cheating on God...


merely a shadow...
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i don't know if this has been done before but i'll go ahead and start this thread. my question upon starting this thread is if things like playing videogames, watching movies, "erotic self-pleasure", reading other forms of works like comic books or novels, or listening to music, etc. would offend God because they are a form of idolotry. let me use an example, batman, spiderman, mickey mouse, etc. they seem harmless. having statues of them or posters of them is harmless and doesn't hurt anyone and some look to these "examples" as a form of guidance or answers. but how different is it from statues of virgin mary or greek gods or that big ass statue in egypt of the half man half lion? also, for example, people can read novels like war and peace or lord of the rings but can't finish the bible? or another example, working out. isn't that worshiping the self? i could go on and on, but i won't. i ask this because i compare doing these things to like praying to statues or pictures or offering sacrifices to pagan gods. i mean the above mentioned "hobbies" seem harmless, right? we aren't hurting anyone, right? no one dies, no one gets offended, so its ok! to top it off, they would be worse because we actually put our emotions into it! we curse video games because we lose to them or we cry at a certain movie because it moved us more than Gods Words. but i can't help but think that God is like the Husband and we are like the wife. from my experience, if my wife isn't paying attention to me then that bothers me. even if she would rather watch one of her mexican soaps instead of hang out with she isn't hurting anyone, but i want her to be with me. i would imagine that God sees us the same way. He wants us to always be with Him and be faithful to Him. am i overreacting? should i just "chill" and continue to do all these things without considering His feelings? i hope i don't sound "preachy". it isn't my intent. i hope to read all responses very soon since to me it is a very interesting and important subject.
"Be still and know that I am God" comes to mind.

and this one seems to be my scripture for the

"Therefore there is no condemnation to those in Christ Jesus"

This might sound preachy but I remember feeling like that and if I can help you please take my words.

From my Christian perspective.

You are a new creation in Christ.. read your bible and pray and thats how you grow. Dont let satan defeat you with guilt and self condemnation.

Dont you know that satan stands before the throne of God and accuses us constantly ... and do you know that Christ died and was victorious! When He said "It is finished" He meant it :)

satan would like nothing better than to make you feel like you arent good enough.. When the blood of Christ washed you clean you now stand spotless before the throne of grace.

Your carnal wretched man is asleep and know that he will wake up from time to time and you with the guidance of God will figure out how to keep him down until then rest in Him and remember it is HE who strengthens you. It is nothing that YOU do.

"All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any." - I Corinthians 6:12

I think this is key. But I think it comes down to personal convictions. Some things are blatently obvious as sin, but there are a lot of grey areas, and in those instances we are going to have to rely on the Holy Spirit to guide us.

I'll give you an example. Remember when Jesus taught on adultery in Matthew 5:

"Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery:
But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart." - Matthew 5:27-28

Now some will claim that this teaches that "erotic self-pleasure" is sin, because how can we get pleasure without lusting in the heart. But some would interpret this passage in the stricted sense of the law. The law in Levitucus 20:10 says: "And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death."
Here adultery is defined as a man committing
unlawful fornication outside the bounds of marriage with someone that someone else's wife. Therefore to look at another woman with lust who is not your wife is the same as committing adultery with that woman in your heart. So some will even take this to mean this only applies to men, since Jesus didn't specify anything concerning a woman who lusts after a married man in these passage.

But that would be absurd, wouldn't it. So what one has to do if get the intent of the passage. And that is where the leading of the Holy Spirit comes in. What the letter of the law doesn't do, the Spirit does, for Jesus said, "Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come." - John 16:13
i don't know if this has been done before but i'll go ahead and start this thread. my question upon starting this thread is if things like playing videogames, watching movies, "erotic self-pleasure", reading other forms of works like comic books or novels, or listening to music, etc. would offend God because they are a form of idolotry. let me use an example, batman, spiderman, mickey mouse, etc. they seem harmless. having statues of them or posters of them is harmless and doesn't hurt anyone and some look to these "examples" as a form of guidance or answers. but how different is it from statues of virgin mary or greek gods or that big ass statue in egypt of the half man half lion? also, for example, people can read novels like war and peace or lord of the rings but can't finish the bible? or another example, working out. isn't that worshiping the self? i could go on and on, but i won't. i ask this because i compare doing these things to like praying to statues or pictures or offering sacrifices to pagan gods. i mean the above mentioned "hobbies" seem harmless, right? we aren't hurting anyone, right? no one dies, no one gets offended, so its ok! to top it off, they would be worse because we actually put our emotions into it! we curse video games because we lose to them or we cry at a certain movie because it moved us more than Gods Words. but i can't help but think that God is like the Husband and we are like the wife. from my experience, if my wife isn't paying attention to me then that bothers me. even if she would rather watch one of her mexican soaps instead of hang out with she isn't hurting anyone, but i want her to be with me. i would imagine that God sees us the same way. He wants us to always be with Him and be faithful to Him. am i overreacting? should i just "chill" and continue to do all these things without considering His feelings? i hope i don't sound "preachy". it isn't my intent. i hope to read all responses very soon since to me it is a very interesting and important subject.

I like Batman a lot. Spideys good, but not as good as batman.
Why can't God be present in the works of comic books, in masturbation, in music, in video games?

My girlfriend and I sometimes do things that aren't just devoted to each other, but have other focuses as well. But if we're spending that time together, it's meaningful for us and good bonding time. So what's the problem if it's not harming anyone and you make God a part of it?

I don't think you can ever cheat on G-d.

Anytime we think we are cheating G-d, we are simply cheating ourselves.

Make a bull outta doesn't affect G-d.

Drink to excess, rape pillage, and is we that is harmed now and harmed in the end by our actions...G-d is.

if we are harming ourselves and each other, maybe that's by extension doing harm to God. In the Jewish tradition man is spoken of as b'tzelem Elohim, in the image of God. It seems reasonable to suggest that harming another or ourselves is tantamount to defacing God's image. And if as Judaism understands it tzelem does not refer to physical resemblance, then perhaps even destructive words are doing that same harm. It's the only image of God that my tradition avoids calling an idol, the ever-changing, each-unique human form.

if we are harming ourselves and each other, maybe that's by extension doing harm to God.
Namaste Dauer,

I hear that...and understand where you are coming from and have a tendency to agree...but if I do...and carry it forward then the harm I am doing is to myself after me, after G-d, back to me...yes?

I don't really follow your example.

*sniff sniff*

Smells to much JW for my liking.. These are things that are there to make life that much more enjoyable, and worth living. I play games watch DVD's like a religion... There is -no- harm at all in that in my opinion... Either way we can't prove that it is bad or good in a spiritual way... But seeing as I don't believe in a spiritual world I guess that I don't really have to prove a thing. In all honesty if you took technology away from myself... I would have to take soldiering back up, with out movies and such, that would prevent me killing myself. :) And If you ask "well what if you never had movies or games?" That question has an obvious answer.....

Games improve hand eye coordination, reactions, mental ability and health, make team work, improve problem solving, create a community where people gather to share in an experience that they enjoy.... So yes they help with social skills.... Also as technology goes on... You are also learning computer skills.... Even computer engineering... You know what parts improve game performance and you learn to install them... Trust me, if you are that much into games... You learn this quick. I kick arse at computer networking/engineering and maintenance... programing and scripting... ALL because of games.

Also "cheating" is an interesting word to use.... If I have sexual relations and a realtionship with my wife... I'm not cheating on your wife am I? Because she isn't my wife.... Same goes for your god.
But I am not scoring a point for their team... I'm scoring for my team. ;/ I am not cheating on the other team... If I did... However highly unlikley put in an owngoal... I certainly wouldn't have done it on purpose so that isn't cheating.
But I am not scoring a point for their team... I'm scoring for my team. ;/ I am not cheating on the other team... If I did... However highly unlikley put in an owngoal... I certainly wouldn't have done it on purpose so that isn't cheating.

Why are you trying to be clever? You just seem foolish. For real.

If we the image of G-d, if we are expressions of G-d in this realm, would not our acting less than divine affect that image...

Sure, from one perspective. Is multiplicity any less Divine than a more monistic view of things? Is there a difference between the two or simply a change in perspective? If multiplicity is always changing, does that really change God or is that the nature of God? Is the evil in the world outside of God or is that a part of God too? Is the view that something is wrong our personal perspective or something more universal? I like the idea of thinking of God as more of a verb, instead of a noun. If God is a verb, then we're really talking about Godding. And in that sense, of a process of Godding, there is change, development, but I don't think that actually effects the nature of God at all. God's nature remains unchanging in that understanding, and if you take a snapshot at any given time, you can't then say, "Ah, see. This is what God is." That would be like taking a photo in Hawaii and saying, "This is my summer vacation." It's not. It's an image from it. Even if you took a video, it still would only be a video from your summer vacation.

Some would ask the question if God evolves along with us, at least in the sense that the whole Godding humanity thing is new. As a theological construct it reflects the changing perspectives of God humanity has had over time. Others would ask if the language we use about God changes God, and the archetypes we apply. I don't think it's that important. What I have observed in myself is that my relationship with God is different in different moments depending on the terms in which and the ways in which I relate. It is very different to visualize myself constantly nourished and sustained by the milk, as it were, of the Divine breast, connecting to El Shaddai, than it is to think of God as a distant paternal figure watching over me, Avinu Shebashamayim, and the same is true for other relational archetypes, other God-interfaces. Both are helpful for me, but at different times.

faith and dondi, i praise God that you both are on this forum. i praise God that you both have great knowledge of our Father in heaven. keep those scriptures rolling in! love you, guys!
it troubles me to encounter faithful ppl who love God who feel that they cannot savour the delights of the temporal world with God's blessing...

yes, some games, some literature, some art, is potentially damaging to you, and there are certain themes that maybe a person shouldn't want to explore, but that is purely your choice...

I used to read a lot of horror fiction, growing up- I liked the scare factor, and the more evil and twisted and gruesome it was the better... today, I do not read it, as somewhere along the line I realised a few things- that most of them were based on real events, that by purchasing such stuff I was subconsciously supporting such acts and practises, and that by keeping these things popular I was contributing to the degradation of society... my reasoning is... if ppl are not exposed to such themes, they are not then available to be explored, and copy cat crimes are not so prevalent then...

of course, that may seem a little strange to others, that I should be so hardline, but I would not want such things to be banned outright, as then we fall into shark infested waters... rather, I would hope that ppl discern for themselves that some images and themes are not suitable for them, or others, to peruse, but ppl don't behave like that, do they...? authors write the sickest books they can as they know they'll make the most money that way, and although it's irresponsible of rap artists to glorify pimping, selling drugs and running round with guns they still do it, because it sells...

on the flip side- there is so much good art, and good literature, and good movies, and great music that isn't riddled with unsavoury themes and motifs, and again, as an adult you are free to discern what is for you and what is not, but it would be a shame for you to miss out on the good stuff because you were too scared to reject the bad when you find it...

my concern with those who deny themselves such pleasures is that this denial of art, music, literature, games, fun, life, loves, etc, etc, is a tactic often used by cults who seek to make a person less of an individual and cause a person to be so focused on God that they will become empty of any personality and open to further exploitation by the cult...

yes, God is great, etc, etc, and yes, one day you might make heaven, but if you have good intentions and try to live a decent life I don't think God would condemn you for watching a few blue movies or playing a few shoot-em-ups...

life is there to be lived and enjoyed, after all
hi dauer, you make an excellent point, but in the case of :

1. comics: which i love to read since i grew up reading. and i will be frank, i actually looked up to these "false gods". (especially batman, niranjan, since i know that if he could take out superman, he can defenitely take out a small time punk like spidey!) anyways, back to topic. yes, i know for a fact that these characters in some since represent the false gods of old. especially superman. he is like a rip off of Christ. i don't see how God could be present with these things since He doesn't want us worshiping false gods.

2.masturbation:it is a thing of the flesh, no? not of Spirit. God is Spirit. when i do it i think of women. (sorry if i offend anyone with this, i am only a man) i don't want to covet God so i can't find myself lusting for Him. do i make sense? how i love it. i listen to heavy metal. loud, fast, obnoxious noise and i love it. i used to listen to the satanic and death stuff. i try my best to stay away from it but sometimes it crawls back to me. a friend of mine suggested that i listen to christian music but it is so dorky!lol! instead i listen to bands like killswitch engage or hatebreed which is loaded with positive lyrics. they don't compare to psalms, but they get me the fix i need. i am a little iffy on God approving heavy metal and i do try to listen to stuff that reminds me of Him.

and finally, games: i am passionate for them. i grew up on video games. but i can't get God involved in especially those! i say this because when i grew up on video games, i would play them to get away from this world and go to a "fake" one. i wouldn't take my problems head on. plus if you think about it, you are in front of the tv playing, right? you are thinking about the video game for hours on end. isn't praying to a statue the same?

My girlfriend and I sometimes do things that aren't just devoted to each other, but have other focuses as well. But if we're spending that time together, it's meaningful for us and good bonding time. So what's the problem if it's not harming anyone and you make God a part of it?


well, when you spend time with family, that is different. you can't go wrong there. there i can see getting God involved. especially when you talk about Him with your family.