A Christian group?

Student1975 said:
Anyone that hates Jewish, German or American people is non-christian. Anyone that supports ethnic supremacy be it pro Arians or pro Jews, are non-Christian. However, I think the idea that a Christian is supposed to side politically with the state of Israel is dangerous and offending. That idea is the product of the very late teachings of men like Nelson Darby and Charles Taze Russell and the impact they have had on Christianity in general. It is not the teaching of the New Testament and it was not the teaching of the churchfathers or the reformers. Even if we adopt the gross literalism of Darby and Russell, there is nothing in the Bible saying we should support non-believing and very anti-Christian Israel. The governments of the West do well in supporting Israel and have them as an ally against the Moslems, but that has nothing to do with Christ.

You miss my point.. God refers to Israel as the apple of His eye.. Christians are adopted into that family that He calls Israel... They are His people...Christians are grafted into that people..We are in a sense Jewish to God.
China Cat Sunflower said:
What I'm saying is that I would much rather have everything out in the open. That way people can hang themselves with their own words. That's the way it should be.

The KKK IS a Christian organization. Westboro IS a Christian Church. That nut job Phelps IS a Christian. They all make Christianity look bad, and I'm not going to give the religion a free pass. These hate groups and hateful people are YOURS,Christians. They belong to you. They speak for you. They got their ideas from your book. It's up to you to do something about it.

Everything can be out in the open. The psychos at W.B.C. are not any type of Christian. The KKK is not, Hitler was not, and on and on.
They do not speak for me, they do not get their ideas from my Book. Yes it is up to all of us to do something about them.
cyberpi said:
I fear that MY language was inappropriate and misleading, so I'd like to add that there are many pairs in this world and the flesh has many examples, but I think it is the job of every woman and man to remind the woman and man which pair is important. That is probably misleading so I will add that my name here is pronounced siebur-pie, not siebur-bie. That is, PI is the ratio of a circumscribing circle to the longest 'straight' line through it. That is probably still misleading so I will try to be more insightful and add that I think any claims that creation comes from entropy are wrong, so I personally find it disgusting to poke to test the theory.

I tend to believe a person has to clean the inside of their own cup, and if people come along and shine up the outside it prevents anyone from learning how to clean the inside. Surely people are dealt different cups. Said another way, I don't do eye surgery but I've seen and memorized a few eye charts that helped me see better. When I drive through Topeka, KS (I travel)... I will leave behind some of my favorite thorns and eye charts.
I must be dense. I'm sorry but I have no idea what you're talking about.

I was just thinking that if the KKK, Westboro and Phelps, David Koresh, the abortion center bombers et. al. are not to be considered Christian, then perhaps we should extend the same kind of courtesy to Islam.

China Cat Sunflower said:
I must be dense. I'm sorry but I have no idea what you're talking about.

I was just thinking that if the KKK, Westboro and Phelps, David Koresh, the abortion center bombers et. al. are not to be considered Christian, then perhaps we should extend the same kind of courtesy to Islam.


As in "extremists" are not to be considered by their religious affiliations? Might be (actually is) difficult to do.

Seems all we can say really is that they are "out of whack", off kilter, or unbalanced.
China Cat Sunflower said:
I must be dense. I'm sorry but I have no idea what you're talking about.

I was just thinking that if the KKK, Westboro and Phelps, David Koresh, the abortion center bombers et. al. are not to be considered Christian, then perhaps we should extend the same kind of courtesy to Islam.


lol I bet you wouldnt tell Mahmoud Ahmadinejad he wasnt a true muslim .. that he was representing mohammad poorly.. Considering he wants to kill you and he doesnt care who knows.. anyways what does that have to do with Christianity? Did someone on this thread say something against Islam?? sorry I missed that.. think you were trying to make a dig and its not very nice.. I think i mentioned to you before that your passive aggressiveness wasnt appreciated.
Faithfulservant said:
lol I bet you wouldnt tell Mahmoud Ahmadinejad he wasnt a true muslim .. that he was representing mohammad poorly.. Considering he wants to kill you and he doesnt care who knows.. anyways what does that have to do with Christianity? Did someone on this thread say something against Islam?? sorry I missed that.. think you were trying to make a dig and its not very nice.. I think i mentioned to you before that your passive aggressiveness wasnt appreciated.

You don't see the similarity? Phelps and Ahmadinejad: two way out there dudes who claim to represent their respective religions. It's easy to say "well, Phelps is just an extremist who doesn't represent Christianity." But it's harder to apply that to the Muslim, isn't it? For me it is, and Q pretty well said as much if I understand him correctly.

As far as me being passive aggressive: you're welcome to whatever projections you fancy, but that's not my intention.

Faithfulservant said:
well for the record.. phelps and Ahmadinejad dont worship the same god as I do.

Of course not. There in is the conundrum, and what the world sees. If it is violent, then it makes news. If it is good and kind...back page if news at all.
China Cat Sunflower said:
As far as me being passive aggressive: you're welcome to whatever projections you fancy, but that's not my intention.


It brings to mind actually.. the serpent in eden.. twisting truths and leading silly naive eve on into taking a bite...

Thank God I learned from her mistake.

No offense btw.. :) Just a self observation more or less.
Well, I appreciate you saving me the trouble of looking up how to spell Ahmadinejad.:)

BTW, today is my 43rd birthday. My wife got me a ping pong table. Joy!

Have a nice evening.

China Cat Sunflower said:
Well, I appreciate you saving me the trouble of looking up how to spell Ahmadinejad.:)

BTW, today is my 43rd birthday. My wife got me a ping pong table. Joy!

Have a nice evening.


Happy Birthday! Enjoy your game with family! :D
China Cat Sunflower said:
I was just thinking that if the KKK, Westboro and Phelps, David Koresh, the abortion center bombers et. al. are not to be considered Christian, then perhaps we should extend the same kind of courtesy to Islam.
China Cat Sunflower said:
It's easy to say "well, Phelps is just an extremist who doesn't represent Christianity." But it's harder to apply that to the Muslim, isn't it? For me it is, and Q pretty well said as much if I understand him correctly.
I say 'alledged' Muslim all the time. The only thing holding anyone back with Islam is their own ignorance of it. It is available for anyone to go learn, but few here are able to get past their cultural indifference or even see the need to. So why swat with gross generalizations? It just shows a lack of knowledge.

I never said that anyone was NOT a Christian. I said alledged. I saw a sinner breaking one of the 10 commandments and pointed out why. Someone should put it in front of him and their church. I certainly will. Will you?
China Cat Sunflower said:
Well, I appreciate you saving me the trouble of looking up how to spell Ahmadinejad.:)

BTW, today is my 43rd birthday. My wife got me a ping pong table. Joy!

Have a nice evening.


lol...I googled Irans president and cut and pasted his name. *blush* Hope you had a happy birthday :)
China Cat Sunflower said:
Well, I appreciate you saving me the trouble of looking up how to spell Ahmadinejad.:)

BTW, today is my 43rd birthday. My wife got me a ping pong table. Joy!

Have a nice evening.

Happy birthday!


Happy.............................. Birthday............

.......Happy ...................Birthday.............China........


Ping...................... Pong....................

:D........................................ :D

InPeace .....................InLove
Faithful Servant,

Could you help me understand what kind of passive-aggressive behaviours you think I'm exibiting. I think I've related to you my fundamentalist Christian background, but I don't know if I said that what my dad did was sell, and oversee the selling of religious books door-to-door. He has written several books, basically on how to hard sell people. Growing up with a father who was a master of word games I learned how to use rhetorical tactics, and it was actually a blessing because it taught me how to pick apart an argument.

But I also think that playing word games with people is ultimately disingenuous and dishonest. Part of my motivation in participating on this forum is to learn how to express my ideas without resorting to rhetorical tactics. I'm trying to be honest and just say what I mean, but sometimes I unconsciously slip into those old word game tactics. That's what happened on the other thread. Then I'll catch myself and think, "wait a minute, I'm playing games", and I'll try to rectify the situation. Maybe that comes off as passive-aggressive and duplicitous, I don't know, but it isn't my intention.

I honestly don't have an axe to grind, and I really have no interest in attacking anyone's beliefs. I'm mostly just thinking out loud and posing the questions that come to my mind.

China Cat Sunflower said:
Faithful Servant,

Could you help me understand what kind of passive-aggressive behaviours you think I'm exibiting. I think I've related to you my fundamentalist Christian background, but I don't know if I said that what my dad did was sell, and oversee the selling of religious books door-to-door. He has written several books, basically on how to hard sell people. Growing up with a father who was a master of word games I learned how to use rhetorical tactics, and it was actually a blessing because it taught me how to pick apart an argument.

But I also think that playing word games with people is ultimately disingenuous and dishonest. Part of my motivation in participating on this forum is to learn how to express my ideas without resorting to rhetorical tactics. I'm trying to be honest and just say what I mean, but sometimes I unconsciously slip into those old word game tactics. That's what happened on the other thread. Then I'll catch myself and think, "wait a minute, I'm playing games", and I'll try to rectify the situation. Maybe that comes off as passive-aggressive and duplicitous, I don't know, but it isn't my intention.

I honestly don't have an axe to grind, and I really have no interest in attacking anyone's beliefs. I'm mostly just thinking out loud and posing the questions that come to my mind.


Not to be a "buttinski", but well, yeah I am. "Sarcasm". I'm as guilty of it as I suspect you know you can be too. We use back handed verbage to cut an "opponent" to the quick. But because we didn't come out directly with accusatives, we can claim we were just considering an idea.

My dad once told me (after witnessing me in a fight with a local kid), "you have a mean right hook, but your tongue can be even meaner." It seems I talked to my opponent while we fought, and It was very sarcastic, and humilliating.

We don't get physical anymore, but the art of using language to cause slight or injury to an "adversary", apparently hasn't left us.

That is a passive/aggressive behavior.