
17th Angel

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Have you seen the little piggies crawling in the d
Not sure if this has been done.... Anyone got any pets?! Names!? Fave breeds and so on? maybe share photos?!

I have two Staffordshire Bull terriers, one that is 9 months old (female) and is brindle colour and is called Dizzy! One that is 6 months old (male) and is chestnut colour called Taz.

Two female farm cats tortoise shell, sisters Spooky & Bengals. (2.3 years old)

One male Serengeti (1.3 years old) (closest cat in blood line to the first ever wild cat....) Called Otis!

And I want another Stafford.... Another chestnut one and want it to be a girl... and named Crash :D
I used to have a dog, and not so many years ago some rats, but I can't have pets in my current apartment. I do have some mice, but they're not pets.

Rats are awesome, as a kid I used to have rats, also had mice but my mother made me give them back to the store because they apparently smelled... I didn't notice... This but yeah...

Oh you're in the renting game? I was never allowed pets when I rented, but I have never been one for rules...

What breed of dog?
i have three cats, geltene, lord hari, and satan... they are all moggies, although hari has maine coon in him, and is black and white, geltene is all white, and has a bit of persian in her, and satan, a black british short haired, cost me the princely sum of £3... satan is the most intelligent, and my fave, and once, when messing about with a pen and pad, I asked him to do some cat writing, and he spelt out- cat, by pushing the pen with his head... I also taught him as a kitten to open the screw lids of milk cartons and push them over to get milk, and he also knows how to open the fridge door for he has also taught me the cat word for kisses, which is gnee... and when I ask him for a kiss, he toddles over and kisses me, on the mouth, which is lovely, 'cept when he has worms, and then I have to be I could extoll the virtues of my cats for days, but won't, obviously...
i have three cats, geltene, lord hari, and satan... they are all moggies, although hari has maine coon in him, and is black and white, geltene is all white, and has a bit of persian in her, and satan, a black british short haired, cost me the princely sum of £3... satan is the most intelligent, and my fave, and once, when messing about with a pen and pad, I asked him to do some cat writing, and he spelt out- cat, by pushing the pen with his head... I also taught him as a kitten to open the screw lids of milk cartons and push them over to get milk, and he also knows how to open the fridge door for he has also taught me the cat word for kisses, which is gnee... and when I ask him for a kiss, he toddles over and kisses me, on the mouth, which is lovely, 'cept when he has worms, and then I have to be I could extoll the virtues of my cats for days, but won't, obviously...

lol awesome!! My farm cats cost £5 each :D Close!! Otis is my most expensive creature costing me £975.00

Yeah, rats are wonderful. Very affectionate and smart. Demanding though of attention.

I had a cocker spaniel. My mom didn't want to get a dog larger than that. And now they have a dog even smaller. lol.

I've had dogs and cats over the years...prefer the mongrels...

I always lived where they could run...when I move to suburbia on a quarter acre...I always felt they were being done a disservice...I now live in a townhouse development where everything is tagged and folks walk their dogs with bags to pick up after them....

Unless I decide to get fish or rodents...I doubt if I'll have an animal till I am back in the country where they can just roam and fertilize as they please...
Currently, three horses, two dogs, and one cat. I adore animals of all kinds.

My "babies" (aka four-legged ones):
Eoin- the "love of my life," he's my Arabian gelding and first horse.

Oberon- my baby, I raised him since he was four months old. He's five now. A Percheron gelding, he now weighs about a ton and his back is over six feet tall. He can be a handful and a half!

Epona- my mare, I bought her last year so that I could breed her, but then realized I had no time to train her and a baby. I am going to put her up for sale soon to try to find her a good breeding home. She's 12.

Zeus- my zootel, yes- I have pet names for my pets. LOL I also call the dogs my "gray-muzzles" as they are geriatric. Zeus is eight or nine (not sure; he was a rescue).

Bonnie- my "bons," she's the second-oldest and I've had her since I was 14. She's 15. Another rescue- what a sweet girl. Very nice dog, except she has a penchant for eating books (generally old out of print titles, as luck would have it.)

And last but certainly not least, Amanda- "Manders," aka the Queen, aka Princess of a Kitty- she rules the house and bosses both dogs around. I've had her since I was nine years old, so she is now 19.

Can you tell I'm a proud mama? LOL
I used to be the staffperson for a pure black shorthair from the local Humane Society I named Shadow Kibblesbane (he was originally just Shadow, but he would play with his food in such a way that I gave him his added name.) I also lived with several other "managers".

I, too, can't have pets (not even pet rocks.) I tried talking with the landlord (even showed them my prescription for a cat) but they said no. Unfortunately, if I moved to a place as secure as where I'm living now that allowed non-human companions, I would have to pay close to 3X the rent I'm paying now sans utilities.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Path...what a lovely lot of friends you have. You are fortunate. Right now I have a miniature parrott and six fish. Enough for me to take care of right now.

Path...what a lovely lot of friends you have. You are fortunate. Right now I have a miniature parrott and six fish. Enough for me to take care of right now.


Yes- I'm blessed. My animals are some of my very best friends. :) It has always been so; I have never been without at least one four-legged family member.

I'd love to see a picture of your parrot and fish! My former stepfather now has an African gray, a macaw, and a bunch of other birds. The African Gray is really, really smart. From what I understand, birds are also very sensitive creatures.
Hi Path:

I got a camera for Christmas from my kids, but haven't done the task yet of learning how to use it. When I do I'll photo the bird and fish to you. The bird is an Indonesian moustache parakeet, not really a parrott, but not really a parakeet either ( about three times as big). My daughter saved her from a sure death a few years ago, but I sort of inhereted care of her last summer. She doesn't talk much, but she's still learning. She's about seven or eight now, but considering her traumatic upbringing she seems to be doing well. Sensitive? Yes, and very sweet someimes when she's not acting like a headstrong three year old human.

Hi All--

Deja-vu--seems I have posted these words before, but I need to get them in on this thread! :)

I live with two little-old-lady canines of mixed breeds about which Jack Halyard and I often play guessing games. Tiny little Poco, "Jack's" contribution to our happy home, is blonde and bossy because she grew up with HUGE dogs! She is 13 years old and has one tooth left, but that tooth is a killer. :) If she is disturbed when she doesn't want to be, or even if she is just playing, she has a fierce growl and facial expression that would probably make a big hit on YouTube or something. It's like she morphs into a creature from another realm. Otherwise, she is absolutely gorgeous, and I call her our "movie star dog". The most we know about her background is that she is some kind of terrier--perhaps mostly Yorky or Cairn or Skye or whatever is the smallest and has the rock-star haircut!

Then there is my dear companion of about 14 tears--her name is Porsche (after the car, not the man--I didn't know anything about the man when I named her.) She started out being "Chica", but it just didn't fit her, although she does understand Spanish! I met her mother, who was a black, long-haired dachsund, but apparently the father was a little guy as in probably Scottish terrier. She is so beautiful to me and her little body is so unique that I always say she is living proof that God or Mother Nature or the Universe has a wonderful sense of humor! We have been through so much together....oh, and she got her name because she runs so fast (still), and I figured she would be the only black Porsche I would ever "own". :D

Our dogs our about the same size, and people call them our "bookends". Once I was out in the yard with Poco when she first came to live with me, and a neighbor remarked that he thought I had bleached Porsche! :rolleyes:

And the lovely feline by whom I am presently employed is black with green eyes and has outgrown both the dogs, even though she is only about four years old. She and I insisted she stay behind when my youngest daughter moved out. Of course, my daughter named her, and so she was stuck with "Mischief". (Kitty translates that as: Ms. Chief.) We call her "Missy" or mostly just "Kitty". Not a lap cat, but otherwise very affectionate.

"Bird-bird", my poor little displaced cockatiel (originally "Caesar" but later "Maya" after the egg-laying event :D) left her body for bluer skies a couple of years ago. I miss her music, but celebrate her freedom.

Well, except for the creatures that make their home in my backyard, that's my list. Friends and family have, over time, started calling me OWMA--"One With Many Animals", because I always have at least three, and often more than that. :)

Umm...sorry about all the typos in that last post! 14 tears?? Sounds like a pop tune! :D
I loved your descriptions of your four-legged ones, In Love! (Especially being "employed" by your kitty... LOL... that sounds about right!):)
lol, I do have some mice, but they're not pets...ha haaa... poor dauer...

who is otis, 17th? a big horse or summat?

and path...u lucky thing... horses bully me