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Hi everybody!

("Hi Doctor Nick!")

I just created my own blog maybe a week ago and thought it would be cool to create a thread to share our blogs. Mine is about religion, spirituality, my own ideas, second life, and finding and bringing spirituality and religion to second life. This is the link (probably need to spruce up the banner):

So what's yours? Do you like to talk about cooking, gardening, religion, life, ant colonies?

Nice. I have a couple of myspace pages--one for music and one for general thoughts, observations, and networking. I keep a blog on both. Sometimes--often--things get political and I can have too dirty hands when I type, but I'm resolved to be less juvenille in that regard in future posts.

I'm also working locally with a small group to produce a literary magazine. We have a website here with content samples and musings.

I never really got into the myspace thing. At first I had put that blog on live journal before blogger. But then someone told me that livejournal was less about the blogging, and more about blogs as social network. I'm not really crazy about the layout of myspace either. The content I'm generally looking for is words and all of the business seems to get in the way of that. I tried to check your blog out on one of the second site, but it won't let me unless I join myspace. The literary magazine site is cool. I like that poem Yard Work.

I tried to check your blog out on one of the second site, but it won't let me unless I join myspace.

Man, that is a shame and yet good to know. Thanks for bringing that up, I didn't realize that. I feel your angst towards myspace as well. I had to grit my teeth a lot to get my pages set up the way I wanted them and now that they are functioning, I do enjoy having them. But maybe I should overhaul my blogger account and do most of my writing there. You can check that page out, too--there's some overlap between the entries there and on myspace.

And yes, those poems are quite good. :)
Prior to finding this space I was at a forum called thinkarete and then that grew into a zaadz forum and then that grew into a blogsite and pods instead of forums and I got I blog over there...just stuff I want to get off my chest....but not in a rant way...tried to stay away from the blog ranting...not always successful.

Wil @ Zaadz
You can check that page out, too

Wow. :O Them is fightin' words. :D Very rightous anger though, imo. But as someone who generally agrees with your message it's still a bit hard for me to read.

Myspace is owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corp, the same company that owns Fox News Network- the right wing propaganda channel. I don't know if that makes a difference to anyone, but it does to me.
Wow. :O Them is fightin' words. :D Very rightous anger though, imo. But as someone who generally agrees with your message it's still a bit hard for me to read.


Well, I am an angry man. I'd rather not be, but them's facts and the world is ugly and insensitive, and anger sure beats depression. Yet when we meet on the street, I'm not ugly and bitchy. I smile genuine smiles and love people. It's corruption and senselessness that I dislike and work hard to counter. Anger grabs attention. Soft flowery words don't always do that. But it's important, as always, to strike a balance, and thanks for the feedback.

Myspace is owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corp, the same company that owns Fox News Network- the right wing propaganda channel. I don't know if that makes a difference to anyone, but it does to me.

It does make a difference, at least in perspective. Fox News I never watch, not even enough to have an informed opinion about their coverage, although from the second-hand information I get and the sheer volume of it, I think it is clear that Fox News is crap--no news, mostly fear and hate mongering catering to a too (un)critical mass of people who have had their intellectual faculties stunted by school lunches, crap sitcoms, and an unrelenting stream of disinformation so unfortunately ubiquitous in American Life.

myspace? I use it and abuse it, I admit it. There is some interesting stuff on there. It does offer a tool for people to creatively display their personas in a web-based format. Absolutely there is crap to slog through, like fake teenage girls named "xxTinaxx" and "kissStephaniekiss" who send spam about checking your credit report online--truly bizarre business like that. Yet there are also amazing artists, songwriters, people who work to raise consciousness, who are using this platform. It ain't all bad.

Is Uncle Murdoch sinisterly monitoring us all, tapping into our internet psyches while bombarding us with movie trailers and silly contests? Perhaps. Is gmail a troglodyte arm of the Shadow Government, a Puppet Tool of the New World Order, masquerading as Convenience and Free Speech? Perhaps.

Do I care anymore? No. Gotta live with the hand you are dealt, to an extent. I won't tiptoe around in paranoia. Not that I think anyone is suggesting that--no, it's just that I've spent a lot of time bowing in fear and I'm tired of caring what catastrophe Big Brother might be plotting against me along with the FBI.

Sound ridiculous? Good, it is.

Ive got a dozen domains and half a dozen blogs that I keep meaning to do something with.,,,,,,,,, and more.

Not to mention IRC channels, forums, online shops, affiliate pages, etc.

Having my own server is fun. Unlimited email addresses with no limits on use, popping in a new domain whenever I want, etc. Unfortunately my brain is very active and my fingers are very lazy.

Gandalf Parker
I currently have

Rural Diaries
which discusses current rural issues in the UK.

Dating tips and stories

and I am currently designing a third about my life in Egypt and experiences as a Muslim covert living in a Muslim country with the contradictions I find between the teachings of the Quran and what Muslims teach and do.

Any name suggestions gratefully received, I am rubbish at thinking of names and so far have no ideas at all.