Your Ideal Spiritual Retreat...


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What would your ideal spiritual retreat be?

Mine would be a little tropical island with a small chapel and an extensive library.
Hi, FaithfulServant- you nailed mine exactly. Mountains, forests, and storms. :)

And solitude. For me, it is all about solitude.


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Faithfulservant said:
a mountain path.. or the middle of a thunder storm

Thunder storms? Faithful Servant, you are dangerous.

What, do you want to die? Or do you just enjoy getting struck by lightning? Is that your experience of God? Nice to know you've survived all these years . . .:eek:
Thunder storms? Faithful Servant, you are dangerous.

What, do you want to die? Or do you just enjoy getting struck by lightning? Is that your experience of God? Nice to know you've survived all these years . . .:eek:

For some, thunder storms are a renewal, of the land by the rain, and a comfort in that which could be considered the sound of God reminding us that He is in control over the earth.

I find thunderstorms comforting, and lightening is only a worry to those who attract it.

God's way of getting one's attention I should think...
The smell of burning ozone.. hair standing on end.. the bright flash of lightening the loud clash of thunder.. its pure energy..its exciting... check this out..

19 For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. 20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; 21 because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. 22 For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now. 23 Not only that, but we also who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body.

All of creation is eagerly anticipating the day of redemption..Its corrupt and dying.. like we are... All of creation is was not intended to be like it is but for sin... how awesome... Thats what makes me love thunderstorms because I relate to that feeling.. the groaning and moanings of the wind through the trees.. the energy is full of such anticipation of the return of Christ.. Its probably just me but oh wow its awesome. We get knew bodies.. and the earth gets one too.. lol
Tis funny, I get to go to my ideal retreats all the time, country settings, equal time between group activities and free time, cell phone free zones, no TVs, phones, or clocks in the rooms...of course they've recently added wifi...but it is easy not to bring the laptop...Gorgeous walks to contemplate with or meditate at...

Now if I headed completely in the wish ideal arena...I'd love a panel/round table discussion, with Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Mohammed, Confuscious, Moses....
I would love to travel some of the deserts in the Middle East. :)

No idea why - just seems appealing. Not for the kids, though. :)
I said:
I would love to travel some of the deserts in the Middle East. :)

No idea why - just seems appealing. Not for the kids, though. :)

Not for the kids? Ah, something they'd understand when they grow up.:D
Where is this, Q?

Monocacy indeed! Good call Will!

Antietam battle fields a long time ago, and now, home. It's what I look at each time I step out of the front door. There is a "thinness" here, between heaven and earth. My wife is often bemused "don't you want to go somewhere else for vacation?"

Hmmm, go where? :D


Monocacy indeed! Good call Will!

Antietam battle fields a long time ago, and now, home. It's what I look at each time I step out of the front door. There is a "thinness" here, between heaven and earth. My wife is often bemused "don't you want to go somewhere else for vacation?"

Hmmm, go where? :D



Hmmm....I'm going to have to make a trip up there. I've been to BullRun/Manassas and Gettysburg, but I never found my way up to Antietam yet.

In my younger days, I loved going to Great Falls and the C & O Canal. Loved splunking and rock climbing there.

