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What are your predictions, hopes and / or fears for 2007?

And then we can all look back in a year's time and laugh or cry at what we said...:) :(

I'll just make a nice cup of Earl Grey so I can read the leaves...

I see my books well on their way and the celebration of my made up holiday for its first year.

Which means that a number of other things will be coming closer to fruition...preperations for various fundraising activities creating more wealth out of the ethers.

I see someone also taking up my reality show script...which end result will be an increased awareness of third party politics and weakening the control of the two party system.

I see people rebelling against the dictatorial labeling laws and demanding to know which of their foods are GMO, Irradiated, Cloned, Growth Hormoned, and/or fertilized with human waste products.

I see preventative self care on the rise, an awakening of cause and effect, a spiritual revlotion of personal responsibility.
Predictions for '07:

I, Brian will take the "walled garden approach" and transform it into the "iron curtain" approach. Nobody will be allowed to leave their respective forums, and the lounge will be dismantled. The feedback forum will remain up, but anyone who posts feedback will be banned automatically.

Quahom will leave the military, grow long hair, and move to a commune, where he will have a LSD-induced experience he claims was contact with aliens.

I will move to Israel and become a yeshivish charedi, cutting off all ties with the narishkeit of my former life, including the web, television, my family, and books that haven't been pre-approved by my rav.

poh will suddenly become unable to relate via or understand metaphor or allegory due to sunstroke.

faithfulservant will find one of her guilty pleasures is the Satanic punk-metal band Kill Allen Wrench.

bananabrain will become an active spokesperson for the Kabbalah Centre and will also switch from nusach sefard to nusach ashkenaz.

c-r will learn that phyllis' cats can actually astral project.

Before going charedi, I will create and abandon the "interfaith q&a" "interfaith karaoke" and "interfaith cooking" boards.

There will be no one-time spam posters.

A new interfaith site will be created as competition with the premise that all faiths are not equal, and they should duke it out to find out which is the best. Flaming will be encouraged, and the mods will all be heavily corrupt. It will become more popular than c-r due to this and within 3 months of its opening c-r's page views will drop by 75%.

My final prediction is that a caveman named Oogiot will return to earth, via spaceship, with superhuman strength and agillity, as well as the ability to deflect bullets and fly. He will wage a war against all people who do not choose to go back to living in caves and hunting and gathering, and then he will bring world peace.

I predict Vajradhara and his co-arising partner will thoroughly enjoy the first year of their child's life in this arising.
I see myself stopping at nothing to save my Lounge!


Of what is it in danger?

If my predictions are correct, ...

dauer in post 3 said:
I, Brian will take the "walled garden approach" and transform it into the "iron curtain" approach. Nobody will be allowed to leave their respective forums, and the lounge will be dismantled. The feedback forum will remain up, but anyone who posts feedback will be banned automatically.

See the rest of the post for context.

I recognize seers when I see them. And all I am saying is that heads might roll over the Lounge.

We will not go down without a fight.


P.S. Ditto Juan's post. All my heart's love to you and yours, Vaj.:)
Snoopy said:
Of what is it in danger?

Nothin'--we are just being goofy again! :D

I got so tickled over dauer's post, and I kind of got caught up in it. :)

Happy New Year, Everyone!


2007 Predications:

1. US invades Iran.
2. Iraq civil war results in 3 states.
3. Pope dies.
4. Dalai Lama dies.
5. Prince Philip dies (UK royalty chap, not keen on foreign types).
6. Rioting in UK and France during long hot summer (annual event).
7. Major terrorist attack in Russia.
8. NK carries out further nuclear testing.
9. China incurs wrath of the RotW (leaves unable to say how).
10. Finnish government has first MP from the Heavy Metal Party.

There would have been more but my teapot got washed out.

actually the last prediction I got as the leaves went down the plug hole.


2007 Predications:

1. US invades Iran.
2. Iraq civil war results in 3 states.
3. Pope dies.
4. Dalai Lama dies.
5. Prince Philip dies (UK royalty chap, not keen on foreign types).
6. Rioting in UK and France during long hot summer (annual event).
7. Major terrorist attack in Russia
8. NK carries out further nuclear testing.
9. China incurs wrath of the RotW (leaves unable to say how).
10. Finnish government has first MP from the Heavy Metal Party.

There would have been more but my teapot got washed out.


1. And takes heavy loss and then retreats.
2. I would agree with different states no idea on number though.
3. Doesn't he always....
4. He's had it coming eh!
5. I kinda had a prediction like this... I would wager, the queen will be the next royal to kick the bucket.
6. Got to love the riots.. I'd agree.
7. I would expect some "trouble" between England and Russia..
8. Kim Jong Ill, finds a male lover. Who takes Kim away with him to dance in the circus.

2007 one step closer to the great day of Jehovah:)

Yeah... Another of those unlimited steps ;)