DIY Science Tricks

Tao...We need to come up with a trick to focus the plasma beam for destructive purposes. Then we could sell it to the military-industrial complex and make !

Can youirect me to the complaints department ....... the link doesn't work. :(
Can youirect me to the complaints department ....... the link doesn't work. :(

Sorry :eek: It works fine for me tho. If you load Youtube and type in the title in the link you should get it ok :) You will also find quite a few more nifty wee trix listed in sidebar beside it.

Thank you will give that a try - I really must catch up with technology one of these days. :eek:
Any one want to know some science tricks? I can teach you in simple steps to create:

Solidox Bombs
Plastic Expolsives
Phone Bombs
And so on... lol Science is fun kids! :D

Come on! IT will be sweet! let's all make some Nitro and take out our local city halls!! :D You have to wear all black and a balaclava! with a bright orange and green Sombero on... And once it is done make sure witnesses/on lookers hear you scream, "FOR THE GREATER CAUSE!!!!! Feel the wrath of the 17th Legion!" :D (I am not trying to make a terrorist cell, this is just a science project.)

Artists' impression...
That would be so funny 17th, if it wasn't so close to the bone.

Like the hat idea, although a bit obvious perhaps?
you can stay the h-ll away from my children, 17th. lol You look like the Cisco Kid/ninja. love it.

LOL... "ooooooh Pancho!!! ooooh Cisco!" I wouldn't teach any kinds explosives.... There is enough of it out there already ;\

That would be so funny 17th, if it wasn't so close to the bone.

Like the hat idea, although a bit obvious perhaps?

The hat idea is to try and make it more funny.... Stomping around in balaclavas and sombreros.... loving it. Also could wire up to the explosives like paper flare and candy pinata.... So instead of bricks and rubble and all that you just get a colourful and sweet tasting debre..... Then do a funny walk/run to evade the authorites!!

FOR THE GREATER CAUSE! *Stands up straight and puts his fist on his heart.*


(might end all posts like that heh...)
The hat idea is to try and make it more funny.... Stomping around in balaclavas and sombreros.... loving it. Also could wire up to the explosives like paper flare and candy pinata.... So instead of bricks and rubble and all that you just get a colourful and sweet tasting debre..... Then do a funny walk/run to evade the authorites!!

Whatever happened to offering the smallest target possible? Cooey, I'm over here, I'm the one in the big hat. LOL
Whatever happened to offering the smallest target possible? Cooey, I'm over here, I'm the one in the big hat. LOL

See that is where my freaking awesome wit comes into play. You got this sneaky ninja terrorist guy all suited and booted, he can become a mere shadow..... Excluding the over sized and bright coloured hat on his head.. ;)

JAJAJAJA! I just had a freaking awesome idea for a photo! brb!


PMPL 17th, brilliant. Now we just have to make an international law that all terrorists have to wear big, bright hats. :D

By the way, I did get it the first time. ;)