Who would you be?

I think I would like to live as a member of the opposite sex for a change (sex change? Nah.). Just so I could unserstand how they tick. Of course, I'd have to come back as a beautiful model.
erm, for me it would have to be... serial killer... always wanted to pull someone's eyeballs out and try peeling them with a potato peeler...

it's either that or become a member of a terrorist organisation that used my top notch explosives... I was gutted when the provo's made peace with the prodddies, like leather too much to join ALF, and the weather is too hot for ETA, but damn, I love explosives and uniforms and all that ire...
I don't think I'd be a man, somehow, even though I like to wear the trousers sometimes - Perhaps a Joan of Ark Character - though the the burning bit wouldn't be appealing - but sometimes that is what you have to go through for your beliefs.

Shilpa.. She does seem an intelligent woman, Tao......but hey, lads, there is a lot of cross dressing (or undressing fantasies going on here)

As for Being a serial killer or IRA bomber ??!!!!! OMG you can still do that if you want to. There are other splinter groups, Francis, though now its mostly small criminal activity....and smuggling cigarettes etc..and then there was the large quantity of cocaine found floating off the SW coast recently, some British based gang were suspected.

And a tree, good, very good.....no sexual politics or criminal activity involved.... Oaks - Green, eco, mystical - takes a long time to reach maturity though.

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I would be Q from ST.


Wasn't he the baddy??

Good heavens and we wonder why the world is such a crazy place, peeling eyeballs, explosives, Q............ why doesn't anyone want to be someone nice or is nice just too boring?
Wasn't he the baddy??

Good heavens and we wonder why the world is such a crazy place, peeling eyeballs, explosives, Q............ why doesn't anyone want to be someone nice or is nice just too boring?

I do not think Q was really a baddy. He was meant to be an immortal super-being but had the maturity and mischeviousness of an 8 yr old. Sort of imagine Dennis the Menace with God-like powers and you got it.

Shilpa... she is like just so yesterday...who am I gona be today :p Zara Philips, I wanna know what its like to have blue blood today.:rolleyes:


Edit, sorry Dauer was writing as you posted :p
Hi All

So if you could wake up tomorrow morning and be anyone you wanted to be (a famous character, the guy next door, someone from history or the future (ie discovers a cure for cancer) or even another creature) who or what would you choose to be?
So who would you be and why?

I would be who I am no matter what I looked like, no matter what position I attained, no matter what I accomplished.
Why? Because as Popeye says.... I am what I am. :) At least me thinks so..

I would be who I am no matter what I looked like, no matter what position I attained, no matter what I accomplished.
Why? Because as Popeye says.... I am what I am. :) At least me thinks so..


So no Thetans lurking there then? :p
I would be who I am no matter what I looked like, no matter what position I attained, no matter what I accomplished.
Why? Because as Popeye says.... I am what I am. :) At least me thinks so..


Wow Joseph, I am so envious. It would be so nice to be that at peace with who you are. Care to write an essay on how to achieve this? ;)