A Christian group?

I was with someone for 10 years that used to beat me verbally.. He said things that made me feel small.. but you could never say it was just by the actual words..it was tone and phrasing...never outright saying what he really thought.. he made ME think the thought and hate myself.. Its the worst kind of manipulation Ive ever dealt with so Im a bit more intolerant of it in other people which I need to evaluate in myself.
Faithfulservant said:
You miss my point.. God refers to Israel as the apple of His eye.. Christians are adopted into that family that He calls Israel... They are His people...Christians are grafted into that people..We are in a sense Jewish to God.

Read Rom 11:13-24 and Eph 2:11-18. There is no support for a modern jewish racial supremacism in the New Testament. The jews were appointed as God's people first and then likened in Rom 11 to branches on an olivetree. As most of them did not believe and obey, even rejected Christ, they were broken off that olive tree. Gentile saints were then grafted into that tree instead. So it's not a rascist tree but a tree of saints of all types, "one new man" (Eph 2:15).
Student1975 said:
Read Rom 11:13-24 and Eph 2:11-18. There is no support for a modern jewish racial supremacism in the New Testament. The jews were appointed as God's people first and then likened in Rom 11 to branches on an olivetree. As most of them did not believe and obey, even rejected Christ, they were broken off that olive tree. Gentile saints were then grafted into that tree instead. So it's not a rascist tree but a tree of saints of all types, "one new man" (Eph 2:15).

Replacement theology is not biblical and I reject it.. God throughout the bible refers to Israel as His... He referred to the tract of land as His.. If you read the entire bible instead of the bits where God is upset with Israel you will find that this is ongoing from Abraham to Revelation that God is dealing with the people of Israel from the beginning to the end of this age. We are grafted in and adopted but not replacing them. If you know anything about my God you would know that He chastens and turns His face away but always calls His children back with loving merciful forgiveness... Jesus taught this also with the parable of the prodigal son.
Quahom1 said:
We don't get physical anymore, but the art of using language to cause slight or injury to an "adversary", apparently hasn't left us.
When you look at the animal Kingdom the two things that help the animal in the face of prey or predator are to either lie or to hide. Telling the truth in most cases is not conducive to good health. If it is a truth that hurts a person then it has really nothing to do with the person that speaks it. It could have been from anyone.

I don't think words spoken by a person can hurt anyone but the person who speaks them. Not in this world. Maybe somewhere else they do, like in heaven or hell. When I was young I thought at first that words here could hurt. Rejection certainly hurts inside the body or the soul if you let it, but realize the rejection that Jesus (pbuh) faced. I find that words always reveal the people who speak them. Not necessarily the other way around. The sin is when a person lies, misleads, or looks the other way for their own benefit.

I see that there is a written record in this world of every thought, word and action that has ever been made in perfect detail. All history has been recorded. I don't see that history, but I see that everything requires energy. I certainly regret some things I have said, but I do not regret anything that anyone has ever said to me. Is it not the same for any of you? Words, lies, gossip, propaganda, secrets may have all misled, but no words spoken to me have ever brought me any real harm. Any lies told are still a truth that reveal something in the person who tells them. That too is a good thing. How else can you know to rebuke them?
cyberpi said:
When you look at the animal Kingdom the two things that help the animal in the face of prey or predator are to either lie or to hide. Telling the truth in most cases is not conducive to good health. If it is a truth that hurts a person then it has really nothing to do with the person that speaks it. It could have been from anyone.

I don't think words spoken by a person can hurt anyone but the person who speaks them. Not in this world. Maybe somewhere else they do, like in heaven or hell. When I was young I thought at first that words here could hurt. Rejection certainly hurts inside the body or the soul if you let it, but realize the rejection that Jesus (pbuh) faced. I find that words always reveal the people who speak them. Not necessarily the other way around. The sin is when a person lies, misleads, or looks the other way for their own benefit.

I see that there is a written record in this world of every thought, word and action that has ever been made in perfect detail. All history has been recorded. I don't see that history, but I see that everything requires energy. I certainly regret some things I have said, but I do not regret anything that anyone has ever said to me. Is it not the same for any of you? Words, lies, gossip, propaganda, secrets may have all misled, but no words spoken to me have ever brought me any real harm. Any lies told are still a truth that reveal something in the person who tells them. That too is a good thing. How else can you know to rebuke them?

I opine that for most people, to hear spiteful or vicious words from one we respect, or care about to some degree, is painful indeed. And unlike physical wounds which mostly heal, wounds to the psychie or soul sometimes never heal.

Case in point would be a child with verbally abusive parents. Another could be one insulting another's religious beliefs.

If words can not harm others, then why do we sometimes want to physically lash out a the one who used those words against us...is it but not for the pain one feels?

Actually, you should be familiar with the following:

"A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." Proverbs 15: 1
Faithfulservant said:
Replacement theology is not biblical and I reject it.. God throughout the bible refers to Israel as His... He referred to the tract of land as His.. If you read the entire bible instead of the bits where God is upset with Israel you will find that this is ongoing from Abraham to Revelation that God is dealing with the people of Israel from the beginning to the end of this age. We are grafted in and adopted but not replacing them. If you know anything about my God you would know that He chastens and turns His face away but always calls His children back with loving merciful forgiveness... Jesus taught this also with the parable of the prodigal son.

It seems to me you like elements of the tree symbolism, but not all of it. Yes, natural Israel made up the tree to start with, because they were called first in OT times. But then the unbelieving were cut off, their branches burned (Jer 11:16). So was it a tree of all Israel then? No, of believing Israel. Then gentile saints were added to it. What would we describe the tree like now? As a jewish tree? No, as a saints' tree.

The belief in jewish rascism and supremacism is much mistaken. It may very well be that 1948 was the beginning of a slow regathering of Israel, but sofar true Israel has not shown its face. Huge amounts of dollars have been used in an attempt to convert them, but they have as a whole remained a strongly anti-christian people. You "christian zionists" will keep on your thing, while I will wait for the day when some of these people, provided they are what you think they are, will thank the Lord for their regathering and put their trust in Christ.

What do you mean by applying the prodigal son parable to the situation in Israel? Are you unaware of millions of jews going into the grave in unbelief? If you believe God always "calls His children back with loving merciful forgiveness", then you are a Universalist, as all are the children of God in the sense as unbelieving jews are (Luke 3:38, Acts 17:28-29).
Read Ezekiel 37-39 to get the picture...

Here is a bit of it This is all happening right now..We are seeing the unfolding of these prophesies in front of our faces.. and still people refuse to belief that God will deliver Israel. Jews from all over the world are returning to the land God gave them. Can you think of another people displaced as long as they have been displaced and still be called a people?? No there is none.

Ezekiel 39:23 The Gentiles shall know that the house of Israel went into captivity for their iniquity; because they were unfaithful to Me, therefore I hid My face from them. I gave them into the hand of their enemies, and they all fell by the sword. 24 According to their uncleanness and according to their transgressions I have dealt with them, and hidden My face from them." '25 "Therefore thus says the Lord God: 'Now I will bring back the captives of Jacob, and have mercy on the whole house of Israel; and I will be jealous for My holy name-- 26 after they have borne their shame, and all their unfaithfulness in which they were unfaithful to Me, when they dwelt safely in their own land and no one made them afraid. 27 When I have brought them back from the peoples and gathered them out of their enemies' lands, and I am hallowed in them in the sight of many nations, 28 then they shall know that I am the Lord their God, who sent them into captivity among the nations, but also brought them back to their land, and left none of them captive any longer. 29 And I will not hide My face from them anymore; for I shall have poured out My Spirit on the house of Israel,' says the Lord God."