
17th Angel

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Have you seen the little piggies crawling in the d
Just throwing this out there to hopefully find more understanding as I think I am the youngest person here, so if anyone else can relate to this you will have.... "Yearly experience" lol....

I am gaining weight and muscle an all that.. Anyone else bodybuild? If so what diet have you got? And perhaps you can offer me tips and point out if I am making any mistakes...

5g of Creatine
1 bowl of cherrios
2 fried eggs on a sandwich
1 pint of full milk
1 coffee

:before lunch:
about half oz of nuts
1 pint of milk
2 cheese sandwhiches
1 protein bar
5g of Creatine
A salami snack
1 coffee
1 banana

5g of creatine
1 pint of milk
1 coffee
3 bananas
half oz of nuts

:arrive home:
5g of Creatine
half oz of nuts
whatever we are having for dinner
2 bananas
1 protein bar
2 coffee's
1 pint of milk

:late evening:
5g of creatine
snacking constantly on nuts
2 coffee's

:before bed:
5g creatine
1 coffee
1 pint of milk

How bad/good is that diet;\
lolzers. ;)

d00d, u drink a latte coffee!! :D How d0 u sl33p?

Say, you aren't planning on snorting that creatine are you? I heard it has some side fx... like nose bleeding, ice cream headache, tourettes, etc.

I also think it's funny that "before lunch" is more food than "lunch."
I can't wait till lunch to eat lol.....

So some bits get eaten before hand.

Man, that is less coffee than I did drink.... However found I am smoking double the amount of cigarettes now I am on creatine.... No not thinking of snorting the creatine... lol drink it in a pint of water.
Young people should not be taking that kind of hormonal drug. Your body will fight back in ways you do not expect.
Young? lol... 24.... or am I 25? One of those... So many years of lying about my age has left me confused... I think I am as old as **** I sure feel it..... lol but not as old as you lot.... (wow Um... lol that came out bad....)

Creatine has no side effects :| OH! Apart from a smoking body!!! Oooooooh yeah! lol...

I hate being so small :(

Also thinking of eating baby food products.. You know that paste in little glass jars? Very high protein.
well... how about this... your diet contains far too much fat... yes, this will bulk you up, but long term this diet will fur up your arteries and do absolutely nothing for your muscles but cover them with a fine layer of fat...

as far as I know, creatine will do almost nothing for you, except mean you train a little harder for a little longer...

switch your milk to semiskimmed... semi has the same amount of calcium as full fat...if you are going to eat eggs, then use the whites, and not the yolks... UK health advice suggests we shouldn't eat more than 2 egg yolks a week, and if you carry on you'll end up egg bound! lol...

you need maybe to be more creative- try tofu or beans and pulses for high protein content, and combine these with a green leafy vegetable to help you extract iron, etc... another body building staple is skinless chicken breasts, grilled... lean steaks, lean chops, all good...

a big mistake people often make is to give up carbs- you'll fall over if you don't get enough...

here's what I thought about your diet...

5g of Creatine (you dont really need this..!sure, its an amino acid which helps build muscle bulk, but your body already makes this, and, as well as that, see the coffee tip below)
1 bowl of cherrios (why cheerios? high in salt, high in sugar, you'd be better off eating porridge- a great slow releasing carb)
2 fried eggs on a sandwich (2 eggs and fried...! change this- you could make scrambled egg with the whites instead, have it on toast)
1 pint of full milk (maybe switch the full fat to semi skimmed)
1 coffee (coffee, just one cup, drank about an hour before working out will have much the same effect as the creatine!)

:before lunch:
about half oz of nuts (be careful you're not getting too much fat- although nuts are a good source of protein, they are very high fat... unless u want to be fat!)
1 pint of milk (see above)
2 cheese sandwhiches (More fat!)
1 protein bar (why?)
5g of Creatine (see above)
A salami snack (high salt, high fat, very little nutritional value)
1 coffee
1 banana (keep the bananas! they will help to replace the electrolytes you lose after training)

5g of creatine
1 pint of milk
1 coffee
3 bananas
half oz of nuts

:arrive home:
5g of Creatine
half oz of nuts
whatever we are having for dinner
2 bananas
1 protein bar
2 coffee's
1 pint of milk

:late evening:
5g of creatine
snacking constantly on nuts
2 coffee's

:before bed:
5g creatine
1 coffee
1 pint of milk

what alarms me most of all is... there's not much in the way of fruit and veg here, or carbs... the only time a body builder needs to give up carbs is just before competition season- you need carbs, otherwise you will tire easily, feel cold, etc... I see you're living on creatine, nuts and bananas... you know you won't keep it up...

Food which is high in protein is best to build lean muscle mass, so yes, you're on the right track, but you only need around an extra 20 grams a day protein while you're training, you know... otherwise, whatever is left over goes into fat...

there's no point trying to obtain huge muscles if you're naturally slim, you know!

as well as this, be careful how you train... no good having big biceps if your heart can't take the pace- keep doing some cardio work as well as training with weights, in my humble opinion...

Why so much milk? You interested in early osteoporosis? wanna bulk up, ease up on the aerobic, and increase the weights rest 2 days a week, one week a month and one month a year, otherwise you body adapts.
Sorry, thought "creatine" was a steroid.

It is kind of lol.... Found in the muscle and nerve system of animals... We create our own... Just, not quick enough... ;)

well... how about this... your diet contains far too much fat... yes, this will bulk you up, but long term this diet will fur up your arteries and do absolutely nothing for your muscles but cover them with a fine layer of fat...

FAT? There is hardly any fat at all :| Overall it is mostly Protein[muscle fuel] in my diet... :\ What contains the fat in such damaging amounts then?

as far as I know, creatine will do almost nothing for you, except mean you train a little harder for a little longer...

Creatine is a powder of the gods.... :| It does increase muscle power and strength and it also is like a fuel... It will make you work harder... lol a little longer? No much longer... Also quick way to gain LEAN weight. Less dependent on things such as glycolysis... and reduction of latic acids... Oh did I mention enhanced strength? :D

switch your milk to semiskimmed... semi has the same amount of calcium as full fat...if you are going to eat eggs, then use the whites, and not the yolks... UK health advice suggests we shouldn't eat more than 2 egg yolks a week, and if you carry on you'll end up egg bound! lol...

No more than two eggs a week? :| Yeah because all wrestlers/bodybuilders/big people only have two eggs a week :( Come on SERIOUSLY!? :| two? TWO!? I would try semiskimmed.. But I don't want to be small fit... I want to be freaking big fit lol :\ You have to gain weight to burn and turn...

you need maybe to be more creative- try tofu or beans and pulses for high protein content, and combine these with a green leafy vegetable to help you extract iron, etc... another body building staple is skinless chicken breasts, grilled... lean steaks, lean chops, all good...

I have the meat you mentioned for dinner..... But... Tofu? No thanks :\ That -has- to taste like arse.....

a big mistake people often make is to give up carbs- you'll fall over if you don't get enough...

I eat quite a bit.... I haven't listed the crisps/potatoes and chips I eat :\

what alarms me most of all is... there's not much in the way of fruit and veg here, or carbs... the only time a body builder needs to give up carbs is just before competition season- you need carbs, otherwise you will tire easily, feel cold, etc... I see you're living on creatine, nuts and bananas... you know you won't keep it up...

I'll try the proddige :D Fruit cost too much... lol So I stick to bananas... And veg rots in my fridge... So I get veg from meals occasionally... Or when I go to my mothers..... I know I won't keep it up? No I don't know that.

5g of Creatine (you dont really need this..!sure, its an amino acid which helps build muscle bulk, but your body already makes this

Yes We make it ourselves... No where near as quick enough...... Not only that, if you wish to build muscle you can do it the normal work out way yes... But to add this to the plan also helps to double that..... Creatine is a must and will stay in my diet that is one thing I am not gonna change :\

here's what I thought about your diet...
Cheese = protein... ;\
Protein bar = 18g of protein per portion1$"££"! lol
Why cherrios!? Cause I freaking like them lol... :| But might have a bowl of proiddge also.
Scmabled egg is good... :D I also eat omlettes quite often! :D
You cannot ask me to give up my coffee...

there's no point trying to obtain huge muscles if you're naturally slim, you know!

Why not? Others have done... So can I. [My mate Tim was around my weight at my age... 11 stone ish... He now weighs 19 stone... Muscle, not fat. :|I'll freaking show you lol from this day... [mark it...] in three months... I will be double my size/strength and fitness.... :| Three months.

Appreciate the post, but I have to gain weight to make muscle.... :| I need some fat.. I could swear this diet isn't that fat :| I know what you mean about the heart.... That will hopefully not become an issue...

Why so much milk? You interested in early osteoporosis? wanna bulk up, ease up on the aerobic, and increase the weights rest 2 days a week, one week a month and one month a year, otherwise you body adapts.

Osteo... What? Milk = protein... Milk = Cheap source of protein.... :|

So less aerobic more weights?

LOL Anyone seen the advert on this topic? "don't lose hope! lose weight!" I don't wanna freaking lose weight! Must! Gain! Weight!

I know people fanny around when it comes to losing weight with what they eat in a diet and have to be picky... But, surley do I have to be -that- picky with my type of diet??
Remember I have to take in more protein/energy than my body is using.

Heard of Tribulus Terrestris?? Got to get me some of this..

Tribulus Terrestris
A Bulgarian herb that tends to increase both free and total testosterone levels enhancing, as a result, your sex drive and muscle building capabilities. It is believed that it exerts its effects through an increase in Luteninizing hormone (LH) levels, a hormone which in turn signals the body to increase its testosterone production.

In addition, this herb has been used for centuries for ailments such as headaches, premature ejaculation, water retention, and dizziness. Also, some research indicates that it has properties that enable it to protect the liver and the cardiovascular system as well.
I think the biggest thing you need to do is develop habits of eating healthy and daily activity.

I say this from experience. I was 140 pounds 6 foot tall for upto 160 after I was an office job in '85, no longer daily exercise at work. 20 years later, an inch shorter and a hundred pounds heavier, lifestyle habits rule.

I eat healthy foods, just way too much of them, and not near enough activity, this has to change before we need a forklift.
I think the biggest thing you need to do is develop habits of eating healthy and daily activity.

I say this from experience. I was 140 pounds 6 foot tall for upto 160 after I was an office job in '85, no longer daily exercise at work. 20 years later, an inch shorter and a hundred pounds heavier, lifestyle habits rule.

I eat healthy foods, just way too much of them, and not near enough activity, this has to change before we need a forklift.

Got it! Thanks ;)

I am currently still in my 'loading process' basically means filling youself to the eyeballs with Creatine for five days.... lol

Getting through this food easier now... I was on two meals a day.. So it has been hard to adapt to this diet lol But all the crap I take to work is almost gone... I got one plaastic baggy of nuts left.. About a quarter of an ounce... lol... WHAT? And I have a cheese sandwich left..
lol, the fat in the milk, and the nuts, and the cheese, and the eggs... and the salami, and the crisps... what fat indeed... saturated fat is what u need to avoid, as its useless to u- will just clog u up...

you will only get to a certain weight/bulk b4 you find you don't get any bigger... the next step, after that, to get bigger, involves anabolics... just how big do you want to be?

maybe check this out: Creatine - Yahoo! Health

as u will see, there is little in the way of reported side effects, except allergies and later, potentially, kidney and liver problems, but if you get enough fluids u should be okay...

this site has some basic suggestions, which are useful if you're just starting out...
Building Muscle Mass

and wiki has good links... Bodybuilding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

this might also be a good link, too- Muscle and Fitness | Exercises

sounds ominous, Bob... (Fran wonders if Bob is referring to the dreaded "testicle nose", an oftentimes unreported but serious condition suffered by some Brazilian weightlifters during the 1980's, whose unfeasibly large nose testicles were a great source of amusement for those who visited the San Paulo carnival circus in the 1990's)
lol, the fat in the milk, and the nuts, and the cheese, and the eggs... and the salami, and the crisps... what fat indeed... saturated fat is what u need to avoid, as its useless to u- will just clog u up...

you will only get to a certain weight/bulk b4 you find you don't get any bigger... the next step, after that, to get bigger, involves anabolics... just how big do you want to be?

maybe check this out: Creatine - Yahoo! Health

as u will see, there is little in the way of reported side effects, except allergies and later, potentially, kidney and liver problems, but if you get enough fluids u should be okay...

this site has some basic suggestions, which are useful if you're just starting out...
Building Muscle Mass

and wiki has good links... Bodybuilding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

this might also be a good link, too- Muscle and Fitness | Exercises


wow thanks..... How big do I want to be? Big enough to be comfortable with myself lol.... Kind of like a staffy... Small (I am just under 6ft had a proper measurement.... So I would class myself small.) but heavily built. I don't think anabolics will be needed..... I don't think.... :\ lol

17, don't try messing with your testosterone! It ends in very sad places.

Example? Don't say shrinking penis that is just so...... Yeah... Besides I got some spare length ;)
The testicles are more likely to atrophy than the penis, or you can develop chronic testicular pain, for which there really is no cure except cutting them off (then you get the penis atrophy)
Well, 17, before you get too upset: those are rare and extreme effects. However, it is not uncommon for testosterone manipulation to result in the emotional balance being upset, so that you get severe anger spasms for little or no reason, and/or sexual obsessions that no partner and no amount of jerking-off can alleviate. This can end up with imprisonment, for some good reason or another, or with self-medication with heavy doses of alcohol.
:eek::eek::eek::eek: 17th stop this insanity this instant. :mad:

You have been in the forces and know very well that bodies cannot take that kind of crap and not suffer for it. If I knew where you were I would come and slap your leg for you young man.

You are a gorgeous guy and your body was built to be lean - live with it. Oh and stop the stupid bloody drugs and give your body a chance to get back on track.

I shall come back and think of something sensible to say when I am not so mad at you...........

ps if I didnt care about you I wouldn't be so mad at you for being so daft
:eek::eek::eek::eek: 17th stop this insanity this instant. :mad:

You have been in the forces and know very well that bodies cannot take that kind of crap and not suffer for it. If I knew where you were I would come and slap your leg for you young man.

You are a gorgeous guy and your body was built to be lean - live with it. Oh and stop the stupid bloody drugs and give your body a chance to get back on track.

I shall come back and think of something sensible to say when I am not so mad at you...........

ps if I didnt care about you I wouldn't be so mad at you for being so daft

Ouch lol.... It isn't classed as drugs :( It's a substance made in the human body ;'\ I am sick of being lean as some are sick of being over their weight ideal... :\ Ya know?

Well, 17, before you get too upset: those are rare and extreme effects. However, it is not uncommon for testosterone manipulation to result in the emotional balance being upset, so that you get severe anger spasms for little or no reason, and/or sexual obsessions that no partner and no amount of jerking-off can alleviate. This can end up with imprisonment, for some good reason or another, or with self-medication with heavy doses of alcohol.

:O a sexual deviant!? Not me...