Who would you be?


Coexistence insha'Allah
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Hi All

Thought after my last thread it was time for something lighthearted. Sorry if this has been done before but you know what they say, practice makes perfect.

So if you could wake up tomorrow morning and be anyone you wanted to be (a famous character, the guy next door, someone from history or the future (ie discovers a cure for cancer) or even another creature) who or what would you choose to be?

I would be a total blonde bimbo, an utter airhead that can't produce a single thought beyond "is it this seasons?". Married to a much older, rather plain overweight but very rich businessman that necessitated his working away a lot. You know the sort of beautiful women you meet at a party and when she asks you about your work she immediately glazes over and when you say "I am an inter galactic assassin", she flashes an expensive smile and says "that's nice, I do like to travel. I have this new matching aligator skin luggage". It would never enter her head that animals died to make her luggage, or that poor people work 18 hours a day for $2 a week to make them. I just think it would be so refreshing not to worry if the chocolate I am buying is fair trade, to cry when I see animals skinned alive to make fashion clothing and not give a bugger if they ever manage to reproduce tetraneutrons and therefore disprove our laws of physics. Pink fluffy handbag anyone?

So who would you be and why?
Well I would have had to pass up my nefarious youth, teen, and young adult years...actually buckle down and study...get some college under my belt, international law or poli-sci...and yes try my hand at politics...appears I have the patience, the pompousness, the double speak, many of the qualities required...

The question is...would I maintain my ethics....or would I prefer to be bought and paid for by special interest groups...decisions, decisions...
Well I would have had to pass up my nefarious youth, teen, and young adult years...actually buckle down and study...get some college under my belt, international law or poli-sci...and yes try my hand at politics...appears I have the patience, the pompousness, the double speak, many of the qualities required...

The question is...would I maintain my ethics....or would I prefer to be bought and paid for by special interest groups...decisions, decisions...

You want to wake up as Pres. Bush :eek: Sorry but if you can read your name off a cue card correctly and know that in fact ALL of your exports are sold abroad then I am sorry but you have failed the entrance exam. No problem, no doubt "you'll be back" to re-sit it.
You want to wake up as Pres. Bush :eek: Sorry but if you can read your name off a cue card correctly and know that in fact ALL of your exports are sold abroad then I am sorry but you have failed the entrance exam. No problem, no doubt "you'll be back" to re-sit it.
Are you watchin American TV over there?? 'The Next Best Thing"? That is a buddy of mine playing Pres Bush...Jim Neeb
muslimwoman said:
So who would you be and why?
me? i would be a world famous adult film star, all of the women in the world would desire me and i would satisfy them all. except i wouldn't know that most of these women are really looking for love in the wrong places and also looking for a father figure because their dad was never really there for them. it wouldn't enter my mind that they are really looking for God because in reality women are really broken-hearted and disappointed in the way this world has turned out. that would be my day job. my night job would be that of a world renowned bad ass master of the martial arts. i would have mastered all forms of fighting at a young age and would not have learned the value of life. i would be able to disarm an army of soldiers with a thought and quick motion thus making me a world ruler and would dish out MY way of justice instead of God's. or vice versa. i would be these things because fleshwise, these are my passions. women and perfection of the physical body to dominate my enemies. :rolleyes:;)
I'd like to be Kate Bush

Because it must be such a mind-blowing experience, to go through the head of one of the most brilliant, innovative singers-songwriters. Seriously. What's it like, being the awesomeness that is Kate Bush? :cool:

Other than that, I'd also like to be the following :
  • A political leader (generic)
    - preferably a dictator or tyrant
  • An Irishman
  • A Rabbi
  • A yogi
  • An aborigine
  • God
  • A monk (Christian, Buddhist or otherwise)
  • oooh, a VIKING!
  • A Pope!
  • A witch! with the broom and everything!
Okay, I'm going to calm down now. I think MW asked for ONE answer.
So to sum it up : I'd like to be Kate Bush for a day. Or God. Which is the same, isn't it...

I'd also like to be a spirit/ghost/phantom/other word for a being made of puuuuure spirit that is not subject to any physical law. And who is invisible, obviously. Oooh, that would be fun! :D

I'd like to be someone who's always sure of himself and carefree. Hm. Pretty much the male equivalent of MW's ideal blond bimbo.

MW, does not knowing what a tetraneutron is and how it could ever affect my life make me a bimbo (not blond, unfortunately)? :eek: And is it completely inappropriate to ask what a tetraneutron is? ;)
I think I would want to be Galactus, but with a better wardrobe. Galactus, in the marvel universe, is the devourer of planets. His original herald was the silver surfer, who would scout out planets for him to eat. I think he's as old as the beginning of existence and is a counterbalance to other cosmic forces. Don't remember. Then again, being galactus would be pretty lonely.

I like the monk idea. That would be very cool. Or maybe a theraputean. They were an early Jewish monastic sect who spent the whole week in solitude except for shabbos when everyone would come together. Or live in a neo-theraputean community that plays down the asceticism and fasting.

It would also be neat to be a sentient planet. Or maybe the ocean.

I'd like to know what it was like for Leto, the god-emperor of Dune to live so long in the body of a sandworm. He rants about it a lot but I don't think that really conveys the experience. It must have been so hard for him to be unable to have the physical relationship he desired.

Ooh or maybe a single-celled organism that lives symbiotically in the human body. That would be sweeeeeeeeeeet.

I'd like to be Kate Bush

Her father used to be my school doctor - not much of a claim to fame is it. :eek: I used to be a big fan, wasn't she so sexy in the Babooshka video (not sure that's how to spell it but sure you know the one).

MW, does not knowing what a tetraneutron is and how it could ever affect my life make me a bimbo (not blond, unfortunately)? :eek: And is it completely inappropriate to ask what a tetraneutron is? ;)

Not at all, although knowing this seasons colours and trends is a must for bimbohood.

A tetraneutron is a scientific mystery (just one of many), which if proven would mean that our currently accepted laws of physics would be tomorrows toilet paper. Allegedly they were seen in a particle accelerator in France. It is basically four neutrons bound together, only problem with that it is supposed to be impossible for even 2 neutrons or protons to be bound together. The probability that 4 neutrons just happened to be in the same place at the same time is less likely than you hitting the jackpot in the lottery every week for a year. Check the little buggers out here:

Tetraneutron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Leo, all I can say is :eek: LMAO.

Has it struck anyone else that so far those of us with faith want to get away from our morals?

Ooh or maybe a single-celled organism that lives symbiotically in the human body. That would be sweeeeeeeeeeet.

Erm, isn't that just about the same as my wanting to be a blonde bimbo - just one with matching accessories :p
Erm, isn't that just about the same as my wanting to be a blonde bimbo - just one with matching accessories

I think the single-celled organism would probably be less self-absorbed, like a fetus whose reality is only the infinite expanse of the womb's embrace. And besides that, blonde bimbos can't divide. :D

I think the single-celled organism would probably be less self-absorbed, like a fetus whose reality is only the infinite expanse of the womb's embrace. And besides that, blonde bimbos can't divide. :D


Oh that is so bimboist, of course they can divide. You ask any bimbo how many outfits and pairs of shoes she needs for a 7 day holiday in Ibiza. I think the right answer is 264?
Is this wish granted for eternity or are we talking till the dong of midnight, because if the fairy godmother had come to me, I would want to wake up with Anderson Cooper's job. He's got much of America listening to him now but his topics really need more substance than the rise of hip hop lingo. If I could have a show like that, I would hire George Carlin and together we'd devour politicians and laugh at the inspirational tears of Hollywood liberals like Brangelina and Bono.

Hollywood liberals is a term that I like to use to represent movies, television, actors, actresses, directors, producers, all celebrities etc. etc. etc. and their BS ideologies they regurgitate in cheesy bogus forms after hearing about it on MTV News. I.E. Blood Diamonds or "No Blood for Oil" slogan. Though I see the significance of such films like Blood Diamonds, I hate how many phony flavor of the month "Hollywood liberals" react to it as a serious problem right after they see the movie in their "Bush Sucks" or other crappy message t-shirts.
I've changed my mind. I want to be the 8-bit B. Mage from the original Final Fantasy. There are so many benefits:


* Paper-thin body means he can easily dodge attack pidgeons

* Saves the kingdom in a blue bathrobe

* Gets to hang out with the likes of "Fighter" "Thief" and "W. Mage."

* Mildly incorporeal form is a hit with the ladies.

* If he's hungry for falafel he just has to conjure it up.

As a negative, his yellow eyes may be indicative of severe jaundice. But the bi-coloring of his hat is obviously a reference to a mustard-covered seagull flying into a guy with a very big nose who's doing the King Tut. It doesn't get much better than that.

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Are you watchin American TV over there?? 'The Next Best Thing"? That is a buddy of mine playing Pres Bush...Jim Neeb

ROFL he is one of my favorites on there.. its between him and the woman that plays lucille ball. He is hilarious!
Jim great...Lucy is awesome...Jackie and Norton are spot on...I'm completely torn, they all have embodied the character and then made them their own.

Oh I am so jealous now, I haven't seen it and it is obviously funny.

Actually this whole thread is making me jealous, Lara Croft & Christina Aguilera - I would be either thank you. Wow what about a mixture of the 2 (a bit wierd looking maybe but awesome).
Actually this whole thread is making me jealous, Lara Croft & Christina Aguilera - I would be either thank you. Wow what about a mixture of the 2 (a bit wierd looking maybe but awesome).

naaah, from a dude's perspective i would be a cross between bruce lee and brad pitt. man, i would be awesome! oh well, i can dream can't i?:D