Does God speak to you?

Does god speak to me: I am of the opinion that god is and always has been a personal god. Satan is also personal. They each are within. It is our choice to choose which direction we take. So I suppose, in a manner of speaking, both god and satan speak to us all.

Perhaps but only through a dream or vision. (Numb. 12:6) When Einstein was asked if he was an atheist, he answered and said, "Absolutely not! But, I can't think of God relating to man on a personal basis."

Now, Satan is only a concept to illustrate the evil inclination in man. Therefore, an emanation and not a personal being. Metaphorically, yes, God and Satan speak to us all within ourselves.
Do you personally feel that God can communicate with yourself?

I honestly believe that God talks to each and everyone of us, in one way or the other, all the time. Sadly though, few among us take the time to listen. That said, I'd like to share a personal experience I had some years back. Sorry, but this is going to require a somewhat lengthy explanation.

As I've posted on previous threads, my wife is Hindu and hails from the Fiji Islands. I made her a promise when we got married that I'd one day build her a small Hindu Temple. It wasn't until some 20 years later however, that I was finally able to fulfill that promise. For years, one thing or the other always seemed to delay construction.

One such delay was due to the pending nuptials of a niece in Fiji. I had watched this girl grow up from the time she was 2 and would not have missed her wedding for the world. So, we booked and confirmed our flight a full month in advance and eagerly awaited our departure date.

As luck would have it, the week of our scheduled departure, we had first a category 6 earthquake, extremely rare for the mid-atlantic region of the USA, followed by a hurricane a few days later which was the day before our flight! The earthquake caused minimal damage, but the hurricane forced the airports in the area to close for 2 days resulting in our flight being canceled.

I attempted to rebook right away as there was another departure date scheduled for the same flight a few days later which would have cut our trip short, but would get us to Fiji in time for the wedding. With so many flights having been canceled, it took nearly an hour just to get through to the airline. When I finally did get through I was informed that the airline could not accommodate my request and would not be able to rebook our flight until the following week by which time the wedding would be over. The only alternative was to cancel the trip. I wanted to talk it over with my wife before making a decision, so I told the agent that I'd have to call back later and hung up.

Needless to say, my wife was very disappointed, but ultimately we decided it would be best to just cancel. So I headed to my office to make the call. This is where things get interesting. As anyone who has called an airline before can tell you, when the call goes through, you are initially greeted by an automated system and given a list of options. Press one for this, 2 for that and so on. Then you listen to what ever propaganda is being played until an agent becomes available. They identify themselves by name and you state your business. Such was the case with my previous call. So, expecting I'd have at least an hour wait again, I got comfortable and dialed the number.

Immediately after punching in the last digit, without the phone on the other end even ringing, a very pleasant sounding male voice greeted me with a simple, "Hello." I thought I had mis-dialed and told the man that answered that I was trying to reach, United Airlines. He did not identify himself or confirm that I had reached the airline. He simply said, "I can help you." I was apprehensive, but his voice was very calming and reassuring. So I told him my situation and how I had tried to change our departure date, but was told that it could not be done.

Before I could say anything else, he said, "I can do it." "You can book us on the next flight?" I said amazed. "Of course", he calmly replied and proceeded to do so. He than gave me my confirmation numbers and told me that my new travel documents would be emailed to me within the hour, which they were. I was simply elated at what had just happened and told this kind man that I could not thank him enough. That's when he made a comment that floored me. "Well... maybe you should build that Temple now." he said and the call simply disconnected!

I can assure you, not one time in our short conversation was the word Temple ever mentioned. You can decide for yourself who or what was on the other end of that line, but if not God, surely someone acting on his behalf....

P.S. I've had many occasions to call the airlines since that day. Each and every time I've been greeted initially by an automated system before reaching an agent who've always identified themselves by name.
As an extension from the issues raised from the "Prophecy" thread, I'd like to pose a somewhat different question:

Do you personally feel that God can communicate with yourself?

This can be either directly, through intermediaries, or through phsical circumstance (ie, coincidence).

And has anyone ever felt as if they could commune directly with the mind of God? If so, what was revealed?
As an extension from the issues raised from the "Prophecy" thread, I'd like to pose a somewhat different question:

Do you personally feel that God can communicate with yourself?

This can be either directly, through intermediaries, or through phsical circumstance (ie, coincidence).

And has anyone ever felt as if they could commune directly with the mind of God? If so, what was revealed?
When I was born I had an afterdeath experience. In 1996 I had a near death experience and I was given a choice to go then or stay.
Right! If God was not real, what could have caused the universe to begin? Satan yes, is a concept; God is real.
Satan could have created the universe? Satan also has existed forever? So who...just the two of them or were there more? What were they doing before? I'd like to have gotten in on that card game.
When you are at the helm of a beautiful and responsive vessel, it is your job to do exactly what the Master says, exactly when He says to do it... after all, He is in command... you are only minding the helm... that said... you can question the skipper all day long... until the point an order is given. And you know what... there is no doubt in your mind when the order is given...
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This is a general observation and a personal opinion. In no way wish to detracted or disrespect anyone's intimated relationship with their God...

People hallucinate, people hear voices, experience the paranormal and people hear and speak with God. Many of these people are institutionalized. Nevertheless, we can't discount their God from the God of lucid individuals who experience much the same.

I've shared this opinion before -- God is a personal experience of the heart, not necessarily an intellectual experience of the mind. That does not make God less real. Different? Of course. Different for most everyone!

I too speak with God. We use a kind of sign language. Everywhere I look their is a sign of God!
Speaking of hallucinations...there was this kid on an acid trip...out of his mind...uncontrollable for a couple hours...his friends were consoling him, protecting him, trying to calm him down...surrounding him with love and compassion..."You'll be'll get thru are on the right path...this will'll be'll learn from this experience....I love you...I care for you....don't be upset as to where you are have incredible are surrounded by love"

I ran into him hours later again...discussing his experience with others.... He was telling them that while he could only remember bits and pieces he did recall being in a protected place of love and compassion and he spoke with G!d...who told him...."You'll be'll get thru are on the right path...this will'll be'll learn from this experience....I love you...I care for you....don't be upset as to where you are have incredible are surrounded by love"

Now that to me was incredibly enlightening... while he was out of his mind on LSD...his subconscious was listening to his caregivers, the 'angels' who were on his side... and his interpretation of their words as coming from G!d.

G!d can only do for us what G!d can do thru us... those kids were angels to him.... and were they expressing as G!d as he saw it?
W!l... Did you ever consider the possibility that God and the Angels were indeed speaking through those who were there trying to help that young man...?
Greetings. Reflecting on my life I would like to share my first experience I had with God communicating to me. Six years old I was. My brother was eleven. He always teased and taunted me. I just figured that was how relationships were between bother and sister. But as we got older, his words became more condensending. He would belittle me at any opportunity. I recall quite clearly sitting there one time, as he snickered his remarks, asking, "why is he so mean to me. I do nothing to provoke this. Why is he so mean to me?". As I asked these questions, I was in a state of despair. Not angry or emotionally upset. The answer I recieved was an experience of having sorrow for my brother. As i looked at him, I knew he was 'black' on the inside and I felt sorry for him.... Sorry he has such negative feelings. I do believe without a doubt this was how God answer my question on why my brother was so mean to me. i was six year old and this level of understanding had to come from God.

A few years later, I found out my brother was adopted when he was a young child from a physically abusive home.
I really enjoyed reading all the posts... and thankful for this topic of discussion.
I honestly believe that God talks to each and everyone of us, in one way or the other, all the time. Sadly though, few among us take the time to listen. That said, I'd like to share a personal experience I had some years back. Sorry, but this is going to require a somewhat lengthy explanation.


I agree with you that indeed there are several ways God talks to us: Through Logic, Philosophy, the Tanach, Nature, and to the Prophets by way of dreams and visions. (Numb. 12:6)