
HeHeHeHeHeHeHeHeHeHeHeHeHeHeHeHeHeHe.... *clears throat.*

He does seem familiar... Wow.. He's hot too. Work out huh Septimuz... Looking good baby.

So you're the 4000th member are you 17th? sorry, Septimuz....?
Kindest Regards, 17th!
HeHeHeHeHeHeHeHeHeHeHeHeHeHeHeHeHeHe.... *clears throat.*

He does seem familiar... Wow.. He's hot too. Work out huh Septimuz... Looking good baby.
Easy boy! Down! Heel!

If I didn't know better, I might be inclined to think you might be in love with yourself....

Jest teasin'
Septimuz is indeed the 4000th... Hmm Some people though are such attention seekers... That is completley out of my normal profile... but yeah.. Wait! competitive... That is in me... I guess I wanted to be the first to spot 4,000.... Ok?! Happy now!"$?!!?"!$!"$ You got me... You pesky kids.

Juan? Me? Vain? Please....
Oh yeah, pass them brownies this way. (*Note to self, work on that short term memory thing...) That's what I came here for anyway! :D
*tilts brow*

Brownies huh? What is in these brownies Sir, best nothing that is illegal... I would have to confiscate for court evidence and stuff like that..... if that was the case. Sent down to our lab to be tested and stuff like that also. ¬.¬ Anyway I guess this thread is dead now? R.I.P.
*tilts brow*

Brownies huh? What is in these brownies Sir, best nothing that is illegal... I would have to confiscate for court evidence and stuff like that..... if that was the case. Sent down to our lab to be tested and stuff like that also. ¬.¬ Anyway I guess this thread is dead now? R.I.P.
Sorry, bud, my brownies ain't going nowhere but with me...

And if Septimuz was a ruse...then 4001, looks like a spambot...4002? Ah, what say we party til the brownies run out and the hot tub gets cold! Any leftover champagne from the other night?
Champagne and Spam? Eeesh!

Turn out the lights, the party's over?

Never....party on Garth...
You guys are REALLY, REALLY nuts...but I love it and all of you...down 17th, but pass the square brown thingys first will'ya ?
