the first Heavy Metal band.. they are an angry lot, especially at that point in their musical career.

Am I really such an intelligence unknown?

In Peace - c -

i am a bit unclear on what you are asking here. perhaps our idoms are not being properly understood. if you could ask this query using some different words, i may have a better chance at answering the intent behind the query.

suffice it to say that this being is not a Buddha and, as such, i have no ability to know anothers thoughts.

Ciel, I am grateful for your peaceful spirit and approach. I pray you remain steadfast in this. At the same time I think it is right to express anger at injustice, and it is important to face very clearly the reasons we are opposed to war.

If we gloss over the brutality of war and detach it from the cold hard violence and the practical evil manifested during war it seems like we are opposing merely an idea. Well, just go look at Juantoo3's thread on the Warrior Philosophe' to see what can happen when war becomes just a philosophy. When you are not faced with the torn bodies and broken souls it's all too easy to say war has an upside, a benefit to humankind. When all is ideology someone at the top has an easier time sending your children off to die on the bloody fields, or drop the bomb from afar. It is all to easy to forget flesh and blood.

As a matter of fact, not only did Black Sabbath sing about the horrors of war in protest, and perhaps delight a little bit in pointing out that the war-mongers are in for a nasty time of it when "Satan laughing spreads his wings" ... but OZZY too, in his solo career, sang about war in protest.

Notice, that in this song, Ozzy is not singing praises to the nuclear bomb ... read carefully:
"Ozzy Osbourne Thank God For The Bomb lyrics"

Like moths to a flame
Is man never gonna change
Time’s seen untold aggression
And infliction of pain
If that’s the only thing that’s stopping war

Then thank God for the bomb

Thank God for the bomb
Thank God for the bomb
Thank God for the bomb

Nuke ya nuke ya

War is just another game
Tailor made for the insane

But make a threat of their annihilation
And nobody wants to play
If that’s the only thing that keeps the peace

Then thank God for the bomb
Thank God for the bomb
Thank God for the bomb
Thank God for the bomb

Nuke ya nuke ya

Today was tommorow yesterday
It’s funny how the time can slip away
The face of the doomsday clock
Has launched a thousand wars
As we near the final hour
Time is the only foe we have

When war is obsolete
I’ll thank God for war’s defeat

But any talk about hell freezing over
Is all said with tongue in cheek
Until the day the war drums beat no more

I’ll thank God for the bomb

Thank God for the bomb
Thank God for the bomb
Thank God for the bomb

Nuke ya nuke ya
So while the media loves to harp on this man's errors, and the public is amused by the antics on MTV shows - you know, the "Cops" mentality - here he has his lucid moments. Let me share another song from Ozzy's solo career to illustrate:
"Ozzy Osbourne Killer Of Giants lyrics"

If none of us believe in war
Then can you tell me what the weapon’s for
Listen to me everyone
If the button is pushed
There’ll be nowhere to run

Giants sleeping giants winning wars
Within their dreams
Till they wake when it’s too late
And in god’s name blaspheme

Killer of giants threatens us all
Mountains of madness standing so tall
Marches of protest not stopping the war
Or the killer of giants
The killer of giants

Mother nature people state your case without it’s worth
Your seas run dry your sleepless eyes are turning red alert

Killer of giants threatens us all
Mountains of madness standing so tall
Rising so proudly it has nowhere to fall
This killer of giants
This killer of giants

Killer of giants threatens us all
Mountains of madness standing so tall
Marches of protest not stopping the war
Oh the killer of giants
Oh the killer of giants
Killer of giants
Killer of giants
Anyone who knows this song, who has heard it, knows it is actually rather in the form of a ballad, it is poetical, it is quite beautiful in fact ... and is not actually heavy metal at all!!! Might I recommend downloading it, if you are curious? It may even bring tears to your eyes. It has to mine.

But I've got one more for ya! And this one is definitely metal, it is Black Sabbath! Yes, I do often prefer the Woodstock era peaceful protest songs and chants ... but sometimes, I just hafta crank this one up and wonder - WILL WE EVER LEARN??? :eek:
"Black Sabbath Children Of The Grave lyrics"

Revolution in their minds - the children start to march
Against the world in which they have to live
and all the hate that's in their hearts
They're tired of being pushed around
and told just what to do
They'll fight the world until they've won
and love comes flowing through

Children of tomorrow live in the tears that fall today
Will the sun rise up tomorrow bringing peace in any way?
Must the world live in the shadow of atomic fear?
Can they win the fight for peace or will they disappear?

So you children of the world,
listen to what I say
If you want a better place to live in
spread the words today
Show the world that love is still alive
you must be brave
Or you children of today are
Children of the Grave, Yeah!
My favorite part is actually the tribal war-dance touch, about 2 1/2 minutes in! Rock on, Ozzy, Geezer, Tony & Bill, ROCK ON!!! :)

And peace to us all, HUMANITY WILLING!!! God ain't got nuthin' to do with this one ... I think He's just chillin' back, holdin' his breath with the rest of us (hey, pass that spliff) ...

uhhhh-huch uh-huch uh-huch uh-huch uh-huch!


With thanks, your kindness travels far. Your point of view is well understood.

In simplicity I ask the people to consider;

Are you promoting a peaceful solution?

Is it possible you have become the very thing you are opposing?

peace - c -
Ciel said:

With thanks, your kindness travels far. Your point of view is well understood.

In simplicity I ask the people to consider;

Are you promoting a peaceful solution?

Is it possible you have become the very thing you are opposing?

peace - c -
And btw, Ciel, I hear what you are saying. I get very upset to even hear the puppet dictator fuhrer person on TV anymore, so I don't look at him, or the evil empire that pulls his strings. I REFUSE to listen, it is poison in my ears. I hate to even read about this evil that has spread, and some might say that I am a bit like an ostrich, with my head in the sand. Yet I am not unaware, and it is not that I am insensitive to the news stories of the day, or to the suffering that is occurring. I simply refuse to let the drowning man (men), drown me! ;) 'tis the first rule, in seeking to save the life of another!!! And good, common sense, practical wisdom!

As the Buddha said, "Never yet has hate conquered hate; only Love conquers hate." :)

Thus must disarmament be unilateral, and thus must the future be safeguarded for ALL, even the violent and mentally disturbed. The medicine and foreknowledge of the future will allow us to anticipate both - not perfectly, but with enough awareness to offset largescale disasters.

And indeed, once we stop selling plutonium to the terrorists, even their threat will become lessened. In the meantime, we have some ways to go until the One Human Family is like the Great Flock of which the Good Shepherd spoke ... missing but one lost sheep, here & there. At present, it seems the handful of World Servers must still contend with the greatest threat of all, still so prevalent - APATHY! :(

Only apathy allows the horrors that have been allowed to occur so recently. Only apathy allows them to continue. Therefore ... I think ... that
there's only one thing you can do and that's walk into
the shrink wherever you are, just walk in, say

"Shrink, You can get anything you want, at Alice's restaurant."

And walk out. You know, if one person, just one person does it they may think he's really sick and they won't take him. And if two people, two people do it, in harmony, they may think they're both faggots and they won't take either of them. And three people do it, three, can you imagine, three people walking in singin a bar of Alice's Restaurant and walking out. They may think it's an organization. And can you, can you imagine fifty people a day, I said fifty people a day walking in singin a bar of Alice's Restaurant and walking out. And friends they may thinks it's a movement.

And that's what it is, the Alice's Restaurant Anti-Massacre Movement,
and all you got to do to join is sing it the next time it come's around on the guitar.
I hope EVERYBODY joins the Movement, and sings out strong! ... every single one of us!!! :D


Andrew (taijasi)
Give peace a chance.

Resist the temptation to attack others either with words, thoughts, acts, physical force, deceptive manipulations, wrongful images, or just the welling-up of intent.

Attacking another for his/her beliefs, appearance, or aspirations is, in the end, attacking oneself, for G-d has already connected us all. Only the forces of darkness seek to divide us and practice to engender hate and destruction among the separated.

Cleave to the light. Love one another for that is all that is required by the universe and the one that made it. In the beginning the One said, let there be light
