Last night on "Lost"

Miss Amy

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British Columbia
:eek: :eek: Ok, so here we go again. I think it is my fascination with people and society and everything.

I watch one television show, I have never missed an episode and follow it faithfully. It is of course, LOST. I relly like this show.

In the last few weeks they have started talking like they are in "hell" I am interested if anyone else here watches it.

Oh yeah and if you are going to mock my intelligence for watching it or anything like that there is absolutly no need... I already take the heat in my "real world"
Ermmmm since you watch so religiously maybe its you thats in Hell... well at least purgatory:p
The writers dont know where they are going with this so really its a pretty boring experiment.. 10/10 in 'sticking it out against the odds' tho :D

Note: Why is it in comparative religion?
Hey TE I said any insulting of the fact that I watch it was not needed. :) My husband does a fine job of mocking me.

Any who about posting in the wrong place. I posted in the Lounge my chat about Harry Potter and it was moved here so I thought if there was a chance anyone would bite and talk about it with me... we should post here? Right? Yeah... sorry if I was wrong... again...

Leo, I have never seen Hereos. Like I said I only follow Lost "religiously."
FWIW, Miss Amy, I watched the first couple of seasons, then my antenna went on the fritz and I took that as an excuse to leave the set off (except movies from my all too large collection).

I did watch last week for the first time this season, and I found that it really was a rehash of the same ol' stuff, at least to me. Except I learned Said was shot (I presume mortally). I liked him. But then I liked the two gals that got the bump last season, and the spoiled little rich girl and her brother from the first season.

Anyway, I think the show now is really dragging, which is a shame. Too much drawn over too long, too many cliffhangers with neverending just gets a bit much after a while.

I miss the X-files. While there was a "serial" storyline, at least each episode can be viewed separately and still make sense by itself.

I think the producers of Lost missed that part of the equation. It was certainly fun at the beginning, but now its simply tiring.

My honest opinion anyway. By all means, enjoy what gives you enjoyment!
I used to watch lost, but same complaints as have been stated. Now I watch heroes.
I love Lost. I liked that Sawyer strangled Tom Sawyer, he's been getting to PW lately with Freckles. That whole thing with Locke having to carry his father's corpse in a bag over his shoulder was, way, way spooky Freudian.

Leo, I have never seen Hereos. Like I said I only follow Lost "religiously.

i am just messing with you. lost kicks ass. sawyer is my favorite. he has the coolest hair ever! well, no zayid is cool. no wait, locke is cool, too. darn it, but jin kicks ass, too! dag nabbit. the show is pretty cool overall. anyways heroes kicks ass, too. you should check it out. peter has cool hair, too. well, you'll see if you ever see the show. man, i must be obsessed with hair. must be because i have a receding hairline. oh well!:rolleyes:
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Hi Amy, I'm a Lost fan. Got Season 1 on DVD for Christmas, viewed it almost every day 'till the end and ran out to get Season 2. I missed the early part of this season, but hear that I did not miss much. Picked it up when they started it again this winter and was disappointed by the first few shows, but it's been pretty good for the past five weeks I think. :)

Yes, it seems to me like they are doing hell or some kind of purgatory, although I also heard the writers deny that. But really...Lost in Paradise...Paradise Lost...hmmmm.

I think that the head honcho of the Dharma project (or whatever it is the Others are up to), not Ben but the guy who recruited Julia, is like the devil, and they've all sold their souls or are somehow playing this out for their souls.

I think the Jack/John tension is pretty cool, the battle between materialism + compassion vs. supernaturalism + individualism. Love Desmond and his accent. :p I wish Mr. Ekko hadn't been written out, but I don't miss anyone else from last season all that much. I liked Boone and even his sister. Sayyid is great, and I adore Jin and Sun, so glad Charlie and Hurley are still around. Heck, I like the whole cast. Julia is the only one who annoys me...I just feel like slapping her!

I read that they are going to do 48 more episodes over three seasons, so while I enjoy each episode, I'm not expecting a whole lot in the way of enlightenment by the end of this season.
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I saw Matthew Fox on TV last night. My husband was watching one of the late night shows, oh I can't remember the dudes name.. the guy with the half moon face anywho and they were talking about the 16 episodes that they are going to be doing over three years. That is great, however by then six years will have passed and it will only equal six months on the Island so... Sun will be the longest pregnant lady on TV.

PS Sayid is so my favorite he reminds me of my husband and I love his accent however I like them all.

If it is like a purgatory kids of thing then, that is a bit interesting becuase they have all essentially broken the "commandments" if you think of it in a Christian kind of way.

I don't know... I hope they don't get too crazy although people materializing on the Island is pushing it for me.
Well, what did you think about last night. It seems to be that creepy, black haired guy is going to be a more central player. The one who gave Sawyer the file. Did they really kill of Locke? That makes sense, I think they really painted his character into a corner. So the others killed off the Dharma Initiative people...
Well, what did you think about last night. It seems to be that creepy, black haired guy is going to be a more central player. The one who gave Sawyer the file. Did they really kill of Locke? That makes sense, I think they really painted his character into a corner. So the others killed off the Dharma Initiative people...

Oh no! Not Locke! He's the one I most identify with! :mad:
dude, last night kicked ass! so the whole segment with jack was the future? charlie dies, please say it ain't so! please tell me merry ain't dead!?:( :eek: aaaaaaaarghhhhhh! dag nab it. i have to wait till next season? oh the horror!
aaaaaaarrrghhhh! ok, now i am calm. last night was coool.;)
I have heard it said that the last three season were flashbacks and apparently now there are flashforwards.

I think that the dead person was Locke because it almost seemed like Kate was referring to going home to Sawyer. And Jack said that it was not a friend or family.

Tell me about my theory... Couldn't Charlie has kept his head up as long as he could and then take a deep breath and wait for the room to fill (which would be seconds) and then use the force of the water to unlatch the doors. It would start pouring into the other parts but not before Desmond and Charlie threw on a snorkel and jumped back in the pool.

Why didn't he do that? My husband says that wouldn't work but it makes sense to me...
the whole flashforward thing is really coo. especially since jack was so intent on getting off the island and now he's crying like a little bitch saying, " we need to go back!" lmfao. good i am glad he regrets getting off that island. i for one would have stayed if you ask me. at least now we know that they ain't dead or that they are on an alien planet, right?

i thought the dead person would have probably been ben?

charlie died trying to save desmond i think. at first i thought, why couldn't merry, i mean charlie just run out of the hatch and jump into the water, right? but i think that if charlie would have left the hatch open, the pressure of the water would have flooded the area immediately. aaah! what do i know, anyways, there are still so many questions. one thing stood out when sawyer asked the blonde chick, i forget her name, why they are working on the rocks and she repied, "for the alien." yeah she just joked but you never know, right? what about the statue with the three toes. or how mickael is immortal, or ben's assistant how he hasn't aged. questions and questions so many questions. sorry if i bore you. any thoughts?
Boring are you kidding! No one wants to prattle on about LOST theories with me and I have to say that I think about it a lot. Cooking, cleaning, gardening, grocery shopping, bathing... thinking... thinking... becuase when I find out I want to have at least had a clue so I don't feel dumb.

How would the hatch have flooded immediatly? My husband says physics is not my thing but... I think my idea would have worked. The island must have made Mikail immortal. I think the statue is three toed becuase of some Galapagos type thing. The previous people may have adapted to having three big toes... we are eventually going to lose our pinky...

I have no idea how that dude hasn't aged... maybe there is a "Fountain of Youth"

Who is Jacob?

It was great that Russo was reunited with Alex... I thought they really killed Sayid and I was so mad. He needs more screen time. Lets start a petition...

And... why hasn't frodo come looking for Merry...Charlie. Where is the loyalty?

What does IMFAO mean?
hey amy,
Boring are you kidding! No one wants to prattle on about LOST theories with me and I have to say that I think about it a lot. Cooking, cleaning, gardening, grocery shopping, bathing... thinking... thinking... becuase when I find out I want to have at least had a clue so I don't feel dumb.
same here, girlfriend!
How would the hatch have flooded immediatly? My husband says physics is not my thing but... I think my idea would have worked.
have you ever watched that "intelligent sharks" movie, deep blue sea? there is this part where there is a pool in the middle of the room, and they don't want to open the door because then the pool will actually flood because of the extra vacume from the door opening. hope i don't confuse you.
The island must have made Mikail immortal.
nah, i think he is an alien along with that naomi chick that lock killed at the end. s'funny how he appeared looking for her, no?
I think the statue is three toed becuase of some Galapagos type thing. The previous people may have adapted to having three big toes... we are eventually going to lose our pinky...
good theory, but i still think the whole island is an alien experiment.
I have no idea how that dude hasn't aged... maybe there is a "Fountain of Youth"
alien once again.

Who is Jacob?
a telepathic alien, i think.

It was great that Russo was reunited with Alex... I thought they really killed Sayid and I was so mad. He needs more screen time. Lets start a petition...
yeah, sayid is awesome. i got all choked up on that episode where he got captured in paris by an old torture victim and he finally admitted to torturing her and she forgave him. :(

And... why hasn't frodo come looking for Merry...Charlie. Where is the loyalty?
i know right?lol

What does IMFAO mean?
it means laugh my motherf****** ass off.