Do humans become Angels when they die?

I used to think that angels were all the little children who died before they could be baptised. Well, thats what my parents taught me, I think it was them anyway. As long as we prayed for them they would go to god and become angels with him. It was a comfort when I lost my girls (miscarriages) and I still like to think its true. well.. I hope it is. love the Grey
Do Humans Become Angels When They Die?
What does the Bible really say about the nature of angels and the actual condition of the dead? this link tells us the bibles point of view

Angels are God's messengers whom he created to perform certain acts of his will during the pilgrimage of his Image-Bearers on earth.

Humans are God's fallen children who bear his image. They are the ones who God himself died and Punished himself for. And all who believe will one day be made just like God himself.

No where in the Bible does it say anything about people becoming angels.
No where in the Bible does it say anything about people becoming angels.
i agree , but many are taught that by their religious leaders of christendom and they claim to be representing the bible :eek:
no, humans and angels are different beings- angels are sexless, generally, and do only the will of God, created by God to do his burning and slicing, etc...
but many are taught that by their religious leaders of christendom and they claim to be representing the bible :eek:
can you give examples and proof of what you are claiming many are being taught?
Do ant's become butterflies when they die?

angels are sexless, generally, and do only the will of God, created by God to do his burning and slicing, etc...

Yea just like Satan ;)


I just realised... At random I picked those two animals...... And now that I am thinking it over... It is actually quite a good choice... *Is impressed and chuffed with himself.*
I dont think they are "sexless" I think they are generally Male.. in the book of Genesis they are said to have found daughters of Man beautiful and "knew" them. yeah lol
I dont think they are "sexless" I think they are generally Male.. in the book of Genesis they are said to have found daughters of Man beautiful and "knew" them. yeah lol
i agree, they are male in nature to the best of our understanding. so when they manifest themselves from angels to human, it is in the form of man, yet they are still angels but with male physical bodies.
i agree, they are male in nature to the best of our understanding. so when they manifest themselves from angels to human, it is in the form of man, yet they are still angels but with male physical bodies.
ALL angels are male??
I dont think they are "sexless" I think they are generally Male.. in the book of Genesis they are said to have found daughters of Man beautiful and "knew" them. yeah lol seems to me they would manifest in this plane as whatever they chose...

yeah....lotta knowing going on...and a lot of knowing that we would rather not know about....
yeah....lotta knowing going on...and a lot of knowing that we would rather not know about....

Ive thought a few times myself.. I usually question peoples "knowing" when its unbiblical.. Thats my point of reference for everything because the written word is the known will of God.

Everything else is secondary.
no, humans and angels are different beings- angels are sexless, generally, and do only the will of God, created by God to do his burning and slicing, etc...
yes they do the will of God and one of those things is to direct the goodnews being made known . matthew24;14
(Revelation 14:6) And I saw another angel flying in midheaven, and he had everlasting good news to declare as glad tidings to those who dwell on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people,
can you give examples and proof of what you are claiming many are being taught?
when a child dies the vicar says ......... God wanted another angel to be in heaven .:eek: what lies , that is blashemy and an insult to the most high . it is like saying that God has taken the child away from the parents what an evil thing to say , and if i was a parent being told that , it would turn me away from God that is for sure .it is blaming God .:(
when a child dies the vicar says ......... God wanted another angel to be in heaven .:eek: what lies , that is blashemy and an insult to the most high . it is like saying that God has taken the child away from the parents what an evil thing to say , and if i was a parent being told that , it would turn me away from God that is for sure .it is blaming God .:(
i cant believe you are basing it on that. so much for your grand statement.
I think it's the other way round?

Based on the testimony of my mum, we are born little angels, then head off in quite the other direction as we grow up!

Humans and Angels are different beings. First, the bible states specifically that while we are on earth in corporial bodies, we are a little lower than angels. But once in heaven, we become judges of...

Secondly, humans are the ones offered salvation, not angels...

Hard to nix what the bible says.

But some folk will try like hell to do so...:rolleyes:


Humans and Angels are different beings. First, the bible states specifically that while we are on earth in corporial bodies, we are a little lower than angels. But once in heaven, we become judges of...

I got dibs on judging Satan!