Pagan Christmas ritual pressed on young kids


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A public-school handout urging young children in Virginia to attend a "Pagan ritual" tomorrow to "celebrate Yule" is sparking objections from concerned parents.

"Amazing – government schools ban orthodox Christianity, but allow an openly pagan organization to proselytize six-year-olds!"...

Cont'd[FONT=Palatino, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, Georgia, Times]
Well, seeing as how Christmas has its roots in pagan rituals, I don't see much of a problem. It's not like they're forcing people to go and renounce Christianity.
Well, seeing as how Christmas has its roots in pagan rituals,
very true , mixing false with true is not good in the eyes of the most high. and most kids are already indoctrinated into pagan worship anyway.
Actually, if you read the article, you'll discover that the reason that the flyer was able to be sent home to the students is because a Christian group sued in Maryland over not being allowed to send flyers home with the students (the school policy was at that point that no religious group could send flyers - only secular groups). The court ruling was that if *any* non-profit group not affiliated with the school (e.g. boy scouts, baseball teams, whatever) can send flyers, all non-profit groups have the same right - religious or otherwise. This is an excellent example of enforcing first amendment rights - no religion can be discriminated against - Christian or otherwise.
What are those dang UUs thinking? Educating kids as to the origins of why moved to December, Christmas Trees, Wreaths, Yule logs, Advent Candles...the horrors.
Sounds like a fun, educational, and interesting time to me. I'd go, and if I had kids, I'd take them too. It seems like an excellent gathering for interfaith dialogue and education.

But we all know that I'm comfortable with Paganism in general anyway.:rolleyes:

I love this time of year; I love that the meaning of the Winter Solstice to me corresponds to the meaning of Christ's birth.
Its all about idol worshipping lol... Im not worshipping some pagan idol Im celebrating a holiday or festival which we are told not to dispute over such things.. Christmas for me is celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.. I dont care if he wasnt born on Dec 25 its the day I celebrate to honor Him in it.. its not a biblical command its a personal choice.. I put up a christmas tree and watch frosty santa and rudolph cartoons.. Im not sacrificing animals to some idol and praying to some other good for something.. Im enjoying life which we are supposed to do..

I get really irritated when people try to put legalism into everything... like im a hypocrite for having a tree in my house... . good grief.. read your bibles.

Jesus freed us from the law... he didnt put a yoke on us by adding more laws. we have freedom in Christ and that includes having christmas trees..

Like path of one.. I would probably attend it.. Im comfortable with my kids knowledge of why we as a family celebrate Christmas
I'd attend it too but...

What would you think about this if the same school would not allow Christmas carols in the Winter Holiday concert?
I'd attend it too but...

What would you think about this if the same school would not allow Christmas carols in the Winter Holiday concert?

I think the two are different because the schools is not promoting or hosting the Pagan event. They are required by the recent judgement in court to give out whatever flyers non-profits hand to them, regardless of the non-profit. A Christian non-profit could hand them a flyer to come to Christmas Eve service and they'd have to hand that out too.

So, if they have a Winter Holiday concert, it should be either completely secular OR incorporate songs from all the relevant winter holidays (Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice, etc.).
I think the two are different because the schools is not promoting or hosting the Pagan event. They are required by the recent judgement in court to give out whatever flyers non-profits hand to them, regardless of the non-profit. A Christian non-profit could hand them a flyer to come to Christmas Eve service and they'd have to hand that out too.

So, if they have a Winter Holiday concert, it should be either completely secular OR incorporate songs from all the relevant winter holidays (Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice, etc.).

Thank you for the clarification. I thought the pagent was on the school premises. My bad for not reading it all!

..."Yule tide carols being sung by a choir, and folks, dressed up like eskimos...everybody knows a turkey and some misseltoe...will help to keep the spirits bright..."

...tiny tots, with their eyes all aglow, will find it hard to sleep - tonight.
They know that Santa's on his way, he's got lots of toys and goodies on his sleigh, and every mother's child is gonna spy, to see if reindeer, really know, how to fly...

"...and so I offer you this simple phrase to all from one to 92, although it's been said, many times, many ways - Merry Christmas, to you..."

Winter is the time of sleep for nature. Christmas is the hope of being awakened to a new life. The early church fathers were wise indeed, in incorporating certain of pagan ritualism or celebration of hope for a new beginning, into the Christian church.

I know the yule log, the tannanbaum, egg nog, missletoe, holly, evergreen baughs, Father Winter, white candles and so on are all "pagan" in origin. However, they do not make me think of pagan holidays. Indeed they help me focus on the truth of Christmas for Christians...the birth of the savior of man.

For a moment in the dead of winter, there is warmth and light and a promise of new life ahead, and not just seasonal life, but eternal life.

And because the church elders were wise enough to understand that these rituals did not hurt their main objective (which was to convert "pagans" to their way of thinking), they embraced them and incorporated them into the whole of Christmas (hence literally avoiding mass bloodshed across the whole of the land). Europeans converted to Christianity relatively with narry a shot, nor an arrow or axe raised against anyone.

Indeed, they took "Christmas" (Christ's Mass), and made it their own! of their own volition! Who cares the outside 'trappings', the main theme is left intact! The savior of man is born! He's HERE!

Why not celebrate the arrival of the savior of man in the coldness of winter, with candles, and fires and gatherings and decorations, and dancing and singing and merry making, and gifts to eachother, and oh yes, prayers of thanks giving to the God who made it all happen?

Even David danced and sang and LEAPED before the Lord, in jubilation and thanks giving.

I think King David would be right at home in our current celebritory version of honor to the arrival of the savior of the world...


ok, back to our original program...:eek:


Christmas was STOLEN from Pagans.... Not only that... I don't like or agree with christianity... I do however tolerate it... People don't like or agree with blacks, muslims, russians, austrians, jews whatever.... But you tolerate and "put up" with the people from other cultures, faiths whatever.... So what makes you so special to disagree with Pagans being allowed to openly celebrate? You're allowed to openly celebrate right? Then shut up lol.... Equality. :)
Christmas was STOLEN from Pagans.... Not only that... I don't like or agree with christianity... I do however tolerate it... People don't like or agree with blacks, muslims, russians, austrians, jews whatever.... But you tolerate and "put up" with the people from other cultures, faiths whatever.... So what makes you so special to disagree with Pagans being allowed to openly celebrate? You're allowed to openly celebrate right? Then shut up lol.... Equality. :)

Who are you talking to? And what do you mean someone is disagreeing with Pagans being allowed to openly celebrate? Last time I checked Pagans are openly celebrating the Yule and the Winter Solstace, and no one is telling them to shut up...

However, last time I checked the ACLU is doggedly fighting to shut anything Christian up, especially at this time of the year. "Pot calling the kettle black...":eek:

And if you are so agin' Christians, then why subject yourself to the punishment of reading Christian posts?

Indeed you are becoming the Local Christian's Atheist...

Everyone needs an antithesist...:eek: :eek: :D