what use do they serve?

So can someone explain to me what their role is in the political anatomy of the country? Do they contribute to the constitution, laws, etc. Why is there a prime minister? How is the prime minister elected/chosen/nominated and how do the ministers fit into the scene? wot wot wot??? :confused:

I covered that in my definition....

" She hires another man to run the country, usually a liar with many hidden skelletons in his closet.... He has to scheme up ways to grab more peoples hard earned money.... We call it TAX.... " 17th.

lol... There are groups the main three are Labour, Lib dems and the Conservatives... They are each have their differences and they choose their leaders and you vote (if you can be arsed) for which team you'd like to see in "power".
I covered that in my definition....
17th, I believe Elme would like to be educated as to intent not your actualities...maybe there is a diagram or webpage you could point her to... me being a member of a wayward colony actually know nothing about it either...
as salaam aleykum sister

They are now largely figureheads but still do an awful lot for the country in bringing in trade agreements, largely through the respect that other countries and organisations have for the Royal family. Princess Anne has done an amazing amount of charity work over her lifetime (Diana pales into insignificance in comparison, although in publicity for charity rules the roost).

In 1689 the Bill of Rights was passed, which stated that laws could only be made or repealed by parliament.

This looks good, it discusses sovereignty & democracy and looks at how both fit into our current system

Constitutional Matters - Sovereignty and Democracy

Hope this helps you understand

I think one of the most unfortunate things that could happen to an English person is to be born heir to the throne.

And one of the stupidest things an English person could do is marry the heir to the throne....
I listened to your new PMs address to Parliament today...and was shocked to hear the speaker ask for some decorum during the speech until the rebuttal time was at hand. And then the various factions responding and the PM responding to their comments....absolutely incredible.

On our Independence Day, July 4th, he (the PM) will face his first Q&A another absolutely amazing occurrence you have over there. I would so like to see an open session like that in our Senate with the Prez weekly, that would be incredible.
I think one of the most unfortunate things that could happen to an English person is to be born heir to the throne.

Hell yes, can you imagine all that duty, never scratching your bum or picking your nose stuff - boring and no life for anyone. You can just imagine the poor Queen ringing in sick one day and gadding off to the races instead.

And one of the stupidest things an English person could do is marry the heir to the throne....

Well Diana was hardly noted for her mental capacity and for someone that spent so much time 'working for charities', I wonder how many charities would have liked the £89,000 a year she spent on just getting her hair done????
I always wonder what the queen does when she's in the middle of one of those huge dinners with boring speeches etc etc and she finds she desperately needs a piss? :p

Wil - sometimes I think they sound like animals all baying and making a racket together :rolleyes: but I suppose it's a good thing that they have to face down the opposition on a regular basis. Do your politicians have to deal with horribly hostile interviews at all? Jeremy Paxman and the Today program presenters sometimes make me cringe with how blunt they are....
I always wonder what the queen does when she's in the middle of one of those huge dinners with boring speeches etc etc and she finds she desperately needs a piss? :p

I think they deal with that in Queen training school, maybe she has special bladder exercises or a catheter under her long dress?
I listened to your new PMs address to Parliament today...and was shocked to hear the speaker ask for some decorum during the speech until the rebuttal time was at hand. And then the various factions responding and the PM responding to their comments....absolutely incredible.

On our Independence Day, July 4th, he (the PM) will face his first Q&A another absolutely amazing occurrence you have over there. I would so like to see an open session like that in our Senate with the Prez weekly, that would be incredible.

Yea... -sounds- good doesn't it? Seems like we "really" get a say... :D Awesome....... *sighes*
I listened to your new PMs address to Parliament today...and was shocked to hear the speaker ask for some decorum during the speech until the rebuttal time was at hand. And then the various factions responding and the PM responding to their comments....absolutely incredible.

On our Independence Day, July 4th, he (the PM) will face his first Q&A another absolutely amazing occurrence you have over there. I would so like to see an open session like that in our Senate with the Prez weekly, that would be incredible.

Don't get too excited wil, it's so much theatre they've all got Equity cards.

Don't get too excited wil, it's so much theatre they've all got Equity cards.


Too bloody right. Just look how many years we listened to them burble on about banning fox hunting, yet when it comes to secretly slipping their little X marks the spot paper into the magic box, somehow the law just never seemed to get passed, until recently. I'm amazed any of them can stand upright with the amount of spin they use.
Too bloody right. Just look how many years we listened to them burble on about banning fox hunting, yet when it comes to secretly slipping their little X marks the spot paper into the magic box, somehow the law just never seemed to get passed, until recently. I'm amazed any of them can stand upright with the amount of spin they use.

This is appallingly off topic. But now that you've mentioned it there was a Countryside Alliance person on the TV saying the law did not work, so it should be repealed. Hello??!! If the law against committing murder "does not work" would they be repealing it? No, they would be amending it so it CAN work.

This is appallingly off topic. But now that you've mentioned it there was a Countryside Alliance person on the TV saying the law did not work, so it should be repealed. Hello??!! If the law against committing murder "does not work" would they be repealing it? No, they would be amending it so it CAN work.


I sincerely apologise for going completely off topic so shall not add my intended response of 'but the bloodthirsty sods need to kill things in order to feel superior to us mere minions'
God save the King and God save the Queen... DEAD LAST!

Give to the Caesar what is Caesar's... give him an INVOICE for a percentage of his paltry services and call it a TAX.