it might be too late for me

Faithfulservant said:
wow that wasnt nice....but thats ok we deal with a lot of anti-christ spirits on this forum.
That wasn't nice? Did you see Terrence's post, where he mocked shadowman?

I didn't insult anyone or assume. I was not insinuating that Terrence was a Jesus zombie or that Christianity is about being a zombie, I was pointing out that shadowman does not want to become one. I'm trying to help shadowman to the best of my ability.

On that note, shadowman I sent you a PM. It's in the top right corner of the page.
I fail to see where personal slights lead to anything constructive here. Let's focus on the discussion instead of rib jabbing or toe
reasoning screws up faith, faith screws up reasoning.
I would have to politely disagree with this, if it is focused on Christianity alone. :D Unless one counts how all faith, that is, *all memes*, screw up reasoning...which would include Santeria, Voudun, et al.

In other words, it hardly seems correct for the pot to call the kettle black. If one is just as guilty, what purpose is served in pointing out a fault in one's brother?
shadowman said:
the problem is tat a lot of the christians dont like to think too hard. they think they do but they dont. if you arent examinin all the options you arent doing a great job thinking. blind faith means not entertaining possibility you are wrong.
I can place Faith in a person knowing full well that the person is wrong... so I disagree. That is a different definition of Faith, but it is the one I read in the gospels. I agree with you that people can use the brain by mentally flipping dice and exploring all paths like a mouse in a maze. I do. Some would call that paranoia, some curiosity, some call it creativity, some would call it scientific or medical trial.

shadowman said:
reasoning screws up faith, faith screws up reasoning.
Do you have children? The best example of Faith I know of is not in religion, but being a servant to children. Try it for just a day. You can put a blind-fold on and say, "Guide me"... or you can keep your eyes open and say, "What would you like to do today?" Same thing. But if you say, "We are going to do XYZ," that is NOT placing Faith. From your testimony you place faith in people and don't realize it.

shadowman said:
influence the RECORDING of history. thats a fact. that right there is a fact.
It is called a LIE if done knowingly. Have you tried confessing the lies that you've told?

shadowman said:
im just strengthening peoples beleifs, people would be scared shitless of commiting unpardonable sin, following the things i followed, or thinkig the things i worked." eiter because all the **** is reall y really real, and its join us or die in hell forever.
What do you consider unpardonable?

shadowman said:
all your mind should be on jesus anyway. on "god"
Matthew 25:40 ... Verily I say to you, In as much as you have done it for one of the least of these, you have done it for me.

shadowman said:
Then why can't you explain it?

shadowman said:
i can tell tons of people are going to hell. my parents are. my friends are. i have a few friends that beleive in what you bleeive but they arent saved yet.
The prudent thing is to believe you and ask, am I going to hell?

If you know how God (swt) is going to judge, or has judged... isn't that what you have against the religion of hell? It seems like you are confirming and denying.

shadowman said:
join us or die is not love.
I agree... its not. I think controlling others is the exact opposite of Faith.
Faithfulservant said:
wow that wasnt nice....but thats ok we deal with a lot of anti-christ spirits on this forum.
Problem? His not being nice did not look intentional (to me). Mine was! Maybe I should have said, "You serpent. You viper, how will you escape the damnation of hell?" Would that be a pro-christ (pbuh) spirit, or an anti-christ spirit?

Terrence said:
Actually, no. You lost me. Oh and by the way, the Xbox statement wasnt to be taken seriously...was just a little joke. Oh and by the way...again, is that all you got from what I said?
No. I think every word you speak is a truth and I rebuke the entire thing. If I focused on a sentence it was because I was wrongly trying to be nice. Or worse... polite. It started with, "I don't believe you", said all Truth is in the bible and that all you have to do is read it, said a few things about Jesus (pbuh) counter to 'knock' and 'pray'... you asked a few questions similar to, "Do you think you are good?", and you put a spouse on equal with an xbox as entertainment.

I'm sorry... I grow sharp points and I rebuke what I read. It is all truth... every last word of it... and I rebuke it.

moseslmpg said:
I have a family, and I technically have a home. I'm not sure about the third questions.

We is a word that denotes the first person plural and is used to refer to a groupa in which the speaker is included. In this case, we refers to the people posting in shadowman's threads.
I was worried for a second that you thought people can't help each other... or that conversing with people does no good. I stand corrected. A verse comes to mind: Matthew 18:20 For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
cyberpi said:
I was worried for a second that you thought people can't help each other... or that conversing with people does no good. I stand corrected. A verse comes to mind: Matthew 18:20 For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
Conversing alone does not do any good. Action is what solves problems, not talking abotu what you're going to do. And none of us are really equipped to help shadowman anyway.

Also, I wasn't being mean and I don't know why people think I was.

Edit: I think shadowman means blaspheming the Holy Ghost, or denying it, which is supposedly unforgivable according to the Bible.
there is no brainwashing in christianity, and if one thinks that one has incorrect preconceived notions regarding christianity. christianity is a personal choice to let god into your life because what you have been shown, what you have heard, and what you see and feel you know as right because there is no contradiction in the truth that is god's word. christianity is to follow christ on your own volition; to worship him in spirit and in truth with your own words, and your pray about your own unique problems, and to give all your troubles to him, because you love god and want to please him, and you know that god has proclaimed his son and has given him to us as a personal saviour. god does not want scripted and recited prayers, he wants to know what it is you personally need. god does not want you to give anything grudgingly, but to give out of love graciously, willingly, and joyfully. also one should not talk about losing the race when one has not even learned to walk; to continue to do so, shows a real lack of maturity. all those that are here with questions, obviously god is knocking on the door, even if you dont think so, there is something about christ that stirs the soul. however, it would be best to attend a well-established and well-respected christian church and quietly listen. quit talking to ones own falsities, drowning in ones own misery, and second guessing, and jumping to conclusions... just listen enough to hear gods word on things spiritual, and quietly pray about it. and when you are ready, talk to a pastor in person about the grace of god and his desire for all to have eternal life.
moseslmpg said:
Also, I wasn't being mean and I don't know why people think I was.

Well, I wasn't going to say anything, because I didn't want to offend anyone, myself, but after giving it some thought....

I didn't think you were being mean, moseslmpg. I think you were trying to help explain the way shadowman might be feeling.

Hopefully, I have not done any harm with my own words here.

cyberpi et al...
im worried i did the unpardonable sin by denying what i knew was right (christianity) and worse off, praying to satan, and getting an answer.

i had been hearing voices telling me to turn from my path o looking at world religion and consciousness amd psychology. the voice said if you keep doing this you will burn in hell forever. i heard oter voices too, i hear people talking about me, i ave thoughts bounce around in my head.

at one time i wasmdesperate for divine help. (previous to all of this, i would feel moved by christians witnessing to me buand sometimes i tohght that i t was right and i would admit it when i was older...)

so i was wanting divine help, i also thought that satan would tell me the truth and maybwe givine me knowledge for help on a musical instruemnt, or just tell me the truth about god

so i tried playing a devil intercal on my instruemnt a perfector diminished 7th, i cant rmeember, its from a solo called "vox gabrielli) the voice of gabrielle, also in a tartini piece the devils trill

so i was high on weed at the time and overwhelmed by demonic voices and thoughts, and i thought i heard satan. i heard voices saying "we wil lgive you what you want"

i didnt want to saty yes but i wold hear a weak voice inside me say yes, i heard rage and anguish and laughing, people shouting "fool" and i eard a voice saying your soul is mine and another voice inside saying yes, i kept on wanting to say no no, but i didnt think it worked. becuase i have felt doomed ever since, andi have heard voices telling me, its too late, you are doomed, you know what you did

and when i pray to jesus i hear a voice say im sorry, go away, it too late, i cant help you, no etc
hi shadowman--

I am going to try to tell you this one more time. Sulek's Vox Gabrielle and Tartini's sonata (what is it--g minor?) do not belong to Satan anymore than a perfect or diminished 7th. It's music. Sometimes there is dissonance, sometimes harmony. None of it belongs to Satan. It is free, and it can be yours.

The problem lies in what you ask for--Satan's "blessing". Satan really can't give you what you really want. If that is what you hear, it is a lie. Don't believe it.

I'm telling you this as a fellow musician. And I am telling you because I want you to be free.

what if it seems like i have gifts or blessings, like i have soul for black and world music, i dont know. it seems i am pretty good at singing now.
shadowman said:
what if it seems like i have gifts or blessings, like i have soul for black and world music, i dont know. it seems i am pretty good at singing now.

Interesting. It is said that a prayer to God sung, is 10 times more powerful than one spoken...and all the choirs of angels of heaven stop to listen in awe, to the lone voice of a repentent and grateful man, singing his thanks for salvation. For it is the one thing they can not comprehend...and it is the most beautiful melody God's ears ever hear...
I think what matters is what you do with the gifts. I don't think there is any surefire way to tell the difference between God given charisms and stuff from the Devil.
Kindest Regards, shadowman, welcome to CR!
shadowman said:
how do i know that i didnt get unholy gifts from the devil
Gotta go with Moseslmpg on this one, a gift is a gift, neither holy or not. (Couldn't be strictly Holy if touched by humans anyway...) What we do with a gift is what determines "holy" or not.
shadowman said:
how do i know that i didnt get unholy gifts from the devil

shadowman, the "devil" doesn't really own anything. So he cannot really give gifts. Whatever talents or gifts you have are either things you were born with or things you have developed.

You are not evil just because you are an artist. You can dedicate your "works" to Satan, and they won't do any good. You can dedicate them to Love, and they will. Or you can just play your music and sing.


God's not looking to just "save" you. He is looking to transform you into the image of His Son. The difference between one who is "saved" and one who is "lost" doesn't boil down to one choice of "accepting Christ" one day and then everything is honky-dory. Because it really if a lifetime of choices built one upon another. Each time we choose to disobey God, we are picking the apple all over again. Trouble is that we lack the capacity to choose correctly, even Adam and Eve in their pre-fallen state lacked the capacity to choose correctly, BECAUSE they didn't choose the Tree of Life FIRST (that is the Life and Spirit of God). The ability to obey God is not in us naturally.

We have a system crash. There is a virus that permeates our very being, and it causes us to sin and turn from God. It is a power that will consume us and overpower us. And we are helpless in and of ourselves to do anything about it. While God made everything good, the sin nature (the tendency to disobey God) in us keeps us away from God.

What God has done, mercifully, is correct the problem by the provision of His Spirit, that is able to indwell in us and give us the capacity to LIVE. But in order for the Spirit to live in us, our sinful nature has to be dealt with. God will not pour new wine into old wineskins.

What God has done in the work of Christ is given us the mercy and forgiveness necessary so that we are not consumed by our passions, our addictions, our lusts, our downward spiral. God is able to cleanse the slate, make us white as snow, SO THAT HIS SPIRIT CAN LIVE IN US, in new wineskins. We are able to live on God's holiness and righteousness, and not of our accord. We enter into a RELATIONSHIP with God in this manner.

People have an idea that they want to have eternal life. They want to go to heaven, but what many do not understand is that heaven is God. The LIFE in the Spirit of God IS heaven. It's right there in John 17:3:

"And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent."

So what you are saying when you say "it's too late" is that God cannot give you His Spirit. Well, you are absolutely right...AS LONG AS YOU DON'T ALLOW HIM TO!

We already start out hellbound. So you are really in no worse condition than anyone else. Do you really think you are any different than anyone else that God doesn't want to have a relationship with you? But He created you and that creation He deemed GOOD. But you seem to think that God doesn't want you. That for some reason it's too late. You think that somehow you blasphemed the Holy Spirit by selling your soul to the Devil. But you in you sinful state, which we ALL are part of that curse, don't realize that your soul is already started out going in the wrong direction. And as long as you think that there is no hope for you, you will continue in this downward spiral that you are headed in anyway.

Why don't you let God save you? The only reason for resisting is the thought that it is already too late.

Instead of listening to these voices in your head and assuming they are from God, why don't you just see what God can do in your life. Give Him a chance to prove that He can work within you to conform you into the image of His Son. It's not just a matter of saying, "Here I am God, I surrender" and expecting that everything will automatically be right in you life, but in OBEDIENCE to God with FAITH that He can cleanse you and empower you with His Spirit is a daily walk in communion with God.

There are two things God uses to bring you into conformance to His Son: His Spirit and His Word. The two go hand and hand. The Spirit works in your heart and the Word works in your mind. We have to be renewed in our minds with the mind of Christ. We must feed our minds with the good things of God through the scriptures as the Spirit works in our heart to know God experientially and know the Love of God that lights in our hearts, that we may reflect that Light to others.

It is not too late for you, shadowman, anymore than it was too late for the repentant thief on the Cross, to whom Jesus said would be with Him that day in Paradise.

But it will be too late if you don't seek God's provision for you.
what if it seems like i have gifts or blessings, like i have soul for black and world music, i dont know. it seems i am pretty good at singing now.

Shadowman, I read some of what you said, but do not have time to read everything so if I am off on anything please forgive me. THere is so much to address here, but I wanted to start with the basics.

Repent of your sin and put your faith in CHrist. That means stop doing everything you know is wrong including demonic and cultic practices. Putting your faith in Christ means believing he died for your sin.
God is good and cannot let sin go unpunished. Like a good judge would not let a murderer get away without justice. Same with GOd. He demands justice, but he loves us so much that he sent Jesus to take the punishment we deserve. We should be on that cross for our crimes, but Jesus takes our place for those who repent and place their faith in him through his atoning work.
Get on your face and cry out to GOd for forgiveness and plead with him to take away the voices. If you are sincere, he will. Do not listen to them, keep on calling to God. YOu will face resistance, but keep on pursuing. This will not be easy, for the opponent hates us with a passion, but by the power of GOd you will be healed spiritually.