Does God speak to you?

One of the best proofs of the above comment is the selling of the Rapture. It is imminent, and has been imminent for two thousand years, but has never quite made it yet.

But this time. This time it's for real. Pardon me if I remain unconvinced.

Paraphrasing Randall Terry:

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me a couple of hundreds of times and shame on us all!
It is in the works... you'll be able to purchase anywhere from an e ticket pdf with email confirmation of your seating in steerage, or your ticket and certification, numbered, sealed and framed.
Hey DA, if you talk to God and he answers you back, let us know! (ha)

But seriously, I believe in psychic abilities, and I think it is very possible to ask a question and get an accurate psychic answer. But this does not prove that the 'entity' doing the answering is God.
Since I don't believe G!d....speaks....or answers....

but we do connect with the one mind.... which is all/one

me thinks your 'psychic' answer is of the one...

but your interpretation may vary....

double meaning in that line....
Nick, if a God was talking to me personally, I would be concerned. How many of my anytime minutes does it take to get a call from On High?

Question about psychic abilities. How does one know they are getting an accurate answer if one does not know who is answering? Just curious.
God does not speak to us through psychics or medium these all are part of superstition and sinful, God can have no part in sin.

The real question should not be does God speak to you it should be why doesn't God speak to me? He speaks to those He chooses.

Communication with God can be done at many levels and most people who make a sincere effort find satisfactory proof that they believe they are heard.

God communicates His presence and reality to many millions of people especially through the sacraments.

More intimate communication is common for people who by God's grace become Holy. If you want to talk to someone who has such a relationship they are around just ask them to answer your questions.

I have known some very good psychics (and I have known some bad ones).

One is to watch how well they do over a span a time. No one psychic is 100% of the time, but the record will show which ones are good and which ones are just guessing.

Another thing is to watch their personality. Are they kind? Are they conniving? Is money their first motivation? This really goes hand in hand with being good at giving predictions.

See how good they are at telling you things about your past, your family, etc., that you already know.

Very important is seeing how pushy they are about money, and trying to get you to spend more money with them.

It takes a while, but good psychics can eventually be sorted out from the bad ones.

Being psychic is a skill, just like any other skill. It takes some talent and a lot of practice. Some people have a little psychic talent, some people have a fair amount, and some people are very skilled psychics. The trick here is to size a psychic up and see where they fit on this scale.

One more thing. I do not think God 'speaks' to us but I believe he 'sends messages'. I do NOT think these messages are sent directly, but are 'sent' by a very indirect route.

I believe in Logos (plural: Logoi) at every level. If Christian terminology works better for you, we can use the term 'patron saints'. I believe there are, from bottom to top;

patron saints of ethnic groups
patron saints of countries
patron saints of races
patron saints of root-races
patron saints of planets
patron saints of solar systems
patron saints of galaxies
patron saints of universes

I believe that 'God' 'sends messages' to 'patron saints of universes' who then send the messages 'down the line'. Each 'patron saint' 'relays' what needs to be relayed to the next lower level. Like I said, I do not see it as a direct God-to-human line of communication. I think that any 'direct communication' any human receives is not from God, but from an intermediary.

This also explains how I see the Jews as the 'chosen people', but this is an entirely different topic.

One more thing. I do not think God 'speaks' to us but I believe he 'sends messages'. I do NOT think these messages are sent directly, but are 'sent' by a very indirect route.

I believe in Logos (plural: Logoi) at every level. If Christian terminology works better for you, we can use the term 'patron saints'. I believe there are, from bottom to top;

patron saints of ethnic groups
patron saints of countries
patron saints of races
patron saints of root-races
patron saints of planets
patron saints of solar systems
patron saints of galaxies
patron saints of universes

I believe that 'God' 'sends messages' to 'patron saints of universes' who then send the messages 'down the line'. Each 'patron saint' 'relays' what needs to be relayed to the next lower level. Like I said, I do not see it as a direct God-to-human line of communication. I think that any 'direct communication' any human receives is not from God, but from an intermediary.

This also explains how I see the Jews as the 'chosen people', but this is an entirely different topic.

Interesting concept but I do believe that people do receive messages directly from god.....look at jesus

I know you think Jesus is a deity, but I disagree.
well you can disagree but it doesnt change the facts. His life was documented and he is alive and well. He was a deity before he took on a human body. What is it specifically that you disagree with? What are your scriptural references for your disagreement?
Sorry, I'm not a Christian and I'm not 'up to date' on Christian scriptures. I choose other sources for my religious sources.

And I never believe something just because it is written in a book somewhere. My belief system (Theosophy) doesn't allow it.
Sorry, I'm not a Christian and I'm not 'up to date' on Christian scriptures. I choose other sources for my religious sources.

And I never believe something just because it is written in a book somewhere. My belief system (Theosophy) doesn't allow it.
what other sources?
well you can disagree but it doesnt change the facts. His life was documented and he is alive and well. He was a deity before he took on a human body. What is it specifically that you disagree with? What are your scriptural references for your disagreement?

You can't use a book to prove the book is true...

What you are talking about is faith....what you believe...the documentation you describe wouldn't hold up in any court ....well there is the spanish inquisition...
You can't use a book to prove the book is true...

What you are talking about is faith....what you believe...the documentation you describe wouldn't hold up in any court ....well there is the spanish inquisition...
we have used books to record history. look at school. everything you learn is from a book . the life of jesus has been recorded in history. those books are historical proof. going by your logic we could say hitler never killed off jews. we know he did because its been recorded in books and in eye witness accounts.
Its the same with jesus just like any other history we study. its been recorded.

You are interested in having an argument rather than a discussion. I am not interested in arguing with you. I withdraw from this 'discussion' with you. Have a great life!

You are interested in having an argument rather than a discussion. I am not interested in arguing with you. I withdraw from this 'discussion' with you. Have a great life!

ok well I hope you have a nice life too. I sincerely mean that and not as sarcasm.
we have used books to record history. look at school. everything you learn is from a book . the life of jesus has been recorded in history. those books are historical proof. going by your logic we could say hitler never killed off jews. we know he did because its been recorded in books and in eye witness accounts.
Its the same with jesus just like any other history we study. its been recorded.

Not the case... verification comes from multiple sources.... we've got thousands of eye witnesses to Nazi atrocities...

We've no verified eye witnesses to Jesus....none. Paul who wrote the lions share of the OT never met the man (had a vision of the resurrected Jesus) but we've got differing accounts of his life written decades after his death by folks who heard it from other folks....and very different accounts of the tomb Sunday morning... all from folks who weren't there.

Outside of the bible we are completely devoid of testimony...

So faith it is....nothing wrong with that, nothing wrong with belief....but actual evidence is lacking.