what use do they serve?

'but the bloodthirsty sods need to kill things in order to feel superior to us mere minions'
This is somewhat hysterical isn't it?

I am not in favor of fox-hunting, but my objection to a favored pastime of the Royals is no argument against their usefulness as people, or the usefulness of their position.
amusing mixed bag of responses here...

being born into wealth is not of course the fault of rich babies, but nor is it the fault of peasants to be born poor, but I think that for them to be so different as adults is a sin...

I have no problem with meritocracy; after all, that's the joy of capitalism- rising above the masses using your wits to make more money than anyone else is skillful, but to me the royal family is a symbol of all that is wrong with society... we value people, not for their deeds, but because we are told we should.

If I plot to kill Bill Gates and get caught, I will go to jail for a while, yet if I plot to kill the Queen and am caught then potentially I can be hanged. Why is the Queen more valuable than Bill Gates? He trumps her in the wealth stakes, and he's more charitable too, yet he is not worth the same.


If my grandma needs her roof fixing, she'll ask the family. If the family can't help she'll have to get a loan. If she can't get a loan then she'll sit in her damp house growing mould until she dies. Why should the Queen be different? If she needs her roof fixing then she should ask her family- not government. If the family collectively cannot help, then she should sell some art, or some antiques, but no. Instead the people pay.

Society pays taxes so that we can help those in our society who are less fortunate. I dont want to pay tax if it means the money goes to the royal family, or to the army, yet I do not get the choice to opt out.

How is that fair? I pay 20% tax on my income. 20 percent. And then on top of that I am asked to pay national insurance contributions, and as well as this I am also taxed on all my purchases. Overall, around 40 percent of all money I earn goes to the state. I don't mind that, if it means that my schools and hospitals are paid for and the sick and diasabled have a good standard of living, but that isn't really what happens. Instead, my taxes go to support a system which is morally wrong.

As for their tireless charity work- before we uphold them as philanthropists let's remember that donations to charity are tax exempt, and so rather than be charitable they are deliberately ridding themself of some income so that they pay less tax... and let's not forget that charles gets a lot of money in subsidies from the EU for his farms, just like all the other rich landowners do. Whatever they do for charity is but a small drop in the ocean.

and, completely offsubject- muslimwoman- is that picture really u? If so, you have lovely eyes...
If I plot to kill Bill Gates and get caught, I will go to jail for a while, yet if I plot to kill the Queen and am caught then potentially I can be hanged. Why is the Queen more valuable than Bill Gates? He trumps her in the wealth stakes, and he's more charitable too, yet he is not worth the same.
You know very well you would not be hanged. The enforcement of that anachronistic law would be the beginning of the end for the monarchy.
As for some people being more valuable than others, a person's value is surely decided by society as a whole, you cannot hold it against the person in question. I also do not think that Bill Gates is considered less valuable than the Queen.

Francis King said:
If my grandma needs her roof fixing, she'll ask the family. If the family can't help she'll have to get a loan. If she can't get a loan then she'll sit in her damp house growing mould until she dies. Why should the Queen be different? If she needs her roof fixing then she should ask her family- not government. If the family collectively cannot help, then she should sell some art, or some antiques, but no. Instead the people pay.
The Queen's house is not just the Queen's house, it is a national house, part of our national heritage. Your grandmother's house is not.
This is somewhat hysterical isn't it?

I am not in favor of fox-hunting, but my objection to a favored pastime of the Royals is no argument against their usefulness as people, or the usefulness of their position.

Agree completely. I wasn't referring to the Royals but the upper class and the wanna be's. I doubt the Royals had anything to do with the constant failure to introduce the law, more the government officials themselves and their 'financial backers'.

Don't get me wrong I love the Royals (in fact one of my favourite pictures of myself is with the Queen Mum, shall see if I can post it in the what you look like thread- as I am so proud of it).
Why is the Queen more valuable than Bill Gates? He trumps her in the wealth stakes, and he's more charitable too, yet he is not worth the same.

Because the Queen didn't put us through the pain of years to debug XP, only to introduce Vista which is as buggy as a bug farm. Off with his head.

and, completely offsubject- muslimwoman- is that picture really u? If so, you have lovely eyes...

I wish that it was but alas I was never that lucky. Isn't she stunning. I put the picture up because it is one of my issues with veiling. Within 5 minutes of me changing the picture men were posting comments about the beautiful eyes. To me, the veil creates an air of mystery and 'eastern promise' of certain delights which actually goes against our principle of modesty. Go figure, we are creating the very thing we are trying to avoid by wearing the veil. That said you wouldn't get my head cover off me with a crow bar LOL

The other picture I almost chose was of an arab man taking a photo of 6 ladies, all in full face veils (not even eyes showing). I nearly fell off my chair laughing, imagine after the holiday showing people your holiday snaps "er and which one are you then?"
Agree completely. I wasn't referring to the Royals but the upper class and the wanna be's. I doubt the Royals had anything to do with the constant failure to introduce the law, more the government officials themselves and their 'financial backers'.

Don't get me wrong I love the Royals (in fact one of my favourite pictures of myself is with the Queen Mum, shall see if I can post it in the what you look like thread- as I am so proud of it).
My apologies, I had got you wrong.
I completely agree with Francis, the Royal Family can kiss me arse. I especially love your statements on Princess Diana.

The following statement does not regard Princess Diana but if the allegations against her are true, then it does:
Don't you love it when celebrities quit a drug like Crystal Meth for instance, then they become instant inspirational stories and heroes to the masses. While you and I are just straightening up.

Now back to the original post:
The British tabloid are one if not the most biggest of the whores of gossip, which is about the only thing the royal family is good for, good gossip. Here in the US we have thousands of open and a good more 10,000 people perhaps who line up with Nazi emblems marching the street and cursing every other non-Anglo-Christian, yet prince-charming wears a little sign and people are up in arms. A mere child is shown as a sign of hate while thousands with "pitchforks" are idealistic?

For all intensive purposes, when a celebrity does something good but there are no pictures to prove it, did it happen?
how much power do they have, ooh, none, and yet

Betty has just made the Beeb apologise becuase they inadvertently offended her... oh, and while on the subject of Royal bans; how about not allowing the Diana crash pictures to be shown? not bad going for a powerless figurehead...

lol, muslimwoman, I wondered if it would really be you, and ur right about the eastern promise bit, but I looked at it and thought, aw, she's pretty under that blinking veil... lol... but hey...
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lol, muslimwoman, I wondered if it would really be you, and ur right about the eastern promise bit, but I looked at it and thought, aw, she's pretty under that blinking veil... lol... but hey...

What we are told is that you can't see whether someone is pretty or not under the veil - yeah right, well that doesn't work then. The other one is the baggy tent dress. We are told that you can't tell what shape someone is under it. Okay, so you see a huge blank tent walking down the street next to a thin strip of black material. See, you can't tell which one is fat and which one is thin. No really you can't, honestly. Look, I said you can't right. :p
Ah yes, always a bit of a bugger when you want to wear thin clothes due to the heat but instead have to wear thick material just in case anyone realises you have arms or legs :eek:

That reminds me, I must go and oil my wheels.