The Center


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What is the shortest chapter in the Bible?

Psalm 117

What is the longest chapter in the Bible?

Psalm 119

What is the center of the Bible?

Psalm 118

There are 594 chapters before Psalm 118, and 594 chapters after Psalm 118. Add them up and what do you get?


What is the center verse in the Bible?

Psalm 118:8

Psalm 118:8 "It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in Man."

Interesting on several levels, don't you think?


I used another method to determine the centre of the Bible and I got a different answer. I took a KJV, added up the number of pages in the New Testament (210) and in the Old Testament (684). When you add them together (this is where it gets scarey for me because my math is terrible and unreliable but I'll give it a shot) you get 894. When you divide that in half, you get 447. When I open the Book at P. 447, the centre splits right down between verses 2 and 3 of Psam 66.

2 Sing out the honor of His name;​
Make His praise glorious.​
3 Say to God,​
“How bawesome are Your works!​
cThrough the greatness of Your power​
Your enemies shall submit themselves to You.​ b Ps. 65:5

c Ps. 18:44 New King James Version. 1996, c1982 . Thomas Nelson: Nashville

That's pages 446 and 447. If you want pages 447 and 448, it's Ps. 68 between verses 22 and 23:

22 The Lord said, “I will bring bback from Bashan,​
I will bring them back cfrom the depths of the sea,​
23 dThat 8your foot may crush them in blood,​
eAnd the tongues of your dogs may have their portion from your enemies.”​ b Num. 21:33; Deut. 30:1–9; Amos 9:1–3

c Ex. 14:22

d Ps. 58:10

8 LXX, Syr., Tg., Vg. you may dip your foot

e 1 Kin. 21:19; Jer. 15:3 New King James Version. 1996, c1982 . Thomas Nelson: Nashville

I suspect we get different results with different methods because your method depends on how chapters and verses were divided while mine looks at how many pages are covered with Holy Script. Some chapters and verses are much longer than other chapters and verses. Perhaps another Bible would be set up differently enough to place the centre at another location.

Another item of interest. The Catholic Bible and the Protestant Bibles are not the same. So it would depend which one you are using as to whether your method brings the same results as it would for another person using the same method. As for this verse:

Psalm 118:8 "It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in Man."

It seems that neither humans nor God/gods/goddess(es) can be fully trusted at all times. Sometimes really nasty things happen. Sometimes they happen to Christians and sometimes they happen to others. God is no respecter of persons. Nor is fate or whatever else humans choose to trust. This conclusion is based on several decades of observing life to see whether that verse is true or false.

All the same, it is interesting to see how much stock people put into number games they play with the Bible. If I've got my facts straight, then numerology as a science died out a couple millenia ago.
;) that is ok.

As I stated, my thoughts on an interesting issue.


Ah, a new Bible code?

Actually the Psalms should be considered the center of the Bible from a Christian perspective...I think. I particularly like Psalm 1: "Blessed is the man who walks not in the council of the ungodly, or sits in the seat of the scornful..."

I personally think that the epicenter of the Bible story lies somewhere around Jeremiah.

I was offerred this quite a decade ago by one who was born again and went into quite a fundamental dogmatic study all the time, the universe is less than 10,000 years old, grand canyon created by instant canyonification due to the great flood, dinosaurs and man walked the earth at the same time....every week more and more of this, along with anitisemitism, homophobia, quite judgemental stuff....twas an interesting part of our relationship...he's moved on now, as he does every few years.

These statements were the topic for one week. Now I never did the math, never sat down and counted chapters to verify, but thought of all the differing translations, all the differing editing, and thought....

"It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in Man."

and then contemplated man's hand in creating all the various iterations of what we call today the bible....
wil said:
I was offerred this quite a decade ago by one who was born again and went into quite a fundamental dogmatic study all the time, the universe is less than 10,000 years old, grand canyon created by instant canyonification due to the great flood, dinosaurs and man walked the earth at the same time....every week more and more of this, along with anitisemitism, homophobia, quite judgemental stuff....twas an interesting part of our relationship...he's moved on now, as he does every few years.

These statements were the topic for one week. Now I never did the math, never sat down and counted chapters to verify, but thought of all the differing translations, all the differing editing, and thought....

"It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in Man."

and then contemplated man's hand in creating all the various iterations of what we call today the bible....

That was my original "point" to the thread...nothing man does is absolute, nor exactly accurate. ;)

But for me anyway the scripture quoted above is dead center of a man's life.


Quahom1 said:
That was my original "point" to the thread...nothing man does is absolute, nor exactly accurate. ;)

But for me anyway the scripture quoted above is dead center of a man's life.


I'm most attached to "Seek ye first the kingdom.... and "If ye know these things blessed are ye that do them..