what use do they serve?

Francis king

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allow me to rant against the royal family.

In the recent floods, Prince Charles went down to the worst effected places, and moaned about how awful it was, yet... did he put his hand in his pocket and give them a few quid? no. One of the biggest landowners in the country, he is. Feeling so sorry for the peasants, yet... I didnt see him giving out Duchy originals hampers or even any organic carrots. Did he offer to put anyone up on his extensive estate, called Cornwall? no.

Harry, the ginger Hitler-ite, is a soldier, yet he's too precious to be killed in war and they won't let him fight, yet it's okay for the sons and daughters of the peasants... they give us a story about how valuable a scalp he'd be for Iraqui insurgents, so why did he sign up in the first place if he was never going to fight? Is it because their sort never get involved in the action?

Now a pop concert for Princess Diana, the people's princess, who was a bulimic coke snorting adulteress dripping in diamonds kissing poor black babies for photo opportunities and then taking a private jet to harrods to buy some more over priced luxuries... yes, really down to earth she was, really of the people...

Two days ago the queen, who's personal fortune is estimated to be around TWO BILLION POUNDS is moaning that she can't afford to get the palace roof done and the peasants are going to have to stick their hands in their pockets via government to get her roof done.

I hate them all. Are the peasants really so stupid they cannot see these parasites for what they really are?

Ooh, what's Kate Middleton wearing today? Will she be a suitable recepticle for the royal sperm?

At times like this I wish I was French.
I was in full agreement with you till your last sentence.:p

Zut alors mais non!!!

Le s.
Well you know at least they are all relatively harmless.

If I were to rant about anyone it would be Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe who is creating genocide of his own people.

- c -
I agree with ciel. What about the insane idea of making Tony Blair peace envoy for the Middle East. I would laugh if I didn't find it so offensive.
Here in the states we have folks who complain about the time Congress and the President spend on vacation and amount they get paid ....I personally am glad when they are at home...they do less damage there.
Here in the states we have folks who complain about the time Congress and the President spend on vacation and amount they get paid ....I personally am glad when they are at home...they do less damage there.

I think it helps if they are gagged, even when at home.
I've always been a supporter of the Royal Family. I can't defend all their actions or all of them as people, but some of your criticisms seem unfair.

Most of the Royals actually do a great deal for charitable organisations. I would also say that just because you do not see someone donating money, does not mean that they aren't.

Prince Harry is a person you may not like, he has done a number of stupid things, but he is not a Hitler-ite and I wouldn't have expected gutter-press comments from you.
He is not allowed to fight because of the danger that his presence would pose to those "peasants" fighting around him. Also, his possible capture would present huge problems. Though many might say that his kidnapping should be treated like any other, you have to concede that many would not see it that way and that a normal course of action would be untenable.

The press' fascination with certain people's attire cannot be blamed on the Royal family itself.

Whatever money Britain loses in supporting a Royal Family is more than recovered in tourism.
Let's see... Hmmm

*Sits in his green leather arm chair by the log fire and straightens his smoking jacket, puts one leg over the other and tilts his glasses*

*clearing his throat*

In the book of definitions by 17.... I share this article.

The Royal family.

Definition: Inbred, idiots that have no real purpose apart from using over sized scissors to cut ribbons around new buildings/roads/bridges/schools/events..... The head of these is an old woman that stinks of urine... And she is as ugly as sin, but then again thats incest for you... Traits are to have a funny blue perm, wear a silly little crown, talk in a pathetic accent, look down your nose at people... Sit on her over sized arse and soak up everyone else's money... No no... No work for this one, you crazy? Just sit there in a location called Buckingham palace... She hires another man to run the country, usually a liar with many hidden skelletons in his closet.... He has to scheme up ways to grab more peoples hard earned money.... We call it TAX....

You are Taxed for having a house, for having a car, for living, Even once you have lived your working life and you come to retire and get older and older and die... Your pension funds are taxed... Even for dying Sure your family can have some of the departeds money lol sure.. But let old queenie get her freaking dibs first... Give to charity! Hey we still going to tax you.... Anyway possible that this $%"$ can get your money she will.... I am sure masturbation will be the next thing to be taxed... Self assesment forms are on there way to every residency.... (That has to be a great way to get the money coming in.) Never known what a real days work is..... Just sits there.... Living it large on -your- money, people that NEED this money they NEED it yet you greedy freaking porkers bleed your people dry.... God, save.... The, queen.

Cross reference: See Leech.
That's all for this week kiddies hope you enjoyed fun time with 17.

Chairmanmoo - The News Cow
I am a bit torn on the question of whether or not the royals are an anachronism that should be given the silver bullet or not. Lets face it they are nominal and powerless. They are something the media only talks about when there is not a lot else to talk about. They are high profile charity figureheads that DO focus a lot of attention and thus income. I have personally ,years ago, been a recipient of a grant from The Princes Youth Trust Award Scheme where they matched my start up capital for a new business* pound for pound. They were the only people willing to help. Prince Charles has turned the Duchy lands into a profitable organic based industry with many secure jobs having been created in an area of highest unemployment in the country. And he has been inspiration to many other land users to follow that path. Charles is also outspoken and against the grain on several issues and thus highlights an alternative to 'official' rhetoric sadly lacking in the media. That said he can be and is often a pompous arrogant toff with a definite inability to understand the plight of the common person. But there are many rich hereditary land owners in this country that are of absolutely no service to the nation. I do not hear anybody clamouring to send them to the guillotine!!

It's a difficult question I think. And tho what I just wrote seems generally supportive I am no royalist. I feel sorry for them. I think they are born prisoners to their positions and regardless of the 'wealth' they cannot escape that.

*It was a business providing native tree planting and woodland management but was wholly dependent on "The Woodland Grant Scheme" and so my business folded when Blair took power and abolished it.

Oh dear. I see you are in fine form today, Angel. :eek::D

(InLove reads comments and carefully weighs options, wondering if she ought to really say anything at all, since she is not a Brit nor even close, really, and all she really knows about the Royal Family is that they are there and so many people love them, but they don't run things but they do run things??? Timidly, she logs in and whispers something she's been wanting to say since 1997, and she doesn't know if this might be a good place to wonder about it all.)

Okay enough of the third person silliness....

So here goes, and my apologies, I suppose, if I really shoudn't say it, but did anyone else, at least here in the U.S., notice that Mother Teresa died within a few days of Princess Diana? I'm sure the Princess was a lovely lady and all that and did lots of good stuff, I guess, but I just remember getting so teed off when they showed about 60 seconds of the little lady of Calcutta's funeral, and then they cut to hours and hours of footage about Diana? I don't know why that bothered me so much. It just did. But then again, Diana will never be canonized, I guess....

Back to third person....

(InLove logs off, running for the cover of un-loggediness, almost editing it all out, but leaving it all there....)

Hey Tao_E. Sorry, I didn't see your post before I submitted mine....

See, that's why I was being timid about what I said. Well, one reason, anyway. I know that I have often spoken in defense of say, certain rock star personalities, who really do a lot of good in this world, and some of them don't tell anyone. Not only that, but they continue to walk around with the biggest attitude! But I actually know one, and I know that it is just an act, and really, when I think about it, rather touching. I can't explain it....

I hope I did not offend....really...

Fine form lol... I just really dislike the idea of "taxing" for pretty much everything.... And it ends up in peoples pockets that are finer lined then ours, I am fairly well off heh, and do not really need for much, but I feel for others and such as example if you can provide services do it for free don't take as much as you can from those with so little... I know that would be me living in a freaking dream world... But, I just wish sometimes it could be real... No one owing no one... Helping each other just because... and I will shut up.... *changes mood before he seems soft*

Last night.. ALL night... there was a large musical festival for her death... And this is like 10 years on? Yet they go on and on and on... I go to my mothers on Sunday... And I had to endure 2 and a half hours of this self importance... Time to move on, sure she may have done good things but we have to move on and so.


As a hero of mine once said "People should not fear their government. The government should fear its people..." V
Let's see... Hmmm

*Sits in his green leather arm chair by the log fire and straightens his smoking jacket, puts one leg over the other and tilts his glasses*

*clearing his throat*

We call it TAX....

MW sits forward in her chair, rolls up her sleeves, with righteous indignation and readies her tongue for action (okay keyboard then).

Nobody likes taxes but do you want to come and live in a country without a successful taxation system? Do you complain about tax when you need a doctor or G-d forbid have an accident and the ambulance comes to save your life and then takes you off to hospital? Do you complain when our children have one of the best education systems in the world? Do you complain if you lose your job and the government pays for your home and food? What about a handicapped friend that is proivided with transportation so they are not a prisoner in their own home?

I live in a country where a person hurt in a road traffic accident has to flag down a hopefully passing taxi to get to what may loosely be called a hospital. The poor people here that cannot afford to pay for their medical treatment can only go the students hospital and be experimented on by first year student (usually with less medical knowledge than you or I) in order to get free treatment. If you lose your job you hope like hell you have been nice enough to your family so that they will buy you food or pay your rent. Some landlords are kind enough to let you have 3 months credit on your rent if you lose your job, of course this debt for a poor person hangs around their necks for many years. Every child's education must be paid for in cash weekly, so the level of illiteracy is very high. Even in the US, that great capitalist nation, an ambulance will ask for your medical insurance before they will take you to hospital.

So next time you pay taxes, say thank you to the system. Yes they waste huge chunks of our cash and it is up to us to change that with our votes but please try to remember just how lucky we are.

As for the Royal Family, the Queen alone has brought more revenue and trade agreements to our country than she could cost us in a lifetime. She has spent her adult life 'doing her duty', when I feel sure somedays she just wants to phone in sick. She is a great asset to our country - so there :p

MW sits back in her chair, relaxes and feels proud of her Queen and Nation (which makes a change I am usually embarrassed to be British lol).
Screw the queen lol.... Oh you mean that really common event that happens every day where I need an ambulance? Sorry I cannot really relate to that as I have never needed to be rushed to a hospital... To then contract dieases that live in the spawn in the NHS hospitals lol..... The only Time I have been to an NHS hospital is to see my father on his death bed and my grandfather on his.

Say thank you? For taking MY money... Ain't going to happen...
did anyone else, at least here in the U.S., notice that Mother Teresa died within a few days of Princess Diana?

Me too InLove. I never cared for Diana, she was manipulative and damaging to the Monarchy - just my opinion and I'm allowed it. :p When she died I was surprised but not sad, although I was very sad for her children. Mother Teresa's passing on the other hand had me reaching for the kleenex and praying for her soul. What an exceptional lady she was.

Screw the queen lol.... Oh you mean that really common event that happens every day where I need an ambulance? Sorry I cannot really relate to that as I have never needed to be rushed to a hospital... To then contract dieases that live in the spawn in the NHS hospitals lol..... The only Time I have been to an NHS hospital is to see my father on his death bed and my grandfather on his.

Say thank you? For taking MY money... Ain't going to happen...

I shall ignore your first comment, your sexual desires are none of my business lol

So you went to private school, are in such good health that you have never needed a doctor or dentist and you can dispose of your own rubbish, perhaps by driving on unlit, dirt roads? Wow what a lucky chap you are, shame the rest of us are not so blessed lol or perhaps you live in never never land (that would be the land which will never never be tax free).
Driving back from Alaska, just passed through the Yukon Territory into British Columbia headed south on 37 (a gravel road for the next few hundred miles) and wrecked my van in the middle of nowhere...

After hitchin back and forth 60 miles to the nearest city to the grocery store for old boxes and tape..I packed up all my gear and stood by the side of the road and hitched back north to Watson Lake to send all my parcels forward (ever hitched with 17 boxes piled next to you?)

Anyhow I was makin arrangements with the mechanic to buy my engine out of my totaled van (it had just been rebuilt) already sold some tools, and the two 55 gallon drums of fuel I had in the back and some odd and assorted other stuff. And then the RCMP comes to me and says I can't sell anymore stuff, I've been illegally selling w/o a vendors license especially as a US citizen in Canada...I've been now illegally selling illegally imported goods...So I gotta cease and desist move on outta their Province and they'll look the other way...but my van I and engine I couldn't sell, I had to sign a paper relinquishing it to the Queen.

So now you may feel you've done your part, but I gave my 1972 Dodge B200 van with over 200,000 miles on it in 1985 to your Queen...so if she is in such dire straights that she needed my van, I can see how she needs your help to get her roof fixed...if'n you don't fix it you'll end up with mold issues. And those of you that think you have issues with an old stuffy Queen must consider the problems you'll have with an old stuffy moldy Queen.

Hope she enjoys the van.
Hope she enjoys the van.

She was on tv driving it yesterday Wil, not sure I like the wide wheels and grille lights though.

Oh please don't blame our Queen because beurocracy has gone mad, I feel sure if she knew she would give you your van back.
Queens, kings... Ideas/lifestyles/concepts of the past... It is out of place in this era and it will fade, but sadly not as quick as I'd hope.
Hasn't the comcept of Royalty been fading for hundreds of years? They will have to change, and I would say they are doing a good job of that. I also believe that in William there is a Royal, and a futuer king who we can definitely respect.