Challenge to unbelievers and those in false relgions...



[FONT=Courier New,Courier,mono]The Dichotomy of the Relativeness of Absolute Truth[/FONT]

[FONT=Courier New,Courier,mono]What is truth? That is the question of the ages. The question has been asked by sages, gurus, philosophers, intellectuals, teachers, and students, as well as everyone in between, since the beginning of time. My aim in this report is not to answer this timeless, seemingly paradoxical question, but rather to ask another question - namely, "what isn't truth," in the hopes that you may come to your own unbiased conclusion. It would no doubt be a gross violation of the first fundamental law of thought, namely, the law of non - contradiction, to say that truth is so and so, and yet, not so and so, all at the same time. However, in our time of post modernism and existentialism, such laws seem irrational and too myopic for the majority to embrace. [/FONT]

[FONT=Courier New,Courier,mono] Today, one can boldly exclaim "the sky is red" and another, "No. I believe it is purple" and both persons will be called right. The goal today isn't so much to find the truth as it is to find relativeness in truth. And so, we've become a generation of vain philosophers who seek out deep meanings to rhetorical questions and unlearned thinkers who seek meanings in nothingness. Take for instance, the "wise" words one of today's most influential religious and spiritual gurus, Oprah Winfrey: [/FONT][FONT=Courier New,Courier,mono]"Truth is one part of many, which way is yours?"[/FONT][FONT=Courier New,Courier,mono] Certainly, the obvious objection to this sort of thinking would be to ask the question, [/FONT][FONT=Courier New,Courier,mono]if both truths conflict and contradict each other, how then can they both remain true?[/FONT][FONT=Courier New,Courier,mono] I suppose however, that the obviousness of this logic will prove to no avail; especially considering that more people are adopting this sort of post-modern mind set. [/FONT]

[FONT=Courier New,Courier,mono] And herein, I believe, lies the question that leads to the crux of the issue - Do we even want to know truth? I must ask this after much observation of the world and how we live. From philosophy to free thinkers and different schools of thoughts and religion and politics and every kinds of learning's, we seem to miss that of which we seek to find. Or, and even more paradoxical and perhaps more feasible a theory, have we found truth and purposely suppressed it in the hopes that we might not have to conform to its demanding and immutable nature? The Bible teaches that man's condemnation is based on the fact that light has come into the world and men love darkness rather than light. Is Christianity only a means to finding the end, i.e., to find truth, or is it the only means? As I said in at the beginning of this article, my aim is to have you form your own unbiased opinion. [/FONT]

[FONT=Courier New,Courier,mono] One should in fact take into consideration, however, that there is only one man to ever answer the question, "what is truth?" Before answering the question, however, he taught about lies and what truth is not, and pointed his finger at humanity. The famous 20th century English Christian writer, G.K. Chesterton, understood this well when he gave his response to a newspaper that asked him the question, "what is wrong with the world?" Chesterton response is as follows:[/FONT]

[FONT=Courier New,Courier,mono]"Dear sir,In response to your question, what is wrong with the world. I am.Yours Truly,G.K. Chesterton. [/FONT]

[FONT=Courier New,Courier,mono] Chesterton was saying that the world does not have a war problem, nor does it have a disease problem or food shortage problem or crime problem or anything else like that. Instead, the problem with the world is people. The world has a people problem. Therefore, I am what is wrong with the world, was Chesterton's response. The hate and envy and lust and murder and lies and all forms of ills comes from the human heart and are manifested in physical actions. This conjecture coincides with the only man who gave the answer to the question, "what is truth," namely, Jesus, who answered "I am." Jesus claimed to be the truth and offers to prove it to anyone who in humility, turns away from their sins (repents) and places their trust in him. But again I ask, are we purposely suppressing the truth in hopes that we might not have to conform to it? If not, why not consider Jesus' words in truth? [/FONT]

[FONT=Courier New,Courier,mono] Recall again to the beginning of this article, where my aim was to ask a question in the hopes that you may better and more honestly formulate your own answer to the question, "what is truth." Here is the question: Would you consider yourself to be a good person? This simply question, I believe, may revolutionize the way you see yourself and understand Jesus' teachings. To those whom are courageous enough to ask themselves this question and then undergo the necessary steps to see whether or not they are good, in light of what the Bible calls good (God's Laws - the Ten Commandments), and then honestly accepts the answers they find, they will know truth. Who are they that desires truth and not relativism in a world of absolutes? Such a person as you will find truth. Will you seek?[/FONT]

[FONT=Courier New,Courier,mono] - Terrence[/FONT]
Terrence that was funny... the title says "to those in FALSE religions" and the question asked is, "What is Truth?" and you placed in the Christian forum. Whoever does not understand Truth does not know what a False religion is, does not know what False witness means... one of the 10 commandments, does not know the reason for confession, does not know the Gospels which talk about Truth and especially that verse from Jesus (pbuh) which says you are to worship your God (swt) in TRUTH and in Spirit.

In short, whoever wrote this is challenging themselves. Very sad. Who wrote it?
Are you saying that truth does not transcend logic? I agree that absolute truth is absolute, but then again I don't think it is possible to ever know absolute truth. You can look at the sky and call it "blue," but there is no way to ever know if people see the sky in the same color as you or as it is. Even then, blue is only referring to the color of the sky and is not the color itself, and so on and so forth. So I would say that a little relativism is needed, but it should not be taken too far. Of course, this all depends on whether the nature of the world is absolutely objective or subjective...

Also, what exactly compromises the false religions? Is it the standard everything other than Christianity thing or is there a definite list?
moseslmpg said:
...Also, what exactly compromises the false religions? Is it the standard everything other than Christianity thing or is there a definite list?

If one is asking the question on the Christian forum, the answer is automatically, yes. Christianity is the way, the true way, the only way. But then, you knew that already.
cyberpi said:
Terrence that was funny... the title says "to those in FALSE religions" and the question asked is, "What is Truth?" and you placed in the Christian forum. Whoever does not understand Truth does not know what a False religion is, does not know what False witness means... one of the 10 commandments, does not know the reason for confession, does not know the Gospels which talk about Truth and especially that verse from Jesus (pbuh) which says you are to worship your God (swt) in TRUTH and in Spirit.

In short, whoever wrote this is challenging themselves. Very sad. Who wrote it?

And had the question and commentary been placed anywhere else, I suspect all hell would break loose. Terrence placed the question in the least offensive place to put it.
cyberpi said:
Terrence that was funny... the title says "to those in FALSE religions" and the question asked is, "What is Truth?" and you placed in the Christian forum. Whoever does not understand Truth does not know what a False religion is, does not know what False witness means... one of the 10 commandments, does not know the reason for confession, does not know the Gospels which talk about Truth and especially that verse from Jesus (pbuh) which says you are to worship your God (swt) in TRUTH and in Spirit.

In short, whoever wrote this is challenging themselves. Very sad. Who wrote it?

I'll give u a clue. The dude who wrote it has the same name as me. U dont like it tho? Take the challenge...dont be scared!
moseslmpg said:
Are you saying that truth does not transcend logic? I agree that absolute truth is absolute, but then again I don't think it is possible to ever know absolute truth. You can look at the sky and call it "blue," but there is no way to ever know if people see the sky in the same color as you or as it is. Even then, blue is only referring to the color of the sky and is not the color itself, and so on and so forth. So I would say that a little relativism is needed, but it should not be taken too far. Of course, this all depends on whether the nature of the world is absolutely objective or subjective...

Also, what exactly compromises the false religions? Is it the standard everything other than Christianity thing or is there a definite list?

Hey people, Im not here to fight or argue...It takes too much otter me and I get bored. So, please just take the challenge. Go to my and click on the white banner that says "are u a good person." Take that test and you'll find truth. No kiddin, you will.
Quahom1 said:
If one is asking the question on the Christian forum, the answer is automatically, yes. Christianity is the way, the true way, the only way. But then, you knew that already.
No, I was asking in context of the article, and the usage of the term false, i.e. a religion of falsity vs. a false religion. For instance, is Judaism part of the false religions? What about Mormonism? Anyway, it's irrelevant I suppose, but I just wanted to know how it was used in the article itself.
moseslmpg said:
No, I was asking in context of the article, and the usage of the term false, i.e. a religion of falsity vs. a false religion. For instance, is Judaism part of the false religions? What about Mormonism? Anyway, it's irrelevant I suppose, but I just wanted to know how it was used in the article itself.

Put that way, it becomes a horse of a different color...
Dont fret about the title guys. I only made it up when I posted it on this site. The title was to get all people (esepecially those who arent christians) to read the article and take the test.
Terrence said:
Dont fret about the title guys. I only made it up when I posted it on this site. The title was to get all people (esepecially those who arent christians) to read the article and take the test.

Then perhaps, since we are on a clarification mission here, your thread should be available to those that are not neccassarily Christian? (I think that is what someone else was hinting at suggesting, like Cyperbi)...
The thread is to all, especially non christians. I want to talk to people who dont know Jesus, not the ones that already do. I thank God for the ones that already know him and I love them, but again, that thread was really to those not in Christ, who is the way, the TRUTH, and the life. But, u already knew that.
Terrence said:
I'll give u a clue. The dude who wrote it has the same name as me. U dont like it tho? Take the challenge...dont be scared!
Doh! Then I was trying to help you realize that by the relationship of what is the TRUTH and what is FALSE that you are both challenging and judging yourself. Good luck with that.
Where's the confused icon when you need it? Run that by me again, I missed it. Forgive me man, Im kinda slow...its past 9.
Terrence said:
Where's the confused icon when you need it? Run that by me again, I missed it. Forgive me man, Im kinda slow...its past 9.

In otherwords, I should move the thread to a more general forum?
lol. If you think that would be better. Sorry if I put it in the wrong place. I just like to post on the Christian forum, since I'm a Christian, u know?
Terrence said:
lol. If you think that would be better. Sorry if I put it in the wrong place. I just like to post on the Christian forum, since I'm a Christian, u know?

...where non Christians will never see the challenge? Preaching to the "choir" isn't exactly condusive to enlightenment, now is it?
BlaznFattyz said:
ya but the false religion is a bit presumptuous.

Islam has absolutely no problem making that claim. And refuting such can apparently be detrimental to one's health, it seems.