Merry Christmas (from your friends in eastern europe)


Samo Sloga Srbin Spasava
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For those who do not know, yesterday was Christmas for those Orthodox Christians following the old calendar. So merry christmas and happy new year!

Hristos se rodi.
Merry Christmas Serb! I told some people at school Merry Christmas and they were like "it's old news" and i told them "what are you talking about it was yesterday!" :D

What day is this on the old calendar?

And what day does Christmas fall on?

All new to me.

I only know the Julian and the what are we 6547?
Hi CrazySerb, and welcome to CR. :)

And hope you had a merry Christmas. This may sound like a silly question, but does the Russian Orthodox Christmas correspond with the Greek? Anyone know? I don't think the Greek falls on the same day every year, does it?

Just wondering.

Hi CrazySerb, and welcome to CR. :)

And hope you had a merry Christmas. This may sound like a silly question, but does the Russian Orthodox Christmas correspond with the Greek? Anyone know? I don't think the Greek falls on the same day every year, does it?

Just wondering.


If I am not mistaken, the date is the same for all of Orthodoxy.
Thanks, Seeker :)

I looked around a bit, but really could not find the answer, although I am sure it is out there. So far, all I can find is that the date is not always the same. I am still wondering why. I'll bet the answer is pretty obvious. LOL--wish I had more time for research! Sometimes I find I get the answer quicker in CR than I do anywhere else. I know that my ignorance may be showing, but if I never let it show, then I learn a lot less--or at least it takes a lot longer. :)

If I am not mistaken, the date is the same for all of Orthodoxy.

Indeed it is, we all follow the Julian calendar because the new calendar was created by the Pope... and since we weren't on good terms with him when the calendar was created, we stick with the old way.
Indeed it is, we all follow the Julian calendar because the new calendar was created by the Pope... and since we weren't on good terms with him when the calendar was created, we stick with the old way.
So what day is today??

How do you deal with the rest of the planet...or is there a secular calendar and a religious calendar?

so confused:confused:
Hi wil--

Most (?) Catholics and Protestants use the Gregorian calendar, which is also the calendar most of us around the world (I think?) are most familiar with. The Julian calendar is what the Russian and Greek Orthodox use to determine the Holy Days. (I am not sure at all if I am saying this correctly, but like you, I'd like to understand more, so I am tossing this out here.) I still don't understand why, according to the latter, Christmas does not fall on the same day each year. :confused: (too)

(Edit: I am not discounting the calendars of Far Eastern traditions or any other, I just am thinking that globally, it is mostly the Gregorian that we use to interact on a daily basis. ??? Help!:). I guess I will just keep editing this post and digging into this well of knowledge until someone throws me a long rope! Someone pull wil and me up soon? :D)


(And have a very happy New Year, CS!)
Indeed it is, we all follow the Julian calendar because the new calendar was created by the Pope... and since we weren't on good terms with him when the calendar was created, we stick with the old way.
So does your new year begin September 1, December 25, January 1 or something else?

Do you only use it for religous purposes or do you use it in secular life as well?

Does it truly make sense to you to keep slipping behind the seasons?

Does it make sense to you to hold onto a system which has been improved?

Do you accept the leap minutes and leap seconds that have been implemented now in modern times or can we not synchonize our watches?

I now have some more knowledge yet am still confused.

Say I disagreed with In love, yet she told me there was a car accident ahead and follow her on this detour to get around it. Since she and I don't see eye to eye, I'm not going to follow her anywhere, instead I'll just sit in traffic...and be late for our meeting...and just stay on that schedule..

But Merry Christmas anyway....I'm really ok with that part because in my little world I think we should be celebrating the birth and resurection of the Christ ideal and consciousness in our lives daily....
Sometimes I think the Mayan calendar would work better for all. :cool:

For those who do not know, yesterday was Christmas for those Orthodox Christians following the old calendar. So merry christmas and happy new year!

Hristos se rodi.

I thought the 6th of January was Orthodox Christmas...:eek:
So does your new year begin September 1, December 25, January 1 or something else?

Do you only use it for religous purposes or do you use it in secular life as well?

Does it truly make sense to you to keep slipping behind the seasons?

Does it make sense to you to hold onto a system which has been improved?

Do you accept the leap minutes and leap seconds that have been implemented now in modern times or can we not synchonize our watches?

I now have some more knowledge yet am still confused.

Say I disagreed with In love, yet she told me there was a car accident ahead and follow her on this detour to get around it. Since she and I don't see eye to eye, I'm not going to follow her anywhere, instead I'll just sit in traffic...and be late for our meeting...and just stay on that schedule..

But Merry Christmas anyway....I'm really ok with that part because in my little world I think we should be celebrating the birth and resurection of the Christ ideal and consciousness in our lives daily....

Alright let me try to answer these questions as accurately as possible. First off we do not use the old calendar in every day life, we just use it for holy days. And we dont slip behind in the seasons because honestly its adapted, christmas is always January 7th, its just a little bit left over from when the catholics and orthdox didnt see eye to eye. And does it make sense? Sure it does, the whole reason we are orthodox is because we refused to change up our religious system. Also we do not use it down to the minute or second, just to show us when the holy days are. And furthermore we dont blame anyone for not using the old dates, we just choose to because we do not accept the pope as a direct link to God, as far as we are concerned, he is just a fallen bishop. I hope this cleared some things up for you.
Hi CrazySerb--

My sincere apologies if I misled anyone. I really did not think that the date was the same every year. Bad Internet information, maybe.

Again, sincere wishes for a Happy New Year. :)
