What are the Differences between the Abrahamic Faiths?

Namaste, my friend. ;) :)

Thanks for your kind comments. I did enjoy working on that thread very much, I learned a lot and I met lots of cool people in the process. (I noticed you posted a list of Islamic terms on that board. Very helpful for quick reference. Thanks.)

Muslimwoman said:
We can only go where our hearts lead InLove and I believe our hearts desire peace and understanding, rather than a demand for agreement. Truly, if you ever wish to come to Egypt, sit on my tiny balcony and sip mint tea, while we discuss these issues and watch the sun go down (a sight for sore eyes), then you and your family are always welcome in our home. You would be made to feel a part of our family (and there is a Christian church just around the corner :D).
Sounds beautiful. I love to watch the sun sink and color up the skies. We have one of those “big skies” here where I live—I can imagine that the skies are big and brilliant and gorgeous there in Egypt, too. If I came to visit you, I might want to visit your place of worship, if allowed. And it might be a real learning experience for me, as well, to visit a Christian church so far away from home. Or maybe, I’d just sip tea and watch the sun rise and set and the sky change hues. Okay…I’m dreaming!

Muslimwoman said:
It is not making sense to me yet but I am at least beginning to see how Christians see the issue of 'Son of G-d'. So effectively your praise goes to the overall restaurant? (I can't believe I am speaking about G-d in this way but I am sure He will understand it is in order to understand Him better - or is that wishful thinking on my part?).
Yeah, I’d say that’s pretty much how I see it. (And I trust G-d understands our attempts to understand. I hope so, because I have some questions to ask in the near future, and if He doesn’t, then I am in big trouble! )

Muslimwoman said:
I think I get it, so Jesus (pbuh) is the most important 'tangible' aspect of G-d? If this is a correct understanding then why do you feel the need to have something tangible of G-d?
Maybe it isn’t so much that I need the “tangible”, but, as some might say, I needed a “Wayshower”, or an example. An assurance that G-d is merciful, and that death may be defeated. Maybe that’s it. After all, I can’t touch Jesus in the flesh now, but I still trust Him.

Muslimwoman said:
One of my difficulties comes from the fact that G-d Himself tells us that we (humans) cannot even begin to mentally conceive of Him, so for me to believe G-d came to earth in human form would be to 'conceive' of G-d.
I am beginning to understand this view. I could see myself interpreting things the same way if Christ were not already a part of my understanding of G-d’s Love. I can’t deny Him. But neither do I seek to limit the ways in which Allah knows our hearts.:)

I am going to be out of pocket for a couple of days. Going to see my dad out in the woods a couple of hours away. I might not have time to stop in to CR until I get back. I’ll catch ya later, though! Thanks for this conversation—thanks so much!


As Always,
I am going to be out of pocket for a couple of days. Going to see my dad out in the woods a couple of hours away. I might not have time to stop in to CR until I get back. I’ll catch ya later, though! Thanks for this conversation—thanks so much!

as salaam aleykum my sister

I hope you have a wonderful time with your Dad and that he is well and enjoying life.

Thank you so much, you have explained the position of Jesus (pbuh) so well and in ways I can understand. I may not accept your view but after so many years of struggle I finally understand how a Christian views Jesus (pbuh). I shall always remain grateful for this, thank you.

Okay can we switch topics now, I am aware you have questions for me regarding Islam and I can't wait to hear them. I can only give you my understanding but shall try to do so to the best of my ability.


Peace and love to you sister
I think there is not much difference at all.

I think what causes problems and has caused problems throughout history is what is SIMILAR within these three religions:

1) They all claim they are the only one right religion.
2) They all claim authority over the Aberahamic God.

If in the past and today, we took a very good look at these three religions, taking out these 2 very big declarations by all three of them -- We might find a lot more in common, a lot more peace and understanding between the people of these faiths.
I think there is not much difference at all.

I think what causes problems and has caused problems throughout history is what is SIMILAR within these three religions:

1) They all claim they are the only one right religion.
2) They all claim authority over the Aberahamic God.

If in the past and today, we took a very good look at these three religions, taking out these 2 very big declarations by all three of them -- We might find a lot more in common, a lot more peace and understanding between the people of these faiths.

If it were only that simple, Morr. The fact is that both of those statements are dependent on the fact that all three Abrahamic faiths also have three differing sets of scriptures through which we derive that authority. And these scriptures will diametrically oppose each other on certain key points. So we all have our reasons for not considering each other's traditions.

But if I were to attempt to whittle down to a basic commonality, it would be this:

1) We all worship One God.
2) We are to love God and our neighbor.
I think there is not much difference at all.

I think what causes problems and has caused problems throughout history is what is SIMILAR within these three religions:

1) They all claim they are the only one right religion.
2) They all claim authority over the Aberahamic God.

If in the past and today, we took a very good look at these three religions, taking out these 2 very big declarations by all three of them -- We might find a lot more in common, a lot more peace and understanding between the people of these faiths.

Interesting perspective. Except for one small detail. Christians may claim alot of things, but authority over God is not one of them.


Assalamu 'Alalikum Wa Rahmatullah, Muslimwoman!

(How am I progressing with my greetings? I just thought I would try this one. I keep wondering why I am encountering so many differences in spelling. Perhaps it is a dialectic issue? Maybe I will take this question to the “greetings” thread. In the meantime, correct me if I say something in the wrong way, and most of all, please do not let me inadvertently offend without pointing it out to me! I am here to learn and to share when asked and able.)

Muslimwoman said:
Okay can we switch topics now, I am aware you have questions for me regarding Islam and I can't wait to hear them. I can only give you my understanding but shall try to do so to the best of my ability.

And, as usual, I am being slow about things. I have been doing some reading in preparation, so that when I ask questions, hopefully they won’t just be silly. And I really want to express to you my appreciation for the thoughtful way in which you have asked your questions of me as well as how graciously you received my responses. As I try and formulate my own questions, I am realizing just how difficult that can be. Almost downright scary, as a matter of fact! :eek: Some things are just hard for me to say or ask, but I sincerely want to understand your views (as well as those of any other Muslim contributors here who would care to join in—just please be gentle with me? Oh please, oh please?) And to my Christian brothers and sisters, my hope is that you will also be gracious and allow me to learn, even if what I say or how I say it does not sound just right to you. I have been treated well here, and I plan to reciprocate. I trust you will understand. Thanks, y’all! :)

(And one of these days soon, I will probably be bothering my Jewish friends, as well. But I gotta finish reading Judaism 101 first. :))

Well, you know me by now, MW. I just can’t leave a good thread hanging, so I just stopped in to let you know I have not left the building! I’ll be back soon….got some more reading to do.


2) They all claim authority over the Aberahamic God.

Errrm authority over G-d? :eek: This is absolutely the very last thing we would claim, in fact we claim the opposite - we are mere servants of G-d. Perhaps we are misunderstanding you and you could rephrase this?
Assalamu 'Alalikum Wa Rahmatullah, Muslimwoman!

Habibty, you are without doubt the pop-princess of greetings, just another month and you'll be the Queen of Sheba of greetings. Thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart, for your desire to greet me this way. It truly shows what a good and kind heart you have beating in your chest.

The different spellings is easy. If you translate from Italian to English, you are working in the same alphabet but when you translate between different alphabets you have to simply write down the sounds. Hence the Quran is also spelt Koran in English. :)

hopefully they won’t just be silly.

No such thing as a silly question, if you don't know the answer. We cannot learn if we don't ask questions.

As I try and formulate my own questions, I am realizing just how difficult that can be. Almost downright scary, as a matter of fact! :eek:

Hey tell me about it, wait until you get to the ones that make you lie awake in bed thinking "am I really following the right path". Now that is when it gets scary. :eek:;)

What do you mean be gentle with you? You should know me by now, I shall be all finger pointing, fire and brimstone and I'm right and you're wrong. :p

(And one of these days soon, I will probably be bothering my Jewish friends, as well. But I gotta finish reading Judaism 101 first. :))

Oh you are a good girl, I don't have that much patience, hence my Judaism 101 thread. I just read a bit, ask questions, read a bit more, ask more questions. Of course if I did it your way then I wouldn't have to ask daft questions. :eek: But then we wouldn't have anything to talk about. :D

Muslimwoman said:
Habibty, you are without doubt the pop-princess of greetings, just another month and you'll be the Queen of Sheba of greetings.

Well, I'm flattered. Thank you for this, but when it comes to greetings, I am convinced that the crown still belongs to Phyllis. :D

What do you mean be gentle with you? You should know me by now, I shall be all finger pointing, fire and brimstone and I'm right and you're wrong. :p

It wasn't you I was worried about:). Only concerned that there are others who might not understand me as well as you seem to. I just want them to know that I am a beginner when it comes to discussing Islamic beliefs, but by now that has got to be obvious! I have always gotten along well with the Muslim contributors here with whom I have had the pleasure of an exchange, so hopefully I will do okay with those I haven't "met" before, despite my lack of education in this area. :)

The different spellings is easy. If you translate from Italian to English, you are working in the same alphabet but when you translate between different alphabets you have to simply write down the sounds. Hence the Quran is also spelt Koran in English. :)

Thanks for that. I had been under the impression that it was some sort of minor insult to use the latter spelling! I am glad you cleared that up for me, and I am going to seek out the person who told me that and set him straight, because I pointed out to him at the time that I didn't think it made sense.

So let me ask you, then--which of the following is proper--Quran or Q'uran? And along the same lines, should one write Isa or 'Isa? (And I promise--I really do have more in-depth questions in mind, but since we are touching on language concerns, I just thought I'd go ahead and ask so that maybe I can have a little more confidence when discussing matters.)

Oh! I have been SO bombarded with stuff outside CR these days, thus part of my snail-like progress when it comes to the threads concerning deeper subjects like this one. But I have been reading. I wonder if you would comment on your opinion of this source as a good starting point for someone like me? For all I know, it may have already been cited in these discussions, so forgive me if I overlooked it before.


Thanks for that. I had been under the impression that it was some sort of minor insult to use the latter spelling!

There is no insult in it, many western Muslims spell it Koran, for those 'more educated' in the arabic transliteration it may be seen as lack of religious education or even as 'common' but both spellings are simply trying to express what are to us some dots and squiggles and a language very different to our own.

So let me ask you, then--which of the following is proper--Quran or Q'uran?

Okay the second one should be Qur'an. The ' represents a small hesitation when speaking, as an english speaker would say uh-oh. So when I speak of the Quran to an english person I do not pronounce the hesitation but when I speak in Arabic of the Qur'an I pronounce the stop, so would say Qur...stop...an. This is a tiny restriction of the air and not a pause - wow this would be so much easier if we were having coffee face to face. So in short both are correct, all of these spellings are simply a representation of the arabic.

And along the same lines, should one write Isa or 'Isa?

I am no linguist and arabic is not my mother tongue but I have never seen 'Isa. The most common use of ' in front of a word is the transliteration of the letter 'ayn. This is a glottal stop sound, you restrict your throat and force the air through. It is not a natural sound for a non arabic speaker and many linguists have stated it is virtually impossible for someone not born speaking arabic to make the sound properly. I certainly haven't heard arabs pronounce the name with a glottal stop, so would stick to Isa (pbuh).

I wonder if you would comment on your opinion of this source as a good starting point for someone like me?

It's an okay place to start. I've had a good look around and it is very western and in places they are wearing rose coloured glasses. However, they do accept many of the basics (hijab should be worn, alcahol is prohibited, etc) but they have quoted a couple of verses out of context in order to make their argument of equal rights for men and women (and this is from me and you know how moderate my views can be). It might be better if you start with a middle of the road site. Would you mind if I suggest a couple of sites to check out?

Ahh, phooey! Last post not showing up (again). :rolleyes:

Bumping thread so it will show up.

There, that's better. :)
Sorry InLove sweetie, rather busy these days. Will post some threads tonight but haven't forgotten.

That's cool. I found some more, too. They look a little more balanced. Maybe I'll ask you about them later on--or maybe some will be the same as yours.

No worries. Busy on this end as well. :)

That's cool. I found some more, too. They look a little more balanced. Maybe I'll ask you about them later on--or maybe some will be the same as yours.

No worries. Busy on this end as well. :)


Hee, hee we both say we are so busy.....so why are we on a forum on the internet :D must be the addiction or we are scared of missing something.
Haha! Yes.

Gotta go take care of phone calls. Check.

Socks and t-shirts in the washer. Check.

Passing by office door with laundry folded, so check CR. Check.

Put laundry away in bedroom. Check. Change into gardening apparel. Check.

Pass back by office on the way to flowerbeds. Check CR. Check.

Might as well check email. So, while I am here, might as well check CR. Check.

And so it goes....;):D
Haha! Yes.

Gotta go take care of phone calls. Check.

Socks and t-shirts in the washer. Check.

Passing by office door with laundry folded, so check CR. Check.

Put laundry away in bedroom. Check. Change into gardening apparel. Check.

Pass back by office on the way to flowerbeds. Check CR. Check.

Might as well check email. So, while I am here, might as well check CR. Check.

And so it goes....;):D

:eek: Are you spying on me? That is exactly how it goes.

Actually I fib. I am trying to get an internet business up and running, so you can imagine:

Type some text....change to CR tab
Do a search.....change to CR tab
Hubby walks through room....change back and look busy
Hubby goes out.....change to CR tab
Nip out to put dinner on....check CR
Type some text.....change to CR

and round it goes, for every hour I work I spend an hour on here and my hubby doesn't understand why the website design is so slow....good job he doesn't understand computers :D
As salaam aleykum InLove

At last, sorry it took so long. Try these for starters:


Not the prettiest site but good info when you learn where to look. Is very basic but a good place to get the general principles.


This takes you through the fundamentals of Islam.


This is great for looking up questions and answers, be aware it is only one Islamic view and I am sure you know by now various views go from one extreme to the other but I find this site tends to answer according to my understanding of the Quran and is what I would class as middle of the road opinion. Please also be aware that it can be very difficult at times to find which sites are Sunni and which are Shia, whose doctrines can be very different - if you are not sure just ask.

I would be interested to know which sites you have found.

Salaam sister
As salaam aleykum, Muslimwoman :)

Thank you for the references. That should keep me busy for a while. I'll compare them to what I have been reading. One of them does look familiar...I'll get back to you pretty soon.

I do so enjoy your friendship. Nice to know this can happen.

Salaam, sister
