If You Were God Part I: The Time to Come


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Hello all.

I thought this would be something fun to do. Please feel free to riff off this with your own Part II or whatever, if so moved.

So almost all of the active religions today have an idea that someday someone will come and do some stuff, or a change will happen and we will be in a new time without the need for a single individual as catalyst. My question is quite plainly, if you were God, crafting this part of humanity's story, what would it be like? Would you have a person or not? If so what would s/he be like? Tall? Short? Say anything important? Do anything important? Tell good jokes? Smile a lot? Heat vision and superstrength? Wears a robe? Wears a space suit? Smells like fresh muffins? God incarnate? Thoth incarnate? Hugs everyone and always smiling? Advocates physical fitness?

What would the time be like? Would physics be the same or would it change entirely? What would people do with their time? Would we all of multiplicity cease? Would we spend every waking moment in meditation? Would we sing songs? What about technology? Would it be extremely advanced or would we do away with most of it and get back to nature? Would we go to work anymore? Would we need to study? Would people still have children? Would our loved ones long passed be there with us? Would we be able to fly? Everyone telepathic? Would it be like the return of disco 24/7? Would we still eat? What types of food would we eat? What would our family structures be like? Would we still need penal systems? Would it be possible to commit a wrong? Would there be aliens with us? Would we live in castles? Treehouses? Tudors? Communes? The clouds? On another planet? In another dimension?

Would we still have religion? Would there still be different religions? Would we still observe weekly or annual holidays? Would different people have different beliefs or would we all believe the same thing?

How would this time come to pass? Would it be pleasant or unpleasant? Would anyone die because of the change? Would anyone be unhappy about the change? Would there be some sort of judgement beforehand? Would we all be required to sign a form in triplicate?

Would people still get old? Would people still die? Would children still be born? If children were born, what would life be like for them in a time to come of your design?

Okay, I think I've left enough jumping off points for anyone truly desiring to do so to write a novella. :D So if you could were God and you designed it all, what would it be like?

Shame on you Dauer...didn't you know that intelligently posed questions have an inherently disordering effect upon the established social order ?

Kindest Regards, dauer and flow!

didn't you know that intelligently posed questions have an inherently disordering effect upon the established social order ?
Indeed, yet is that not our Modus Operandi, our (french for) "reason for being?"

I do protest as well, dauer, in a mild way. Is it not bordering on blasphemy to even consider placing oneself in the role of G-d? At least in the Christian teachings, I believe that was the major sin committed by the adversary...although I do understand the Jewish teaching pertaining to the adversary does not correspond. Surely though, there are teachings within Judaism (and I would think Islam as well) that warn specifically about placing oneself or any other human into a role such as G-d's. I am open to correction, this is simply my instinctive reaction to (a) question(s) such as this.

I do protest as well, dauer, in a mild way. Is it not bordering on blasphemy to even consider placing oneself in the role of G-d? At least in the Christian teachings, I believe that was the major sin committed by the adversary...although I do understand the Jewish teaching pertaining to the adversary does not correspond. Surely though, there are teachings within Judaism (and I would think Islam as well) that warn specifically about placing oneself or any other human into a role such as G-d's. I am open to correction, this is simply my instinctive reaction to (a) question(s) such as this.

Well, the person of the messiah, and the time of the messianic age, have been reimagined time and again throughout Jewish history, through midrash and other methods. I honestly didn't think this post would offend much when I posted it. It's one thing to actually claim to be God, but it's quite another to imagine, if you were God, how you'd do things. And certainly the crux of this exercise is that we're all different humans with different ideas and points of view and ideals, so even if we're discussing what it would be like to function as God, we're really discussing what, as humans living our particular experiences, we would want things to be like or, otherwise, imagine things could be like.

And I have to go with Cage on this. I do think God must have a sense of humor. Have you ever seen a platypus? :O If it truly is blasphemous to write about what a time to come would be like if one were God, then most or all of the sacred texts in the world are blasphemous, as are any reconstructions of said times to come by theologians and writers via philosophy or storytelling or other methods.

Also, this is not only addressed at Muslims, Jews, and Christians. Abrahamic religions are not the only ones waiting for a person or time that is to come. And even for atheists or agnostics, why not? I still think it's a fun and creative exercise.

Perhaps the greatest issue that this raises is, "Are we being critical of what our religions say if we imagine things a little differently?" Well, God knows best, right? So whatever we imagine, it's only our imaginings, not God's, and whether we're willing to put it down in a post or not, it's still somewhere in our heads. But that has nothing to do with what will ultimately happen nor with what is ultimately best.

Hmmm blasphemy for putting oneself in the place of G-d...how many movies has someone done voice overs...or better yet been as G-d? Do we think they blasphemed for that? I thought that Joan of Arcadia where G-d showed up all over to her was enjoyable...but that is me.

So here the concept if you were G-d...blasphemous? No not anymore than saying a prayer asking/telling G-d to change something saying we got something that needs fixin?

I think this is the exercise that is anticipated...looking at what we've got and what we would do to fix it...seems like it could be valuable and intersting to me.

And of course the best thing about these threads is....if you start not liking one, you don't have to post...or even open it!
(in Cliff Clavin voice...) Did you know that the male platypus has a stinger capable of inflicting extreme pain?
(in Cliff Clavin voice...) Did you know that the male platypus has a stinger capable of inflicting extreme pain?


Rule One: No more deadlines.

That's all I've got so far--just wanted to get it in here in time. :D

Oh, Yeah--I forgot--

Rule 2: No more rules.

Wait, does that work? See--I'm already in trouble.


Intelligent questions create progress in the real world and are not blasphemous IMO.

Keep on keepin on and disregard and avoid platypus stingers by any means possible. Anyway, monotremes are disordered creatures by definition.

Kindest Regards, dauer!
I honestly didn't think this post would offend much when I posted it.
This I understood, which is why my objection was raised as politely as I could think to do. I realize you are a student and a seeker, like so many of us. This is simply a form of exercise I *personally* prefer not to engage in, for the reasons mentioned. My cross to bear as it were, my *legal* burden.

Perhaps the greatest issue that this raises is, "Are we being critical of what our religions say if we imagine things a little differently?" Well, God knows best, right? So whatever we imagine, it's only our imaginings, not God's, and whether we're willing to put it down in a post or not, it's still somewhere in our heads. But that has nothing to do with what will ultimately happen nor with what is ultimately best.
I would hope a caveat such as this is a sufficient disclaimer.
Well, I'd start by rapturing out all right wingers. I'd send them to a special conservative heaven, aka a cosmic quarantine ward, where they would happily pluck harps for eternity in some safe, and extremely remote location. Then, in the interest of mankind in general, I would forever outlaw rap, hip hop, country and western, and techno "music". I would resurrect Frank Zappa, and make him Lord of the physical universe. And then I'd pronounce it all good, grab a coldie, and head for the hot tub.

Kindest Regards, dauer and flow!

Indeed, yet is that not our Modus Operandi, our (french for) "reason for being?"

I do protest as well, dauer, in a mild way. Is it not bordering on blasphemy to even consider placing oneself in the role of G-d? At least in the Christian teachings, I believe that was the major sin committed by the adversary...although I do understand the Jewish teaching pertaining to the adversary does not correspond. Surely though, there are teachings within Judaism (and I would think Islam as well) that warn specifically about placing oneself or any other human into a role such as G-d's. I am open to correction, this is simply my instinctive reaction to (a) question(s) such as this.

A thousand pardons, but did you mean to say Raison d'etre?
Well, I'd start by rapturing out all right wingers. I'd send them to a special conservative heaven, aka a cosmic quarantine ward, where they would happily pluck harps for eternity in some safe, and extremely remote location. Then, in the interest of mankind in general, I would forever outlaw rap, hip hop, country and western, and techno "music". I would resurrect Frank Zappa, and make him Lord of the physical universe. And then I'd pronounce it all good, grab a coldie, and head for the hot tub.


Eh... worse things could happen:D

That's hilarious Chris :)
Well, I'd start by rapturing out all right wingers. I'd send them to a special conservative heaven, aka a cosmic quarantine ward, where they would happily pluck harps for eternity in some safe, and extremely remote location. Then, in the interest of mankind in general, I would forever outlaw rap, hip hop, country and western, and techno "music". I would resurrect Frank Zappa, and make him Lord of the physical universe. And then I'd pronounce it all good, grab a coldie, and head for the hot tub.



I guess if by us you mean me, well, I guess some of my raison d'etre is certainly challenging established ways of thinking, much in the tradition of Jesus, Abraham, the prophets of all religions, and the founders of some nations. I am of course, not claiming to be on the level of such people, but I believe that such activity is a necessary part of the growth and development of human civilization (and I believe the same is true for conservatism.) My sister gave my a bumpersticker once that said: "Different people change the world. Ordinary people keep it that way." It's usually not something I do intentionally. It truly is just the way I function.

But I'd like to think my more essential raison d'etre is simply striving to be joyful from moment to moment, striving to cleave to God from moment to moment, and striving to be a better person, however much I stumble.

If I were a god... (well I am.)

HOWEVER!! If I were a god with super special powers. I would destroy all that didn't obey me... Well... I'd destroy all humans... If I had awesome powers and stuff why would I NEED humans? I would lack mercy and tolerance. But wouldn't lack in personal glory and treasures! :D
Alright, well, it's time for me to answer my question I think. What follows is not what I believe will happen or what I believe is ultimately the best possible reality or even necessarily what I hope will happen. Rather it is meant to convey a more subtle sentiment beyond the literal words, the heart, that I think can be found to some degree in all of these "time to come" prophecies if one looks hard enough, and the way in which I describe it right now is simply the image which speaks to me most strongly at this moment in time.

First, I want there to be some sort of figurehead to this change, even if this individual is only a mascot. And I want this person to tell a lot of good jokes (nothing too dirty) and stories, and hug everybody immediately. I want this person to listen, to really listen, when people talk, instead of waiting for an opportunity to speak. And I want this person to hear too. And I want this individual to be like a chiropractor of the soul. You go talk to this person, they make a few adjustments, give you some exercises to do, and you're in a better state, but not without work on your part of course.

And I don't want there to be anything magical or miraculous or supernatural about this person, because I think that would make all of their traits and behaviors that much less miraculous.

Edited to add (I also would want this person to have flaws, just like everybody else, so that this individual would be coping with what we all cope with. Maybe the person could even openly struggle with some things, even serious things.)

I want there to be as much variety as there is in religion now, if not more. But I want everybody to agree on one thing: no religion is wrong, although we may not want that religion for ourselves, and its system of ethics may even be a little different from our own, or the purpose it purports. And from that I want everyone on Earth to be able to respect and honor each other's belief systems.

I don't want anymore war. I want instead that humanity should be a true global community. And instead of a penal system, I want a rehabilitative system that recognizes a criminal is really someone suffering from dis-ease. And I do want there to be places too, for those who cannot be rehabilitated, but I want them to be more humane, because if someone can't be rehabilitated back into society, I don't think we can blame them for that.

And I don't want physics to change. I want there to be cures to all of the really terrible diseases though, the ones that take away those we love young, or cause us to live with crippling disabilities, or that turn our parents and grandparents into people who no longer recognize us, or no longer remind us of the able figures of our youth.

And people I would want to spend their time doing whatever they delighted in most, so long as they did no harm to others. Some might spend their time in meditation, others studying, others at the beach. I don't think it would be good if we no longer had obligations, to family, to community, and I don't think it would be good if there was no need to learn. But I would like technology to be advanced enough that we can all manage a four day work week, and money to be balanced enough that everyone is able to devote their three days off to what they find meaningful and/or enjoyable.

And I still want children to be children, to live in familial structures with parents, to go to school in order to learn, and progress until adulthood. It feels like that growth that happens is something essential, that shouldn't be traded away.

And I'd like that people live where they want to live, in isolation or with a community, and that all have the means to live in comfortable environments.

And I really don't think that this would come to pass overnight. But I think that when it did happen, it would be like the final hammer blow, the finishing touch that completes things, not that the world would be finished and we would no longer grow, but that at that time it would be recognizable and people across the globe could say, "We did it. We made it. We achieved it. We're here."

So those are descriptions that are really a snapshot of one way that at this moment I might want to picture it as, intended not to place emphasis so much on the specifics, but instead to point beyond the words at what is being related emotively. I hope it can serve as some inspiration or encouragement for those who have held back from sharing, but if not that's okay too.

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