What is America thinking?


Coexistence insha'Allah
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I am not a follower of US politics so was hoping people could enlighten me on America's thinking.

Just heard on the news that US has pledged millions and millions of dollars to update the military weaponary of Israel and Egypt. These two countries hate each other with avengence, they are also very close to Iran, who already believes US is trying to provoke them into war.

Why are they doing this? Is this about oil again or just hoping the Middle East will blow itself off the map? Is American Foreign Policy really this short sighted? Have I missed something?

One thing that concerns me is that US is holding $200 million in aid to Egypt until it shows improvements in Human Rights Abuses, which I was in full support of. So why are they holding back with one hand and giving with the other. Sounds like nonsense to me and is going to do nothing to help the people of Egypt with their fight for human rights.

Please can you ask your Government to just bugger off and stop stiring things up in the Middle East, I don't want to live in a war zone. :(
Don't worry.... Me and Bush? Like that we are.... *cross his two fingers* Just like that... I'll go and give him a squeaky toy that will distract him and keep the ol' retard busy...

Also, isn't the U.S. trying to upgrade arms with Saudi Arabia. Between Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, it's almost like the U.S. is financing a potential war, playing both sides. I don't like the looks of it. I wonder if they have Nicolas Cage involved in this.
LMAO 17th, brilliant pic.

Tao, the whole thing is just starting to really worry me. As you say Russia are getting increasingly edgy about the US and lets face it China have a few billion people to throw into a war. Why can't they all bog off and leave us to build our sandcastles (okay not very easy with dry sand and little water but it keeps us busy).
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Please can you ask your Government to just bugger off and stop stiring things up in the Middle East, I don't want to live in a war zone. :(
Like any of us control our leaders?? If I were pulling the strings we wouldn't be in Iraq....but then again who knows what mess the world would be in if I were pulling the strings:eek:

Oversimplistic wil....we got R&D for new weaponry...we got billions of old technology in the manufacturing pipeline...we got customers for the existing technology....we need to pay for the R&D on the existing tech, and the cost of the equipment to build it..we do that by building more of it and selling it.

We have wars for similar reasons...to get rid of old tech bombs we got laying around..

Didn't you guys see DATs (digital audio tapes) and then mini discs and then dvds and then recordable CDs and the recordable DVDs?? guess what, the IPOD, MP3 technology was out, ready before the DAT!! But all the rest of the R&D and manufacturing was in the pipeline and the companies had to make their money off of them...time sensitive, product driven, planned obsolescence production...Just like Wall Street knows that we'll by each new gadget just as the old one is taken off the shelves....The US and Russia both know that there are always countries and wars which will fund our R&D on new weaponry...

It is just an economic thang don'tcha know... Food, techonology, weaponry...they all are big business because the products are perishable, if not actually perishable they can be designed to be perishable in our gotta have the latest society.
Didn't you guys see DATs (digital audio tapes) and then mini discs and then dvds and then recordable CDs and the recordable DVDs?? guess what, the IPOD, MP3 technology was out, ready before the DAT!! But all the rest of the R&D and manufacturing was in the pipeline and the companies had to make their money off of them...time sensitive, product driven, planned obsolescence production...Just like Wall Street knows that we'll by each new gadget just as the old one is taken off the shelves....

Thats why they come out with new models with additional bells and whistles every year. You think they couldn't come up wuth the ultimate gadget right off the bat? But they are smart, see, because they'll introduce a downgraded version the first time the new widget comes out and the next year they'll add a little more and the next year a little more...and so on. This drives people to envy because Billy Bob got the latest IPod that can shoot lasers at the moon, while we're stuck with last years model which didn't even have that feature. So now we rush out to keep up. Such is a market driven economy...

It's probably what Iran is doing in regard to nuclear power.
Thats why they come out with new models with additional bells and whistles every year.
My favorite one that truly gave up the whole concept (in both regards) was the super soaker squirt gun... they came out with this little squirt gun with a storage tank...and every 6 months produced the next larger model...with enough fire power increase each time to completely annihilate anyone with last years super soaker weaponry...

"Mommy, I gotta have the new one"

(Says Saudi and Israel to the US,
Says Iran and Syria to Russia)
My favorite one that truly gave up the whole concept (in both regards) was the super soaker squirt gun... they came out with this little squirt gun with a storage tank...and every 6 months produced the next larger model...with enough fire power increase each time to completely annihilate anyone with last years super soaker weaponry...

"Mommy, I gotta have the new one"

(Says Saudi and Israel to the US,
Says Iran and Syria to Russia)

Now those I don't mind you sending us, although no idea where we will get all that water.

On a serious note, the news didn't say they were selling weaponary, they are actually giving it away as "aid". Aid - what? :eek: So I think your tax bill will be shooting up again Wil.
As wil said...does anyone really believe that ordinary people in the USA have a choice or voice in this stuff ? It's all about the money MW. :(

17th...priceless ! ;)

Bush's title should be changed from president to CEO.
As wil said...does anyone really believe that ordinary people in the USA have a choice or voice in this stuff ? It's all about the money MW. :(

17th...priceless ! ;)


Please explain this to me, what money? They are not selling the arms, they are giving them away. Okay it keeps your factories churning out bombs and planes but surely your taxes are paying for it all?

My comment re telling your goverment what to do was a joke, even I am not that dim. :p:D

However I would still be interested to hear the American take on this situation.
Please explain this to me, what money? They are not selling the arms, they are giving them away. Okay it keeps your factories churning out bombs and planes but surely your taxes are paying for it all?

However I would still be interested to hear the American take on this situation.
First of all, industry provides money for politicians to get elected...politicians provide funding for industry to sell its goods, industry hires people to create the goods, associated industry food, clothing, accountants work for the industry and the people earning the living who pay the taxes...repeat

So yes factories churn.....but the first part 'giving away money' come on, the quid pro quo happens everywhere. I don't for a minute believe we are 'giving' 20 billion dollars in arms to the Saudi's....something is happening...am I funding it it...yes...will I get back $ for $ in return....I doubt it.
Thanks :)

He appologised... And said he won't do it again... He has gone off now to suck some toffee's and play with his squeaky toy.

Heh. Yes, we have a little stressball "smoosh Bush" here in our house. It was a bit scary to invite him in (actually the CIA delivered him to my fiance for Christmas), but we layed down some ground rules, tried to do some pagan voodoo rituals with him to help him learn to respect life. They didn't really work, so now he spends his time on a bookshelf, his nose in a corner until he learns to play nice. He's been standing like that for a while.

(if I can find my camera I will upload a pic)

I have just read this article about the situation on one of the sites I like to read, I was astonished at Iran's reaction if it has been reported correctly:

U.S. Pledges Billions in Arms, Aid to Middle East: Free Muslims Coalition

$13 billion to Egypt in weaponary and the US is witholding $200 million in aid to Egypt until it sorts out its human rights abuses. Does anyone else find this just a tad sickening?

By the way, I am not America bashing, just US government policy bashing.
Yeah I read that Wil but thought it was cancelled out by arming the entire region to the high teeth. Maybe I am just getting too cynical?