National Day of Prayer

i don't know about that, 17th, i have been reading some of your posts.
let me ask you a question, 17th, does it really matter what i find acceptable? i am no one. you say what you want to say. that is between God and you. all i am saying is that i am concerned about you because you seem to serve two masters.
Kind of hijacking this thread here, we can talk aboot this on another more fitting thread I guess I am willing to talk about that, I only have one master though. ;)

yeah, man, if you ever want to talk, let me know.
Pattimax, what would you say on the side that in therapy and by physcatrists.... "praying" can be used just as a way to 'let it out' but not being used in a true sense of religion? Would you say it is good as god is a shoulder to lean on? Or would you say it is in a way an "abuse" of your privledge?
Pattimax, what would you say on the side that in therapy and by physcatrists.... "praying" can be used just as a way to 'let it out' but not being used in a true sense of religion? Would you say it is good as god is a shoulder to lean on? Or would you say it is in a way an "abuse" of your privledge?

oh, ok, i am sorry if i offended you. its ok if you don't want to talk with me. see you on another thread, 17th.
Where: United States
When: May 3, 2007

Talk to God!:)
too funny, last night I watched Conversations with G-d, with a spiritual cinema circle.
Bit short notice... Can't make it to the states... Sorry. :)
no worries mate, G-d can make it to you!

No need to travel east, west, north, south, up or down, look neither high or low brah, findem within!
Pattimax, what would you say on the side that in therapy and by physcatrists.... "praying" can be used just as a way to 'let it out' but not being used in a true sense of religion? Would you say it is good as god is a shoulder to lean on? Or would you say it is in a way an "abuse" of your privledge?

Doctors are a very good thing... but as for praying to be used as a form to only release emotions, you are sadly mistaken. Personally, I have been through some pretty tough things and I could not have come through it successfully without knowing my savior. Constant contact with God is the only way to do it. Anything else (such as only taking a medical approach) is just a cheap substitute.