Anyone here from Glasgow,Scotland,UK?


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Hi,I've just joined the site today...Is there anybody "out there" who lives in the same area as me? I'd like to PM/e-mail or even meet people to discuss Life,The Universe and Everything with....
Similarly,I've been looking for a local course or regular group which covers comparative religion/philosophy/spirituality and all other types of esoterica.
Does anybody know of such?
Please don't say the Theosophy Society!(long story...)
Thanks in advance for any response/ideas.
Hi soulchaos, welcome to CR from Las Vegas. Send rain !

lol I thought you were going to meet with him halfway, both bring your GPS and pick a longitude and a latitude...second thought, flow you could just blow the dust off that sextant.

Namaste soulchaos,

I welcome you to CR but I've got to say I'm not a fan of your moniker. I don't believe it is your soul that is in chaos, just this shell your carrying for this incarnation. Anywho, as if you have to explain yourself to me, I just feel it is a bad affirmation, change my mind will you? Give me a new perspective!

What a lousy welcome that was, but I think I'll leave it so others can see what a lousy welcome looks like.

Look forward to discussion with you, and now I'm really sorry I said sextant, no telling what that will cause round here.
Hi,and thanks to those who have welcomed me(even Wil-LOL!)
To Wil-my moniker comes from Nietsche(I think...)who averts that:"one must have chaos in one's soul in order to give birth to a dancing star".
To my mind,a certain amount of order is necessary to live one's(Earthly)life,but there's a fine line between order and stagnation....
Hi,and thanks to those who have welcomed me(even Wil-LOL!)
To Wil-my moniker comes from Nietsche(I think...)who averts that:"one must have chaos in one's soul in order to give birth to a dancing star".
To my mind,a certain amount of order is necessary to live one's(Earthly)life,but there's a fine line between order and stagnation....
Ah, see perception, I knew you had a different understanding than I. I like it, and I know that was sooooo important to you!



hmmm peace....will the chaos of the world today give birth to a dancing star?
Hi,17th Angel! Where does your pal Enlightenment live now? And isn't it crowded in Liz Vicious' closet?
I'm not from Glasgow myself-originally from Cheltenham,but have lived in Scotland for 26 years...(two in Aberdeen)
And Brian 1....I sort of "know" Inversneckie from years ago-a previous boyfriend's parents lived in Ardersier and we occasionally hit the flesh-pots of Inverness for fun and frivolity(LOL!)
Hi Soul, This Is my city....


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Hi SC and welcome to the forum. I am in Cumbria now but going back to my home in Egypt soon - sorry. Enjoy CR.

Hi,Muslimwomam-thanks for the post...Whereabouts in Cumbria are you from? I have fond memories of a holiday there last year(Cartmel Abbey etc).
Have also been to Cairo(pyramids of Giza,Sakkara.Memphis etc)
I am staying with my family near to Wigton, beside the Solway. We have an equestrian centre here.

I live about an hour from Cairo, in a small farming town so we don't have any of the touristy bits but wow that country has history. I love to visit the pyramids, I just wish I could get my husband interested so he doesn't drag me around at the speed of light and sigh a lot. :(

Is Glasgow your town of birth or has work taken you there?
When Boswell first met Samuel Johnson, Boswell said he was from Glasgow, and Johnson replied, "That's a great place to be *from*"
Hi,Muslimwoman,thanks for the post-also Bob....
To Muslimwoman-I'm actually from Cheltenham,but have lived for 26 years in Scotland.I ended up in Glasgow via Houston,New York and Aberdeen(long story!)-the first for work,the second for sight-seeing and the third for "love",then onto Glasgow for "love" too,which proved how shallow my Aberdeen "love" was(LOL!)
I'm interested in the Sufis,and not sure where(or even "if")they fit into the main tenets of Islam-do you know much about them yourself?
I've just returned from Istanbul-though I had seen the Dervishes in Cairo before,and read a lot of the writings of Rumi....
Where were you born yourself?
Bob-the dislike that Johnson had for Scotland is well-known! He said that the noblest prospect to a Scotsman was the high road leading to England....and his dictionary entry for "porridge" goes something like:"a grain which in England is given to horses,but which in Scotland supports the people".
Whether Johnson really believed that,or was merely trying to noise up the hapless Boswell is a moot point!
Hi,pathless! Thanks for the post and the chaos symbol...I'd love to use it,but I'm not very computer literate-how would I go about making that my Avatar?
Eh. It's slightly complicated to explain through a keyboard, but I will do it for you. ;)

Okay. On the main page, under the banner that says "Interfaith Forums," you will see some writing that says "User CP." Click dat.

Bing! Now youse is at the User Control Panel. A'ight? Check it:

There is a column of links n stuff on the left. See where it says "Settings & Options?" Yeah, right there. That's teh spot. Roll yo' mouse down four links and click on "Edit Avatar".

'Kay. Now you're getting somewhere. Scroll way down, past all those pre-fab avs, and take a gander at the "Custom Avatar" box. Option 1 is what you wanna use. To simplify things, I am just going to paste the link you need to use right here:

So copy that and paste it where it says "Option 1 - Enter the URL to the Image on Another Website". Now click "Save Changes." Wait for it... wait for it... Ding!! You should now have a suitably chaotic iconography for your very own avar-tar!

HOORAY!!! Joyous day. Calloo, Callay.

:D :) :cool: :) :D

Yr pal,
Praise be to pathless-give that man a chocolate watch(you ARE male,aren't you? Forgive me if I've got it wrong....)
Well,that's one small step for a soul-chaos,one giant leap for soul-chaos kind.
The logo reminds me of those Chinese "fighting star" things that are used for throwing at persons who displease one....
Is it a coincidence? I think we should be told...
Thank you,pathless,for taking the time & effort to do that for me-much obliged.