Who are more likely to lie men or women?

Who are more likely to lie?

  • Men

    Votes: 4 50.0%
  • Women

    Votes: 4 50.0%

  • Total voters


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Interesting poll for you, I guess everyone lies but which sex is more likely to lie overall?
We are all liars..... :) I would say it has nothing to do with sex, it is more to do with personality..... We all lie indeed, whoever tells you they have never told a lie........ is? Lying. But, I think certain types of personality will lie more than most.... Me for example.... I will gladly lie till the cows come home..... Am I telling you the truth? Mwaha.... If there is the slighteset chance for manipulation and self gratification.... I think most will.... (oooh no they won't!!!!!) Everyone has their price....... ;)
In the US checking drivers licenses, most men lie about their height, most women about their weight and they do so about equally.

But the bigger question is what is a lie. Lillian Carter, President Jimmy Carter's mother was known to say that Jimmy never lied. However there is more to the story
Doug Brinkley" There's that wonderful story of Miss Lillian when one reporter a woman from New York came down to Plains, and Miss Lillian greeted her and said, "Welcome to Plains. You know, it's so nice to see you. Would you like some lemonade? How was your journey, your dress is beautiful." You know, poring on the southern hospitality. And the reporter jumped right in on Miss Lillian and said, "Now Miss Lillian, your son is running for president saying he'll never tell a lie. As a mother, are you telling me he's never told a lie?" She goes, "Oh well Jimmy tells white lies all the time." And the reporter said, well tell me what, what do you mean? What is a white lie?" And Miss Lillian said, "Well, remember when I said, welcome to Plains and how good it is to see you? That's a white lie."
This is the lounge so for sake of comedy i'm going to be politically incorrect.

Women are a big lie right when you set your eyes on them. They lie about there face with makeup, they lie about there breast size with padding and surgery, they lie about there hight with high heels and above all they lie about the amount of partners they have had. And they expect men to tell the truth?!!!!!!!!!!!!??!!

Before you brand me a sexist pig (which I'm not), just going to say I'm quoting comical genius Chris Rock.
Please, no offense.

Men lie to themselves.
Women lie to men.

When it comes to sex, some men's thinking goes out the window. I don't like to say this, but sometimes guys can be pretty stupid.
I know so can women.

I guess everyone lies and everyone can be stupid.
Please, no offense.

Men lie to themselves.
Women lie to men.

When it comes to sex, some men's thinking goes out the window. I don't like to say this, but sometimes guys can be pretty stupid.
I know so can women.

I guess everyone lies and everyone can be stupid.

Your with me then...... [dark evil tone] They all lie.....
yes, man lies, but i must say that men tell "small" lies and women tell the biggest lies known to man. big i say, big! huge!:D
We were talking about great minds and Monty Python, not sex.

And no, they do not lie all the time about sex or things relating to it. CAN lie!

(... should not have posted...mumble,mumble...)

lol.... Not just sex it could be anything, what I was saying is that you said man and woman lie.... And I... ah forget it ;)

yes, man lies, but i must say that men tell "small" lies and women tell the biggest lies known to man. big i say, big! huge!:D

A lie is a lie is a lie is a lie.......
I'm saying men are likely to lie more than women.

Its not so much that they lie more its that they believe they're right more, even though there could be a smidging of evidence that they may be wrong.

Women make up stuff like pretending there's someone at the door to get rid of someone on the phone and suchlike.

But men can continue to drive around in circles without asking directions because it will make them look bad. And then when it gets to starting rows (and wars) and stuff and not wanting to look bad and admit they were wrong and sh*t.

And don't talk to me about who makes a bigger deal of being sick and wanting soup in bed and sympathy...

I may generalise as I do believe there are many shades inbetween
I voted Men.

But was I lying?

Is this post a lie?


yeah, but women lies hurt like hell, man. men lies you laugh about years later.
this is the lounge my brother....but you gotta take into consideration self fullfilling prophecy....what is it you are curretnly putting into the ethers?


Will I be happy if my current thoughts manifest into reality right now?

Benjamin Disraeli quote: "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." (Most often attributed to Mark Twain....but as Ben predates him by twenty years and Sam was well read and a journalist...I'm betting on Benny)

What I think is interesting is the type of liars....the ones that lie to look good, the ones that lie to keep from looking bad, the ones that lie when cornered, the ones that lie for advantage, the ones that lie as participation, the ones that lie for embellishment, and those that just always lie...and to such and extreme that it is obvious to everyone, all the time, and they continue...the habitual...
I'm saying men are likely to lie more than women.

Its not so much that they lie more its that they believe they're right more, even though there could be a smidging of evidence that they may be wrong.

Women make up stuff like pretending there's someone at the door to get rid of someone on the phone and suchlike.

But men can continue to drive around in circles without asking directions because it will make them look bad. And then when it gets to starting rows (and wars) and stuff and not wanting to look bad and admit they were wrong and sh*t.

And don't talk to me about who makes a bigger deal of being sick and wanting soup in bed and sympathy...

I may generalise as I do believe there are many shades inbetween

I assumed you were a woman (not that it matters, at least in the context of this website...OK I'll stop there) because of all the sky in your avatar! I wonder if it's true of Ciel?

Wil: What I think is interesting is the type of liars....the ones that lie to look good, the ones that lie to keep from looking bad, the ones that lie when cornered, the ones that lie for advantage, the ones that lie as participation, the ones that lie for embellishment, and those that just always lie...and to such and extreme that it is obvious to everyone, all the time, and they continue...the habitual..

Well my mum is this type. But i'm really not sure if she knows it or not....which is strange. At the dinner table with relatives etc she will embellish to the point that I am cringing in my seat, then she'l ask me to confirm the truth of it to the listners!!! At which point I'm drawn into being a liar too!!

I have told a lot of lies down the years. Why? I dont know. All of the reasons you state probably at one time or another. But also I have been honest on many an occasion and that has resulted in nothing but strife. I think lies are a safety valve in many cases. But there are some huge lies that deserve to be outed.

Francis states that 1:3 interactions contain falsehoods. 1:10 children born do not have the DNA of their recorded Father. 1:1 Politicians lie publicly. We see lies and hypocrisy from as soon as we are aware of these concepts and it is no small wonder they permeate into every one of us. But to assign sexual dominance to this is impossible and a lie! It is interesting to note even here how the sexes line up on it tho.

I read it thus: The males have a fundamental need to associate woman with 'mother' and the slightest mistrust is of huge emotional significance. The females know that everybody lies and feign a contempt for 'male' lies as childish. There is more of a resigned acceptance that men will lie....sort of.

I have in recent years made a conscious effort to lie less. Tho I have found invariably that one cannot cease lying to ones lover!! That is how to commit relationship suicide!!
