US and Russia to Flood Middle East with Weapons



Arms deals announced by first Russia and then the US will pour over $40billion worth of weapons into the middle east. This tit for tat arming your allies is a devastating blow for the region and a sure sign that the Cold War is back on. Both sides are back developing small tactical nuclear weapons and pouring money into biological warfare research. We do not progress. Instead of the hope built through the end of the eighties and the nineties being built upon we see greed for control of energy resources pushing us back toward the brink. A sad time indeed.

Arms deals announced by first Russia and then the US will pour over $40billion worth of weapons into the middle east. This tit for tat arming your allies is a devastating blow for the region and a sure sign that the Cold War is back on. Both sides are back developing small tactical nuclear weapons and pouring money into biological warfare research. We do not progress. Instead of the hope built through the end of the eighties and the nineties being built upon we see greed for control of energy resources pushing us back toward the brink. A sad time indeed.

Control of energy resources between Russia and the USA? Surely you must be joking. While I often find the concern for whether or not people learn from history... I wonder if problems don't propagate for lack of forgetting and forgiving history rather than wrongly re-applying it. Well, surely Japan has invaded the US mainland by now but not without the USA's willing consent.

Russia is an energy supplier... the Middle East is a competitor. Is Russia really fighting for control over resources? To my knowledge the USA does not prohibit or prevent Russia or any country from purchasing oil from KSA, Kuwait, Iraq, or even Iran etc... Have at it.

Meanwhile, is this fear mongering prevalent in Europe? Hopefully a couple of European countries will be less willing to proliferate their nuclear technology there now?
I think the renewed rush for energy resources was demonstrated recently when Russia stuck it's flag on the seabed of the North Pole. Hey great, global warming is melting the ice caps ...... quick grab the oil.

There are also anti western political rumblings coming out of Russia now, which had been quiet for some time.

I agree Tao, very bad news for the Mid East and for me a very worrying turn. I don't believe it is all about energy but also about building 'gangs'. It reminds me of that kids game when you have to pick teams "I'll have Ginger on my team, you can have Snotty". The lives of people seem to be forgotten in the political wranglings.

Makes me glad I don't have children - what a legacy.
Don't forget that our President Smirky McFlightsuit looked into Putin's eyes and saw his soul...which probably resides way down there next to his puckered pink anus, so we have that in common.

Aside from "pink puckering" thingys, and fossil energy follies...don't anyone forget the fact that Russia is, and always has been "the Motherland"; and, because of our transplanted and imposed anglo-saxon heritage, the U.S. is now the "Fatherland".

Dogs and cats are doomed to be eternally in opposition, unless they strive to enlighten themselves about all things having to do with life as opposed to death.

All is right with the world again and for my next miracle ......... ;)


  • do&cat.jpg
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What do you mean some? :confused::eek:

Let us examine:

Garden slug or Mr Bush?
Blowfish or Mr Brown?
Vampire bat or Hu Jintao?
Shrimp or Mr Putin?

I think the animals have it. :p;)
...and if you're in the market for torture devices come to the trade fair in London - the best in the world...

"However, as in previous years, the organisers have ordered exhibitors not to show any equipment that might be considered too offensive - such as torture devices and cluster bombs - neither as an exhibit, nor in pictures or literature."

Dogs and cats are doomed to be eternally in opposition, unless they strive to enlighten themselves about all things having to do with life as opposed to death.
We had a cat that was raised with our dog, the dog tolerated her, sleeping as is shown in MW's pic, crawling on top and sprawling, playing etc. The cat was friends with all dogs it met.

One of my friends brought over his dog, a monster, and a known cat chaser, catcher, and killer. (not known by me, and he not knowing we had a cat). His dog is laying on the living room floor when the cat saunters in he (not the dog) freaks and reaches for the dog...however the cat was faster and quickly trotted over and went nose to nose with his dog...who lifted his head and backed up his neck as far as he was capable as the cat just came closer and closer, licked his nose and curled up in his front paws... The dog looked down at this cat, and looked at his owner as if to say, "What the heck am I supposed to do about this??"

I thought it normal, my friend was shocked....but if a cat doesn't run, it is hard for a dog to chase it.

All this war is the same to takes two to tango...
I thought it normal, my friend was shocked....but if a cat doesn't run, it is hard for a dog to chase it.

All this war is the same to takes two to tango...

What a fantstic story Wil, thanks for sharing, I had an awwww moment.

The problem is that if the dog had attacked the cat would naturally have attempted to defend itself anyway it could. It is the nature of the beast, fight for survival.
Hmmmm...let me think about all of this for a while. Now, if there's a war going on that was started in the first place based upon falsehoods, and if one of the warring entities ( the one who started it all with falsehoods ) chooses to contract out much of the responsibility for providing security services on its side to private contractors who make obscene profits doing this stuff, and if the security firms wish to devise ways to guarantee its profit stream on into the future...just how to do that ?

Hmmmm...let me think about all of this for a while. Now, if there's a war going on that was started in the first place based upon falsehoods, and if one of the warring entities ( the one who started it all with falsehoods ) chooses to contract out much of the responsibility for providing security services on its side to private contractors who make obscene profits doing this stuff, and if the security firms wish to devise ways to guarantee its profit stream on into the future...just how to do that ?

Uhm, Tibet? No, too many mountains. Could be Sweden, they have all those pretty blonde girls with very white teeth, that is suspicious if you ask me. No, you will have to give me a clue. ;)
I baked a yellow cake and iced it with chocolate frosting this morning. I've given half of it away, but I've already eaten TWO slices today. However I did wash it down with a small glass of 1% organic milk each time to try to compensate for my feelings of guilt in some way.

I've painted a black circle with a red "N" inside of it in the corner, and I will stand on it for 30 minutes before i go to bed tonight mistress. Is that sufficient mistress ?

Let's see ...we were discussing clues ? To what pray tell ?

Todays paper article states:

'Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was lambasted last night for describing the state of Israel as a racist "occupation"' (with the word occupation in quotes)

He denounced Israel for being "based on occupation and racism" and for "constantly attacking its neighbours".

Now excuse me but what exactly has he said that is untrue? Have you seen the youtube video of the Israeli soldier stating "they are animals, we are human and they are animals"? That sounds rather like racism to me. Some Arab people in Israel need a monthly pass just to enter their own home. Some Israeli Ministers have admitted in that they are taking land they have no rights to. People whose families have lived onhe land for over 1000 years are now under Israeli rule. I am no great fan of Ahmadinejad but that sounds like occupation and racism to me. So what did he say that was untrue? :mad:
We all know there are issues on both sides...

But this President also said he did not say that he wishes to wipe Israel off the map...which was what was translated to the American press.

Can anyone provide a different translation?
I certainly can Wil

"the regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time"

Comment is free: Lost in translation

I have heard it translated both ways in the Middle East, depending which news channel you listened to. I don't think it matters which translation you use Wil, both of them mean the same thing but not in the way the west interpreted it. There is no doubt he wants the Zionists out and the land returned to pre Israel days but that does not necessarily mean he wants to kill all the Jewish people there, as there were also Jews on that land before the Zionist movement to make Israel a seperate state.

He, like most Arabs, see's Israel as an occupying force, pure and simple. No amount of the west saying they can have the land or recognising them as a seperate state is going to change that. We just have to pray for a two state agreement to bring some semblence of peace to the region.