Summer Vacation


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Wild, Wild West
Hi All,

With the kids out of school I have been crazy busy keeping up with them this summer and have not had much time to read or post. I miss you all! And now I'm going to be even scarcer for a while. We are going on a couple of trips, one camping in the Rockies (big deal for us...our first trip where we have to pack water, no electricity, no little town five minutes away :), but a beautiful lake and lots of trees and mountains).

After that we will be going to visit family for about ten days. I'll pop in a bit in the time in between trips next week, but probably won't have enough time to catch up threads and post too much.

So, hope you all are also having a great summer. Now that I think of it today is the official first day of.

Have a lovely vacation, lunamoth family! I will be camping right here in front of the computer most of the time, but I keep the window open. I will look up at the stars (if I can see any through the city lights) and know that they are the same ones you see. :)

So, hope you all are also having a great summer. Now that I think of it today is the official first day of.
Ah the summer My son headed off on a 10 day hike in the mountains of NM with his scout buddies...they to will be filtering water whenever they find it and packing it the rest of the time.

The kids will be busy with playing with friends and various camps this summer...and for our family vacation we'll also be doing a little camping and then end up at a retreat in the Poconos (PA)...

Have a great trip Luna....who else is hitting the road and/or the woods and/or the beach?
Ah the summer My son headed off on a 10 day hike in the mountains of NM with his scout buddies...they to will be filtering water whenever they find it and packing it the rest of the time.

The kids will be busy with playing with friends and various camps this summer...and for our family vacation we'll also be doing a little camping and then end up at a retreat in the Poconos (PA)...

Have a great trip Luna....who else is hitting the road and/or the woods and/or the beach?

I may have to make a necessary trip to South Florida. Summer is not the best time to go there, but it is unavoidable.
Wonder what the hurricanes are gonna do this year?
Have a great summer Lunamoth.

Can someone send me a snowball, it's bloody hot here.
Hey all!

Had a great time camping with the kids and husband (whose blackberry did not work out there in the woods). It was a beautiful place and I wish we could go back right away.

No snow where we were Muslimwoman, but we could see snow on the mountains around us. It was hot hot hot in Denver, but we were nice and cool in the mountains...aaaahhhhh. :cool:

Now we turn around and head to upstate NY for ten days to visit family. I'll be on and off here for the next few days as we get the house cleaned up and re-packed for the next trip.

Have a lovely vacation, lunamoth family! I will be camping right here in front of the computer most of the time, but I keep the window open. I will look up at the stars (if I can see any through the city lights) and know that they are the same ones you see. :)


Hey InLove,

I'm looking for your 3000 post celebration thread! Congrats! You are one of the top few posters here! I need to get to work as I am eating your dust as I type.
lunamoth said:
Hey InLove,

I'm looking for your 3000 post celebration thread! Congrats! You are one of the top few posters here! I need to get to work as I am eating your dust as I type.

Oh no! No it is not supposed to be that way. I've got to take my foot off the pedal! But everytime I try to pull over and let some folks by, they go on vacation or something. :D

By the way, you should roll up your windows when attempting to pass. That there is Texas dust, and it can be pretty bad. :rolleyes:

You could send me one of your many books, and that might entice me to find a good roadside rest area. I've packed my lunch and there's a blanket in my trunk. :)

our kids here are just starting their 2 weeks of winter vacation. Not enough time to really get up to any mischief, thank god for that. How long is summer vacation???
greymare said:
our kids here are just starting their 2 weeks of winter vacation. Not enough time to really get up to any mischief, thank god for that. How long is summer vacation???

greymare, where I live, summer vacation is 3 months long (quietly chuckles). My advice is just to forget everything else that you usually do except for that which is absolutely necessary and immerse yourself in the magic of child's play. The time will pass so quickly, then, that you will wonder where it went. And you will be so glad that you did it. I'll bet you already know this, though. Enjoy! :)

When I was a kid summer vacation time was three months...Now my kids get off in the middle of June and start back in the last week of August...we never went to school in June or they are just over 2 months vacation time...But they don't get two weeks in winter, usually the week Christmas is in and then back the day after New Years...but in service days and teacher training days, and half days they get plenty.

Funny though when I read your winter vacation note...I am so northern hemisphere inclined that while I 'know' we have opposite seasons everytime someone mentions it it is somewhat a surprise.
wil said:
When I was a kid summer vacation time was three months...Now my kids get off in the middle of June and start back in the last week of August...we never went to school in June or they are just over 2 months vacation time...But they don't get two weeks in winter, usually the week Christmas is in and then back the day after New Years...but in service days and teacher training days, and half days they get plenty.

Yeah, I said three months, but it does get pared down here, too. Plus, there is the opportunity now for summer school, and that is good for those who didn't do so well during the regularly scheduled classes, or for some who want to advance. The kids don't seem to mind that much. But it can make things difficult for those who try to plan a summer trip, with all the parents working and competing for time off. Many of the parents and students are in favor of year-round classes, with breaks all through the year. And I can understand--there are some attractive benefits to it. But I just remember those l-o-o-n-g summer breaks and time to go to the beach every day and go on two week trips somewhere and even get a summer job and buy something you really wanted. I liked it. The kids now don't miss it because they have really never experienced it.

Have a nice camping trip, wil. Come back with some wonderful things to tell us all about. :)

Glad to hear that others are having some summer fun as well. I really feel blessed that I have these days with my kids while they are little.

We are getting ready for another camping trip, Sun to Wed, which should again be a lot of fun. This time we are going to Estes Park, a kind of vacation spot town within easy access to Denver. One day we will go up into the Rocky Mountain National Park to explore, another we will go into town and do fun kids things (they can't wait to spray me with water playing bumper boats).

I again apologize for my scarcity around here. I pop in and take a look but have little time to read deeply and make thoughtful posts. Most of my time for getting online tends to be in the evening, and by then most of you have gone to bed or something because it's pretty quiet around here in the night! I sometimes bump into China Cat and MuslimWoman, and we get up to mischief, but that's about it!

Anyway, this is my lame excuse for not being around and for the friendships and conversations I've been neglecting. Hope you are all well!
I had a blast at Scout camp with the kids...I ran around with the little ones (6th graders) getting them thru their first year...only one with real homesickness, the rest had a ball...but complained they didn't get to do everything they wanted like the older scouts did...

Great weather...a few downpours and thunderstorms, some hot and humid days, but we had raingear for the former and a lake for the latter so what is not to like!!
call me stupid, but you guys get it good. down here in oz the kids get 6 weeks off from about the first weekin december to middle of jan;uary (xmas hols) 2 weeks in late june early july , 2 weeks in september and 10 days of easter hols. how come you lot get 3 months of summer holidays. that really suks. oh yeah thats right. thats cause we live in paradise and you guys only get to visit.........hahahahahahah. love grey