Evangelicals: Supporting Israel is ‘God’s foreign policy’


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US Evangelicals have a biblical and moral obligation to support and protect Israel because it is "God’s foreign policy" and because Israel is an important catalyst in the second coming of Jesus Christ, American Evangelical leaders agreed. "My theology indicates that Israel is covenant land," James C. Dobson, a prominent Evangelical broadcaster and one of the most influential conservative Christians, told The New York Times in an interview published on Tuesday, November 14.

Evangelicals believe that the Israeli-Arab war is a battle between good and evil...

There are two kinds of foreign policy simpletons: One kind thinks the Arab-Israeli conflict is some kind of latter day prelude to the apocolypse, and the other thinks that the whole problem would go away if Palestinians and Israelis would just hold hands, tap their toes, and wish with all their hearts for peace.

It's just not that simple.

U.S. christians have a moral obligation NOT to support international conflicts, I would have thought, especially conflicts which are founded on such spurious agenda's as "Gods"... times like this I think of the morality of the quakers, and wish more xtians were conscientious objectors... yes, God wants u to kill ppl, but only certain ppl... I just love the way the US far right dresses itself up in nylon suits while it goes about with its guns... homilies and bullets are a potent combo... the arabs are not ur enemies, most of them are just normal ppl who want to feed their children good meals and send them to good schools.. I think the yanks should all look a little closer to home- to their polititians, who are hate mongers, if they need tangible enemies to fight...I am hardly qualified to say this, but wasn't Israel called Palastine once..? there has been mass immigration to palastine, especially of american jews, and while a kibbutz a day keeps the doctors away using the excuse that its the holy land doesn't cut it... now the christians are getting involved too, which means the government isnt too far behind... maybe we should face facts- americans want to keep a firm grasp of the place not because its the holy land, but because its a good strategic place for them in the middle east, and if they have a military presence there they can police the adjoining countries better...pretending its acceptable to turf ppl out of their homes to allow other ppl who dont belong there a slice of the action by calling it the land of jesus just doesnt cut it, I'm afraid... nice idea though, filling the place full of americans... I smell a hostile take over bid...
U.S. christians have a moral obligation NOT to support international conflicts
Interesting statement. Obviously your opinion as most of those who have ever carried and fired a weapon for the US on foriegn soil have been Christians, as well as the Generals who lead them into battle, and the Executive that sent them, and the congress that approved it. So it really actually appears that US Christians feel they have a moral obligation to get into international conflicts.
Interesting statement. Obviously your opinion as most of those who have ever carried and fired a weapon for the US on foriegn soil have been Christians, as well as the Generals who lead them into battle, and the Executive that sent them, and the congress that approved it. So it really actually appears that US Christians feel they have a moral obligation to get into international conflicts.

Not until 1897. Prior to that we stayed out of everyone else's business. We were too busy taming our own land and aboriginies, and beating our neighbors back from our perceived borders...:rolleyes:

Bad bad America. Bad boy...
Not until 1897. Prior to that we stayed out of everyone else's business. We were too busy taming our own land and aboriginies, and beating our neighbors back from our perceived borders...:rolleyes:

Bad bad America. Bad boy...
Manifest Destiny, nice phraseology when referring to imprisonment and genocide of existing tenants of the land...a history which our 'solutions' still haunt us today. Of course I don't believe gaming is an answer or solution either...
Manifest Destiny, nice phraseology when referring to imprisonment and genocide of existing tenants of the land...a history which our 'solutions' still haunt us today. Of course I don't believe gaming is an answer or solution either...

One can always go to Australia, if one doesn't like America. But then Aussie's history is a bit more colorful than America's as well...

However, I refuse to pay a debt that my ancestors may have caused. I was born here as well. So that makes me native to this land.

Getting back to the original point of this thread however, there is a strong majority in this country that believes in watching over Israel. It is a biblical based theory, and so far has proven to be true.

I don't think it is covering the "Jews" persee, as much as it is protecting the people of the land called Israel, and the land itself. Not everyone in Israel is of the tribe of Juda...
Hi Guys:

I see where the Florida tribe of Seminole Native Americans just bought the International Hard Rock Hotel, restaurant and casino chain from the Rank organization of the UK. Maybe it's beginning to be "get even time".

Interesting statement. Obviously your opinion as most of those who have ever carried and fired a weapon for the US on foriegn soil have been Christians, as well as the Generals who lead them into battle, and the Executive that sent them, and the congress that approved it. So it really actually appears that US Christians feel they have a moral obligation to get into international conflicts.

It would seem to me that the majority who serve do so out of patriotism and loyalty to their country rather than a moral obligation to get into international conflicts. Many I served with had no idea what they were moraling doing except in respect that they were serving their country by doing the wishes of those in power whose propaganda convinced them they were serving God and country.

Just one opinion....


I was implying that calling someone a"foreign policy simpleton" is similar to the people jeering at Noah while he was building the ark. I agree that extremes are dangerous and unhealthy, but writing them off and not thoughtfully considering what they are saying is equally as
dangerous. :eek:


p.s. Your former avatar had character.