Is This Like You


Spirit Guided
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Bluegrass state
Hey CR, I'm just passing through and wanted to share a thought and a question in form of rhyme, lol! :) I can't help it . . . I Love to Write what God puts in my heart.

"Is This Like You"

To think that you are better
because of what you’ve gained
or because of what you hold as truth
is to wallow in the muck of shame

What we have is by the Grace of God
what we believe was given too
and [all] fall short of his Glory
to this fact we must be true

To be bitter of those self righteous
or towards those who look to fight
is to embrace our own human nature
full of pride instead of Christ’s light

To be anointed we must receive
the gift from our God above
mercy and Grace, a tender place
in his Spirit of undying Love.

So let us be humble and meek
let us be gentle and kind
let us show great compassion
towards the lost and to the blind.

Do not break down but build them up
by what Grace has been given you
they’re only children who lost their way
in a world we [all] go through

Do not grieve the Holy Spirit
Ephesians 4:30-32
take a look at this passage
and tell me “is this like you”?

Much Love,

That is simply beautiful, and so true. I am humbled by your words and know that the Spirit is speaking through you.

Love & peace,


P.S. I hope you don't mind, but I copied and kept your poem, but I won't share it unless I have your ok.
Thank you, and share at will. If it is not shared, then the writng of it was useless, and it could never touch anothers heart.

I hope you had a merry Christmas, and wish you a happy new year, Dondi.

Love & Peace

Thanks James--

Every now and then (and quite recently, I admit), I allow myself to become ticked off at a brother or sister (especially Christian) when they appear to display themselves as superior in God's eyes.

And I say something.

And then I must hold my own words up to that proverbial mirror, and wonder where was my own compassion for this person. Why couldn't I be more loving in my response. Ya know?

So, good reminder, Cage!

On the other hand, Jesus did not often have kind words to say to certain folks He came into contact with. Matthew 23 comes to mind with the "woes" to the scribes and Pharisees.

Nor did Jesus' disciples on occasion. Recall the reaction to Stephen's retort in Acts 7:51-54:

"Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye.
Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted? and they have slain them which shewed before of the coming of the Just One; of whom ye have been now the betrayers and murderers:
Who have received the law by the disposition of angels, and have not kept it. When they heard these things, they were cut to the heart, and they gnashed on him with their teeth."

What say you to that?
Dondi said:
What say you to that?

To everything there is a season? And those who require the letter of the law must first live by it themselves?

I guess that in my response to Cage, I was thinking of how I answered a certain brother here recently. Someone who seemed preoccupied with who was going to hell and who wasn't, and appeared to be making that decision based on the teachings of a couple of humans who convinced many people they were Biblical.

And I was admiring the way you handled things with this person as opposed to my own response to the situation. :)

On the other hand, Jesus did not often have kind words to say to certain folks He came into contact with. Matthew 23 comes to mind with the "woes" to the scribes and Pharisees.

Nor did Jesus' disciples on occasion. Recall the reaction to Stephen's retort in Acts 7:51-54:

"Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye.
Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted? and they have slain them which shewed before of the coming of the Just One; of whom ye have been now the betrayers and murderers:
Who have received the law by the disposition of angels, and have not kept it. When they heard these things, they were cut to the heart, and they gnashed on him with their teeth."

What say you to that?

I say they called it like they saw it, and they let the Spirit convict those in question. Jesus on the other hand, was the sinless son of God, and his anger was just, but what man has no sin, and is able to stand to rebuke another as Christ did?

Being truthful is just, but I think we must also be compassionate when we speak such things, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the work. All humanity is in this life together, which allows me to understand the why beind the walk.

I have trouble sometimes in the compassion department, which is why the Spirit convicted me last night. It reminded me that we are all the same, and that all fall short of God's Glory, but it's good to aspire to be that which is worthy before his sight.

InLove said:
Thanks James--

Every now and then (and quite recently, I admit), I allow myself to become ticked off at a brother or sister (especially Christian) when they appear to display themselves as superior in God's eyes.

And I say something.

And then I must hold my own words up to that proverbial mirror, and wonder where was my own compassion for this person. Why couldn't I be more loving in my response. Ya know?

So, good reminder, Cage!


Thank you InLove, Happy Holidays and I hope you had a very merry Christmas.

You are right, of course. Right after I wrote my last post, I thought of the fact that Jesus was the sinless Son of God, and therefore had the righteous anger to speak those things. Many times we try to play Holy Spirit and thus frustrate the Holy Spirit in doing His job.

Again, I am humbled.

I dunno, Dondi--Paul has plenty to say to Timothy about rebuking one another. But I gotta remember that he was instructing Timothy. Maybe Timothy didn't like to do that or something, and Paul is telling him that as a teacher, it is his place. I know there is a time to speak up. But like you and Cage have said, if I cannot do it in the Holy Spirit of Love, then maybe I should say nothing until I am blessed with the best way to speak.

I don't always do that. And then sometimes I say something that makes me cringe a bit, only to find that it was right all along. The leading of that beautiful Spirit.

I am rambling now.

Thanks James--

Every now and then (and quite recently, I admit), I allow myself to become ticked off at a brother or sister (especially Christian) when they appear to display themselves as superior in God's eyes.

And I say something.

And then I must hold my own words up to that proverbial mirror, and wonder where was my own compassion for this person. Why couldn't I be more loving in my response. Ya know?

So, good reminder, Cage!


I can really identify with this!

There are so many things I'd like to say on many different threads. And before I can type them, I think "am I responding for that person's good or to increase the appearance of my own wisdom".

If anything I say can push someone away from God, it's not worth saying.

Reminds me of the hymn...

If I have wounded any soul today
If I have caused one foot to go astray
If I have walked in my own willful way
Dear Lord, forgive...
I dunno, Dondi--Paul has plenty to say to Timothy about rebuking one another. But I gotta remember that he was instructing Timothy. Maybe Timothy didn't like to do that or something, and Paul is telling him that as a teacher, it is his place. I know there is a time to speak up. But like you and Cage have said, if I cannot do it in the Holy Spirit of Love, then maybe I should say nothing until I am blessed with the best way to speak.

I don't always do that. And then sometimes I say something that makes me cringe a bit, only to find that it was right all along. The leading of that beautiful Spirit.

I am rambling now.


I'm reminded of Proverbs by your post, so I'll post what Soloman says about rebuking and such...

Proverbs 9

6. Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding.
7. He that reproveth a scorner getteth to himself shame: and he that rebuketh a wicked man getteth himself a blot.
8. Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee.
9. Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach a just man, and he will increase in learning.
10. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.

Much Love,
Hello James,

Yes, sometimes it is exactly like me! Sometimes the things I say can sound so arrogant and mean when that is the exact opposite of what He wants me to say.
I KNOW I grieve the Holy Spirit of God.

Thank you very much!
Hello James,

Yes, sometimes it is exactly like me! Sometimes the things I say can sound so arrogant and mean when that is the exact opposite of what He wants me to say.
I KNOW I grieve the Holy Spirit of God.

Thank you very much!

I'm pretty sure we all do, Karen. :) It's just something born into us humans, we all fall short of God's glory. That's whats so beautiful about it. We are all the same, and we all deal with the same demons. When you think about that, it really makes you see others for what they are. [just like you & me] We're in this life together, Karen. I was convicted last night by this very same thought, and afterwords I felt wonderful because I now know and understand that I am not alone, but have many brothers and sisters who deal with the same things I deal with, and I know God helps us along the way; even when we stumble [as we all do]

Much Love,

I can really identify with this!

There are so many things I'd like to say on many different threads. And before I can type them, I think "am I responding for that person's good or to increase the appearance of my own wisdom".

If anything I say can push someone away from God, it's not worth saying.

Prober, when you are speaking to your brothers and sisters in Christ, do you refrain from speaking Biblicaly, or do you show what's been revealed to you, so they too might see what you see?

To hold back that which is good, is to deny your station as a follower of Christ. The Spirit convicts us all, and it is good when it happens because it can lead us to God's will. It is up to each individual to take from it what they can, I think. Ephesians is a wonderful book that I've been reading lately, and I just wanted to share what I came to realize.

btw, I Loved the Hymn

Thank you for this.

I so often struggle with what I should share and what I shouldn't. Sometimes it's more that I feel someone else out there needs it than the person I'm talking with, which is even more difficult to figure out in terms of how to respond, how to say things...

It's much easier for me to post on the sort of "love-fest" kind of threads than the one's that spark disagreement or debate, because it is so hard to be honest about one's beliefs sometimes and yet also try to encourage others in their own path (instead of coming across like you think you know the answer). That's one of my biggest struggles here- how much to explain my own beliefs and present my own faith versus how much to just let go because of where that could lead for someone else.

I guess it's always important to remember it's a process, a journey. I'm a work incomplete, and the doubt and struggle and sometimes erroneous response (or worse, when our pride or fear gets in the way- which it does for all of us sometimes, I bet, no matter how hard we try and our spirit is wrong in the response)... it all leads to humility which is where I need to be in the first place.

Lovely poem, by the way... and the hymn.
It's much easier for me to post on the sort of "love-fest" kind of threads than the one's that spark disagreement or debate, because it is so hard to be honest about one's beliefs sometimes and yet also try to encourage others in their own path
Isn't it funny how the 'love-fest' threads also find some debate??

Awesome how it forced me to the bible as well...don't give me the answer..make me look it up!

Incredible thinking and thought, thank you for the nudge and as I've told all of you before...when you see me wandering off the path, you are welcome to push pull or cajole to help me back. This is one that I will be sharing, spirit is such a blessing to use you to provide us with this reminder.

Great time of year for new beginnings....for new thought and understanding to be born within...hopefully all of us have room in the inn for this!
On the other hand, Jesus did not often have kind words to say to certain folks He came into contact with. Matthew 23 comes to mind with the "woes" to the scribes and Pharisees.

Nor did Jesus' disciples on occasion. Recall the reaction to Stephen's retort in Acts 7:51-54:

"Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye.
Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted? and they have slain them which shewed before of the coming of the Just One; of whom ye have been now the betrayers and murderers:
Who have received the law by the disposition of angels, and have not kept it. When they heard these things, they were cut to the heart, and they gnashed on him with their teeth."

What say you to that?

"To everything there is a season..., every way, a reason" Love is not always nice. But it is always, for the best for others.

Sorry InLove, didn't see that I duplicated your thought until after I posted.
Prober, when you are speaking to your brothers and sisters in Christ, do you refrain from speaking Biblicaly, or do you show what's been revealed to you, so they too might see what you see?

To hold back that which is good, is to deny your station as a follower of Christ. The Spirit convicts us all, and it is good when it happens because it can lead us to God's will. It is up to each individual to take from it what they can, I think. Ephesians is a wonderful book that I've been reading lately, and I just wanted to share what I came to realize.

btw, I Loved the Hymn


When the watchman on the wall blows the trumpet, he's delivered his own soul.

I like to share. When it appears that my brother or sister already knows what I am saying, but chooses to ignore or discount it, I can let it go. It may be that I am wrong, and, at any rate, I must take the beam from my own eye before bludgeoning the listener to remove their mote.

My challenge is having the courage to blow the trumpet loud enough (or get a bigger trumpet:D).